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论青少年的自我同一性对人格发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要地阐述了同一性形成的影响因素,着重探讨了同一性对人格完善发展的具体影响,从性格特征、社会信任感、社会性合作等方面阐述了自己的一些看法。提出当代青少年同一性教育、研究中的一些启示,倡导加强对青少年自我认知的教育,创造良好环境,完善自我同一性,促进人格健康。  相似文献   

青少年时期是个体自我同一性形成的关键时期,如果青少年不能达到自我同一性的确立,就有可能引起角色混乱和消极同一性的发展。文章分析了青少年心理特征的多样化及教师在此阶段对青少年各方面的影响,提出了一些有效避免教师语言影响青少年自我同一性形成的方法。  相似文献   

自我同一性的确立对青少年的人格健康发展起着至关重要的作用,在网络社会青少年极易获得消极的自我同一性,表现为自我认识水平降低、自我体验水平降低、自我调控水平降低等。同时,网络社会也为人提供了一个展示和发展多重自我的空间,为培养青少年自我同一性提供了现实的途径,可通过网络和非网络的多种形式进行心理健康教育。  相似文献   

当互联网以一种迅雷不及掩耳之势进入我们的生活时,青少年使用网络的人数日益增加,他们在享受网络的诸多便利的同时,其心理健康也受到严重影响。从自我同一性理论角度分析青少年网络戍瘾问题,会为我们提供一个新的视角。本文在简述艾里克森(E.H.Erikson)青少年自我同一性理论的基础上,分析了同一性与网络成瘾的关系。  相似文献   

以550名12~22岁的青少年为研究对象,以"青少年同一危机量表"(AEICS)和"心理健康诊断测试"(MHT)为研究工具,探讨了青少年自我同一性与心理健康的关系。结果表明:(1)青少年自我同一性存在显著的年级差异。(2)青少年自我同一性发展水平与心理健康水平显著正相关。(3)自我同一性发展水平对心理健康有较好的预测作用,自我同一性形成标志着心理健康水平的提高。  相似文献   

对自我同一性的涵义和功能加以界定,并述评众多心理学家对自我同一性的诸多方面的研究成果,如同一性危机、同一性程度、同一性扩散等。结合近年来的研究成果,综述了环境、社会关系、父母教养方式、依恋、自尊等方面对青少年自我同一性发展的影响,对于自我同一性研究的未来,笔者认为应该从研究背景和研究方法等方面寻求发展。  相似文献   

自我同一性的确立对青少年的人格健康发展起着至关重要的作用。当代青少年自我价值感低、个人意志被压制、社会适应能力差,导致自我同一性危机。应注重提升青少年的自我价值感、注重教育者自身素质的更新升级、注重代际文化差异研究,对青少年进行成长指导,从而促进青少年自我同一性的确立。  相似文献   

美国心理学家艾里艾森(E.H.Erikson)提出自我同一性理论为我们理解和研究青少年问题提供了一种新的思维方式,本要概述了艾里克森心理社会发展与自我同一性理论的基础上,介绍了马西亚(J.E.Marcia),小柴木启吾,加藤厚,张日Shen等中外心理学家对青少年自我同一性形成问题所进行的分析,探讨了青少年自我同一性确立失败的原因及其影响因素。  相似文献   

根据榕树下、起点、晋江等文学网站的网络文学作品进行了初步的资料分析,以及对某网站67名网络写手进行了一项小调查。结果表明:85后、90后已经成为网络文学创作的主力军。网络文学的主要类目及网络写手的主要创作原因都反映出,在当代的网络文学中,许多青少年的自我同一性存在较明显的危机,需要作者、读者和网络文学站点采取一系列措施帮助其进行自我同一性的完善。  相似文献   

