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本文探讨了过度训练引起的症状,即过度训练综合症(简称OTS)的外部表现及内部机制,包括OTS与神经系统,内分泌系统及免疫系统的关系,提出了预防及判断OTS的生理指标及消除OTS的具体方法。  相似文献   

成功的训练不仅涉及到过负荷,同时必须避免大量过负荷练习与不充分恢复相结合。运动员可经历短期运动成绩下降。这一功能性过量训练在恢复后,可提高运动成绩。当训练和恢复之间平衡被破坏,可发生非功能性的过量训练(NFOR)。区分NFOR和过度训练综合症非常困难(OTS),取决于临床结果和排除诊断。诊断OTS的关键词是"延长性的不良适应",以及生物、神经生化和激素调节上的机制。普遍认为OTS症状比NFOR严重,如疲劳、成绩下降、情绪障碍。尽管目前没有单一的标志物可检测OTS,定期监测运动成绩、生理、生化、免疫和心理上的指标可能是最好的策略:发现不能够应对训练应激的运动员。  相似文献   

祛病健身六字诀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三章功法特点 第一节理法并重,动静结合 本功法是一种理法并重的功法,不仅注重功法的习练,同时比较注重对功理的研究.理中寓法,法中寓理.把理搞清楚了,把规律、性质都弄清了,法就自然悟开了,练功的有效时间就会大大提高.从理上讲了十个问题:五行学说、五脏六腑学说、气学说、血液学说、经络学说、意念论、采光论、观想论、呼吸论、有氧运动论.把这些问题搞清楚了,对"祛病健身六字诀"具体习练法就自然悟开了.  相似文献   

2017年11月15日-16日,暴雪主办、战旗直播承办的《守望先锋》年终盛典于乌镇大剧院开幕.年终盛典包含"All Star全明星赛"及"2017《守望先锋》年度颁奖典礼",同时进行的还有OTS第三赛季决赛,此外还有人气选手和主播直播游乌镇的活动.  相似文献   

作为中国传统文化的典型代表,太极拳在我国传统武术中也占有非常重要的地位.太极拳在逐步发展的过程中,我国的传统哲学思想阴阳学说在太极拳的盘架、拳理等方面都产生了深刻的影响和指导作用.文章就是在对太极拳中阴阳学说的使用进行了研究.中国古代哲学思想阴阳学说是解释世界万物的基本规律相互对立统一且是物质的.太极拳的一招一式中无不体现着这一哲学道理.例如虚实、刚柔开合、动静等.所以太极拳任何一个动作的变化都是一种阴与阳的转换,可见阴阳学说在太极拳中有着极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

脂肪细胞分泌的多种细胞因子可能在糖尿病发病过程中起着重要作用,特别是与2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗有关.通过总结国内外的研究成果,综述4种脂肪细胞因子(瘦素、肿瘤坏死因子α、脂联素及抵抗素)与糖尿病的关系,及运动对脂肪细胞因子的影响,分析运动对脂肪细胞因子的影响与糖尿病运动疗法的关系--运动对脂肪细胞因子的影响可能是糖尿病运动疗法的机制之一,并对今后的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

阚丽萍 《体育科研》2004,25(2):33-35
运用文献法总结了运动损伤的外部表现及细胞因子表达,讨论了损伤的发生机制、特征及其细胞因子在损伤愈合、炎症反应中的作用,可为防范和治愈损伤提供一定理论依据与参考.  相似文献   

中国传统养生体育的理论基础和独特风格   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国传统养生体育的理论基础主要有阴阳学说、整体观学说、天人相应学说和五行学说.中国传统养生的独特风格是:形神俱养,讲究人体生理、心理机能的整体优化;动以养形,要求形体运动要适量;清静养神,注重两大神经系统的协调发展.  相似文献   

经络学说是中医理论体系重要的组成部分,它是研究人体经络系统的生理功能、病理变化与脏腑互相关系的学说。经络学说不仅是针灸学说的理论核心.而且是推拿、气功等科学的理论基础。它的形成和发展与针灸、推拿、气功有着密切关系。它几千年来指导着针灸及其他各科的临床实践。所以《灵枢·经脉篇》曰:经脉者,所以决生死.处百病.调虚实,不可不通。  相似文献   

