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Teddy Bear Lady     
在现实生活中,一个人做好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事。亲爱的朋友,你常参加志愿者服务吗?你常帮助别人吗?你是否付出过自己的爱心呢?  相似文献   

The Little Bear     
一、故事内容 A little bear has a magic stick. It can make his wishes come true.[第一段]  相似文献   

和同学们一样,小熊在新学校上学已经一个月了,这一个月小熊对学校的感觉如何?看了SceneⅡ你就知道了。而对于同学们而言,这一个月里你们的英语水平又提高了多少呢?通过下面的文章检测一下自己吧!如果同学们在上Unit4之前看了这篇短剧,那么当你们上完Unit6后一定要记得再看一遍,此时你一定会惊喜的发现你以前不懂的现在居然会了,也会对本文有更好的理解的,同时和朋友们表演起来也会感觉到更多的乐趣的。如果你们有这样的感觉说明你们的英语正在飞速进步,但"学无止境",坚持下去,相信你们以后会取得更大的进步的!  相似文献   

Scene One On the Sports Ground
N: Little Bear, Monkey, Rabbit and Cat are all good students. However, Little Bear doesn't like PE. He doesn't like the high jump very much, so he never passes the high jump test.  相似文献   

和同学们一样,小熊在新学校上学已经一个月了,这一个月小熊对学校的感觉如何?看了SceneⅡ你就知道了。而对于同学而言,这一个月里你们的英语水平又提高了多少呢?通过下面的文章检测一下自己吧!如果同学们在上Unit 4之前看了这篇短剧,那么当你们上完Unit 6后一定要记得再看一遍,此时你一定会惊喜的发现你以前不懂的现在居然会了,也会对本文有更好的理解的,同时和朋友们表演起来也会感觉到更多的乐趣的。如果你们有这样的感觉说明你们的英语正在飞速进步,但“学无止境”,坚持下去,相信你们以后会取得更大的进步的!  相似文献   

My Little Cousin     
<正>My little cousin is six years old.She has a round face and big beautiful eyes like a doll.She is so cute.When I am at her home,I like to play with her.I also like to tell her interesting stories.She is easily moved by those stories.She is outgoing and lovely.My aunt and uncle are very busy.My little cousin always plays by herself and enjoys herself.She is a very happy girl.  相似文献   

My Little Dog     
我要给你猜个谜语:它有四条腿和一条长尾巴;它能跑得很快;它喜欢吃骨头。你能猜出它是什么吗?  相似文献   

B - Bear B1 -- Bee 1
B2 -- Bee 2 B3 -- Bee 3
B4 -- Bee 4 C -- Cat
D -- Dog F -- Fox  相似文献   

<正>I first read Little Women on a balmy summer day in mid-July at the age of nine and a half. It was a meager little abridged version, barely forty pages long, and though grammatically correct it made no positive impressions upon me. Rather, I had been required to listen to an audio recording and after the space of a week recite it to my father. He wasn't the sort to ask academic questions, so after completing my task I forgot about Louisa May Alcott and her vendetta for housewives entirely.  相似文献   

1.Dad:How do you put an elephant in the fridge? Kid:Open the door,put the elephant in,and close the door. Dad:How do you put a giraffe in the fridge? Kid:Open the door,take the elephant out,put the giraffe in,and close the door.  相似文献   

Invisible Racial Disparities 隐形的种族差异 One aftemoon when I was going out to do some errands (差事),I sew three young men,about 15 to 17 years of age,standing in front of a house in my neighborhood,chatting and laughing.I took a notice of them because they looked different and kind of out of place:They were not white.I continued on to run my errands without thinking too much of it.When I came back about an hour later,there was a police car parked in front of the house where these young folks were.After I drove around the comer,I saw a second police car,and one of the three youths was in the back seat of the car,handcuffed (带着手铐),with two officers questioning him.A thought shot across my mind:Are these young people members of a local youth gang,or are they just in a wrong neighborhood?  相似文献   

她是汤普森夫人,第一天上课站在五年级学生面前时,她对孩子们撒了一个谎。像大多数老师一样,她看着学生说,她爱他们每一个人。但是那是不可能的,因为在前排的一个名叫特迪的小男孩,老是趴在桌子上。汤普森夫人前一年就注意到特迪和其他小孩相处不好,衣服很乱,经常不洗澡。可以说他很不讨人喜欢。这样说正好讲到正题了。汤普森夫人实际上很高兴用粗红笔改他的试卷,只需打上粗粗的红叉,然后在试卷上方大大地写上“F”。汤普森夫人所在的学校要求老师查看每个小孩过去的记录。她最后才看特迪的,然而当她看他的档案时,大吃了一惊。特迪一年级的…  相似文献   

魏建国 《英语沙龙》2014,(11):26-27
“你是我的小呀小苹果儿,就像天边最美的云朵……”如果你还没有听过这首《小苹果》,简直就太out了。眼下这首从网上流传开来的新歌,俨然抢走了凤凰传奇和鸟叔的风头,成了新一代“神曲”,连老外都抢风头制作了英文版《小苹果》  相似文献   

青蛙是对我们有益的动物,它们吃害虫,保护庄稼;它们吃蚊子,是人类的小卫士,所以我们都应该保护青蛙,做青蛙的好朋友。  相似文献   

<正>每当有人问起我有没有兄弟姐妹时,我都会说我有一个弟弟。他们会追问更多你的情况,他多大了?他是做什么的?我都会回答:哦,他已经去世了。最近有人问我,为什么说有一个弟弟而不是曾经有。我是故意的,我解释道。我是一个姐姐,一个古怪的、坏脾气的、31岁的姐姐。如果想当姐姐,就必须要有一个弟弟,所以……  相似文献   

Teddy Stallard certainly qualified as"one of the least": disinterested inschool; musty; wrinkled clothes; hair never combed; one of those kids inschool with a deadpan face; an expressionless, glassy. unfocused stare. WhenMiss Thomp - son spoke to Teddy he always answered in monosylla-bles. Unattractive, unmotivated, and distant, he was just plain hard to like.  相似文献   

Wow! There are so many Teddy Bears in the picture! But some Teddy Bears are a little different from the other bears. Please and them. How many Teddy Bears are different?  相似文献   

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