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高校女性辅导员因有自己的性别特质、心理特点,且承担着更多的婚姻家庭责任,在辅导员这一角色扮演中,有着自身特有的角色冲突。其中角色内冲突主要表现为女性辅导员的自身角色局限性与辅导员的角色要求之间的冲突以及女性辅导员的自身发展与辅导员职责之间的冲突;而角色间冲突主要表现在职业角色与家庭角色间的冲突。女性辅导员的角色冲突容易引发职业倦怠,对辅导员队伍稳定及学生教育管理工作易产生负面影响。针对角色冲突问题,可从高校和女性辅导员自身两个层面人手采取相应的调适对策。  相似文献   

通过对大学教师角色冲突现状的调查,发现大学教师角色冲突程度普遍偏高,在性别、职称、学历、教龄、学科等变量的影响方面,存在一定的差异性,在角色内冲突、角色间冲突和角色外冲突等三种表现形式中,角色间冲突最为强烈.  相似文献   

校长在新课程改革中起着至关重要的作用,担任着重要角色。新课程背景下的校长呈现的应是多元角色形象,履行的应是多元角色行为。但在实践中,这种理想化校长角色往往会与现实有冲突,具体表现为:一是校长课程改革的专业知能不足引起的角色冲突;二是校长的时间和精力有限引起的角色冲突;三是不同的角色期待引起的角色冲突;四是现实使用的评价制度引起的角色冲突;五是来自上级教育部门的压力引起的角色冲突。而解决的策略有:一是校长自身的角色调试;二是外部因素的协调配合。  相似文献   

学校转型性变革中校长角色冲突探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校长是学校转型性变革的领导核心与角色中心.本文在解读了“校长角色“、 “角色冲突“等基本概念的基础上,探讨了学校转型性变革过程中校长角色冲突的类型表现,透析了导致校长角色冲突的多重原因,并面向学校变革实践,反思了校长角色冲突的路径取向.  相似文献   

乡村校长在特殊的乡村社会环境制约下,长期处于严重的角色冲突之中.本研究以中、东、西部25名乡村校长及4名教育行政管理者为对象进行访谈研究,结果表明乡村校长扮演着垂直管理场域中的"边缘者"、政府统筹规划下的"妥协者"等多重社会角色,并揭示了其角色冲突的表征为行政逻辑与专业逻辑的矛盾、通过非正式方式行使正式权力的无奈和多重角色的力不从心.研究以角色互动模型为理论视角,从组织因素、人际因素和个人因素三个维度进行剖析,发现组织内部的权力博弈与体制性矛盾、以执行沟通为主的人际互动模式以及个体角色学习与角色调适能力不足是乡村校长产生角色冲突的内在原因,并从划清权力边界、完善评价方式、加强社会支持和角色建设四个方面提出对策建议.  相似文献   

角色,社会心理学家用它来表示一个人在社会关系体系中的地位与身份。女教师作为现代职业女性,面对着社会、学校、家庭、个人的多维立体人生,其承担的社会角色具有多重性.这种多重性必然会由于角色要求的不同而引起角色冲突,多重的角色冲突又必然对女教师的工作、学习、生活产生重大的影响。本文拟就这一问题作些探讨。一、女教师角色冲突的表现形式我国现代社会中的女教师,社会地位和自身的素质已有了较大的提高,但这并不意味着传统的妇女问题已得到充分的解决.同时,传统女性角色和现代职业角色又都会增添新的时代色彩,必然也存在着新的角色冲突和矛盾。女教师角色冲突的具体表现形式是:  相似文献   

王宁 《湖南教育》2010,(3):38-38
前苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:"一个有经验的校长,他所注意和关心的中心问题就是课堂教学。……听课、分析课、评课是校长的一项极为重要的工作。"我觉得,在校长的众多角色中,必须有一个能体现校长本质特征的核心角色,不然就会产生角色冲突——因角色期望不一致而产生的个人心理或情感上的矛盾和冲突。我认为,校长首先应该是一个资深的教师,然后才是一位管理者。  相似文献   

高职高专院校体育教师角色冲突与工作满意度直接影响其工作行为,是学生满意度的核心影响因素之一,本文通过了解高职高专院校体育教师角色冲突与工作满意度现状,比较不同背景变量的体育教师在角色冲突与工作满意度方面的差异情况,分析体育教师的个人角色冲突与工作满意度的关系。由此建议体育教师要重视自身的心理调适,增强角色适应能力,进而增强工作满意感,积极协助体育教师向重视个体发展的方向转变,重视担任教练的体育教师,积极争取担任行政工作和教练工作的机会。  相似文献   

在教师角色冲突问题愈演愈烈的背景下,学者们从社会、学校、教师三个层面上提出许多缓解教师角色冲突的策略,但教师自身是解决角色冲突的关键所在。由此提出教师应从自身出发来解决教师角色冲突的几点建议:爱岗敬业,修师德、铸师魂;客观评价并准确定位自己;进行角色学习,注重提高角色认识水平;培养角色精神,有效抵制非本质角色行为的诱惑,从而形成个人的角色系统,重塑传统和现代完美结合的教师形象。  相似文献   

<正>读了《江苏教育》(班主任)2017年5月刊发的《学校场域中的班主任角色冲突》一文,我深受启发。文章将学校场域中的班主任角色冲突的类型分为两类:角色内冲突和角色间冲突。作者从三个方面对班主任角色冲突的本源进行追溯:一是"找班主任去"惯习的历史性生成,二是"毛细化"的班主任考核评价制度,三是"无法协调"的角色期望与角色承担。文章引  相似文献   

