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Since 2001 the government of Cambodia has striven to advance policy-led education reform based on a sector-wide approach. This paper critically reviews the status and progress of Cambodia’s education reform from the perspective of the aid’s effectiveness. The paper looks at the performance of the sector reform in the three priority areas highlighted in the Accra Agenda of Action on Aid Effectiveness: (a) strengthening country ownership; (b) building more effective and inclusive partnership; and (c) delivering and accounting for development results. The study finds that while substantial progress was made in the development of essential components of an effective sector programme, further consolidation and refinements are necessary in several priority areas in order to bring about tangible improvements in education outcomes. The study provides concrete policy recommendations to further enhance the effectiveness of aid to Cambodia’s education sector.  相似文献   

续润华  孔敏 《成人教育》2011,31(12):53-55
现代教育视野下的成人学生观与传统教育视野下的成人学生观有着本质的不同。现代教育视野下的学生观强调每一个成人学生都是具有独特发展优势的个体,要求教育者充分相信他们;强调成人学生是主体的人,要求教育者充分发挥他们的主体精神;强调把成人学生当做一个发展的人,要求教育者用发展变化的眼光看待他们;强调成人学生是一个具体的人,要求教育者因材施教;强调成人学生是一个整体的人,要求教育者用联系的、全面的观点对待他们。  相似文献   

“以学生为本”是“以人为本”理念在教学领域的引申和具体表现,是高校教学管理改革的必然要求。因此,必须把“以学生为本”的思想贯穿于教学管理的整个过程,以唤醒学生的人本意识、主体意识和人文意识,从而更好地激发潜能,达到全面发展。  相似文献   

实施个性化教育改革是世界教育改革的共识,也是高校教育改革的发展方向。个性化教育是一种教育理想,其基本的教育理念是"以学生为中心"。高校个性化教育是一个完整的教育系统,其根本任务是帮助学生发掘自身的优势潜能,为学生提供满足个性化学习的教育资源,激发并维持学生的学习积极性和创造性。国家应积极营造个性化教育的良好氛围,并为高校实施个性化教育提供政策和技术支持。  相似文献   

融合教育需要融合学校和融合教育师资,融合教育师资的培养需要有适应融合教育的课程。“语文课程与教学”是师范院校小学教育和特殊教育专业的一门重要课程,为了适应融合教育师资培养的需要,必须对这门课程进行改革,构建新的课程体系,在课程性质、结构内容和课程资源建设各方面体现融合教育理念和语文教育特点,以区别于普通学校“语文课程与教学”和“特殊(聋、弱智、盲)学校语文课程与教学”,并把这门课程纳入融合教育师资培养的课程体系中。  相似文献   

经济全球化的激烈竞争归根到底是人才的竞争;人的全面发展才能充分发挥创造潜力,必须从科学教育和人文教育中接受全面教育才能得到全面成长;工科院校需要转变教育观念,建立新的教育理念,优化专业知识结构和教育教学体系,实施教育教学方法的改革,创造良好的校园创新教育氛围,注重将科学教育与人文教育相融合,才有可能培养出创造型可持续发展的人才。  相似文献   

全纳教育是国际上倡导的一种新的教育理念,在特殊教育领域被理解为将特殊教育需要儿童纳入普通教育系统,享有和其他儿童一样的平等的受教育权.随班就读是全纳教育在我国的具体实践,但是这种模式在实践过程中面临着很多困难,本文主要从支撑力量、观念态度、发展差异、师资力量、配套改革、支援系统六个方面对困难进行分析。  相似文献   

在教学改革中强调个性和人格发展的个性教育既是针对长期以来在传统教育中忽视人格养成,培养要求偏于单一的弊端而提出的;同时又是现代社会对人才的需要日趋多样化以及现代化教育日益重视人的主体性特点所决定的。强化个性教育就必须深入探讨受教育者的素质特征、充分发挥其潜能,尊重受教育者的个性。施教应适应不同禀赋与其发展的需要,加大课程的选修幅度和跨度,改革考核内容与方式,有效地实施分流培养,真正形成有利于个性发展和充分发挥其潜能的育人环境,为国家的现代化建设培养高素质的专门人才。  相似文献   

This article describes an innovative practice in family involvement developed by one early care and education center engaged in professional development. The Hopes and Dreams Project documented family involvement in children’s lives and education through the pairing of pictures and narratives about their lives, histories, priorities, goals, and responsibilities with the school community. Narrative inquiry was a powerful method for increasing understanding of complexity of family involvement. Findings showed that families’ priorities in forming partnerships included the importance in belonging to the community, being involved in their children’s lives and education, experiencing diversity, and experiences in childhood for children’s futures. This research supports the importance of redefining family partnerships in early care and education in a manner that is inclusive of family values and priorities. The implications are that early care and education providers have an important role in developing and defining involvement practices that empower families and educate professionals.  相似文献   

随着教育平等、教育民主化以及全民教育观念的深入人心.全纳教育的理念日益得到世界各国的认同。全纳教育主张要加强学生的参与和减少学生的被排斥。工读教育是一种特殊的教育形式.由于其特殊性,工读学生遭到社会的误解和排斥。文章从全纳教育的角度。对我国工读教育存在的问题进行了分析与思考,旨在将全纳教育的理念渗透到工读教育中,促进我国工读教育的发展。  相似文献   