当前青少年的网络成瘾问题日益突出,依据自我同一性理论,青少年身上出现的任何问题包括网络成瘾问题都可以在其自我同一性上找到根源。青少年的网络成瘾者的同一性发展水平落后,不能很好地解决同一性危机,并进而表现出诸多症状。而自我同一性的青少年成长中有着重要的意义,加强青少年自我同一性的发展有助于减缓网络成瘾行为。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of authoritative parenting, parental involvement in schooling, and parental encouragement to succeed on adolescent school achievement in an ethnically and socio-economically heterogeneous sample of approximately 6,400 American 14-18-year-olds. Adolescents reported in 1987 on their parents' general child-rearing practices and on their parents' achievement-specific socialization behaviors. In 1987, and again in 1988, data were collected on several aspects of the adolescents' school performance and school engagement. Authoritative parenting (high acceptance, supervision, and psychological autonomy granting) leads to better adolescent school performance and stronger school engagement. The positive impact of authoritative parenting on adolescent achievement, however, is mediated by the positive effect of authoritativeness on parental involvement in schooling. In addition, nonauthoritativeness attenuates the beneficial impact of parental involvement in schooling on adolescents achievement. Parental involvement is much more likely to promote adolescent school success when it occurs in the context of an authoritative home environment.  相似文献   

城市父亲参与儿童教养的基本情况与特点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究以400名3到6岁城市儿童的父亲为被试,考察城市父亲参与儿童教养的基本情况和特点.结果发现,父亲参与教养主要包括五个方面,其中父亲对儿童的情感表达最多,而后按照得分从高到低依次是间接支持、学业鼓励、互动监督、规则约束.小学一年级儿童的父亲对子女的规则约束显著多于幼儿园小班和中班儿童的父亲;父亲参与教养水平在儿童性别上不存在显著差异.  相似文献   

本文采用随机抽样进行问卷调查父母教养方式对青少年攻击性的影响,结果表明青少年的攻击性与父母教养方式中的惩罚严厉、过分干涉、拒绝否认均有显著的正相关,母亲教养方式中的情感温暖因子与攻击性有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

父亲参与及其对儿童发展影响的研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
父亲角色在幼儿家庭教育中起着举足轻重的作用,越来越多的研究者也将探索的焦点集中在对父亲角色的研究上.本文在以往研究的基础上,梳理和探讨父亲参与的概念、父亲参与对儿童发展的影响以及父亲参与的影响因素,并讨论以往相关研究中存在的问题和今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

This study used qualitative research methodology to investigate the experiences of parents of adolescents with autism. Eight parents, representing six separate family units, were interviewed. The primary objectives were to understand the experiences in the lives of the parents interviewed and identify needs of adolescents with autism and their families. Six consistent themes emerged from the interview data: (a) behavioural concerns, (b) social and communication concerns, (c) family‐related concerns, (d) education and related services, (e) relationships with professionals, and (f) independence and future concerns. The findings were discussed in relationship to previous research findings and service provision.  相似文献   

为全面考察海峡两岸幼儿父亲参与教养现状的异同,研究者采用《父亲参与教养自我报告问卷》,抽取山东省济南市318位幼儿父亲与中国台湾地区台中市443位幼儿父亲进行调查,从互动监督、规则约束、情感表达、间接支持和学业鼓励五大维度进行比较。结果表明,两市幼儿父亲参与教养情况同中有异——得分最高均为间接支持、最低均为学业鼓励;在学业鼓励方面济南市显著高于台中市,在规则约束与间接支持方面台中市显著高于济南市。鉴于此,在保证经济支持的同时,两市幼儿父亲均应从细节入手更多参与幼儿的日常生活,并更加关注幼儿的学习;两市幼儿父亲也应相互学习,济南市的幼儿父亲应增强对孩子规则意识的培养,并与孩子母亲共同分担教养工作;台中市的幼儿父亲则应更多培养孩子的学习兴趣与习惯。  相似文献   

以18位学前儿童的父母为对象进行有关母亲守门行为的访谈研究,通过定性分析考察母亲对父亲参与儿童早期教养的支持和限制。结果发现:母亲对父亲教养参与的守门行为包括显性支持、隐性支持、显性限制和隐性限制四种情况。显性支持有鼓励、重视、直接肯定、指导、协助;隐性支持有间接肯定、避免批评、掩饰、支持性的肢体信息;显性限制有直接否定、介入、阻止、破坏;隐性限制有间接否定、忽视、重做、限制性的肢体信息。在父亲参与儿童早期教养的过程中,母亲守门行为具有多样性,其背后的原因以及对父亲教养参与影响的复杂性和情景性也需要进一步探究。  相似文献   

