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Studies that have analysed the association between the different movement behaviours and fundamental movement skills (FMS) have considered it in an independent manner, disregarding the compositional nature of 24-h movement behaviours (24-h MB). The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the 24-h MB and FMS in preschoolers using a compositional data analysis . Two hundred and four preschoolers (4.5 ± 0.8 years old; 101 boys) provided objectively assessed physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) data (Actigraph wGT3X), and FMS (TGMD-2). Sleep duration (SD) was reported by parents. Association of daily composition of movement behaviours with FMS was explored using compositional analysis and isotemporal substitution (R Core Team, 3.6.1). When considered as a 24-h MB composition (PA, SB and SD), adjusted for age, BMI and sex, the composition predicted locomotor (r2 = 0.31), object control (r2 = 0.19), and total motor score (r2 = 0.35), respectively (all P < 0.001). Reallocation of time from light to moderate-to-vigorous PA was associated with greatest positive changes in total motor score. Achieving adequate balance between movement behaviours over the 24-h period, and its relationship with locomotor and object control skills should be considered and further investigated in early childhood.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of an 8-week gymnastics curriculum on children’s movement competence and their physical self-concept. There were 113 children (46% girls, 49% intervention) with a mean age of 9.4 years (SD = 1.8) that participated. Intervention children underwent 8 weeks of gymnastics and the comparison group continued with their standard curriculum. Age was a significant co-variate, a separate analysis was conducted on the lower (grades 2 and 4) and upper (grade 6) groups. The lower age group showed significant improvement in favor of the gymnastic group in fundamental movement skills. The upper age group showed a significant improvement for the control group in general body coordination and fundamental movement skills. For all grades, the physical self-concept showed a significant main effect in favor of the gymnastics group. The gymnastics intervention was found to be of particular benefit for developing children’s movement competence and physical self-concept in younger children.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on how ‘ability’ is conceptualised, configured and produced in movement assessment tools. The aim of the study was to critically analyse assessment tools used for healthy and typically developed children. The sample consists of 10 tools from 6 different countries. In the study, we pay special attention to content and evaluation methods. The theoretical analysis explores and discusses what kind of movement ability the tools construct. The theoretical framework is inspired by Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, capital and field which are used as analytical tools to explore how the testing processes and content shape what is regarded as ability. Our findings show both a great variation of concepts and evaluation methods and a narrow view of what is regarded as valuable to assess. The assessed movements are strongly related to traditional sports and construct a specific form of physical capital. None of the tasks assessed take place in natural outdoor environments. Open skills, rhythmical movements to music or tasks including a wider range of flexibility are also absent in the assessment tools. The explored tools and tests assess a limited number of decontextualised movements and produce a narrow view of ‘ability’. Hence, the testing process itself often promotes a child who is physically mature and benefits those who have experience of traditional sports. In other words, the assessed ‘taste for sport’ and the ‘embodied physical capital’ construct what is considered to be legitimate knowledge in relation to movement and physical culture. Accordingly, the social construction of movement ability through assessment tools is far from a neutral concept and could affect how children see themselves and their ‘ability’.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the test-retest reliability, internal consistency and concurrent validity of the Athletic Skills Track (AST). During a regular PE lesson, 930 4- to 12-year old children (448 girls, 482 boys) completed two motor skill competence tests: (1) the Körperkoordination-Test für Kinder (KTK) and (2) an age-related version of the AST (age 4–6 years: AST-1, age 6–9 years: AST-2, and age 9–12 years: AST-3). The test-retest reliability of the AST was high (AST-1: ICC = 0.881 (95% CI: 0.780–0.934); AST-2: ICC = 0.802 (95% CI: 0.717–0.858); and AST-3: ICC = 0.800 (95% CI: 0.669–0.871). The internal consistency, concerning the three age-bands of the AST was above the acceptable level of Cronbach’s α > 0.70 (AST-1: α = 0.764; AST-2: α = 0.700; and AST-3: α = 0.763). There was a moderate to high correlation between the time to complete the AST, and the age- and gender-related motor quotients of the KTK (AST-1: r = ?0.747, p = 0.01; AST-2: r = ?0.646, p = 0.01; and AST-3: r = ?0.602, p = 0.01). The Athletic Skills Track is a reliable and valid assessment tool to assess motor skill competence among 4- to 12-year old children in the PE setting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the longitudinal associations between (1) fundamental movement skills (FMSs) and academic performance, and (2) self-reported physical activity and academic performance through junior high school in Finland. The participants of the study were 325 Finnish students (162 girls and 163 boys), who were 13 years old at the beginning of the study at Grade 7. Students performed three FMS tests and responded to a self-reported physical activity questionnaire at Grades 7 and 8. Marks in Finnish language, mathematics and history from Grades 7, 8 and 9 were collected. Structural equation modelling with multigroup method demonstrated that in the boys’ group, a correlation (0.17) appeared between FMS and academic performance measured at Grade 7. The results also indicated that FMS collected at Grade 8 were significantly but weakly (path coefficient 0.14) associated with academic performance at Grade 9 for both gender groups. Finally, the results of this study demonstrated that self-reported physical activity was not significantly related to academic performance during junior high school. The findings of this study suggest that mastery of FMS may contribute to better student achievement during junior high school.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine proficiency levels of fundamental movement skills using cluster analysis in a cohort of U.K. primary school children; and to further examine the relationships between fundamental movement skills proficiency and other key aspects of health-related physical activity behavior. Participants were 553 primary children between 9- and 12-years old, 294 boys and 259 girls, who were assessed across eight different fundamental movement skills. Physical activity behaviors included markers of physical fitness, recall of physical activity behavior, and physical self-concept. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to classify groups based on fundamental movement skills proficiencies and discriminant analysis to predict fundamental movement skills proficiency based upon the physical activity variables. This interpretation of fundamental movement skills performance revealed distinct groups of fundamental movement skills proficiency in both genders with several gender-specific components of physical activity shown to discriminate children with differing levels of fundamental movement skills proficiency (p < .05, r > .40).  相似文献   


Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are the basic building blocks of more advanced, complex movements required to participate in physical activity. This study examined FMS proficiency across the full range of Irish primary school children (n = 2098, 47% girls, age range 5–12 years). Participants were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development, 3rd edition (TGMD-3), Victorian Fundamental Movement skills manual, and the balance subtest from the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOT-2). Independent sample t-tests and a one way between groups ANOVA with planned comparisons were used analyse sex and age differences. Mastery or near mastery of skills ranged from 16% for overhand throw, to 75.3% for run. Girls scored significantly higher than boys in the locomotor and balance subtests with the boys outperforming the girls in object control skills. Improvements in ability can be seen over time (F(8,1968) = 70.18, p < 0.001), with significant increases in FMS proficiency seen up to the age of 10, after which proficiency begins to decline. The findings demonstrate the low levels of FMS proficiency amongst Irish primary school children, the differences between sex that exist, and highlights the need for more programmes that focus on developing these FMS at an early age.  相似文献   

Fundamental movement skill (FMS) assessment in preschools allows for early intervention; however it is unclear what assessments are feasible. The purpose of this review is to systematically review the feasibility of FMS assessments for pre-school aged children. The search was conducted across four databases, MEDLINE, Scopus, ERIC and SportsDiscus. Search terms included synonyms of “fundamental movement skills” and “pre-school children”. Inclusion criteria were: (i) FMS assessment; (ii) feasibility data; (iii) assessment of children aged three to six years; (iv) assessment of typically developing children; and (v) peer reviewed full text publications in English. Feasibility concepts (administration time, equipment, space, assessment type, item, training, qualification) were each coded as ‘poor = 1?, ‘average = 2? and ‘good = 3?; potential total of 21. A total of 330 full text articles were considered but a quarter (n = 86) were excluded due to no feasibility data. Sixty-five studies using 13 different FMS assessments were included. The Athletic Skills Track and DEMOST-PRE assessments were most feasible (18/21) and the Test of Gross Motor Development and Movement Assessment Battery for Children were common but among the least feasible (12–14/21). This review allows pre-school staff to choose a FMS assessment based on feasibility. Future studies need to present feasibility of assessments.  相似文献   