从适度训练和过度训练对免疫系统的影响,过度训练并发症(OTS)及表现低下并发症(UPS)的概念界定与监控,以及UPS两种假说等方面分别探讨了运动员经过强化训练和过度训练后免疫应答发生的变化、运动员免疫机能损坏与传染性疾病发生率增加的关系、过度训练并发症对免疫机能及传染病敏感性的影响、细胞激活素在过度训练和训练成绩低下的可能作用、过度训练和表现低下并发症监控的可能免疫指标,为运动训练科学监控提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

Fears of an ‘obesity epidemic’ in New Zealand and elsewhere have led to a growing focus on children’s weight, diet and activities. The aim of this research project was to highlight children’s voices, stepping back from obesity interventions to explore how health and obesity discourses are taken up by young primary school children. Nine 6 and 7-year-olds took part in individual semi-structured interviews which involved play and craft activities to focus discussion. Discourse analysis was used to explore how children talked about bodies, health, fitness and fatness. Children primarily drew on a series of clear-cut dichotomies around good foods and bad foods, and being active, able and fit, as well as constructing health in relation to the body in two distinct ways: fat vs. thin, and big-and-strong vs. small-and-weak. These findings support previous research suggesting that children, from a young age, are taking up narrow corporeal constructions of health in relation to food and fitness ‘choices’, and additionally children assume that these constructions can be ‘read’ off the body. On the other hand, children were also often hesitant, and at times resisted or problematised these straight-forward constructions, occasionally drawing on alternate understandings, including notions of pleasure and practicality, moderation, and being happy and healthy. Future research could explore these ideas further, investigating how children and adults utilise alternate meanings to negotiate the complexity of bodies, health, fitness and fatness.  相似文献   

从体育本体论视域对身体素养、体育素养、健康素养的内涵及关系进行了分析。研究认为:身体、技能、行为是构成体育本体的重要组成部分,身体是人的第一存在,是体育的第一本体,身体是技能与行为的寄宿,技能与行为是身体的延展。身体素养来自于身体活动,具备身、心、行、知的统一性;体育素养即体育学科素养,生成于体育教育活动,包涵知识、技能与能力三要素;健康素养生成于健康教育,包括健康知识、健康技能、健康意识和健康生活方式与行为四个关键要素。身体、体育与健康素养不是相互独立的个体,始终存在着从属、关联、辩证的关系,相互联系、相互影响、相互支撑,协同构成大的体育本体。  相似文献   

Capoeira could be defined as a Brazilian martial art and game to be played. This research explored how capoeira play might be considered to facilitate connectedness amongst newly-recruited persons, plus any other ramifications of capoeira involvement. A beginners’ course of capoeira was provided to participants, free of charge, in an English city in the West Midlands—new capoeiristas in a new venue for capoeira. Researchers attended classes to collect/construct overt non-participant observation data. In addition, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with the new capoeiristas post-course. This article explores researchers’ observation fieldnotes and interviewees’ narratives. These qualitative data-driven debates include the concepts: self, identity, escapism, multiparty endeavour, community, temporality, enjoyment, and transcending boundaries. Capoeira is theorised in a fresh manner that highlights social benefits of capoeira—for example as an enjoyable and supportive group endeavour which includes elements of social play and community-building—plus benefits for self that can transcend the boundaries of the class. Findings highlight how capoeira can be considered an inherently multiparty endeavour whereby social actors form, and experience, a community in order to embrace capoeira play. Data suggest capoeira can facilitate group playfulness, joviality, and laughter. Further, capoeiristas can enact and experience—some mode of—escapism via capoeira, whereby new place and pursuit can facilitate hedonistic diversion from the mundane. Capoeira appears to provide adventure and liberation into a relatively unburdened part of, or place in, social life. Corporeal and discursive boundary-empowerment can also be experienced by capoeiristas, fostering positive identity work in the wider world. Capoeira can be argued to facilitate mutuality (e.g. community experience and group work) and egoism (e.g. an individual's identity work) concurrently. This research suggests that modified capoeira for beginners can be beneficial for both the new capoeiristas themselves and for positive community action during and beyond class.  相似文献   

本世纪末,中国体育要在1998年亚运会上继续保持金牌领先位置,在2000年奥运会上继续保持第2集团领先位置。为此,必须抓好重点项目布局,巩固扩大优势项目,集中力量发展乒乓球、羽毛球、体操、举重、射击、柔道、游泳、田径8个项目;加快竞技体育领导体制和运行机制改革,处理好改革与发展、训练与比赛的关系;加强运动队的思想教育,反对体育界的不正之风;加强宏观调控和教练队伍建设等。  相似文献   

