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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between running economy (RE) and performance in a homogenous group of competitive Kenyan distance runners. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) (68.8 ± 3.8 ml?kg?1?min?1) was determined on a motorised treadmill in 32 Kenyan (25.3 ± 5.0 years; IAAF performance score: 993 ± 77 p) distance runners. Leg anthropometry was assessed and moment arm of the Achilles tendon determined. While Achilles moment arm was associated with better RE (r2 = 0.30, P = 0.003) and upper leg length, total leg length and total leg length to body height ratio were correlated with running performance (r = 0.42, P = 0.025; r = 0.40, P = 0.030 and r = 0.38, P = 0.043, respectively), RE and maximal time on treadmill (tmax) were not associated with running performance (r = ?0.01, P = 0.965; r = 0.27; P = 0.189, respectively) in competitive Kenyan distance runners. The dissociation between RE and running performance in this homogenous group of runners would suggest that RE can be compensated by other factors to maintain high performance levels and is in line with the idea that RE is only one of many factors explaining elite running performance.  相似文献   

It is perceived that, during the triathlon or duathlon, cycling with a steep (>76°) rather than a shallow (?76°) frame geometry might attenuate the fatigue associated with progression from the cycle to run disciplines and improve subsequent 10-km running performance. This is based on anecdotal testimony from athletes purporting to have experienced improved performance; no empirical evidence exists. To evaluate this view, eight male triathletes completed a counterbalanced, 40-km cycle ride at two frame geometries (73° and 81°) at ~70% VO 2peak . Immediately after completion of each 40-km cycle, a self-paced 10-km treadmill time trial was undertaken, during which physiological, kinematic and performance variables were measured. The 10-km run performance (mean - s : 42:55 - 4:19 vs 46:15 - 4:52 min; P ? 0.01) and combined cycle and run performance (1:45:49 - 5:45 vs 1:50:33 - 6:08; P ? 0.001) were faster in the 81° than the 73° condition. Improvements in performance were most prominent during the first 5 km of the run (21:41 - 2:15 vs 24:15 - 2:31 min in the 81° and 73° conditions respectively). These improvements were not evident during the second 5 km of the run. No differences in physiological variables were noted, although heart rate, stride length and stride frequency were increased during the 81° condition ( P ? 0.05). Modifying frame geometry from a seat tube angle of 73° to 81° improves 10-km running and combined cycle plus run performance. These improvements in performance might relate to alterations during the cycling phase, which minimizes the 'residual effect' of this (i.e. the adverse changes in substrate availability, thermoregulatory, cardiovascular and biomechanical factors felt immediately after transition from cycling to running) and attenuates negative changes in physiological and kinematic responses during the 10-km run.  相似文献   

It is perceived that, during the triathlon or duathlon, cycling with a steep (> 76 degrees) rather than a shallow (< 76 degrees ) frame geometry might attenuate the fatigue associated with progression from the cycle to run disciplines and improve subsequent 10-km running performance. This is based on anecdotal testimony from athletes purporting to have experienced improved performance; no empirical evidence exists. To evaluate this view, eight male triathletes completed a counterbalanced, 40-km cycle ride at two frame geometries (73 degrees and 81 degrees) at approximately 70% VO2peak. Immediately after completion of each 40-km cycle, a self-paced 10-km treadmill time trial was undertaken, during which physiological, kinematic and performance variables were measured. The 10-km run performance (mean +/- s: 42:55 +/- 4:19 vs 46:15 +/- 4:52 min; P< 0.01) and combined cycle and run performance (1:45:49 +/- 5:45 vs 1:50:33 +/- 6:08; P< 0.001) were faster in the 81 degrees than the 73 degrees condition. Improvements in performance were most prominent during the first 5 km of the run (21:41 +/- 2:15 vs 24:15 +/- 2:31 min in the 81 degrees and 73 degrees conditions respectively). These improvements were not evident during the second 5 km of the run. No differences in physiological variables were noted, although heart rate, stride length and stride frequency were increased during the 81 degrees condition (P < 0.05). Modifying frame geometry from a seat tube angle of 73 degrees to 81 degrees improves 10-km running and combined cycle plus run performance. These improvements in performance might relate to alterations during the cycling phase, which minimizes the 'residual effect' of this (i.e. the adverse changes in substrate availability, thermoregulatory, cardiovascular and biomechanical factors felt immediately after transition from cycling to running) and attenuates negative changes in physiological and kinematic responses during the 10-km run.  相似文献   

