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一、教学内容人民教育出版社全日制普通高级中学英语教科书2003版(必修)第一册(下)第十六单元。本课以阅读材料为教学主线,围绕做科学实验的过程表述,补充大量相关的物理、化学实验用品、制作等用语,组织学生开展一系列活动。二、教学目标(Teachinggoals)(略)。三、教学方法(Teachingmethods)自主学习讨论演示合作四、教具准备(Teachingaids)电脑录音机两只长木条一条丝巾丝带一把钥匙一尖锐金属片线绳金属丝五、教学过程(Teachingprocedures)任务一:谈论有关居里夫人以及她的发现课堂实录(Task1)(略)该步骤进展顺利,学生表现积极踊跃,因…  相似文献   

<正>一、pair work和group work在教学中的运用依据pair work和group work在国内外的英语教学中被给予了高度的重视,现在已被广泛运用于高中英语可课堂,并取得了良好的教学效果,它有着坚实的理论依据——交际教学法。传统的"填鸭式"教学方法只重视传授语言知识,容易导致"哑巴、聋子英语"的现象,已被时代所淘汰。而交际  相似文献   

上文已介绍了如何在平时阅读时形成自己良好的阅读思维习惯,请试着仅读两遍就找出你需要的要素,因为在考试时你没有那么多时间读那么多遍。要想在有限的时间里彻底读懂文章,必须注重平时的阅读训练。请来试试吧。本文虽然也是描写人物,但注重的是主人公所做的一件在作者看来很有意义的事情,是一种程序性描述。阅读此类文章时,要从细节入手,也就是做一件事的程序来体会人物的性格魅力。文章的意义建构:1.交代了主人公做此事的前提、背景、时间和结果。2.对做事情的程序做了详尽的描述。3.在前两项的基础上,尽情衬托主人公那种兴致勃勃的状态…  相似文献   

正在初中英语课堂中,分配两人一组进行课堂活动,一般在五分钟左右,如练习对话,同组成员即为partner;这种学习形式,在较高程度的交际教学和词汇教学中能发挥启迪语言认识和强化记忆的重要作用。但在实际教学过程中,有时小组合作是无效的。主要问题是:小组中一方独占话题,双方很少交换"话题";双方各行其是,"有话而无会";使用母语为中介语,小声低语等。当教师请"会话未成功"小组当众会话时,常常出现对话不能连  相似文献   

The most common answer to the above question is — hot jet of gas comes out of the nozzle of the rocket engine at high speeds and as a reaction the rocket moves (is propelled) in the opposite direction [1]. But is this answer right? Let us explore what goes on inside a rocket engine and arrive at the right answer.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which digital technologies are now implicated in the work – and specifically the labour – of school teachers. Drawing upon qualitative studies in two Australian high schools, the paper examines the variety of ways in which teachers’ work is now enacted and experienced along digital lines. In particular, the paper highlights the association of digital technologies with the standardization, evidencing, intensification and altered affect of teachers’ work. The paper questions the extent to which these trends might be seen as constituting ‘new’ forms of labour, with the research data pointing to continuities and disjunctures in terms of teachers’ autonomy and professionalization. The paper also considers how these conditions are experienced in different ways across the teaching workforce. The paper concludes by reflecting on how fairer and/or empowering working conditions might be achievable through alternate uses of digital technology.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the case of an innovative project on the transition between university and work. The project examined sustains two social dimensions of learning: education as a shared social institution in which university studies and work can be productively interconnected and alternated in order to enhance learning, and learning as identity projects and significant participation in situated activities. Working actively at the boundaries of communities provides relevant learning ‘loci’ for both students participating in the project and the communities involved (university and firms). Implications for the design of complex activity systems which take account of the learning value of work are discussed.  相似文献   


This article summarises some basic concepts of advisory work, incorporated into novel forms of extension over the past half century at Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany. It emphasis a certain understanding of advisory work: as support through “mental help” in structuring and restructuring by informing, motivating and enabling. Through exercises given in the article one can get the idea that problem situations are determined by one's own lack of insight and difficulties in breaking through the limitations of perceptions. The concept presented here in “stages of systematic problem-solving” starts with the perception of a problem by the client. The further critical steps are described within this process from perception of a problem towards solutions and evaluation of results. Two other models that are useful in thinking about problem-solving are also presented. Advisors should value them and be able to make use of them in a flexible way.  相似文献   

