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Drawing on sociocultural and related theories, 4 questions examined career and educational aspirations and expectations among 24 immigrant Latina/o early adolescents and their parents as predictors of students’ grades. First, adolescents’ career aspirations and expectations were correlated, and both parents and adolescents held educational aspirations that exceeded their expectations. Second, most adolescents and parents held congruent educational aspirations. Third, congruence between students’ career and educational aspirations was uncommon. Fourth, parents’ educational aspirations and adolescents’ career–education congruence predicted students’ grades. Discussion highlights students’ ongoing reconciliation between aspirations and academic skills and multiple ways immigrant Latino parents contribute to their adolescents’ future.  相似文献   

This study reports psychometric data on the Educational Attitude Scale, a new instrument designed to tap parental opinions about early academic, artistic, athletic, and social experiences. Mothers of 371 middle class prekindergarten children in 22 different schools completed the 32-item Likert-style survey. Mothers were highly similar in their views about the importance of social experiences, but differed widely in their opinions about early academic instruction for preschoolers. The scale proved to have excellent split-half and test-retest reliability. Correlational analysis and factor analysis supported the general domain structure along which the instrument was designed. Scores on the Educational Attitude Scale were significantly correlated with scores on a Developmental Expectations Card Sort. Highly significant differences were found in parent attitudes on the scale when schools were grouped into those High versus Low in academic emphasis by community reputation and observed classroom practices. Parents had significantly higher academic expectations than their children's teachers, particularly in schools with “Low Academic” emphasis.  相似文献   

This study reports psychometric data on the Educational Attitude Scale, a new instrument designed to tap parental opinions about early academic, artistic, athletic, and social experiences. Mothers of 371 middle class prekindergarten children in 22 different schools completed the 32-item Likert-style survey. Mothers were highly similar in their views about the importance of social experiences, but differed widely in their opinions about early academic instruction for preschoolers. The scale proved to have excellent split-half and test-retest reliability. Correlational analysis and factor analysis supported the general domain structure along which the instrument was designed. Scores on the Educational Attitude Scale were significantly correlated with scores on a Developmental Expectations Card Sort. Highly significant differences were found in parent attitudes on the scale when schools were grouped into those High versus Low in academic emphasis by community reputation and observed classroom practices. Parents had significantly higher academic expectations than their children's teachers, particularly in schools with "Low Academic" emphasis.  相似文献   

当前北京市农民工随迁子女学前教育机构数量众多,满足了大部分随迁子女接受学前教育的需求,这类机构具备以下三个特征:全面覆盖性、低收费性、提供基本而有质量的学前教育.这些随迁子女学前教育机构符合教育平等与教育公平理念,因而是一种普惠性的学前教育机构.然而,当前随迁子女学前教育机构面临着身份上的“合理不合法”,其原因在于北京市幼儿园准入标准较为单一,缺少适合此类随迁子女学前教育机构的标准.未来应当以普惠性为导向,为其设定适宜的准入标准,从若干方面提升《北京市举办小规模幼儿园暂行规定》(2011)这一政策文件的科学性,如取消关于举办者户籍的限制、设定不同层次的注册资金标准、规定切合实际的保教人员数量、调整关于幼儿园规模的规定,同时将非正规学前教育机构纳入管理体系.  相似文献   

Offering an analysis of our multifaceted experiences as three Korean immigrant early childhood teacher educators in the United States, this critical collaborative self-study examines how positions as immigrant mothers and teacher educators interplay with each other. This study also explores ways in which the intersectional experiences influence our teaching pedagogy and practices. We found that we as immigrant mothers have challenges pertaining to parental involvement and maintaining our heritage language, meet tensions when advocating for diversity, and experience role-model pressure as teacher educators. Keeping these challenges in mind, the interactions between our two roles benefitted our students as our teaching became more critical and deeper. This collaborative self-study unpacks the intersecting positions of immigrant mother and teacher educator insightfully and reveals the development of pedagogical practices. It also suggests directions for classroom teachers and future researchers in relation to immigrant children and families.  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative study on young Korean immigrant children’s interpretation of American popular culture, this paper reflects on the researchers’ role by examining the research challenges faced. Prior to discussing the research obstacles in conducting the study, we begin with briefly describing its methodology and design. Next, we discuss the various obstacles we encountered when conducting our study and howwe attempted to overcome these dilemmas by discussing two major struggles during the research process: a) the relationships between the researchers and our young participants, and b) the cultural sensitivity that was needed in initially gaining permission from and working with the parents of our informants. It then illuminates how the researchers attempted to cope with such difficulties by rethinking a researchers’s role emphasizing the importance of cultural context in research. Finally, the paper provides some discussions and implications based on our research experiences.  相似文献   