This paper presents a secondary analysis of survey data focusing on role conflict and job satisfaction of 102 female principals. Data were collected from 51 female traditional principals and 51 female co-principals. By examining the traditional and co-principal leadership models as experienced by female principals, this paper addresses the impact of the type of leadership model (traditional principalship or co-principalship) has on women principals with regard to role conflict and job satisfaction. The co-principals experienced lower levels of role conflict and higher levels of job satisfaction than did the female traditional principals.  相似文献   

The study sought to investigate Hong Kong secondary school vice‐principals’ job facets leading to overall job satisfaction, and to differentiate the satisfaction of vice‐principals of different career orientations and gender groups. The findings indicated that there are four main facets of satisfaction, in rank order of influence on overall satisfaction, ‘professional commitment’, ‘level of personal challenge’, ‘sense of efficacy’ and ‘sense of synchrony’. The study also found that vice‐principals who aspired to the principalship exhibited a higher degree of professional commitment, a stronger sense of efficacy, and experienced lower levels of stress associated with personal challenge than vice‐principals who did not aspire to a principalship.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):364-368

According to the literature on school effectiveness and school improvement and the role of the school principal in this regard, the lack of time management skills and abilities among school principals can be regarded as one of the main factors that lead to principal inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the school context. But, how do male and female principals compare in terms of time management and how does gender influence one's decision-making skills in relation to time management? It is clear from the literature that no research has been conducted locally with regard to possible differences in the time management skills and abilities of male and female principals and on the problems that they experience in this regard. This article, based on an empirical study of the perceived differences between male and female principals’ time management skills and abilities in selected Gauteng schools, gives an indication of how both male and female principals rate themselves in terms of their own time management skills and abilities. The findings show that male principals have less effective time management skills and abilities as compared to their female counterparts. In the end, the study would recommend that both male and female principals should set their own priorities and devote sufficient time to these priorities so as to enable them to manage their time more effectively and efficiently in the school context.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is defined as performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which a task is conducted. Teachers’ OCB can be directed toward particular individuals (OCBI) and/or toward the organization (OCBO). Despite their beneficial impact on school, these could entail personal costs for the teacher. The present study argues that OCB contributes to teachers’ strain through the mediating impact of role overload, role ambiguity, and role conflict, while job autonomy buffers it. The structural equation modeling results from a sample of 483 Israeli teachers and their principals confirmed the main hypotheses for OCBO. Role overload and role ambiguity fully mediated the relation of OCBO to teachers’ strain; the relation of OCBO to role stressors was significant for teachers with low job autonomy, but was non-significant for teachers with high job autonomy. This study opens an exploration of the positive and the negative consequences of OCB for teacher and school.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between school organizational climate and teachers’ job satisfaction. A quantitative survey method was applied, and three broadly hypothesized relationships were tested with a sample of 245 teachers from six government secondary schools in district of Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia. The instrument used in this study was the modified version for combination of two questionnaires: Organizational Climate Index and the Teachers’ Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The findings indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between school organizational climate and teachers’ job satisfaction. The teachers in this study were found to be fairly satisfied with their job, with the responsibility factor as the biggest contributor to job satisfaction. This study found that there is no significant difference in levels of job satisfaction between the teachers’ gender (male and female). Based on the years of service in their current school, there was a statically significant difference in the level of job satisfaction among the teachers. These findings revealed that the secondary schools in Sabah have a positive and open climate, with the professional teachers’ behaviour factor as the biggest contributor. The results of this study indicate the necessity to provide positive organizational climate and up keeping teachers’ job satisfaction by policy makers and principals with hope in enhancing the quality of schools in Malaysia.  相似文献   

The impact of role congruence and role conflict on work, marital, and life satisfaction was studied using Super’s life-span, life-space theory. A conceptual model of relationships between these variables was proposed, and gender differences were examined. Participants were 35 male and 60 female college graduates who completed surveys by mail. Results indicated adequate fit for the proposed model. Results of gender analyses indicated that women in this study participated more in parenting and housework, whereas men participated more in career and leisure activities. Despite the differences in actual role participation, no gender differences were found regarding ideal role participation. Both men and women reported that the parent role was most rewarding. Implications for counselors and directions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   


As a result of complex school reforms the role of the principal has undergone significant changes, internationally. Consequently, a considerable number of principals leave their positions, both voluntarily and involuntarily. This article presents the findings of a study into job mobility, concentrating on involuntary or premature departure amongst principals in primary and secondary education in the Netherlands. All primary and secondary schools with job mobility over a period of three years were traced: 920 schools reported job mobility for 1009 principals. The authors then examined which part of this job mobility consisted of premature departure. For this purpose, three characteristics of job mobility were investigated: involuntariness, labour disputes and official reasons reported for job mobility. The data were also analysed for male and female principals separately.  相似文献   

Using discriminant analysis, this study attempts to construct profiles of two types of teachers: those with a low level of job satisfaction and those with a high level of job satisfaction. In addition to their background and demographic characteristics, teachers’ perceptions of their occupation and of their principals’ leadership styles (transformational or transactional) are examined as predictors that discriminate between teachers with low and high levels of satisfaction. The results suggest that teachers with a low level of satisfaction can be reliably distinguished from teachers with a high level of satisfaction by their occupational perceptions, principals’ leadership styles, and a number of their demographic characteristics. Implications of the findings for school principals and teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on academics in research-intensive universities in the UK and explores their perceptions of organizational climate, role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction. The findings suggest that the universities have multiple organizational climates. Three organizational climate types – the Clan, the Hierarchy and the Adhocracy – were associated with lower levels of role stress. However, the Market climate was associated with higher levels of role conflict. Only the Clan-type climate was directly related to high levels of job satisfaction. It appears that despite the changes in the styles of management in universities, the collegial/Clan climate is still a very important contributor to the satisfaction of academic staff.  相似文献   

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