目的旨在研究学龄儿童基本动作技能测试工具AST在国内使用的理论基础与可行性,通过测试技术操作和数据分析实证该测量工具的可信度、有效性与经济性。方法通过实验测试、数理统计等方法验证AST和KTK测量工具的信效度,通过转换后的大肌肉动作协调能力商数(KTKMQ)校标基本动作技能AST测试的同时效度和区别效度。结果受试儿童年龄为7~12岁,平均在(44±11) s的时间完成了AST-1全程测试,在(45±12) s的时间完成了AST-2全程测试;AST-1测试成绩与KTKMQ的相关系数r=0.474(P<0.01),而AST-2测试成绩与KTKMQ呈现中度相关系数r=0.502(P<0.01);除7岁年龄组的AST-2测试与KTKMQ相关性较低外,其他年龄组的相关性均较高(r=0.469和r=0.767)。结论小学学段的体育教学环境中AST测试工具可以快速、便捷、有效的评估儿童的基本动作技能;运动技能轨道AST测量工具在本次研究中表现出较强的测试适宜性,具有重测信度;各年龄组测量结果的区分度和测试项目的鉴别力验证了测量工具的同时效度和区别效度。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the independent and combined associations between several fatness indicators and fitness components with functional movement quality in overweight/obese children. A total of 56 children (33 girls, aged 8–12) classified as overweight/obese according to the World Obesity Federation standard cut points, participated in this study. Participants underwent assessments of fatness [body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and bioelectrical impedance measures], fitness [1 repetition maximum bench and leg press, and ALPHA test battery], and functional movement quality [4 tests from Functional Movement Screen TM (FMS)]. All fatness outcomes, except waist circumference, were negatively associated with total FMS score, after controlling for cardiorespiratory fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness, lower limbs muscle strength, and speed-agility were positively associated with the total FMS score, regardless of BMI. Our results suggest that children with greater fatness indicators demonstrate lower functional movement quality independently of their fitness level, whereas children with better fitness level (i.e. cardiorespiratory fitness, lower limbs muscular strength, and speed-agility) demonstrate greater functional movement quality independently of their fatness level. However, children´s weight status seems to be more determinant than their fitness level in terms of functional movement quality, whereas being fit seems to moderately attenuate the negative influence of fatness.  相似文献   

目的:系统评价近十年内应用粗大动作发展测试(TGMD)的国内外学龄前儿童运动干预后的基本动作技能(FMS),包括位移技能(LMS)和物体控制技能(OC)。方法:通过Web of Science、PubMed、中国知网数据库检索2010年1月1日至2021年2月25日学龄前儿童基本动作技能干预的相关中英文文献,由2名作者对文献进行筛选、数据提取、质量评估,采用Review Manager 5.3软件进行Meta分析与敏感性分析,采用Stata13.0软件进行Meta回归分析与发表偏倚,共纳入15项研究,包括干预组893例、对照组687例。Meta分析结果显示:运动干预对提高学龄前儿童位移技能和物体控制技能均具有显著影响。亚组分析结果显示:运动干预周期为5~15周、干预频率为2~3次/周、干预时间为20~50 min,采用结构化运动课程的干预效果良好。Meta回归分析结果显示:运动干预总时间对学龄前儿童LMS具有负向影响且差异具有显著性,表明随运动干预总时间的增加,干预效果降低。结论:运动干预对于提高学龄前儿童基本动作技能具有显著作用。建议后续研究对运动干预进行合理的控制和评估,进一步探索有效运动干预的关键特征。  相似文献   