Shoe manufacturers launch running shoes with increased (e.g., maximalists) or decreased (e.g., minimalists) midsole thickness and claim that they may prevent running injury. Previous studies tested footwear models with different midsole thicknesses on the market but the shoe construct was not strictly comparable. Therefore, in the present study, we examined the effect of midsole thickness, from 1-mm to 29-mm, in a standard test shoe prototype on the vertical loading rates, footstrike angle and temporal spatial parameters in distance runners. Fifteen male habitual rearfoot strikers were recruited from local running clubs. They were asked to run on an instrumented treadmill in shoes with different midsole thicknesses. We found significant interactions between midsole thickness with vertical loading rates (< 0.001), footstrike angle (= 0.013), contact time (< 0.001), cadence (= 0.003), and stride length (= 0.004). Specifically, shoes with thinner midsole (1- and 5-mm) significantly increased the vertical loading rates and shortened the contact time, when compared with thicker midsole shoes (25- and 29-mm). However, we did not observe any substantial differences in the footstrike angle, cadence and stride length between other shod conditions. The present study provides biomechanical data regarding the relationship between full spectrum midsole thicknesses and running biomechanics in a group of rearfoot strikers.  相似文献   

Running economy is a reflection of the amount of inspired oxygen required to maintain a given velocity and is considered a determining factor for running performance. Athletic footwear has been advocated as a mechanism by which running economy can be enhanced. New commercially available footwear has been developed in order to increase energy return, although their efficacy has not been investigated. This study aimed to examine the effects of energy return footwear on running economy in relation to conventional running shoes. Twelve male runners completed 6-min steady-state runs in conventional and energy return footwear. Overall, oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio, shoe comfort and rating of perceived exertion were assessed. Moreover, participants subjectively indicated which shoe condition they preferred for running. Differences in shoe comfort and physiological parameters were examined using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, whilst shoe preferences were tested using a chi-square analysis. The results showed that VO2 and respiratory exchange ratio were significantly lower, and shoe comfort was significantly greater, in the energy return footwear. Given the relationship between running economy and running performance, these observations indicate that the energy return footwear may be associated with enhanced running performance in comparison to conventional shoes.  相似文献   

Research to enhance running performance has led to the design of a leaf spring-structured midsole shoe (LEAF). In treadmill running, it has been shown that LEAF led to an increased running economy and increased stride length (SL) through a horizontal foot shift during stance compared to a standard foam shoe (FOAM). The purpose of this study was to analyse whether (a) these findings can also be observed in overground running and (b) relations exist between spatio-temporal variables and running economy. Ten male long-distance heel-strike runners ran at their individual 2?mmol/l blood lactate speed with LEAF and FOAM in randomized order. Kinematic data were recorded with an inertial measurement unit synchronized with 2D video. Oxygen consumption was measured using an automated metabolic gas analysis system. Blood lactate was collected after each run. The strike pattern was unaffected by LEAF. SL was increased by 0.9?±?1.1?cm (95% CI 0.2 to 1.5; p?=?.040; dz?=?0.76), stride rate (SR) was reduced by ?0.4?±?0.3?strides/min (95% CI ?0.6 to ?0.1; p?=?.029; dz?=?0.82) and oxygen consumption tended to be reduced by 1% (?0.4?±?0.6?ml/min/kg; 95% CI ?0.8 to 0.0; p?=?.082; dz?=?0.62) when running with LEAF compared to FOAM. Changes in oxygen consumption in LEAF were correlated with SL (r?=?0.71; p?=?.022) and SR (r?=??0.68; p?=?.031). It can be concluded that LEAF has the potential to cause small changes in spatio-temporal variables during running. Runners increasing SL and decreasing SR in response to LEAF can achieve small improvements in running economy, which is beneficial in terms of performance.  相似文献   