一、合作学习——精彩的学习周三的第一节课,我同往常一样走进了五年级二班的教室。不同的是,当天的我怀揣着一点小兴奋!因为本课学生们要学习的是《新标准英语》Module 10 Unit 2有关Class Rules的话题。课前我向他们稍微"剧透"了一下:课堂上要由大家合作来制订属于自己班级  相似文献   

首先,这两个单词均可表示“工作”,但job主要指被雇佣、有报酬(salary)的工作,属可数名词;而work指“工作”、“劳动”,是一个含义极广的常用词,它的基本意思指需要付出努力的工作或劳动,是不可数名词。同学们,让咱们通过例句来比较一下吧!  相似文献   

一、词语例解1. advantagen. (1) 有利条件; 优点; 优势He had the advantage of a good education.他具备受过良好教育的优势。(2) 利益; 好处What is the advantage of using nuclearpower? 使用核能有何好处?  相似文献   

<正>Pair work是英语交际教学法中的重要组成部分,是提高学生语言交际性,促进学生自主学习能力可持续发展的灵丹妙药。牛津版小学英语题材新颖,充满生活气息,体现人文情趣,十分注重学生英语综合语言运用能力的培养与英语创造能力的挖掘。因此,在教学过程中,教师应该注重课堂交际化建设,充分发挥Pair work环节在课堂教学活动中的重要作用,以灵活有效的  相似文献   


This paper, which is based on ESRC‐funded research, draws on quantitative and qualitative data to examine the transformation of the business studies curriculum in secondary schools. It links this transformation to the emergence of the ‘new vocationalism’ and to alleged changes in the nature of work, work organisation and the labour market. The paper argues that the changes which have taken place in the business studies curriculum are the result of interplay between the rhetoric of the new vocationalism, the resources mobilised to support this rhetoric, the activities of various mediating agencies, the characteristics and environments of schools and the professional and career concerns of teachers. The paper ends by considering the place of business studies within the curriculum in the aftermath of the 1988 Education Act.  相似文献   

Research on identity has been a growing domain in the contexts of teacher education and mathematics education; however, identity work has been explored to a much lesser extent, with a future orientation overlooked. In addition, earlier studies have not provided sufficient knowledge on how different elementary teacher education programs might facilitate pre-service teachers’ identity work. In this study, we compare future-oriented mathematical identity work through a narrative framework considering six pre-service teachers undergoing two different teacher education programs. All pre-service teachers reported having had negative experiences with mathematics during their school years. Based on the results we conclude that despite the striking similarities in pre-service teachers’ mathematical backgrounds, the ways in which these cases are conducting their identity work differ substantially. It seems that the main reasons for these differences are different emphases and pedagogical practices in mathematics education courses. Additionally, we further elaborate on our earlier conceptualisation of identity work.  相似文献   

The paper presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that I spend a lot of time correcting my students' errors in their oral work.I assign them to do after class,It is hypothesized that learners' interestinoral practice after class will be greatly increased.We will spend three weeks practicing oral work activities.Methodologically,four methods are used,and they are analytic method,cause analysis.Questionnaire survey,and brainstorming activation.  相似文献   

Karl Mahlburg brilliantly showed the importance of crank functions in partition congruences that were originally guessed by Freeman Dyson. Ramanujan’s partition functions are the centre of these works. Not only for the theory on cranks, but for many other researchers in India Ramanujan’s work inspired their career in mathematics.  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.com fort用作名词,意为“安慰;舒适;安逸”,常用作不可数名词。例如:H e lived in com fort.他过得很舒服。W e could give him no com fort.我们无法给他安慰。com fort用作名词还可具体化,表示“安慰者;给予安慰的东西”。例如:She was a great com fort to m e when Iwas ill.我生病时她给了我极大的安慰。It’s a com fort to be with you.与你在一起使人得到安慰。com fort还可用作及物动词,意为“安慰;鼓舞”。例如:She com forted the sick child.她安慰这个生病的孩子。I tried to com fort Jane after her m oth…  相似文献   

A long time ago,you could buy eight hens(母鸡)or one sheep(绵羊)for a dollar,and cows(奶牛)were ten dollars each.A farmer wanted  相似文献   

In this paper, we incorporated peer-to-peer (P2P) concept with agent technology and put forward a collaborative work model based on peer-to-peer network (P2PCWM) after investigating into business demands of modern enterprises and problems prevailing in mainstream collaborative work systems based on central server. Theoretically, the P2PCWM can effectively overcome the problems in a conventional system with a central server and meet the practical demands of modern businesses. It is distinguished from other systems by its features of equality, openness, promptness, fairness, expandability and convenience.  相似文献   

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