Associations between fundamental movement skills (FMS), perceived competence, enjoyment and physical activity (PA) have not been widely investigated among Chinese school children. We hypothesised that FMS would be directly related to self-reported and objectively measured PA, and indirectly related to these outcomes via perceived physical and movement skill competence, and enjoyment. Participants were 763 primary school children (age = 9.3 ± 1.7 years; 474 girls) across grades. FMS were measured for a subsample (n = 603) using Test of Gross Motor Development-2. PA using accelerometers was obtained from this subgroup (n = 238). All participating children completed a questionnaire measuring their PA participation, enjoyment, and perceived physical and movement skill competence. Structural equation modelling revealed positive associations between locomotor skills and perceived movement skill competence (β = .11, 95% CI [.001, .22]), and between perceived movement skill competence and objectively measured PA (β = .59, 95% CI [.04, 1.14]). Perceived physical competence and enjoyment mediated the association between locomotor skills and self-reported PA (β = .08, 95% CI [.02, .12]), but not objectively measured PA. Given inconsistent findings for subjective and objective measures of PA, further mediation analyses of the association between FMS and PA may be warranted.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have identified a positive association between fundamental movement skill (FMS) competency and physical activity in children; however, the causal pathways have not been established. The aim of this study is to determine if changes in FMS competency mediated the effect of the Supporting Children’s Outcomes using Rewards, Exercise and Skills (SCORES) intervention on physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in children. Eight primary schools (25 classes) and 460 children (aged 8.5 ± 0.6, 54% girls) were randomised to the SCORES intervention or control group for the 12-month study. The outcomes were accelerometer-determined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and cardiorespiratory fitness. The hypothesised mediators were actual FMS competency and perceived sport competence. Mediation analyses were conducted using multilevel linear analysis in MPlus. From the original sample, 138 (30.0%) and 370 (80.4%) children provided useable physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness data at post-test assessments. There were significant treatment effects for locomotor skills and overall FMSs. Changes in MVPA were associated with changes in object-control skills, overall FMSs and perceived competence. The overall FMSs had a significant mediating effect on MVPA (AB = 2.09, CI = 0.01–4.55). Overall FMSs (AB = 1.19, CI = 0.002–2.79) and locomotor skills (AB = 0.74, CI = 0.01–1.69) had a significant mediating effect on cardiorespiratory fitness. The results of this study conclude that actual but not perceived movement skill competency mediated the effect of the SCORES intervention on physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness.  相似文献   

以体操动作的性质特征为依据,对建立在肢体活动基础之上的形体类文化进行了剖析,并对此类文化形式中肢体活动的精神负载及体操动作的具体运用进行了分析;另外还从体操与该类文化的历史交流上对体操与该类文化之间关系进行了补充性说明。在此基础上提出了一些可供体操借鉴、感悟的思考,目的是通过进一步加深体操与其他形体文化的交流,从而促进体操运动的发展与完善。  相似文献   

Baseball batters must react to pitches delivered to different locations within the strike zone by modulating their movements. In tee-batting practice, such batters place a ball on a tee stand at a location, where they intend to hit the ball, assuming a particular pitch’s trajectory. In the present study, we analysed three-dimensional movements in tee-batting to identify characteristics of the batters’ intended impact locations across the strike zone, thereby investigating spatiotemporal features of movement modulation. More specifically, 10 experienced baseball batters performed tee-batting at their preferred impact locations at nine different heights and courses within the strike zone. The distribution of impact locations showed regularity, i.e., the location shifted forward for balls placed high and inside, while it shifted backward for balls placed low and outside. Furthermore, trunk and arm movements showed systematic modulation as the impact locations changed. The duration of bat movement was also location dependent, i.e., hitting the inside ball took more time than hitting the outside ball. Our results indicate that even though movements among body segments were properly coordinated to adjust the bat swing for different impact locations, fine timing adjustments were also required to hit the ball at those preferred impact locations and therefore properly react to differences in flight paths.  相似文献   

