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This study aims to examine how job resources, demands, and self-efficacy affect American STEM teachers' job satisfaction by analyzing the US TALIS 2018 data. Multiple regression and commonality analysis were used to analyze factors' significant contributions and their detailed real unique and common contributions to STEM teachers' job satisfaction. The results show that the final model explains 29.6% of the variances of STEM teachers' job satisfaction. The commonality analysis further showed that job resources, job demands, and job self-efficacy explained 23.5%, 8.6%, and 8.0% of variances of job satisfaction, respectively. However, these factor sets uniquely contributed 15.9%, 2.9%, and 2.1% of the variance, separately. This study confirms the validity of the revised job demands−resources model for STEM teachers' job satisfaction. Furthermore, the commonality analysis reveals the unique and independent contributions of job demands, resources, and self-efficacy to job satisfaction. Results from the research identified the significance of job resources contributing to the improvement of STEM teachers' job satisfaction.  相似文献   

了解毕节地区初中数学特岗教师对培训的需求,是开展该地区初中数学特岗教师有效培训的前提。本研究主要以问卷调查为主、座谈为辅的方式,获取毕节地区初中数学特岗教师对培训需求的信息,并以调查结果为依据,提出该地区初中数学特岗教师培训的一些建议:应当更加关注特岗教师的培训需求;通过调查结果发现,抽取样本中的大部分特岗教师都希望培训内容包括适合农村学生的典型教学经验、观摩优秀教师的公开课、了解新课改理念、班主任管理方面等;也希望增培训机构在设置培训方式时,应当以研讨的方式进行培训,而不是以专题讲座的方式进行培训。这些建议旨在对贵州师范学院“毕节地区数学特岗教师”培训的效果起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

产教融合是应用型本科院校实现人才供给对接产业结构升级的重要途径。其核心在于进一步优化既有动力机制,将阻力作用控制到最低,以至消除,形成动力最大化。应用型本科院校产教融合面临着理念阻力、制度阻力、资源阻力和利益阻力,呈现为"引力—推力—压力—耦合场力"的动力系统,其提升路径可遵循如下思路:构建产教融合发展理念、建立健全相关制度、加大资源支持、推进校企利益融合。  相似文献   

明确培训管理职责我们按照 ISO10015标准要求,结合采油厂的“贯标”工作,对培训中心原有的工作机构进行调整,设立了培训部、教学部、教研部,重新明确了各部门的管理职责,制定完善了《培训质量管理程序》、《培训需求调查与分析规范》、《培训效果评估准则和方法》、《培训教员管理规范》等文件,由  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a teacher training initiative in the United States. Exceptional Educators is the result of an inter‐organisational collaboration between a community‐based organisation (Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization), the local public school system and a university professor. The training focuses on three distinct objectives; understanding the physical and emotional needs of the disability, creating modified curriculum units based on individual learning goals and recognising common behavioral problems that arise in school settings. Overall, the results showed positive outcomes, with gains in knowledge of curriculum modification, behavioural strategies and overall understanding of Down's syndrome, as well as an increase in confidence level. A six‐week follow‐up survey indicated that the majority of the participants used the information presented back in their teaching environments. This study also investigated the added value of this collaboration, finding that the community connection often continues past the training and has provided teachers additional avenues for support.  相似文献   

高校行政管理人员的胜任能力水平直接影响着高校行政管理,其将有效的完成高校教学工作为最终目标,并且依据校内教育机构制定的规范条例,采取合理措施与对策,充分发挥出其管理和行政职能,带领并且引导学生调动现有资源,合理利用资源,从而促进预期组织活动目标的高效率实现,才能够高效率完成高校内部计划教学任务,判断出岗位胜任能力。由此可见,高校行政管理人员的胜任能力对工作岗位绩效具有关键性作用。  相似文献   

对中等职业学校校长应如何进行有效地培训提高?这是一个长期困扰着教育行政部门和培训机构的问题。除了提高校长培训的目标等根本性问题,在操作层面上也有许多问题需要解决:如,校长们真实的需要是什么?什么样的培训模式可以取得最佳效益?等等。校长的整体素质的高低直接影响到学校的管理水平和办学质量。  相似文献   

