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王永强 《新高考》2010,(Z1):91-95
首先请同学们完成下面两篇完形填空题。词数:320难度系数:0.70建议答题时间:15分钟AWhat exactly is IT?85%of people 1 recentlyhad not a clue what is meant,2 53%said they  相似文献   

(A)作者11岁的时候在朋友家做作业,恰好朋友母亲的一位朋友来访。作者跟她握手时,对方发现她握手的方式不对,立即耐心地教给她握手的正确方式,使作者深受感动。  相似文献   

(A) One day,some workers were mending the road.They had dug a big hole in the road.As they could not 1 their work,they had put up notice boards(布告牌) around the hole before they 2.On the boards they wrote the word DANGER in order to warn people not to drop into the hole.Some time 3,a blind man was walking 4 the road.He was  相似文献   

WhenImovedintoanemptydorm(宿舍)forthefirsttimetwoyearsago,Iwascertainofafewthings.Firstly,IrealizedthatIdidn’t1anybodyattheschool.Secondly,IknewthatIwantedtoworkhardatmylessonsand2somethinguseful.Andthirdly,Iwantedtohaveagoodtimewithnewclassmates,withoutmyparentsaround.Thefirst3frightenedmeinthebeginning.Butthat4quicklydisap-peard.Itwastheothertwogoals5endedupbeingmydifficulties.Iknewthatitwas6todevoteenoughtimetoclassandtosocialefforts.ButIwantedto7inboth.Iknewthiswouldbea8,butIdidn’t…  相似文献   

TheAmericanCowboyTheAmericancowboy(牛仔)wasagreatherothroughfactsandsto-ries.Inhistory,therealcowboywasasimplefarmworkeronhorseback.He1twelvetofourteenhoursadayoutdoorsworkingwithcows.Theworkwasdirty,tiringandnotverywellpaid.Inwinter,mostcowboyshadtofind2jobs.Theywereseldomalone.Mostofthemworkedina3ofeighttoten.Peoplehadtoraisebeefcattleatalowcostinthewesternstatesandsendthembytraintotheeasternmarkets.Butsomeonehadtolook4thecattleontheopenlandandgetthemtothenearestrailroa…  相似文献   

As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art ofrelaxation. __1__ you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on  相似文献   

Aroundtheworldyoungpeoplearespendingunbelievablesumsofmoneytolistentorockmusic.ForbesMagazinereportsthatatleastfifty1starshaveincomesbetweentwomillionandsixmilliondollarsperyear.“Itdoesn’t2,”saidJohnnyMathis,oneoftheoldermusicmillionaires,whomadeamillion3ayearwhenhewaspopular,inthe1950s.“Performersaren’tworththiskindofmoney.Infact,4is.”Buttherockstars’admirersseemto5.Thosewholoverockmusic6abouttwobilliondollarsayearforrecords.Theypay150millionto7rockstarsinperson(亲自).8isthekeywordf…  相似文献   

Edward felt tired. He wanted to take a rest. __1__ he walked leisurely (悠闲的) to his "home"—the No. 4 __2__ of the City Park.When he got there, he __3__ his "home"occupied (占  相似文献   

什么是幸福?什么是快乐?是年轻?是健康?是她,一位风烛残年的老人给了我们答案。Like m ost July days,it w as hot.I1into a tiny ice-cream shop to cooloff with a chocolate ice-cream.It w as avery2store w ith little round tablesand chairs.A s I entered,I found a very oldwom an bent3a table near the door.H er4was so badly bent by som esadness that her face nearly5thetable-top.I sat down facing her a coupleof6away.“Poor wom an,”I thought.“W hat doesshe get7life?W hy does G od letpeople live so8past…  相似文献   

How a person reacts to criticism ( 批评) often means the difference between success and failure. Take the __1__ of Ole Bull, the famous Norwegian __2__ of the 19th century. His __3__ father, a chemist, sent him to the University of Christiania to study fo…  相似文献   

After 21 years of marriage,my wife wanted me to take another woman—my mother out to dinner and a movie.My mother had been a  相似文献   

Small moments sometimes last avery long tim e.And a few words—though theym ean 1 at the tim e to the people whosay.them—can have great power.I recently heard a story from M alcolmDalkoff, who has been a professional 2for the last 24years,m ostly in advertising.As a boy,Dalkoff was terribly shy and3 .H e had few friends and no self-confi-dence (自信). Then one day, his high-schoolEnglish teacher,Ruth Brauch,asked the classto write their own chapter that would 4the last chapter of the novel since they hadbeen r...  相似文献   

A A Strange Greeting, a True Feeling Last week I was invited to a doctor's meeting at the Ruth hospital for incurables. In one of the wards a patient, an old man, got up shakily from his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadn't long to 1, but he came up to me and placed his right foot close to mine on the floor. "Frank! " I cried in astonishment. He couldn't 2, as I knew, but all the time 3 his foot against mine. My 4 raced back more than thirty years to the 5 days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The 6 was an air-raid shelter, in which I and about hundred other people slept every night. Two  相似文献   

For most of us, success in school has very little to do with actual learning. The most important thing you have to master is how to play the grade games. __1__ you think out your own strategies(策略) for get- ting high marks, everything __2__ up to you. Y…  相似文献   

Erik was a fourteen-year-old boy.Hethought he was a young man but his par-ents didn’t think so.They told him,“Whenyou begin to think about1others,you’ll be a young man.”One morning,Erik’s parents gave him2money to buy some hamburgers.He saw an old man there.The man lookedsick.Erik went up to him and found thatthe old man had lost his3andhadn’t had4for hisbreakfast.Erik took the oldman to the nearest restaurant.5the man ordered only aglass of water for himself.Erikfelt sorry for him,so he askedthe waiter to6...  相似文献   

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