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This study was an investigation of the effects of learner control and of advisement in a hypertext learning environment with second-grade students who had different levels of prior knowledge about the content. Four treatment conditions crossing two variables, learner control (free access representing network structuring of hypertext vs. limited access representing hierarchical structuring of hypertext), and advisement (advisement vs. no-advisement), were established. From the quantitative and qualitative data, results indicated that: (a) for low prior knowledge (PK) students, the limited-access condition was more effective than the free-access condition, whereas high-PK students were able to function equally well in both conditions; (b) the free-access group reported a higher positive attitude for advisement than for no advisement, but the limited-access group showed no such difference in preference; (c) the low-PK group completed the lesson more quickly without advisement than with advisement, whereas the high-PK group's completion times did not vary across advisement conditions; and (d) analysis of the path data indicated that advisement was helpful in preventing disorientation in the free-access condition.  相似文献   

This article deals with the writing of hypertext during regular school lessons. We suppose that hypertext-environments can be used as “cognitive tools” to promote the comprehension of semantic relationships within a subject and the reflection about knowledge structures. From research on learning by writing traditional text (Bereiter &; Scardamalia 1987), it can be expected that the constitutive features of “hypertext” must be comprehensible for leaner. In this study, we focus in particular on the question: Which metaphors are helpful to introduce the main idea of “hypertext” as a cognitive tool? In an explorative field study, we examined two parallel classes constructing hypertexts during their regular school lessons. The teachers in both classes used completely different metaphors to introduce the concept of hypertext. The metaphor chosen influenced both the structures of the completed hypertext-documents and the discussion about the subject matter. The space-metaphor seems to be especially appropriate to introduce the concept of hypertext to the learner in such a way that a creative interaction between the structure of the hypertext and the semantic structure of the subject could result. Three tests were administered to measure the degree to which knowledge about semantic relations and structures was acquired. The class that had discussed hypertext with spatial metaphors showed significantly better results than the parallel class.  相似文献   

A complete coverage of the course content does not lead the student to explorative curiosity and to a scientific attitude to knowledge and learning. Interactive hypermedia use will lead to an epistemological quality raising since in that way students’ independence in planning, knowledge acquisition and problem solving might be facilitated and since at the same time tutorial supervision and guidance can be included. Hypermedia have possibilities to provide students with large quantities of information. With network interfacing learning can take place independent of time and place and individualized education will be possible. Combined with CMC (computer mediated communication) and educational software the student has a tool for life-long education within the classroom. At the Växjö University text, images and simulations have been integrated within a hypertext system: Hyperbook (for Macintosh). At the Royal Institute of Technology we develop this concept to use it with computer-based self-study material in mechanics, a project which started in autumn 1990 using HyperCard. At the University of Lund a development of hypertext material in the form of computer illustrated text for a thermodynamics textbook has just started. An example of limits of models will be demonstrated by a computer simulation of a linearized and a non-linearized pendulum.  相似文献   


Recent advances in computer‐based interactive digital technologies have presented a broad range of possibilities to create powerful presentations and instructional messages. However, incorporating these new technologies effectively is not a simple task because the design of effective computer‐based instructional material is a complex process. Successful design involves interactions between individual learner characteristics, instructional delivery media, the type of specific knowledge and skills being taught, and the strategies and methods used to teach the material.

This paper discusses:
  • — The need for an Automated Instructional Design

  • — The integration of learning theory, instructional design and technology

  • — Some approaches for automating instructional design

  • — An exploration of ID Expert, ? an intelligent computer‐based multimedia instructional development system (beta version 1.0).



Action learning is a central part of many work-based learning programmes, and, to be effective, requires the learner to engage in reflective learning. This article looks at how the reflective learning cycle can be integrated with action learning processes to create the dynamic of enhanced business effectiveness and individual understanding. Through a case study of a university‐corporate partnership, the article explores how a virtual learning environment (web-based materials and interactive forum) can be integrated effectively into the action learning-reflection cycle. It is suggested that the combination of action learning and virtual technology has the potential for enhancing learning, providing data for interactive discussions, and a means of disseminating new knowledge and management best practice within organisations.  相似文献   

基于脑的学习理论对教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据脑科学研究新成果,结合基于脑的学习观及我国教育现状,从大脑学习过程的协同性、学习要素的互动性、情境浸润性、主体性等方面,深入剖析了学习的脑认知过程。提出根据学习者自身特点,适时创设丰富多样、富有挑战性、人文化的教学环境,引导其全脑协同构建认知结构,促进脑机能发展,有效实现脑科学研究新成果与教育过程的联结。  相似文献   

Hypertext as instructional design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article, hypertext is compared with instructional design principles and processes. Contrary to initial perceptions, hypertext can be considered to be theoretically and operationally consistent with instructional design in that both share theoretical foundations in cognitive and systems theory and practical elements of learning environment design. The ability to tailor and extend the functionality of hypertext systems makes them powerful environments for authoring, designing, and displaying most instructional designs. Hypertext systems also can combine the roles of designer and learner by creating a collaborative environment in which the learner can annotate, amend, or author both content and structural elements of the hypertext.  相似文献   

随着计算机教育的普及,学校机房大多安装了多媒体教学软件。本文从机房管理层次,以屏蔽和恢复学生机的目录共享功能,清理学生机与安装软件两个实例,探讨了使用多媒体教学软件命令预置与远程命令功能提高管理效率的方法。  相似文献   