精英教育大众化与高等教育体制变革的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的高等教育正在由精英教育阶段向大众教育阶段过渡。然而,精英教育的大众化并不仅仅意味着一个扩张时代的到来,它也会带来教育体制多方面的深刻变革。高等教育在变革过程中出现多种观念上的矛盾和制度上的冲突在所难免,因此精英教育大众化的过程,更是一个高等教育体制经历众多变革、冲突和协调的过程。政府、社会、高校三者利益关系的调整影响着整个的变革过程。高等教育理念的改变,教育公平问题的处置,人们对于精英教育大众化思想误区的澄清,高等教育发展潜在危机性的解决,是精英教育大众化过程中不能回避的问题。因此,因地制宜、循序渐进的高等教育变革思路的制定,现代教学管理模式的建立,高等教育体制的创新,势在必行。  相似文献   

定向运动作为一种新型的时尚运动,不仅符合我国高校体育课程改革的发展趋势,而且也是实现我国高校体育课程目标的基本手段.可以锻炼学生的身体,增强体质,还可以培养学生独立分析、解决问题的能力,以及适应环境、社会的能力和发展学生的个性等,同时定向运动也适应了素质教育与学校体育教育改革的要求.本文通过对定向运动的介绍及开展定向运动在素质教育中的作用和可行性分析,旨在为定向运动列入体育专业课程内容提供理论依据.  相似文献   

In 2003 the Ethiopian education system experienced wide-ranging reform that touches every aspect of the system. This reform is called TESO (Teacher Education System Overhaul). Designed to address educational problems in Ethiopia, TESO introduced significant structural changes and promised to bring a ‘paradigm shift’ in the Ethiopian educational system by engaging teacher education in changing society and promoting democratic, practical, and problem-solving education. This paper examines, through an analysis of the TESO document and an examination of the views of teacher educators, TESO’s assumptions, mission and the coherence among the various components of TESO. It also reveals gaps and discrepancies between TESO’s mission, its reform process, and strategies. The promise and assumptions of TESO are challenged by considering extant realities in Ethiopian schools and evidence from literature on effective teacher education programs and educational reform. The paper reflects on how, by giving priority to equity, TESO compromises on some elements of effective teacher education programs. It is indicated that TESO has been a welcome addition to the Ethiopian education system as it addresses elements that had previously been missing from the system, such as, outlining directions to teacher education, devoting longer duration for practicum, and heeding seriously to the professional preparation of teachers. At the same time, it is contended that the imbalance among program components, its permeability to ill-prepared students and the contradiction between program rhetoric and strategy and reform processes, as described by teacher educators, could be stumbling blocks which prevent TESO from fulfilling its promises.  相似文献   

原色教育是尊重儿童天性的教育,是给儿童最基础的教育,是引导儿童创造的教育,以原色教育为核心的幼儿教育实践与研究,对于构建学校文化系统,引领教师专业成长,促进幼儿个性发展,推进课程变革有着重要意义。本文从当代幼儿原色教育实践研究的目标、价值、内容、过程等方面进行论述,以期获取关于原色教育的理论智慧与实践策略。  相似文献   

The implementation of inclusive education has become an internationally accepted goal. In this process a substantial challenge is to simultaneously increase both equality and quality in inclusive education. This article discusses ways of achieving this goal in light of recent research findings which indicate that it is possible to meet both goals at once. The findings of various studies on the Finnish comprehensive school reform, along with recent learning outcomes, support this conclusion. During the comprehensive school era, equality has increased, performance gaps have decreased, and student achievement has improved overall. Possible reasons for this are that Finnish educational policy development has not followed international mainstream trends and that flexible and extensive special education provisions have been built into our school system. Internationally acknowledged requirements for a good education are competent teachers and a school system’s commitment to take on the responsibility of educating children of all abilities.  相似文献   

21世纪的多元文化趋势和强度个性化趋势中的大学生思想,既有一定的时代特征与群体特征,又有着非常醒目的个性化趋向,因而,不改变传统的思想教育理念与教育方法,就必然会在碰撞中陷入教育的困窘。将开发人生智慧与培育生命精神的结合作为思想教育的基本目标,增强思想教育的学术研究性,增加其文化的包容性,激扬思想教育中的独立性思维与个性化思想,便是思想教育理念变革的主要方向。  相似文献   

面向新世纪电大德育工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科教兴国战略的实施和知识经济的到来,电大学生的各方面素质尤其是思想品德素质都有了更高的要求,电大德育工作必须探索德育的内在规律,发挥学生的自主作用;结合电大实际,充实德育内容,拓宽德育渠道,增强德育的实效性,努力开创电大德育工作新局面。  相似文献   

面对竞争日益激烈的高教发展态势,办学特色的培育及强化是一般地方普通高校生存和发展的必然选择。一般地方普通高校应强化特色办学意识,明确办学特色建设思路;深化专业、课程及教学方法改革,培育个性鲜明的应用型人才;依托地域资源,精心培育特色学科及科研特色;开展特色鲜明的校园文化活动,积极为地方社会发展提供特色服务。  相似文献   

CBE教学理念是一种以培养能力为基础、注重个性的教育,充分体现以能力为目标的教育理念。自主学习是当今教育研究的一个重要课题,也是大学英语教学改革过程中的一个重要研究领域。在回顾已存在的大学英语自主学习模式的基础上,本文拟基于CBE教学理念,创新大学英语自主学习模式,提出以培养学生自主学习能力为目标,突破课堂课时的限制,实现相对不受时间和空间限制的大学英语自主学习,提高学生的语言学习能力。  相似文献   

经济发展与高等教育之间存在着极为密切的关系,特别是随着知识经济时代的来临,以及经济与高教管理体制改革的进一步深化,区域经济将在多方面影响着高等教育的发展,并对高教办学体制改革的创新性提出不同的要求.  相似文献   

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