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大学文化是大学这一特殊社会组织多方面、多层次活动的文化气息和要素所构成的特殊文化气质、氛围与场域,由一代代大学人不懈追求所积淀和升华,又给一代代大学人以涵养和哺育。大学文化的源头与根基在于大学人对知识的敬畏与追求以及对大学使命的坚守与秉持。现阶段,我国的大学文化建设取得了不少成就,也存在不容忽视的现象和问题,如管理官僚化、管理思维政绩化、教师教学随意化、学生学习实用化、师生关系庸俗化等。今后仍须在凸显对知识的敬畏与追求及对大学使命的坚守与秉持方面着力:淡化行政意识,确立学术主体地位;突出中心意识,坚持人才培养中心地位不动摇;强化文化育人意识,创造生动活泼的校园文化氛围。  相似文献   

Initiating a strategic development plan is necessary for universities to be managed scientifically; a university's strategic development plan includes both the educational philosophy and development orientation as determined by the university, including the future reallocation of resources and measures for their integration. The development experience of Australian and New Zealand universities tells us that a scientific and rational university plan can promote the rapid development of the university; on the contrary, with an unscientific and irrational development plan, a plan that cannot be put into practice, or a plan that results in waste of resources, opportunities for development are missed. This article analyzes how Australian and New Zealand universities formulate their strategic development plans and presents the formulation and implementation of a strategic development plan by Wuhan University of Technology.  相似文献   

网络时代信息通信技术的快速发展给大学带来了意想不到的深刻变革。本从信息通信技术对大学地位、结构和功能的影响来进行分析。认为它本身并不会威胁到大学的功能,而是代表着教学与研究信息传递形式的一种创新。本进而对未来大学的本质属性,存在的基本理由以及大学将如何更为愉当地利用信息通信技术作了探讨。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - While literature on university governance in Canada has identified key challenges that need to be addressed, it largely overlooks calls for change towards...  相似文献   

高校新校区建设中的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从政府的作用及预防腐败机制等方面进行反思,力图为高校新校区建设存在的筹资困难和腐败现象等问题找出解决的办法,以利于高等教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Decreasing public spending, new accountability measures and calls for broader ranges of services to society have combined to encourage the reorganisation of European universities. Universities are asked to restructure themselves along lines suggested by corporate management. This paper examines this proposal by looking at four management models in the light of new and traditional universities. The paper discusses the principle of ‘heterarchical organising’, which has emerged spontaneously within the university, and argues that this appears to be a more appropriate model for university organisation.  相似文献   

The historiography of women’s higher education has almost exclusively charted women’s admission to universities, institutional responses to increasing numbers of women students and women’s struggles to claim a presence as academics and administrators. Less attention has however been paid to the history and agency of women professors who were invariably positioned at the margins of the Academy. For example, at the University of New Zealand (1871–1961) only four women were appointed as professors and all served in the Faculty of Home Science. This article sketches a collective portrait of Winifred Boys Smith (1911–1921), Helen Rawson (1921–1924), Ann Strong (1921–1941) and Elizabeth Gregory (1941–1961) and theorises women’s presence at the margins of men’s scholarly worlds.  相似文献   

经有关部门批准,河北师范大学第4所高等院校合并组建新的河北师范大学,将征地建设新校园。本文从对河北师大定位和新校园区地域特征出发,为新校园区的规划、设计提出建议。  相似文献   

加强高校辅导员价值引领能力建设,是满足大学生精神成长规律的时代诉求,彰显辅导员工作职能与角色优势的必然选择,落实高校立德树人的必然要求。新时代高校辅导员价值引领能力建设虽取得一定成绩,但也面临着价值引领的疲惫、迷茫和混沌等状态。应从内在培育和外在促成两个层面,从辅导员自身能力提升、高校制度建设、社会环境营造等方面推动高校辅导员价值引领行稳致远。  相似文献   

提高未来基础教育质量有四方面问题必须要重视:一是要重视学生的核心素养研究,核心素养是学生在接受相应学段的教育过程中,逐步形成的适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力,未来基础教育的顶层理念是强化学生的核心素养。二是要重视基础教育的课程改革,做好改革要坚持做好三件事情:坚持基础教育课程改革的整体性,确定课程内容的时代性、基础性、选择性和关联性原则,培养学生的学科能力。三是重视教育质量的评价,我国政府和地方各级政府越来越重视基础教育质量评价,评价工作的关键是充分发挥评价的诊、咨、督、促、导五方面作用。四是重视创造性人才的培养,我国相关研究已经揭示创造性人才发展阶段,创造性教育开展的方式以及T型人才培养观,这为创造性人才培养工作的开展打下良好的科学基础。  相似文献   

New Zealand (Aotearoa) was colonized from Britain and the colonizers imposed on the indigenous Maori people a foreign view of education. From then on tradition has vied with local adaptations to produce a school system with substantial traces of the Old Country but with many local features. The curriculum for boys continued to dominate, with that for girls struggling to make itself felt. There has been constant debate about basics and frills though these terms have not been clearly defined. More recently there has been more serious consideration of the curriculum but this has been overtaken by a market forces view of schooling. A new administration system comes into operation on 1st October 1989. The future is unclear but it is reasonable to hope that there will continue a dialectic which may one day produce a genuine synthesis suited to the multicultural nature of Aotearoa.
Zusammenfassung Neuseeland (Aotearoa) wurde von Großbritannien kolonisiert, und die Kolonialherren zwangen dem einheimischen Volk der Maori ein fremdes Erziehungssystem auf. Von da an konkurrierten Tradition und lokale Anpassungsformen. so daß ein Schulsystem mit wesentlichen Merkmalen des Alten Landes, aber trotzdem mit vielen lokalen Grundzügen aufgebaut wurde. Das Curriculum der Jungen dominiert weiterhin das Curriculum der Mädchen, welches nur mühsam zur Geltung kommt. Es wurde ständig über Grundzüge und Extras debattiert, obwohl diese Begriffe nicht klar definiert sind. In letzter Zeit machte man sich ernsthaftere Gedanken über das Curriculum, dies wurde aber von einer marktorientierten Erziehungsauffassung überholt. Am 1. Oktober 1989 wurde ein neues Verwaltungssystem eingeführt. Die Zukunft ist unklar, aber es besteht begründete Hoffnung, daß eine Dialektik fortgeführt wird, die eines Tages eine echte Synthese hervorbringt, die der multikulturellen Kultur Aotearoas gerecht wird.