In research on motor control, the detrimental effect of an internal focus of attention on movement execution of well-learned motor skills is a frequently replicated finding. This experimental study was designed to determine whether this effect is observed with physiological variables during endurance exercise. We examined whether the focus of attention can influence running economy (oxygen consumption at a set running speed). Trained runners had to focus their attention on three different aspects while running on a treadmill. For three consecutive 10-min periods, runners concentrated on the running movement, on their breathing, and on their surroundings. Results showed an increased running economy in the external focus condition. In line with research on motor control, endurance sport also shows that an external focus of attention is better than an internal focus in terms of the physiological performance measure of oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Mooses and colleagues suggest that running economy alone does not explain superior distance running performance in elite Kenyan runners. Whilst we agree with the multi-factorial hypothesis for Kenyan running success, we do not believe that running economy can be overlooked to the extent that it was based on this particular study. Based on the methods used and the range of athletes tested, in this response letter we question whether this study provides any basis for downplaying the influence of running economy or suggesting that other factors compensate for it to enable superior performance.  相似文献   

以天津商务职业学院24名男篮球队员为研究对象,通过跑台测试、因子分析法等,采用跑节省化、无氧阈和最大摄氧量对篮球运动员进行评价分析。结果显示:篮球运动员跑节省化的修正值在第一公因子中载荷最大,在第二、第三公因子中跑节省化相关指标的载荷量处于相对重要位置,在第四公因子中只有跑节省化时通气量;跑节省化、无氧阈和最大摄氧量三指标在评价篮球运动员有氧耐力时,跑节省化指标优势明显。提示:跑节省化可以作为评价篮球运动员有氧耐力的首选指标。  相似文献   

聚焦跑步时髌股关节生物力学特征,探究穿着不同极简指数(MI)跑鞋对髌股关节接触力、应力等的即刻影响。选取15名习惯后跟着地的健康男性跑者,分别穿着两种MI跑鞋(MI 86%极简跑鞋和MI 26%缓冲跑鞋),使用Vicon红外运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台同步采集3.33 m/s(速度变化范围±5%)跑速下的膝、踝关节运动学和地面反作用力,通过逆向动力学等计算股四头肌肌力、髌股关节接触力、髌股关节接触面积以及髌股关节接触应力。结果显示:两种跑鞋条件下的冲击力峰值和蹬地力峰值均无明显差异。与缓冲跑鞋相比,穿着极简跑鞋跑步时,膝关节最大屈曲角度显著降低(P<0.01);髌股关节接触面积显著减小(P<0.01);膝关节伸肌峰值力矩显著下降(P<0.01);髌股关节接触力和应力峰值均显著减小(P<0.05)。研究表明,相比缓冲跑鞋,穿着极简跑鞋在未影响触地后冲击力峰值的同时,通过降低伸膝力矩大幅度减少髌股关节接触力(下降17.02%)、降低髌股关节接触应力,从而有效改善支撑期髌股关节负荷,为进一步减小髌股关节疼痛综合征风险提供可能。  相似文献   