Gender gaps in educational expectations and postsecondary enrollment are well studied, but few scholars have investigated the extent to which students realize or fail to realize their expectations. Even fewer have examined how the likelihood of realizing one’s expectations may differ for men and women. Using 35 years of data, this study examines the role race, social class, and significant others’ influences have played in realizing educational expectations and how these relationships have differed for men and women. It also investigates how group gender differences in these characteristics have contributed to the gap between the proportion of men and proportion of women who have realized their educational expectations via college enrollment. Results show trends in realized expectations by gender over time. Group gender differences explain little of past gaps but returns on students’ characteristics differ by gender, which has been a key explanatory factor for differences between men and women in realizing their expectations. Implications of these findings relative to policy and program initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

教育史学史是教育史学的客观演进历程,不仅为人们提供教育史学演进的知识谱系,而且提出教育史学研究中的问题、局限性与不确定性。由于中国教育史研究源于新式学堂的教学需要,服务教学成为中国教育史的研究起点并使其盛行于20世纪上半叶,由此出现了不同取向的教育史学研究。从1950年到20世纪70年代末,教育史研究者在借鉴苏联教育史学的基础上,对以往教育史研究成果重新作出分析评判,教育史学史得以兴起;然而,由于对史学理论与方法的使用不当,在改变学术研究性质的同时,还改变了研究方向。改革开放后,研究者在教育史的恢复重建中,开始关注以教育史学科建设为核心的教育史研究,教育史学受到高度重视并取得显著成果。但是,这不意味着教育史学研究没有问题。为繁荣教育理论,为人类教育事业贡献智慧,未来的中国教育史学研究需要处理好以下问题:其一,克服固守于“用”的教育史研究定位;其二,教育史研究中的概念和概念体系建设;其三,教育及教育史研究与社会之间的关系;其四,外来教育史学理论与本土教育史研究之间的关系。  相似文献   

The college-going rates of rural students lag behind those of more urban students, a gap likely due, in part, to rural students’ lower educational aspirations. These lower aspirations appear to be tied to the dilemma that higher education presents for many rural students: whether to remain in their rural home, working in traditional trades and industries that do not require a college degree, or to leave in pursuit of an education that is often the first step toward an adult life lived away. This study seeks to better understand this dilemma by examining the messages that rural, first-generation students receive about the value of higher education. Drawing upon interviews and observations, it shows that high school guidance counselors, college admissions officials, and the staff of community-based college aspirations organizations adopt a strikingly consistent message: they cite struggling rural economies in their argument for the necessity of a practical degree for all students, one that can be easily leveraged into a career. Despite noting broad parental support for this message, many participants also describe continued resistance from some rural families, a perception that may heighten the dilemma of rural college-going for students.  相似文献   

明治维新后,日本不断进行对外扩张,推行"大陆政策",期间新造了政治地理名词--"满蒙"。诸多日本女性作家旅行、旅居"满蒙"并以纤细笔触创作了众多相关文学作品。一些作品美化日本的殖民统治,丑化中国,渲染"五族协和",为日本的殖民统治服务,从中可以看出日本对外扩张政策在文艺领域的渗透。同时亦有作品对战争及殖民具有清醒的认识,批判日本发动的侵略战争,呈现中国人的善良与大爱,并表达了对日本民众战争认知及日本历史教育的忧虑。女性作家战争记忆中的"满蒙"叙事,从一个侧面透视了日本人的战争认识与历史认知。  相似文献   

This article uses survey data on 15,800 high school students from 3 urban school districts to investigate the impact of school-level support for higher educational attainment and school racial composition on students' actual educational aspirations. We examine students' perceptions of school support for postsecondary participation and test alternative measures of school racial composition in order to account for the increasingly multiracial makeup of today's urban high schools. We include both school-level and student-level characteristics in a multilevel logistic regression model to see if perceived school support for higher educational attainment differs by school racial composition. The results provide support for the hypothesis that school racial composition and school support have an effect on students' reported educational aspirations, and that alternative specifications of school racial composition provide different interpretations of these important relationships.  相似文献   