Résumé La Nouvelle Zélande a été colonisée par la Grande Bretagne, et les colonisateurs ont imposé un système d'éducation étranger à la population indigène maori. Dès lors, la tradition et les adaptations locales rivalisèrent pour produire un système scolaire comportant des traces substantielles du vieux pays et de nombreuses caractéristiques locales. Le curriculum pour les garçons n'a pas cessé de dominer alors que celui pour les filles lutte toujours pour s'imposer. Il y a un débat permanent sur l'essentiel et le superflu, bien que ces termes n'aient pas été clairement définis. Récemment, on s'est occupé plus sérieusement du curriculum, mais cet intérêt a été dépassé par une vision de l'instruction déterminée par les forces du marché. Un nouveau système administratif entre en vigueur le ler octobre 1989. Le futur est incertain mais il est raisonnable d'espérer que se poursuivra la dialectique qui pourrait produire un jour une véritable synthèse adaptéc à la nature multiculturelle d'Aotearoa.

Teacher: Matthew, what is the climate of New Zealand?
Matthew: Very cold sir.
Teacher: Wrong.
Matthew: BUt, sir! When they send uS meat it always arrives frozen!  相似文献   

杨运鑫 《高教论坛》2007,(3):15-17,76
大学制序的发展使得大学中大学人的各种活动和交往变得越来越平和、合理,能够有效地解决矛盾和冲突,从而有利于大学精神和良好大学风尚的形成。从大学制序演进的一般走向来看,未来的大学制序可能会出现以下一些变化:从强制性走向协商性;从权力导向走向权利导向;从无序走向有序;从垂直走向平面、立体、多中心;从刻意理性设计走向自生自发与理性建构相融合;从内卷内耗走向演进扩展;从突变走向渐进;从静态走向动态;从经典博奕论走向演进博奕论;从守旧走向创新;从本国走向跨国;从纵向控制平衡走向横向动态制衡。  相似文献   

谯利平 《江苏高教》2021,(10):85-89
分析新时代高校辅导员研究的热点主题和未来展望,对我国加强辅导员队伍建设具有重要意义.研究运用CiteSpace可视化软件,对2013年至2020年中文社会科学引文索引来源期刊(CSSCI)收录的500篇以高校辅导员为主题的文献进行分析.研究发现,新时代高校辅导员研究聚焦辅导员队伍建设研究、辅导员专业化研究、大学生思政教育研究和优秀辅导员特征研究.新时代高校辅导员研究热点呈现以下四个方面特征:转向微观层面、强调"以生为本"、注重总结经验和关注自身发展.展望未来,应从三个方面着力:协同研究和研究协同、政策研究和研究政策、实效研究和研究实效.  相似文献   

Restorative justice: two examples from New Zealand schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, Janice Wearmouth, formerly professor of education at the University of Wellington, New Zealand and now at Liverpool Hope University, Rawiri McKinney, an advocate for Rangatahi who has recently completed his Master of Education degree, and Ted Glynn, foundation professor of teacher education at the University of Waikato, discuss two examples of restorative justice in practice to illustrate how community norms and values can help to encourage more socially appropriate behaviour. Both examples come from a New Zealand Maori context and interventions undertaken with young men whose behaviour was of concern in school and in the local neighbourhood. The interventions operated through traditional Maori protocols to shift the focus away from individuals on to the whole community in order to focus on'putting things right'between all those involved in the wrong-doing. These examples show how the use of traditional community conflict resolution processes was able to resolve tensions, make justice visible and re-establish harmonious relations between the individuals, the school and between members of the community. The use of restorative practices in schools is not straightforward, however. The authors of this article argue that it requires that schools do not own or completely control the process but are responsive to the local context and recognise the important sources of support that may be found in some of the families and local voluntary community groups within it for addressing problematic student behaviour.  相似文献   

新时期高校教学秘书管理工作浅析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校教学秘书是一个特殊而重要的岗位,文章重点评价了教学秘书在教学管理中的作用,澄清了此前关于教学秘书工作的认识误区,全面分析了教学秘书的素质要求,并且就加强高校教学秘书队伍建设提出了具体的对策建议.  相似文献   

Until the mid-1980s, New Zealanders were progressing in their understanding of the causes of and strategies for overcoming world poverty and injustice. However, the arrival of more multinational aid agencies and the increased competition for the donor dollar have given rise to a new conservatism in the development debate. This has coincided with the imposition of structural adjustment policies in New Zealand which provides an opportunity to demonstrate connections between poverty and powerlessness, and parallels between the growth of poverty and inequality at home and in "underdeveloped" countries. The government, the media and the wealthy agencies conceal these parallels and promote aid responses based on charity. This excludes from the development debate the increasingly marginalised sectors of New Zealand society and undermines the international solidarity essential for building strategies for change.  相似文献   

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