Fundamental movement skills (FMS) competence is low in adolescent girls. An assessment tool for teachers is needed to monitor FMS in this demographic. The present study explored whether the Canadian Agility and Movement Skill Assessment (CAMSA) is feasible for use by physical education (PE) teachers of Australian Year 7 girls in a school setting. Surveys, focus group interviews, and direct observation of 18 specialist PE teachers investigated teachers’ perceptions of this tool. Results indicated that the CAMSA was usable in a real-world school setting and was considered a promising means to assess FMS in Year 7 girls. However, future iterations may require minor logistical alterations and further training for teachers on how to utilize the assessment data to enhance teaching practice. These considerations could be used to improve future design, application, and training of the CAMSA in school-based PE.  相似文献   

Background: Literature suggests that physical education programmes ought to provide intense instruction towards basic movement skills needed to enjoy a variety of physical activities. Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are basic observable patterns of behaviour present from childhood to adulthood (e.g. run, skip and kick). Recent evidence indicates that children have the developmental potential to master most FMS by 6 years of age during physical education, physical activity (PA) and sport.

Purpose: With a noticeable absence in the literature relating to adolescent movement patterns, the present study assessed the performance of 9 FMS during physical education class amongst 12- to 13-year olds. The study further assessed the range of FMS at the behavioural component level with a view to identifying weaknesses within performance across individual skills.

Participants and setting: Baseline data were collected in 2010 as part of a larger longitudinal study evaluating the effectiveness of a prescribed adolescent physical education intervention. Participants included all (N?=?242) first-year post-primary youth in a specific geographical area of Ireland.

Data collection: The following 9 FMS were assessed during an 80-minute physical education lesson time period using a reliable instrument protocol; run, skip, horizontal jump, vertical jump, kick, catch, overhand throw, strike and stationary dribble. Each of the nine FMS was assessed in conjunction with the behavioural components from three established instruments, namely the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD), TGMD-2 and the Victorian Fundamental Motor Skills manual. To ensure participant consistency, no feedback from any of the trained field staff was given during skill performance.

Data analysis: Prior to data analysis, the trained field staff were required to reach a minimum of 95% inter-observer agreement for all nine skills on a pre-coded data set to ensure that all testers were competent. The FMS data set was analysed using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows using appropriate statistical analysis.

Findings: Overall, 11% was scored as either mastery or near mastery for all nine FMS. There was a significant difference in the overall mean composite FMS score (object control and locomotor) between genders, with adolescent males scoring higher (p?=?.015). There were marked differences in the number of participants who failed to obtain mastery level across the range of the nine FMS (e.g. vertical jump 87% and run 13%) and their associated behavioural components.

Conclusions: It is alarming that adolescents aged between 12 and 13 years entering their first year of post-primary physical education do not display proficiency across nine basic movement patterns. This finding indicates that adolescents may have a difficult time in making the successful transition towards more advanced skills within the sport-specific stage. Implications from this study potentially indicate that targeting the weakest skill components during physical education and outside of school hours may prove a valuable strategy in increasing the current FMS levels and the subsequent PA levels amongst adolescent youth.  相似文献   

戴晓敏  洪小平 《体育学刊》2005,12(3):120-122
身体动作难度一直都作为艺术体操技术发展的一大突破口.难度是一套动作的主干,是决定成套动作技术价值评分高低的唯一因素.2003年版艺术体操国际评分规则最大突破点就在于,身体动作难度数量的迅速增加,动作类型增多和动作技术复杂化加大,并将其身体动作难度的难易与分值结合,实践再次说明了难度是当今竞技性艺术体操美的前提.  相似文献   

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