在历次重大的教育改革中,教师都会体验教育语言和教育行为的困惑。近100年前,蒙台梭利在描述传统教师时曾经说过:他们是那样无助地坐在那里,不知该说些什么,做些什么,一付非常失职的样子。在如今的幼儿教育改革中,教师又再度面临这种尴尬。许多幼儿教师感到,对幼儿进行传统的教育可能会影响幼儿的发展,如果对其放任自流,可能又会误人子弟。为摆脱这种两难困境,他们不断审视自认为熟悉的幼儿和幼儿教育,苦苦地思考不断涌现的种种教育新理念,努力把握不同教育理论的实践涵义。然而,由于理论领域与实践领域具有不同的视界,不同的话语系统,理论…  相似文献   

韩国作为多民族国家,移民儿童的大量流入使其文化多元的态势愈加明显,移民儿童的社会融入度关系到其社会发展的未来走向.文化融入、教育融入和心理融入是韩国移民儿童社会融入的三个主要向度.文化适应压力、语言障碍、身份认同困难是韩国移民儿童社会融入的主要问题.韩国通过建立基于语言教育的社会支持体系、实施基于文化接纳的多元文化教育...  相似文献   

自闲症儿童心理理论的研究目前主要集中在三个方面:自闭症儿童心理理论的发展特点;自闲症儿童心理理论发展的影响因素;与其他心理现象关系的研究。纵观自闭症儿童心理理论的研究,其局限表现在三个方面;研究过程受语言水平的限制;研究主要集中在自闭症儿童的知识性心理状态方面;研究方法太单调。自闭症儿童心理理论的研究应该注意;提高研究的生态效度;注重自闭症儿童心理理论的毕生研究;注重与其他心理现象关系的研究;注重影响自闲症儿童心理发展的因素以及教育措施的研究。  相似文献   


 This study discusses the needs and challenges associated with Latino males’ treatment in public schools. The primary concern is how nationally, only one in two Latino males graduate from U.S. high schools (Schott Foundation for Public Education in Black Lives Matter: The Schott 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males, http://blackboysreport.org/, 2015). However, a growing body of research has emerged, heightening Latino males’ social and academic needs in traditional K-12 educational settings. In this paper, we highlight the need to focus on alternative school settings through the narratives of four Latino males enrolled in two alternative public schools. Our findings describe the nuances in alternative schooling experience for Latino males. It explores the school context's differences to (re)engage youth back into school and the various factors that shape their future aspirations. We discuss implications for research and practice to improve alternative schools' conditions to better serve Latino males in this overlooked sector in the educational pipeline.


We know that homelessness creates conditions of risk for homeless children and youth (e.g., malnutrition, missing parental support, affiliation with deviant peers, disconnect from schooling, and so forth). Researchers also document that these states of risk have devastating physical, emotional, social, and educational impacts on young people. In this article, we explore the final issue—how displacement affects the educational well-being of homeless children and youth. We begin our review with a variable—mobility—that has a good deal of explanatory power for the educational impacts examined. We conclude with the consequences of homelessness that follow displaced children and youth into adulthood. In between we discuss an assortment of outcome factors: placement in special education, attendance, academic success, and graduation.  相似文献   


Two instructional coaches explore the effectiveness of targeted coaching conversations to address teachers' perceptions of their students' capacities. In this study, the researchers focus on how specific questions can promote teachers' metacognition of underlying biases held toward their students. Researchers also explore the implications for curricular practices when teachers are prompted to address conceptions of ability.  相似文献   


In view of the lack of any clear available data, the incidence of underachievement at the high school level was determined. An underachiever was defined as a student with at least average intelligence whose achievement test placement is at least one standard error of estimate below expectancy. Subjects were 1,263 high school students in a suburban community. Correlation coefficients between the Otis and the National Educational Development Tests were computed and regression equations developed. The incidence of underachievement was 26 percent with the NEDT Composite Score as achievement criterion. The high proportion of students in an affluent community who underachieve is alarming.  相似文献   

在温州,民工子女学校教育问题已经成为当地社会关切的焦点。通过对民工学校教育现状的调查以及对民工子女与普通城市学生在接受学校教育上的比较,结果表明,民工子女的学校教育存在就学难、学费高、学习环境差、教育公平失偏和身心欠佳等问题。藉此建议,温州各级政府要在宏观上规划规范好民工子女学校教育的各环节,温州的社会、学校和民工子女家庭则要从微观上赋予民工子女以人文关怀,从而让他们拥有舒心的学习空间,也使得民工及其子女在新温州建设中做出新贡献。  相似文献   

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