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当代写作教学基本是在演绎主流权力话语并成为主流意识的载体。即使上世纪九十年代语文教育乃至人文教育改革呼声日炽,但整个语文教育包括写作教育话语权仍然处于一种宏大叙事话语的包围之中。新世纪的到来,虽然有自上而下的课改理念的冲击,而对这种亚写作话语有所反思、觉醒,但仍未彻底解构,消除积弊。而一种欲完全消解、颠覆这种话语权的倒是青少年这个写作群体的全面觉醒和反叛,以至于在他们的写作活动中,正在形成一种有异于传统写作叙事话语及其价值取向,正全面冲击着写作教育的宏大叙事话语,以至趋向于一种新的写作叙事话语系统的建构…  相似文献   

当代写作教学基本是在演绎主流权力话语并成为主流意识的载体。即使上世纪九十年代语文教育乃至人文教育改革呼声日炽,但整个语文教育包括写作教育话语权仍然处于一种宏大叙事话语的包围之中。新世纪的到来,虽然有自上而下的课改理念的冲击,而对过种亚写作话语有所反思、觉醒,坦仍未彻底解构,消除积弊。而一种欲完全消解,颠覆这种话语权的倒是青少年这个写作群体的全面觉醒和反叛,以至于在他们的写作活动中,正在形成一种有异于传统写作叙事话语及其价值取向,  相似文献   

姜瑛俐 《学前教育》2007,(10):43-45
教育叙事研究是以研究者本人作为研究工具,在自然情境下采用多种收集资料的方法,对教育现象进行整体性探究,使用归纳法分析资料和形成有关认识,通过与研究对象互动,对其行为和建构的意义获得解释性理解的一种活动。这种解释性理解活动包括给出定义、阐释我们遇到的不同事件和不同思想产生的条件与原因。  相似文献   

所谓消极群体是指在班级中由学生自发形成的盲目性过多而积极性很少的非正式团体。在班级管理中,班主任如果没有及时发现消极群体、没有清楚认识消极群体产生原因而对症下药进行改造,这种消极群体成员发展势必越来越多,消极影响势必越来越广,从而导致班级凝聚力逐渐丧失,班级正常活动无法进行,最终不能实现班级的奋斗目标,完成班级的整体教育功能。因此,作为班主任如何通过合理地教育、引导、改造,使消极群体变为积极群体确是个值行探讨的问题。本文试图谈谈对这一问题的肤浅看法。  相似文献   

洪伟 《班主任》2004,(8):24-27
现代社会中一个人的学习,尤其是社会文化的学习(包括价值取向、道德规范与行为准则等的学习)必须借助于群体生活环境来完成,班级正是为学生提供的一种群体生活的基本环境.而要充分发挥班级的教育功能,就必须对班级教育活动的表现形式-互动,有充分的认识与理解,并根据班级学生交往与互动的特点,采取科学的管理策略.  相似文献   

活动是人类存在的基本方式,人类生命的第一需要,活动是人类的一种机能,是人类的特性与个性的形成、发展的源泉。中学班级活动是中学教育实践中的一种重要活动,是中学生认识世界、认识自己、适应社会生活的重要途径,是一种特殊意义的教育方式。班级活动是指一个班的全体成员参加  相似文献   

王淮娟 《学子》2012,(11):27-28
从社会心理学视角来看,班集体是一个由几十个学生组成的社会心理共同体。班级成员虽然不能相互选择,彼此原本也不一定相互认识,但加入同一班级后,在班级的共同活动和交往中逐渐形成了一种直接的人际关系,这种关系不仅是一种工作关系,更是一种情感的、认知的、道德的关系;班级内会产生各种群体舆论、非正式群体和非正式规范,产生各种冲突、...  相似文献   

班级是教育社会学研究的一方重要领地。长期以来,对于"班级是什么"形成了三种基本认识,即社会组织、初级群体及所属群体,其背后却隐藏着假借组织、亲密及集体名义之实。将"班级作为社会群体"表达了一种期待,即改变班级被组织、被规范的刻板印象,强调班级的包容性与宽容度,通过激发班级成员本身的力量,从而实现教育及主体之价值。  相似文献   

班级是教育社会学研究的一方重要领地。长期以来,对于“班级是什么”形成了三种基本认识,即社会组织、初级群体及所属群体,其背后却隐藏着假借组织、亲密及集体名义之实。将“班级作为社会群体”表达了一种期待,即改变班级被组织、被规范的刻板印象,强调班级的包容性与宽容度,通过激发班级成员本身的力量,从而实现教育及主体之价值。  相似文献   

