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高师院校作为一个承上启下的教师教育基地,在英语教师的职前教育与职后培养中起着至关重要的作用。从我国当前教师职前教育与职后培养的实际出发,立足教师的专业化发展,构建一个机构合理、体系完整、内容科学的教师教育一体化运行模式,是高校教师教育改革的必经之路。针对高师院校对英语专业师范生的职前教育与教师职后培养衔接中的现存问题,以教师发展终身化为标准,依据资源配置原则,从培养目标、课程设置、师资队伍建设、师德教育程度四大方面,提出促进高师院校英语教师职前与职后教育衔接的策略和可行性建议。  相似文献   

Internationally, the autonomy of schools and teachers is under pressure. In Norway, recent policies emphasise output control through national testing, combined with holding schools and teachers accountable for students’ results. Whereas recent research documents that the autonomy of schools and teachers is weakening in Oslo, there is little research on the rural parts of Norway. Recent political intentions aim to improve the results by establishing a better learning environment and classroom management. These intentions are related to the regulative discourse, ‘the rules of social order’, which is crucial to control as it dominates the instructional discourse. Two different projects were implemented in a rural municipality. Analysing their positions on three levels (author, actor and identity) this study finds considerable autonomy from the state in the pedagogic recontextualising field. However, this autonomy may be fragile as the teachers seem to have surrendered personal values. If teachers are disciplined, then the state may effectively reduce the potential discursive gap by reducing the autonomy of key agents in education. Investigating teachers’ rationalisations is imperative if we are to understand the relations between interests, ideology and class, and thereby the potential for autonomy in the recontextualising field in a performativity culture.  相似文献   

两岸基础教育师资队伍建设因为体制不同在教师社会地位、教师职前培养、教师甄选程序、教师职后教育等方面存在一些差异,又因为文化同源等原因存在下列共性因素:提升教师队伍的整体素质;推进教师在职进修终身化;创建网络化教师培训平台;重视教师教育一体化建设和实施多元化师资培育政策。两岸基础教育师资队伍建设今后要注意适当控制招生规模、合作培养综合型教师、适当延长实习时间、尽量减轻教师负担和设法提高教育质量等问题。  相似文献   

任睿文  徐涵 《成人教育》2022,43(2):88-93
国际化是全球一体化背景下高等职业教育发展的必然要求。新加坡始终把国际化作为发展高等职业教育的引导思想,通过教育主体的双向国际流动、课程内容和设置国际化、将国际先进的办学理念和管理方法本土化、聘用外籍教师和教师海外培训、与国际企业保持双向合作、开展跨国培训项目等策略,形成了别具一格的新加坡高等职业教育国际化模式。借鉴新加坡经验,我国可以通过国家层面健全高等职业教育国际化相关政策法规、落实各地区发展自主权、兼顾全日制留学生和外籍员工在职培训、推动我国高等职业教育国际化师资队伍的建设等方式促进高等职业教育的国际化发展。  相似文献   

International comparative studies in education provide a fresh perspective on K-12 education policy by enabling countries to learn from each other’s approaches. The recently conducted Teacher Education and Development Study—Mathematics provides a worldwide lens by which to examine the role of subject-matter in the preparation of US teachers of mathematics for primary and lower secondary students. More specifically, a previous study looking at the international top-performing teacher preparation programmes identified a common set of learning experiences (topics/content) related to mathematics. This empirically derived international benchmark is used in this paper to examine the quality of the mathematics preparation of future US teachers in various university and college programmes.  相似文献   

教育硕士专业学位主要是国家为在职教师设立的一项重要措施,目的是在培养出一支高素质的优秀的中小学教师队伍,以促进教师继续教育的更好发展。设立教育硕士的目的是解决教育、教学及管理中存在的实际问题,因此需要探索出最适宜教育硕士发展的培养模式,并且均衡在认识和实践中存在的具体差异。本文旨在探索一个适合我国国情的并能批量的培养出合格的新型教育硕士,来提高教育硕士的培养质量,从而更好的创建一流的教师队伍。  相似文献   

教师专业化背景下的中小学师资培训论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业化和教师教育专业化既是世界性潮流,也是目前我国教育发展的客观要求.高师的培训部门应贯彻可持续发展的继续教育观,强化为教师职业专业化服务的意识;构建培养教师专业结构的培训课程体系;创新以校本培训为主的教师专业化培训模式,为我国基础教育培养出高质量的教师.  相似文献   