Objective. Extant research examining the predictors and outcomes of parenting self-efficacy has predominantly focused on families with young children. Adolescence is a time of increased autonomy during which parents may be uncertain about their abilities to influence their adolescents’ risk-taking behavior. Design. Parents’ (N = 145 mothers and 53 fathers) confidence in their parenting abilities across prudential adolescent behaviors was investigated, including alcohol consumption, cyber activities, eating behaviors, and problem peer associations. Additionally, we explored how adolescents’ (N = 161, Mage = 14.4 years, 60% female) reports of their engagement in those behaviors were associated with parents’ perceptions of their ability to impact their adolescents’ behavior (i.e., self-efficacy). Results. Mixed-model analysis of variance revealed that mothers and fathers felt most efficacious in reducing their adolescents’ engagement in problematic cyber activities and least efficacious regarding alcohol consumption. Bivariate correlations indicated multiple negative associations between adolescents’ engagement in prudential behaviors and both mothers’ and fathers’ behavior-specific parenting self-efficacy. Conclusions. Results suggest that parents with adolescents have varying levels of confidence in their ability to parent different types of prudential adolescent behaviors. Additionally, for multiple behavior categories, mothers’ and fathers’ behavior-specific parenting self-efficacy was negatively associated with adolescent engagement in corresponding behaviors, such that increased adolescent engagement was related to lower levels of behavior-specific parenting self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Objective. To compare parent and youth reports of the extent to which parents monitor their adolescents and to determine whether parents' perceptions of parental monitoring are more predictive of adolescent risk behavior. Design. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional sample of 270 parent - adolescent dyads recruited from rural communities in West Virginia. Parents completed a series of written questionnaires, and adolescents (12-16 years) provided information about their involvement in various risk behaviors. Results. Parent perceptions of parental monitoring efforts did not relate to adolescent perceptions of parental monitoring; parents generally perceived themselves to have more information about their adolescents' whereabouts and activities than their adolescents reported. No main effects of age or gender were found in the discrepancies between parent and adolescent monitoring reports. Adolescent reports of monitoring were negatively correlated with adolescent drinking, marijuana use, and sexual activity over the previous 6-month period. Adolescent risk behaviors were predicted by adolescent reports of parental monitoring alone. Conclusions. Parents and adolescents perceive the magnitude of parental monitoring efforts differently even when both parties perceive parents to know much about adolescent activities. Adolescents' perceptions of how much their parents know about their activities are more predictive of their own involvement in risk behaviors than their parents' perceptions about their own monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

Using interview data from a sample of 241 single African American mothers and their seventh- and eighth-grade children, this study tests a model of how 2 economic stressors, maternal unemployment and work interruption, influence adolescent socioemotional functioning. In general, these economic stressors affected adolescent socioemotional functioning indirectly, rather than directly, through their impact on mothers' psychological functioning and, in turn, parenting behavior and mother-child relations. Current unemployment, but not past work interruption, had a direct effect on depressive symptomatology in mothers. As expected, depressive symptomatology in mothers predicted more frequent maternal punishment of adolescents, and this relation was fully mediated by mothers' negative perceptions of the maternal role. More frequent maternal punishment was associated with increased cognitive distress and depressive symptoms in adolescents, and consistent with predictions, these relations were partially mediated by adolescents' perceptions of the quality of relations with their mothers. Increased availability of instrumental support, as perceived by mothers, predicted fewer depressive symptoms in mothers, less punishment of adolescents, and less negativity about the maternal role. Both economic stressors were associated with higher levels of perceived financial strain in mothers, which in turn predicted adolescents' perceptions of economic hardship. Adolescents who perceived their families as experiencing more severe economic hardship reported higher anxiety, more cognitive distress, and lower self-esteem.  相似文献   

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