职业教育和培训是实现打造山东"制造业强省"的重要素质保证,是建立技术创新体系不可缺少的组成部分,是加快产业结构升级换代的人力资源基础。 改革开放以来,特别是1996年《职业教育法》颁布以来,山东省委、省政府对职业教育和培训工作高度重视,把加强职业教育和培训,提高职工队伍整体素质作为推进经济发展的"重中之重"和"当务之急"来抓,多次召开专门会议,进行总体规划和具体部署。在各级政府主管部门、行业组织、企业和社会各方面的共同努力下,山东职业教育和培训工作取得了很大成绩,事业有了很大发展。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,对河南省14所高职院校体育课程内容的现状进行了全面地调查分析.结果显示:河南省高职院校体育课程内容在中职教育的基础上,有了较大改观,但与高职学生总体培养目标相适应的体育知识技能未引起足够重视.建议在普通体育知识技能的基础上,选择有针对性、实用性强的课程内容,体现高职教育的特色.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - The purpose of this study is to better understand the psychological well-being of aged workers in the job demands-resources model. We...  相似文献   

面向国家艰苦行业需求,中国石油大学(北京)实践了校企合作开放式研究生培养模式,在石油石化企业组建了22个研究生工作站。这种校企合作开放培养模式提高了研究生工程实践创新能力,增强了企业科研队伍实力,促进了学校办学理念的更新,拓宽了办学空间。  相似文献   

This article examines two ideologies that have been prominent in recent, if not current, education thinking. The first is that means can be separated from ends (or processes from products); the second is that learning is merely a process of knowledge acquisition. Attention to these ideologies arises from two projects in the overlapping fields of information and communications technology (ICT) and instructional design. Both projects attend to conversation as an educational resource. They are animated by the questions: should a conversation be regarded as an activity in context or can it be decoupled from the circumstances that define it as a conversation? In other words, does a conversation take place within an environment, or by means of the environment? Relating these questions to the changing view of ICT held within the European Community, the article uses a bricolage of ideas from economic history, communication theory and discourse analysis to summarise how such inherited ideologies might be realigned in the analysis of online conversation.  相似文献   

Existing studies consistently find a gap in further education between high‐ and low‐skilled workers, implying a gap in formal training between high‐ and low‐skilled classes. In this paper, we hypothesize that the most important reasons for differences between social classes in further education participation are grounded in job characteristics rather than worker characteristics. This is in line with theoretical foundations of the construction of the widely used Erikson‐Goldthorpe‐Portocarero (EGP) class scheme and related classifications, such as the new European Socio‐Economic Classification (ESeC) scheme that we apply in our analyses. We explore the importance of different job characteristics for the explanation of the class gap with a dataset providing detailed information about the jobs of more than 20,000 German employees. The tasks performed and the technologies used in the job are found to be of particular importance. Both are able to explain much of the variation in training activity between different class positions and different educational levels. We discuss the implications of our results for social inequality. Our conclusion is that much of the variation of training incidents between classes comes from the very simple fact that they carry out different jobs. This should always be taken into account when inequality in training between individuals is examined.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查问卷法、医院领导访谈法和数据统计法,对皖北及苏北12家县级医院的临床医学专业学位硕士研究生(简称专业学位硕士)需求情况进行分析和研究,发现专业学位硕士临床工作中的优势和不足,总结县级医院对专业学位硕士毕业生的需求,旨在为医学类研究生提供就业指导及为硕士培养单位提供建设性建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了煤炭行业的人才现状,并根据经济结构调整的目标,预测煤炭行业对人才的需求,探索加快培养煤炭行业技术性应用型紧缺人才的对策。  相似文献   

中等职业技术教育必须以就业为导向,要围绕着学生顺利就业这一中心,及时进行专业调整,不断强化学生专业技能,积极开展就业指导,深入进行教学改革。  相似文献   

中师教育中对于国画的基础教学的要求也比较严格,但是由于中师学生的基础比较差,对于艺术的理解也比较弱,导致了学习国画的时候会产生一定的困难,本文中,笔者概括了几点国画基础教学中贯穿创新意识的方法,对于国画基础教学方法提出了自己的一些看法。  相似文献   

为满足外企人员在短期内掌握汉语基本口语的要求,作在长期教学实践中,以语言学理论为依据,以培养语言交际能力为主导,采取了一系列教学措施,诸如对话能力和连贯表达能力同步训练,化能力与语言能力的训练合二而一,“同质异构”和“同构异质”的识别和应用,以“油点扩散”加“多维扩展”的方式进行操纵,在坚持以规范为主流的同时,交代雅俗庄谐的区别,等等。实践证明这些措施具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

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