PurposeTo observe the relative change in foot-strike pattern, pressure characteristics, surface electromyography (sEMG) recordings, and stride characteristics in forefoot strike runners wearing both minimalist and traditional shoes during a 50-km run.MethodsFour experienced minimalist runners were enrolled in this study. Each runner ran a 50-km simulated run in both minimalist shoes and traditional shoes. Pressure data, sEMG recordings, and limited 3D motion capture data were collected during the initial 0.8 km and final 0.8 km for each trial.ResultsThree runners in the traditional shoe type condition and one runner in the minimalist shoe type condition demonstrated a more posterior initial contact area (midfoot strike (MFS) pattern) after the 50-km run, which was supported by increased activity of the tibialis anterior in the pre-contact phase (as per root mean square (RMS) values). In addition, in both pre- and post-run conditions, there were increased peak pressures in the minimalist shoe type, specifically in the medial forefoot. Muscle fatigue as defined by a decreased median frequency observed in isometric, constant force contractions did not correspond with our hypothesis in relation to the observed foot strike change pattern. Finally, step rate increased and step length decreased after the 50-km run in both shoe type conditions.ConclusionMore runners adopted a more posterior initial contact area after the 50-km run in the traditional shoe type than in the minimalist shoe type. The runners who adopted a more posterior initial contact area were more closely associated with an increased median frequency of the medial gastrocnemius, which suggests there may be a change in motor unit recruitment pattern during long-distance, sustained velocity running. The increased peak pressures observed in the medial forefoot in the minimalist shoe type may predispose to metatarsal stress fractures in the setting of improper training.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether male runners improve running performance, running economy, ankle plantar flexor strength, and alter running biomechanics and lower limb bone mineral density when gradually transitioning to using minimalist shoes for 100% of weekly running. The study was a planned follow-up of runners (n?=?50) who transitioned to minimalist or conventional shoes for 35% of weekly structured training in a previous 6-week randomised controlled trial. In that trial, running performance and economy improved more with minimalist shoes than conventional shoes. Runners in each group were instructed to continue running in their allocated shoe during their own preferred training programme for a further 20 weeks while increasing allocated shoe use to 100% of weekly training. At the 20-week follow-up, minimalist shoes did not affect performance (effect size: 0.19; p?=?0.218), running economy (effect size: ≤?0.24; p?≥?0.388), stride rate or length (effect size: ≤?0.12; p?≥?0.550), foot strike (effect size: ≤?0.25; p?≥?0.366), or bone mineral density (effect size: ≤?0.40; p?≥?0.319). Minimalist shoes increased plantar flexor strength more than conventional shoes when runners trained with greater mean weekly training distances (shoe*distance interaction: p?=?0.036). After greater improvements with minimalist shoes during the initial six weeks of a structured training programme, increasing minimalist shoe use from 35% to 100% over 20 weeks, when runners use their own preferred training programme, did not further improve performance, running economy or alter running biomechanics and lower limb bone mineral density. Minimalist shoes improved plantar flexor strength more than conventional shoes in runners with greater weekly training distances.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a verbal and visual feedback system on running technique, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and running economy. Twenty‐two female novice runners were randomly assigned to experimental (n = 11) and control (n = 11) groups. The experimental subjects received verbal and visual feedback concerning their running technique prior to and during each training run. Training involved 15 20‐min treadmill running sessions over a 5‐week period. The control group adhered to the same training routine but did not receive feedback concerning their running technique. High‐speed (100 Hz) photography was used to collect biomechanical data. A submaximal oxygen consumption test and Borg's RPE scale were used to collect data concerning running economy and perceived exertion, respectively. Statistical analysis using ANCOVA revealed that the proposed feedback system had a significant (P < 0.01) effect on the experimental group's running technique by affecting the following desired changes relative to the control group: greater relative stride lengths, shorter support time, greater ankle dorsiflexion during support and greater knee flexion during support and non‐support. There were no significant differences between the groups in submaximal VO2 or RPE. The results of this study suggest that verbal and visual feedback are effective means of eliciting modifications in running style in female novice runners. The link between modifications in running style and improvements in running economy and perceived exertion remains unclear.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a verbal and visual feedback system on running technique, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and running economy. Twenty-two female novice runners were randomly assigned to experimental (n = 11) and control (n = 11) groups. The experimental subjects received verbal and visual feedback concerning their running technique prior to and during each training run. Training involved 15 20-min treadmill running sessions over a 5-week period. The control group adhered to the same training routine but did not receive feedback concerning their running technique. High-speed (100 Hz) photography was used to collect biomechanical data. A submaximal oxygen consumption test and Borg's RPE scale were used to collect data concerning running economy and perceived exertion, respectively. Statistical analysis using ANCOVA revealed that the proposed feedback system had a significant (P less than 0.01) effect on the experimental group's running technique by affecting the following desired changes relative to the control group: greater relative stride lengths, shorter support time, greater ankle dorsiflexion during support and greater knee flexion during support and non-support. There were no significant differences between the groups in submaximal VO2 or RPE. The results of this study suggest that verbal and visual feedback are effective means of eliciting modifications in running style in female novice runners. The link between modifications in running style and improvements in running economy and perceived exertion remains unclear.  相似文献   