通过中国知识资源总库对2000-2007年的优秀硕士论文进行总结归纳,找出硕士这一群体研究足球方向的问题以及各学派的主要论点、研究情况、焦点问题及发展趋势,为促进研究足球方面的学位论文均衡发展提供依据和参考。结论:论文主题涉及足球的运动的发展史足球运动一般理论,足球技战术足球运动中的仪器器材,足球教学,足球运动员的选材基础研究等11大方面。并呈现出如下特点:第一,足球研究生队伍不断扩大,有关足球的研究获得稳步发展,发文数量不断长,呈现出迅速发展的良好势头。第二,其他学科与体育学科的交叉研究越来越多,科技含量越来越高。第三、研究领域越来越广泛,涉及到文学、艺术学、经济学、法学、体育学、教育学、新闻与传播、统计学、电子通讯与自动控制技术、工程机械、算机科学技术、力学、数学、管理学等14个一级学科,多学科、多层次的交叉研究已成为今后足球研究的一大趋势。  相似文献   

中国职工体质调研报告   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1992年11月经国家体委批准成立调研组,历时近3年,完成《中国成年人体质测定标准》研究工作。样本来自21个行业分布于东、西、南、北、中22个省市的64个大型企事业单位。合格样本112530人(男62346人,女50184人)。其中,18岁到40岁66804人,41岁到59岁(女到54岁)45726人。调研的内容与指标分为询问项目6项,测试指标有20项。通过调研,了解了我国职工的体育锻炼年龄与人数的变化情况;影响我国职工体育锻炼的因素;我国职工的患病情况及中国职工的身体形态、机能与身体素质的现状和某些变化规律。  相似文献   

体育精神的文化内涵与价值建构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄莉 《体育科学》2007,27(6):88-96
采用文献资料调研、逻辑分析、专家访谈等方法,从哲学、美学、伦理学、文化学、人类学等不同学科视角分析与归纳体育精神。体育精神是人类优秀品格和崇高理想的生动映现。体育精神主要由人本精神、英雄主义精神、公平竞争精神、团队精神4大要素构成。体育精神的价值取向是:完整确立人的主体地位,全面提升人的价值;追求真善美和自由的统一;尊重和张扬生命力的乐观态度。体育精神的主要价值标准:健康快乐、挑战征服、公平竞争、团结协作。体育精神的核心是超越。  相似文献   

Within electromyography (EMG), a particular speciality has been developed wherein the aim is to use EMG for the study of muscular function and co‐ordination. This area of research is usually called kinesiological EMG. The general aims of kinesiological EMG are to analyse the function and co‐ordination of muscles in different movements and postures, in healthy subjects as well as in the disabled, in skilled actions as well as during training, in humans as well as in animals, under laboratory conditions as well as during daily or vocational activities. This is often done by a combination of electromyographical and kinesiological or biomechanical measurement techniques.

Because there are over 400 skeletal muscles in the human body and both irregular and complex involvement of the muscles may occur in neuromuscular diseases and in voluntary occupational or sports movements, it is impossible to sample all of the muscles of the entire body during the performance of complex motor skills. In addition, the measurement of kinesiological EMG in sport and specific field circumstances, such as the track and/or soccer field, the alpine ski slope, the swimming pool and the ice rink, demands a specific technological and methodological approach, adaptable to both the field and the sport circumstances.

Sport movement techniques and skills, training approaches and methods, ergonomic verification of the human‐machine interaction have, amongst others, a highly specialized muscular activity in common. The knowledge of such muscular action in all its aspects, its evaluation and its feedback should allow for the optimization of movement, of sports materials, of training possibilities and, in the end, of sports performance.

Drawing conclusions from a review of the EMG research of 32 sports, covering over 100 different complex skills, including methodological approaches, is an impossible task. We have attempted to set standards concerning the EMG methodology at the beginning of this review. Electromyography and sports is a vast area and a complete review is impossible, as information will be found scattered in many different journals, including those on the sports sciences, ergonomics, biomechanics, applied physiology, in different congress proceedings, and so on. Consequently, many important aspects and possibly important publications may have been omitted from this review.  相似文献   

面向21世纪我国高等体育教育专业教学方法体系结构是一个多因素,多列列、多层次的动态系统。它主要由学练类、协作类、教授类、科技类、能力类和情感类等6类方法系列及其它们所包括的25种具体方法所组成。这一体系结构的发展趋向主要表现出系统化与综合笥、多元化与扩展化、科学化与现化代、专业化与师范性等4大特征。  相似文献   

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