In this study, we discuss findings from a small-scale project evaluating an in-service teacher training programme focused on ‘perspective transformation’ in early childhood education and education for sustainability (EfS). A bespoke professional development programme was developed for Turkish early childhood teachers, based on a variety of Mezirowian-inspired adult education activities. Data were gathered using a mixed method research design, from 24 early childhood educators, through learning diaries, a Learning Activities Survey and follow-up interviews. Initial findings illustrate the range of transformations possible in the teachers’ perspectives during and after the training workshops. Influential factors in facilitating perspective transformation are shown to be the content, structure and sequencing of the training, and peer support. We conclude that transformative learning techniques offer a viable framework for engaging practicing early childhood teachers with EfS and also discuss implications for teacher preparation in both areas.  相似文献   

Taiwan's government enacted the Environmental Education Act in June 2011. In the beginning of the implementation of the Act, a national assessment of schoolteachers’ environmental literacy was performed in order to establish the baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of environmental education policy. This large-scale assessment involved a large sample size of in-service teachers across schools at all levels and regions in Taiwan using the stratified random sampling method. Data showed that the teachers have satisfactory levels of environmental knowledge and attitudes, but presented low degrees of environmental action. Differing from previous research results, elementary teachers performed better than high school teachers on this assessment, which may be attributed to their teacher training experiences. Results from this study may provide implications for teacher professional development programs and school environmental education policy.  相似文献   

This study explored Israeli elementary school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of their professional needs, with the purpose of developing in-service training courses which cater to these needs. Eighty-four teachers responded to the questionnaire and were interviewed. The results indicate that the respondents’ main needs are associated with strengthening their didactical knowledge capability of dealing with emotional aspects that relate to pupils’ learning of mathematics. Although most of the respondents lack formal mathematics education, they attribute less importance to their need to enhance knowledge in the field. In light of Israeli pupils’ relatively low attainments in mathematics, the authors believe that the education system should require teachers to expand their mathematics knowledge and that only teachers with appropriate knowledge will be permitted to teach the discipline.  相似文献   

新疆南疆地区中小学音乐教师教育存在着师资配置不合理、学历重心偏低、对《新课程标准》和教师专业化发展认识不足以及学历教育阶段课程设置不合理、入职教育体制不健全、对继续教育认识不到位、职前教育与职后培养脱节等诸多问题。南疆地区中小学音乐教师教育应该从加大政策扶持力度、加强《新课程标准》培圳力度、加大学历补偿教育力度、加快各学历教育机构课程改革、规范入职教育、建立合理的教师继续教育机制等方面来加以解决。  相似文献   

Teaching is a field that is dynamic, with innovations necessitating upgrading of skills and education of teachers for the successful implementation of reforms. The behaviour and attitudes of teachers towards teaching and learning and their knowledge banks are the result of the impact of in-service training. This study investigated the perceptions of mathematics and science teachers in Botswana towards in-service provision by the Department of Mathematics and Science Education In-service Training unit (DMSE-INSET), whose mandate is to improve the quality of teaching by supporting teachers through training programmes that enable them to take ownership of their professional development. Data were collected from a sample of 42 senior Mathematics and Science secondary school teachers, using structured interviews with open-ended questions, which were analyzed qualitatively. The findings show that teachers’ concerns included the lack of impact of current in-service training programmes on the education system, no regular follow-up activities to support the one-off workshops and insufficient skills acquired to sustain the implementation of the strategies solicited by the workshops.  相似文献   

建立数学教育研究创新团队是当前社会发展和基础教育数学师资的职前、职后教育的需要。本文从柳州师范高等专科学校数学教育研究创新团队建设的实际出发,提出了以团队建设的指导思想和发展目标为根本、以结构合理的成员结构为基础、以团队成员的培养为重点、以健全制度为保障、以资源共享促发展等基本团队建设思路。  相似文献   

德国的职业教育教师任职资格要求较高,不仅要有高学历,而且必须有企业工作经验;教师专业发展规范,教师在职培训要求严格;聘用大量兼职教师,解决师资不足的问题。借鉴其成功经验,我国高职教育教师队伍建设,应转变观念,研究制定高职教师入职标准,制定专门针对高职教师的职称评审标准和体系,加强教师产学研合作能力的培养,建立健全教师培训和兼职教师聘任机制,加快队伍建设及良性发展,进而提高教育质量与水平。  相似文献   


