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我国《合同法》关于债权让与通知主体的规定过于狭隘。各国就债权让与通知主体采取了不同的立法模式,形式上看是立法设计的不同,实质是价值选择的差异。基于债权财产性质、让与通知的性质和公平原则的要求,我国法律也应允许债权受让人为让与通知主体。  相似文献   

在大陆法系国家,以对物权行为理论的不同态度为基础,形成了对债权让与合同性质的不同看法。债权二重让与有让与优先主义、通知优先主义、登记优先主义三种立法模式。比较而言,通知优先主义更优,我国应依此种模式立法。  相似文献   

债权让与制度是民法中的一项重要制度,它在加快债的流转,实现财富最大化,促进经济发展等方面起着积极作用。票据债权的让与,其无因性原则已为世界各国的票据立法所认可。票据债权的让与之所以具有无因性,表面上看是便于票据流通立法上的技术处理,但在票据无因化流通背后,是物权法上权利外观理论的支撑,更深层次的理论基础是私法学上的信赖思想。  相似文献   

债权让与是合同法中的一个重要制度,然而,目前理论关于其制度设计仍有纷争,立法也缺乏完善规定。立法与理论均不承认债权让与的无因性。出于商事流转便捷、快速的需要,应当承认债权让与的无因性。  相似文献   

通知是整个债权让与制度发挥作用的核心所在。从债权让与通知的法律性质出发,分析、比较有关国家关于债权让与通知的立法,并提出完善我国相关立法的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国金融市场上保理业务蓬勃发展,逐渐成为债权融资(尤其对于中小企业)的一种重要方式。但是,我国现行债权让与法律制度却很不完善,加大了保理纠纷的处理难度,妨碍了保理业务在我国的良性发展。结合实务中的案例和问题,对当前合同法关于债权让与的规则应当进行合理解释,债权让与通知的主体应当包括受让人,同时允许当事人自由约定是否通知。同时为了充分发挥债权融资制度作用,借鉴国际先进立法经验,我国未来相关立法应当确立债务人承诺和登记公示制度。  相似文献   

债权让与必须通知债务人,以使债务人向受让人履行债务。债权让与通知是债权人的一项合同附随义务,其性质属观念通知,但与民法关于意思表示的规定有较大区别。通过比较债权让与通知的主体的两种立法例,债权人和受让人都可通知债务人,为了保护债务人的利益,对受让人为债权让与通知附加一些条件。债权让与通知在特定情形下得认定为无效,而撤销则受到限制。表见让与不受债权人的意思表示是否真实的影响。对重复让与宜采用让与通知送达时间为客观标准。  相似文献   

第三人侵害债权制度目前在学界讨论颇多,大多持肯定说。笔者对此持有异议,本文拟从各国立法例、债权理论、侵权理论与其制度自身构造四个方面对此制度提出质疑。主张不宜在我国未来民法典中对第三人侵害债权制度明文规定。  相似文献   

债权二重让与是指让与人与受让人签订让与合同将债权让与受让人之后,又约定将同一债权再让与第三人的制度.债权二重让与通知系观念通知,债权人或受让人、债务人为通知义务人和相对人.债权让与制度的设立,适应了债权资本化和债权自由流通的要求,有利于市场交易的推进和经济的发展.结合我国合同法的现行规定(通知生效主义),借鉴法、意两国为代表的通知优先主义模式,有助于我国债权二重让与通知效力具体处理模式的构建.  相似文献   

第三人侵害债权制度近年来在理论界和司法实务界引起了热烈的讨论.主要原因在于该制度跨越了合同法和侵权法两大领域,对传统的民法理论提出重大挑战。传统理论认为债权系一种相对权.债权人只能向债务人请求履行债务,如果债务人不履行赁务。债权人只能向债务人请求承担违约责任,而不得向债的关系以外的人主张任何权利。但是现实生活中存在大量的第三人侵害债权的案例,迫切需要立法予以明确规定。19世纪末以来.各国均逐步突破债的相对性.通过立法、学说和判例逐渐对第三人侵害债权予以承认。我国理论界和实务界都承认这一特殊侵权类型.但是在具体构成要件上尚缺乏深入探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对本人在大学担任计算机系专职教师的教学总结,阐述了传统"填鸭式"的教学模式很难培养学生的各方面能力,但在教学中使用合作、问题驱动、探究等教学方法,则会提高学生的可迁移性技能,激发学生们的学习动力并大大提高学生在今后社会工作中的适应性。  相似文献   

我国有限合伙的立法已成为必然趋势,在分析有限合伙人数、出资等基本条件以及对治理结构和退出机制等有限合伙运营中的具体问题基础上,探讨了适合我国国情的有限合伙制度。  相似文献   