所谓班级教育心理环境,主要是指班级教育中出现的能给教师及学生强烈感觉的一种精神表现或景象,是某种占优势的群体态度和情感的综合反映,是影响班级教育活动所特有的无形的育人因素。这种心理环境是在班级教育过程中形成和发展起来的,同时也是班级教育活动的心理背景。通常,健康而积极的班级教育心理环境能产生一系列有利于提高教育效果的积极因素。  相似文献   

教育理论与实践的本然统一   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
宁虹  胡萨 《教育研究》2006,27(5):10-14
解释学是哲学,而且是实践哲学。在实践哲学视野下,理论不再被概念所固化为抽象的认识,理论总是在实践中不断生成和实现自身。在此意义上,理论可以生动、鲜活,与丰富的实践具有本然统一的联系。从教育之作为实践的本性出发,在一个相当根本的层面上,教育理论可以有这样一种探索和建构:它属于实践哲学的范畴,作为实践的理论形态,完成并实现于教育实践活动之中,它并不与教育实践相对立、相分离,而是具有不可分割的本然联系。  相似文献   

Drawing on post-structural perspectives and analysis of television programs on education, the article investigates the public educational discourse in Sweden. It shows how a dominant neoliberal educational discourse is articulated together with a discourse of equal education, where the two discourses influence and subvert each other so that neither becomes totally hegemonic. Taking as its point of departure the neoliberal emphasis on the individual, especially as it relates to school choice and to the significance of class for educational success, the analysis focuses on the constitution of classed positions. The study reveals constitutions of class in which race, place, gender, economy and agency are intertwined, such that the schools and the students are attributed both different statuses and different subject positions in terms of future economic trajectories. The conclusions drawn are that, in the public conversation about the organization and goal of compulsory education, it is important to be aware of the discursive and political contexts in which the discussions take place. It is also important to realize that class matters in the educational assemblage in the form of economic subjectivities constituted in a web of intersecting notions about differing preconditions and outcomes of education.  相似文献   

句法是制约着句子组合合法性的规则,即组词成句的规则。话语句法规则的意义既是语义学关注的内容,也是语用学的考察对象。在言语交际过程中,人们把握话语规则:一方面能够帮助人们认知句子在生成过程中的规律、规则;另一方面也能够帮助人们掌握话语的基本表达式在不同语境中的动态变化。所以,在语言逻辑视域中,话语规则的句法意义及其展开与深化,更能够帮助人们加深对语言与认识密切关系的研究。文章在分析言语交际与话语规则的基础上,论述了语言逻辑视域中话语规则的句法意义,以及这种句法意义的展开与深化在语言认知中的重要作用。  相似文献   

The idiosyncrasy of national academic discourses in educational sciences and the flow of ideas between them is a topic that has inspired recent research, even though it has not been treated very exhaustively. This study presents some results of an investigation into German influences on the Spanish academic discourse in educational sciences between 1945 and 1990. Considering system theory as a tool, which makes it possible to widen the knowledge of educational science about itself, the research is based on the idea that all communications between scientists, who represent a certain discipline, constitute the core of a scientific discourse. In this perspective, scientific disciplines appear as social‐communicative networks of knowledge production, which regulate themselves. The basic element of communication, which produces and reproduces the self‐regulated context of the scientific discipline, is the publication. To that extent this study assumes that scientific reviews reflect truly the condition of a discipline and uses their analysis as a method to survey the possible influence of a national academic discourse on another, i.e. how certain ideas cross the boundaries of their own reference system. These assumptions constitute the background for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of two important Spanish reviews, the Revista Española de Pedagogía and the Revista de Educación. The register of all authors and titles of any article that contains the quotation of a German author, all quoted German authors and the titles of their works, all authors and titles related to German educational sciences and all reviews of books edited by German authors allows quantitative statements concerning the presence of German influences on Spanish academic discourse. Furthermore, the interpretation of some selected articles published by Spanish authors illustrates the quality of this reception. The analysis of these data shows as the most important result that the quantity and frequency of quotations of German authors in both Spanish reviews are positively related to the presence of a relatively small group of Spanish educationists among the authors of their articles. A prosopographic approach to these authors discovers that they share certain characteristics, such as for example high interest in German academic discourse, often due to longer stays at German universities. The interpretation of some selected articles identifies different types of reception of the German discourse. Besides a small number of articles that reflect the quoted ideas correctly in their context, there are a large number of studies that use the quotations of German literature only in order to strengthen their own point of view without regarding the original context of their sources. These cases shed light upon the structural differences between the German and Spanish academic discourse in educational sciences and illustrate the difficulties for the exchange of educational ideas between different national debates.  相似文献   