This study examines the influence of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 results on mathematics education policy in Israel. Analyzing various documents, the study shows how these results transformed policymakers’ discourse regarding mathematics education. In order to achieve improvement in Israel’s ranking, the middle school mathematics curriculum was aligned with the TIMSS test. Following this change, the scores of Israeli students rose considerably in TIMSS 2011. Parallel results from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Israeli internal standardized tests, however, do not show comparable improvement in mathematics achievement. High school matriculation data for the same period of time show a decline in the percentage of students who took the most advanced mathematics courses. Furthermore, none of these data sources show any noticeable reduction in social inequality in mathematics achievement. On the basis of theoretical insights from political science, it is argued that international tests influence the way educational problems are framed and defined. Thus, instead of enriching educational decision-making processes, these tests can create a tunnel vision effect that restricts policymakers’ attention to ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’ defined by the tests themselves.  相似文献   

胡倩  胡艳 《教师教育研究》2021,33(1):99-107
本研究以新中国成立后农村中小学民办教师身份为对象,主要是在符号互动理论视角下形成了以国家政策、乡村社会与民办教师为三方互动主体的农村中小学民办教师身份历史研究的概念框架。继而通过身份追问、身份建构和身份认同进行了互动中民办教师身份产生、形成与感知的研究。本研究中的身份追问是关于农村民办教师是谁,农村民办教师如何产生的追溯。身份形成研究是关于民办教师身份是如何在国家政策话语建构、确立的,如何在与乡村社会交往中形成的。身份认同是关于不同时期乡村社会中民办教师身份感知与认同的研究。反思提出:乡村社会更能着力改善乡村教师地位身份;有效融入乡村生活有助维护乡村教师身份角色;强化在职培训学习制度有助于改善乡村教师身份认同。  相似文献   

In postcolonial multilingual societies, matters of education are deeply rooted in the discourse of ethnicity. In Malaysia, the interface between ethnicity and education is reflected in recent debates on the choice of medium of instruction (MOI). In 2002, the Malaysian government introduced English as MOI by replacing Malay, the national language, for teaching mathematics and science, at the school level. However, in 2009, the policy was reversed to Malay. This policy initiative has been actively contested in the Malaysian media. Through an analysis of news reports on the controversy published by the Malaysian Chinese newspaper, Nanyang Siang Pao, this paper aims to illustrate how a sizeable ethnic minority is able to position itself vis-à-vis a national policy. To explain the ethno-political construction of MOI debates in the newspaper, we use two concepts, namely, ‘plurality of struggles’ (Laclau, 2006a, 2006b; Laclau & Mouffe, 1985) and ‘transmission of the speech of others’ (Bakhtin, 1981). These notions are contextualized in the macro-context of a multi-ethnic polity in which Chinese society, Chinese press and Chinese education are seen to co-construct community interests.  相似文献   

This article addresses the policy implications of participation in international large-scale assessments (ILSAs), particularly the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and the ways in which such implications might influence mathematics education. Taking Norway as a special case, this discussion focuses on insights into teaching, learning and assessment practices that can be inferred from the PISA study, and how participation in ILSAs has contributed to educational policy and even changed policymakers’ perspectives on schools, teachers and students. Following publication of the PISA 2000 results, Norway experienced a ‘PISA shock’, leading to the implementation of a national quality assessment system and national tests. In addition, changes were made to the mathematics curriculum for compulsory school and to mathematics teacher education. More recently, public debate has focused less on rank and league tables, shifting instead to the high number of low-achieving students and the low number of high achievers. Moreover, there has been little uptake of policy advice provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which focuses on strengthening accountability measures. Furthermore, although the Norwegian educational system in the past decade has undergone a decentralisation process, the educational system still follows the Nordic model, which focuses on equity and ‘education for all’. Analyses of the Norwegian case indicate that policymaking takes place in highly cultural contexts, and that international studies might be used merely to validate existing policy directions.  相似文献   

Although there are clear differences in national policies regarding inclusive education, the international debate has not fully considered their impact on implementation within different countries, for example on teacher education. This paper reports on results from a comparative study of in-service teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices in South Africa and Finland and its implications for teacher education in these countries. A sample of 319 South African and 822 Finnish primary and secondary education teachers completed a questionnaire containing a scale measuring sentiments, attitudes and concerns on inclusive education as well as a scale measuring teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices. A comparative analysis indicated that whereas the overall sentiments towards disabilities were positive in both countries, teachers had many concerns about the consequences of including children with disabilities in their classrooms. While the most positive aspect of self-efficacy among the South African teachers was their self-efficacy in managing behaviour, the Finnish teachers saw this as their weakest point. Self-efficacy, in particular efficacy in collaboration, was clearly related to overall attitudes towards inclusion. The implications of these findings for pre-service and in-service teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

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