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A project involving parents of mentally handicapped children is described by Dr Roy McConkey and Dorothy Jeffree, project directors at the Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University  相似文献   

The special care child is not a passive recipient of stimulation but will respond to carefully chosen stimuli, write Dr Sheila Glenn, School of Psychology, Lancashire Polytechnic, Dr Cliff Cunningham, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University  相似文献   

How teachers can be helped to help withdrawn children, using a behaviour therapy approach, is described by Veronica Wigley, research associate, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, Dr William Yule, reader in applied child psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, London University, and Dr Michael Berger, top grade clinical psychologist, St George's Hospital, London.  相似文献   

Project Impact, a DES-funded project which began in 1983 for a three-year period, was conducted jointly between the Hester Adrian Research Centre and the Education Department at Manchester University, and Huddersfield Polytechnic. The project had three parts: the development and evaluation of short courses; the development and evaluation of a modular diploma; and a follow-up study of the Education of the Developmentally Young (EDY) package. This paper focuses on the benefits of evaluating short INSET courses in special educational needs. Judy Sebba is an honorary research fellow at the Hester Adrian Research Centre. Colin Robson is Professor in the Department of Behavioural Sciences at Huddersfield.  相似文献   

Dorothy Jeffree, director of the PATH Project, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, describes how mentally handicapped teenagers have taken a first step towards word recognition  相似文献   

Seven years ago this journal added the Research Supplement to its regular features, taking the form of eight centre pages which could be detached from the rest of the quarterly journal. The supplement began under the editorship of Professor Chris Kiernan, now director of the Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, but at that time working at the Thomas Coram Research Unit. He was succeeded by Dr Peter Gurney of Exeter University. The current editor reports on some aspects of the supplement, including an analysis of the topics of the articles it has published and the amount of space, by pages, which has been given to certain areas of special educational needs.  相似文献   

Dorothy Jeffree and Roy McConkey, research fellows, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, taught Noni, a mentally handicapped three year old, to use verbs and extend her expressive language  相似文献   

The second of two articles on the pretend play of mentally handicapped children Roy McConkey senior research officer, St Michael's House, Dublin and Dorothy Jeffree, senior lecturer, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University  相似文献   

A peripatetic teaching force available to parents, nursery school staff and others is possibly the most important recommendation, suggests Professor Peter Mittler, director, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, commenting on chapter 5  相似文献   

First Steps in Learning to Pretend   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the first of two articles on the pretend play of mentally handicapped children, by Roy McConkey, senior research officer, St Michael's House, Dublin, and Dorothy Jeffree, research fellow, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University  相似文献   

Allegations of physical and emotional abuse of children with special educational needs in residential schools are an issue of widespread concern. Professor Chris Kiernan, director, Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, outlines the present predicament and proposes some measures which might help to ease it.  相似文献   

In 1982–83 the author held a Rotary Scholarship at the Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, and attended a European Makaton Vocabulary Training Course. She presently continues doctoral studies in impaired communication at the Department of Education, Purdue University, USA. The Makaton system of communication by manual signing is widely used in special education in this country. Since its introduction much has been written on the normal acquisition of language and on conditions for learning by handicapped pupils. In the light of research findings, the author examines the Makaton vocabulary and the procedures which are recommended for training non-speakers in its use.  相似文献   

What follows is the edited version of the address delivered by Mr. Adrian Na stase, the Prime Minister of Romania, at the opening ceremony of the UNESCO-CEPES International Jubilee Conference on "Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Its Role and Contribution to Our Common Advancement", Bucharest, 6-8 September 2002. The role of UNESCO-CEPES as a forum for discussion of the principal issues of higher education is evoked. The pre-1989 activities of the Centre are compared to the post-1989 ones and to the role of the Centre in supporting the general reform of higher education in Central and Eastern Europe. The author, who did some research on higher education for peace and human rights at UNESCO-CEPES prior to 1989, is reminded of what a "Window of Opportunity" the Centre was for Romanian academics during that period. He expects the Centre to continue to play an important role in Romanian higher education in the future.  相似文献   

《红字》是美国19世纪最具影响力的小说家霍桑的经典作品,其中的女主角海丝特·白兰被认为与受人尊敬的牧师丁梅斯代尔通奸并生下女儿珠儿,因此佩戴上红字“A”(“Adultery”的象征)作为清教法规严苛无情的惩罚。霍桑通过塑造海丝特这个形象向读者展示了清教观,以及清教观对人们生活和思想所造成的影响。海丝特最初是勇敢坚强的,最终却在清教社会的压迫下,承认了自己的罪过,并通过艰苦工作,自我提升得到救赎,得到了社会的认可。  相似文献   

刘敏 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(9):109-110,113
霍桑通过揭示主人公海丝特所处的清教男权社会“边缘”地位,深刻地批判了男权社会中极为普遍的厌女意识,并且通过把海丝特的人生逆境坚强抗争与男主人公对命运无奈进行对比,颠覆了传统的男权社会总是以女性作“客体”的观念,在自己想象中建构的“红字”世界里替海丝特赢取了一个“主体”地位,正是通过海丝特这样一位女性人物的塑造,让人们认识了解到了作者内心的女性主义意识。  相似文献   

霍桑的经典小说《红字》富有政治内涵,该书刻画一位具有复杂性格的女性——海丝特,她叛逆的一面表达了霍桑寻求政治自由的渴望,而她的最终回归与妥协则体现出霍桑对海丝特激进姿态的批评,以及他在政治上对欧洲革命、妇女运动和废奴运动等激进行为持有的保守态度,从而透露一名保守的共和党人士对19世纪激进式的国家发展道路的批判态度和倡导渐进式的发展道路的立场。  相似文献   

19世纪美国浪漫主义作家霍桑,擅长用特殊命名法刻画人物以突出作品的主题。其代表作《红字》便集中体现了这一特点。在这部作品中霍桑对特殊人名和字母A的象征意义的运用,使作品蕴含多重寓意和多元主题。女主人公的名字白兰蕴含着美丽、激情、轻率、欲望灵魂净化以及对人性的研究等意义。丁梅斯代尔的名字含有"一个犯了通奸罪的人因性格怯懦把罪恶隐藏在阴暗的心中"之意。齐灵沃斯的基本寓意是"恶棍、复仇和冷酷"。白兰与丁梅斯代尔的女儿的名字珠儿有"珍贵、美好与纯洁"等人性善的内涵。字母A的含义随着主题的发展而发生变化,作品以字母A开始又以A结尾,字母A的不同暗含意义是为《红字》的主题模糊性服务的。  相似文献   

在人的一生中难免会犯下这样那样的错误,产生错误并不可怕,关键是对待错误的态度。赫斯特和丁梅斯代尔私通,后来事情败露,赫斯特被判处示众三小时并终生佩戴象征耻辱的红字。面对奇耻大辱,赫斯特勇敢面对,并且不顾众人的冷嘲热讽,不断帮助别人,实现了生命的超越,而丁梅斯代尔则竭力掩饰,最终付出生命的代价。  相似文献   

刘伟华 《海外英语》2012,(1):203-204
Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.She is regarded as the representative of feminism.There are many explanations on the scarlet letter "A" on Hester’s bosom:ability,Angel… On the basis of deep reading of The Scarlet Letter,the author of this essay discusses a new meaning of the scarlet letter "A" - active.  相似文献   

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