论心理健康与心理素质:概念、标准、评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理健康是一个人心理的认知、情感、意志等各种机能能够适应生存的需要,并在适应中不断发展的协调状态。心理卫生就是利用人类已经发现的身体和心理规律,运用预防、锻炼、治疗等手段,维护健康、保护生命为人类的正常工作、学习、生活提供基本条件的工作过程。心理素质就是人的认知、情感、意志等心理机能在社会实践中所表现出来的个性行为品质。心理教育是利用教育的各种途径和方法,提高和塑造学生的各类认知、情感、意志品质的活动过程。心理健康标准应当是卫生学角度的标准,心理素质标准应当是教育学角度的标准,心理学可以分别制定心理健康标准和心理素质标准。在心理健康标准和心理素质标准测验的编制和具体测量中,要以心理健康标准和心理素质标准为依据,分别编制心理健康测验和心理素质测验。在心理健康卫生和心理素质教育工作中,要分别建立工作体系。  相似文献   

教育管理学术话语的歧义与混乱,造成了学术观念上的错位以及学术争论的无效,甚至影响到教育管理学的合法性地位。基于以上认识,提出增强教育管理学科的独立意识,重视专业话语和一般话语的辨别使用,倡导价值中立的学术性格,完善教育管理学术规范,寻求合理的话语表述方式的管理策略。  相似文献   

Several scholars contend that learning with computer games and simulations results in students thinking more like professionals. Bearing this goal in mind, we investigated how a group of pharmacy students learnt with an in‐house developed computer simulation, SimPharm. Adopting situated cognition as our theoretical lens, we conducted a case study involving 20 undergraduate students to tease out how they made meaning of a clinical case differently in two different contexts: a typical paper‐based workshop and one enabled by SimPharm. The data collected included audio recordings of classroom discourse, focus group interviews and class observations. The findings identified differences in four areas: framing of the problem; problem‐solving steps and tools used; sources and meaning of feedback; and conceptualisation of the patient. These four areas can serve as axes along which future evaluations of educational simulations can be carried out based on their affordances.  相似文献   

我 国外语教学研究越来越重视外语课堂话语的研究。其焦点是分析外语教师如何为学生参与课堂对话活动提供机会或空间,以完成课堂教与学的任务。而课堂话语质量,策略选择,课堂互动或协商模式,反馈策略等都会直接影响学生学习和认知、语言发展速度和教育成果, 所以外语课堂话语研究是外语教育、语言学和二语习得研究的重要领域。本文首先界定课堂话语的三个主要语用功能,然后根据这三个主要功能对我国英语课堂话语研究进行综述和评价。最后在评价的基础上对我国英语课堂话语的深入研究提出建议, 力求使课堂教学实现本土化和全球化的接轨。  相似文献   

The contemporary efflorescence of lifelong learning discourse in education and social planning is argued here to be, substantially, the product of economic determinism. That discourse is evaluated from the perspective of three progressive sentiments that have informed lifelong learning advocacy: the individual, the democratic and the adaptive. Each progressive sentiment is seen as expressing a central programmatic purpose for educational reform and as capturing its ethical thrust. Contemporary lifelong learning discourse is found to be only superficially expressive of these informing sentiments. The progressive, ethical, liberatory nature of each sentiment is marginalized or excluded from the discourse, which may best be seen, accordingly, as seriously regressive, counter-ethical and non-liberatory. It is substantially lacking in critical concern, social vision, and any commitment to social justice and equity. It constructs education as a commodified private good, for which individuals should pay. It focuses strongly on individual interests and on vocational skills development. That education which is funded by the state, is focused increasingly on the development of basic life and vocational skills in the interests of engagement in and service to the global economy. Educational engagement is increasingly seen as desirably embedded in the economically productive activities that are its desired outcomes, further limiting any opportunity for socially progressive learning. It is suggested that if the prevailing lifelong learning discourse is to be made more culturally progressive- in both its educational activities and its learning outcomes- it cannot be through a return to traditional progressive ideologies. Rather, it must accept prevailing epistemology in refocusing that discourse. Paradoxically, although non-compliant educationists are now largely marginalized and ineffectual in their influence on the nature of the contemporary lifelong learning agenda, their vocation and their increasing suffusion throughout contemporary cultural formations places them in a potentially strong position to lead cultural and educational change in directions that are more culturally progressive.  相似文献   

A major role of all public higher education institutions is to foster the public good. In democratic societies, the public good emphasizes the more collective activities and benefits and how resources are accessible to all in a society. Institutions of higher education create new knowledge, promote cultural tolerance, increase civic activity, and have lasting intergenerational effects among other things which all serve to enhance the collective activities of a polity. Since public higher education institutions promote the public good, and since public higher education institutions are governed by policy, educational policy becomes a crucial determiner of the public good. Moreover, policies are constructed with language or discourse. Thus, the discourse of policy, which has the power to structure the actions, speech, and thoughts of those affected by the policy, has a direct impact on the public good. In light of this importance, this paper critically examines the discourse of educational policy.  相似文献   

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