主动学习是学习者自动发起,并自主掌握其过程的学习行为。宁波诺丁汉大学采取多种措施促进学生主动学习,具体包括双管齐下创建互动情境、内外结合促进主动参与、巧妙讲授激发深层思考、问题学习实现知识迁移等。  相似文献   

CAI课件是一种基于计算机网络和超文本构成的教学课件,是在远程教育过程中帮助学生完成自主学习任务的主要教学媒介,本文介绍了基于网络的工程制图CAI课件的设计思路和软件制作的关键技术。  相似文献   

基于计算机技术设计的服装立体裁剪CAI教学课件,主要应用了计算机超链接技术、Photoshop图像处理、Powerpoint等软件来制作的,通过多媒体演示教学及实验的全过程,主要应用于课堂及实验教学和课前指导,也可作为学生课后自学和复习的参考.  相似文献   

有限的教学课时数和日益膨胀的知识内容,使得计算机程序设计课程教学面临着新的挑战,利用多媒体手段进行课程教学能较好地解决这一问题。讨论如何充分利用多媒体的优势,推进计算机程序设计课程的教学改革,提高教学质量,并提出了几点教学改革措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents the tools and methodologies underlying the ARIADNE framework for enabling open and distance education and for enhancing more conventional training schemes. The ARIADNE concept relies on a distributed knowledge pool system that stores pedagogically indexed educational resources, as well as on a set of tools and methodologies for authoring curricula. The basic approach is one of share and reuse. Specialized authoring tools are under development for the production of simulations, multiple-choice questionnaires and auto-evaluation exercises. Segmentation tools for video and text-based material, with integrated facilities for hypertext generation, are also under development. The distributed knowledge pool system consists of one central knowledge pool, and a number of local knowledge pools. Corporate training systems can also be built around private knowledge pools. Before pedagogical documents can be inserted into the knowledge pool system, their pedagogical and other characteristics must be described. A pedagogical header generator tool assists in this task. Pedagogical engineers can define the spatio-temporal, socio-pedagogic process that we call a curriculum, and choose the active and expositive documents that embody it, by using a curriculum editor. Finally, students consult or work with the documents of the curriculum they subscribed to, through a personalized view provided by the ARIADNE learner interface.  相似文献   

Effective management of information— from the storing of information to the writing of reports—should be taught as a basic professional skill for engineers. In this paper the authors explore how to combine word processing and hypertext for such a task. First, linear text and hypertext are defined and presented. A conceptual analysis of different types of text structure is then carried out, then the process of preparing a report, examining the criteria of performance for computer software packages for each phase and for their linking. This general approach is applied to the combination of the ‘Word 4.0’ word processing program and ‘HyperCard’ hypertext software.  相似文献   

社会性软件的存在使教学过程与学习资源建设产生了深刻变化,社会性软件可以创建新的教学与学习环境,增强教学平台的开放性,为教师专业化发展和自身教学技能的提高提供了技术支持,使教学与学习在空间和时间上得到了拓展,教与学的过程和学习资源得到了优化,通过任务驱动、学生参与营造平等协商的对话环境、营造科学管理知识的氛围等策略,使得社会性软件的教学功能最大化。从而深化学习者的信息素养和教师从业技能的提升。  相似文献   

浅谈计算机艺术教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着社会形态和信息技术的发展,计算机软硬件在教育领域催生了一批新的艺术设计类专业,如计算机艺术设计、多媒体艺术设计等。由此可见,计算机艺术教育是20世纪高科技发展的必然结果。但只有将艺术教育与计算机教育相结合,才能适应新时期改革开放发展的需要,才能给社会带来前所未有的生机与活力。  相似文献   

Exploring individual processes of knowledge construction with hypertext   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This empirical study reports on cognitive activities when hypertext readers construct interpretations, appreciate multiple perspectives and become able to manipulate the knowledge-construction process itself. A variety of methods of data collection for exploring the cognitive activities of students were produced. Quantitative results show that, in general, all students profit from their learning activities. A more detailed analysis reveals that lowprior-knowledge students benefited more from working with the hypertext program than those with high prior knowledge. From qualitative data analysis, three typical hypertext reading patterns were discovered: (1) systematic reading, (2) systematic versus explorative reading, and (3) exploration due to individual preferences. Also, it was found that, on the basis of their hypertext reading behaviour, the students could be divided into two groups, which are called self-regulated and cue-dependent learners. It seems that information presentation with hypertext appears to be the most beneficial to self-regulated readers who are to a higher degree capable of using metacognitive skills and possess, at the same time, a lesser degree of test anxiety. It is the self-regulated learner who profits most from a hypertext program.  相似文献   

探索网络条件下电大发展道路是关系电大发展取向和定位的重要而紧迫的课题,其基本条件和物质基础是创建网络教育硬件支撑环境,其主体内容和软件支撑是加强多媒体教学资源和支持服务体系的建设,其本质要求和主要目标是建立电大远程开放教育人才培养的新模式。  相似文献   

多媒体技术与手段在音乐教学中的应用已日益普通,从投影机,VCD到多媒体电脑,它们与音乐教学的完善结合,可以营造出生动形象,多姿多彩的课堂氛围。  相似文献   

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