This study expands upon the extant prior meta-analytic literature by exploring previously theorised reasons for the failure of school-based, universal social and emotional learning (SEL) programmes to produce expected results. Eighty-nine studies reporting the effects of school-based, universal SEL programmes were examined for differential effects on the basis of: (1) stage of evaluation (efficacy or effectiveness); (2) involvement from the programme developer in the evaluation (led, involved, independent); and (3) whether the programme was implemented in its country of origin (home or away). A range of outcomes were assessed including: social-emotional competence, attitudes towards self, pro-social behaviour, conduct problems, emotional distress, academic achievement and emotional competence. Differential gains across all three factors were shown, although not always in the direction hypothesised. The findings from the current study demonstrate a revised and more complex relationship between identified factors and dictate major new directions for the field.  相似文献   

As job security declines and precarious employment arrangements become more prevalent, transferable skills have become vital for job seeking success. In recognition of this issue, many governments are seeking to redesign their training systems in ways that transferable skills become better emphasised. This paper examines the challenges of developing transferable skills among a nation’s workforce and the tensions that can emerge between training design intentions and training delivery outcomes when training delivery is marketised. Australia, where incremental training sector reforms have occurred since the late 1980s, serves as the context for this study. While training design occurs through a tripartite process involving employer, government and union representatives, training delivery is now determined in an open, deregulated market environment. Our analysis reveals a complex underlying design with an in-built intention of developing widely transferable skills, yet there exists significant concern about the actual training outcomes. We conclude that in an environment where VET delivery is user-choice driven with the aim of fulfilling specific employer skills needs the quality, depth and breadth of transferable skills are compromised.  相似文献   

Students and graduates alike are encouraged to enhance their skills and knowledge by moving to a different European country as both national governments and European institutions anticipate individual skill gains, closer European networks and a boost to national economies as a result. Using data from a longitudinal survey, this paper follows UK-educated intra-European mobile graduates from undergraduate courses into employment, further study or other activities, and compares their early pathway with graduates who remained in the UK (UK stayer). UK-educated mobile graduates are divided into three groups according to their residency and location after their undergraduate course: UK nationals moving to a different European country (UK movers); nationals of other European countries returning to their home country (returners); and nationals of other European countries moving to a third European country (other mobile graduates). Empirical findings show that mobility for UK movers is mainly employment-driven whilst mobility of returners and other mobile graduates is education-driven. However, if employed, UK-educated mobile graduates are more likely to work in skill-appropriate occupations compared to UK stayers. The transition to either employment or further study of most UK-educated mobile graduates does not take longer compared to UK stayers.  相似文献   


Achievement goal theory is one of the most widespread motivation models within education research. Strong empirical support exists for the trichotomous model, comprising mastery-approach, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals. However, research also indicates problems with model transferability between contexts. In this study, based on questionnaire data from 4201 students, we use confirmatory factor analysis to compare the factor structures of students’ achievement goals in two culturally distinct countries. Factor structures for Grades 5–11 within the two countries were also compared. Results show that the separation between performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals differs between the two countries, and that this difference is consistent over the grades. Hence, results indicate that the model is not freely transferable between countries. The results are discussed in relation to differences in national culture and other proposed explanations such as age, perceived competence, and questionnaire characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the principle of Transition as it has been conceptualised by the Curriculum Renewal in Legal Education project. The project sought to develop a principled framework for renewing the final year of tertiary legal education in Australia. Capstone experiences were chosen as the most appropriate mechanism for assisting final year students to manage the transition process. Thoughtfully designed capstones assist students to integrate and synthesise their learning over their entire degree programme, facilitate closure on the undergraduate experience, and assist students to transition from student to emerging professional. We discuss the importance of addressing final year students’ transitional needs and explain how the principle facilitates this process. Although the framework has been developed specifically for legal education in Australia its approach enables transferability across disciplines and institutions. The framework addresses criticisms that universities and law schools are not meeting the needs of final year students by preparing them for the transition to graduate life in a complex and uncertain world.  相似文献   

本文通过几个例子的讨论,强调应在教学中有意识地加强对“质心”概念,以及“质心参考系”的应用。  相似文献   

美育是学校教育的重要内容。长期以来语教学中忽视了审美教育。语教学中审美能力要从培养学生的审美信心和审美情趣开始。从阅读、欣赏、写作训练等方面着手,达到提高青年学生审美、创造美能力的目的。  相似文献   

中国社会科学院法学研究所就人格权条款的制订提出了专家建议稿,确认了一般人格权,规定了人格权的效力和保护,完善了具体人格权类型,规定了人格利益的延伸保护,其中的智慧之光有目共证。另一方面,由于未采取独立成编的立法例,受篇幅局限,相关规定较为简单粗略,未承认法人人格权,未规定人格权行使和保护的基本原则,一些重要的具体人格权未予规定,已有的具体人格权条款内容欠完善。反思和借鉴建议稿中有益成果,铸就人格权立法史上的新篇章,这是我们每一个法律人翘首期盼的。  相似文献   

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