Contrary to elite performance that is approaching an asymptote, recent analyses suggested a trend for improvement in veterans. This might be attributable to a disproportionate increase in older age-group participation. We extracted 26 years (1987–2012) of men’s results of a running event in Switzerland, “La Course de l’Escalade” (7.25 km). We investigated trends in performance by five-year age-groups, taking the 10, 20, 30, and 50 fastest in each group, and then the 1st, 5th, and 10th percentiles. Taking the 10, 20, 30 or 50 fastest runners there was a trend for improvement ranging from 0.07 to 0.22 min·year?1 (p < .0001; 95% CI ?0.083 to ?0.049 and p < .0001; 95% CI ?0.250 to ?0.196 respectively) in the elder age-groups. Taking the 1st, 5th, and 10th percentiles there were no trends for improvement, and actual deteriorations up to 0.13 (p < .0001; 95% CI +0.119 to +0.138) min·year?1. Mixed-effect models with repeated measures for runners, confirmed a global deteriorating trend with an estimate of +0.11 min·year?1 (p < .0001; 95% CI +0.107 to +0.116). The results suggest that increases in performance in older runners arise from modifications of sampling from a growing population.  相似文献   

Exercise testing on motorised treadmills provides valuable information about running performance and metabolism; however, the impact of treadmill type on these tests has not been investigated. This study compared the energy demand of running on two laboratory treadmills: an HP Cosmos (C) and a Quinton (Q) model, with the latter having a 4.5 times stiffer running platform. Twelve experienced runners ran identical bouts on these treadmills at a range of four submaximal velocities (reported data is for the velocity that approximated 75–81% VO2max). The stiffer treadmill elicited higher oxygen consumption (C: 46.7 ± 3.8; Q: 50.1 ± 4.3 ml·kg?1 · min?1), energy expenditure (C: 16.0 ± 2.5; Q: 17.7 ± 2.9 kcal · min?1), carbohydrate oxidation (C: 9.6 ± 3.1; Q: 13.0 ± 3.9 kcal · min?1), heart rate (C: 155 ± 16; Q: 163 ± 16 beats · min?1) and rating of perceived exertion (C: 13.8 ± 1.2; Q: 14.7 ± 1.2), but lower fat oxidation (C: 6.4 ± 2.3; Q: 4.6 ± 2.5 kcal · min?1) (all analysis of variance treadmill comparisons < 0.01). This study confirms that caution is required when comparing performance and metabolic results between different treadmills and suggests that treadmills will vary in their comparability to over-ground running depending on the running platform stiffness.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of shoe drop on lower limb kinematics and kinetics in female runners.

Fifteen healthy female runners ran on a 15-m runway at their preferred speed with three different shoe-drop conditions: 0 (D0), 6 (D6) and 10 (D10) mm. Three-dimensional marker positions and ground reaction forces were recorded to analyse kinetic and kinematic parameters using zero- (0D) and one-dimensional (1D) metrics (statistical parametric mapping, SPM). Regarding 0D parameters, significantly higher loading rates and transient peaks were found in D0 compared to D6 and D10 conditions (both p?<?.01). For 1D analysis, significantly higher ankle dorsiflexion moments were found in D0 compared to D6 and D10 during the braking phase (p?<?.01). Lower knee extension moments between 52% and 55% and 61% and 65% of contact time (p?<?.05) were also found. No difference was found between D6 and D10 conditions (p?>?.05). As previously shown in men, this study demonstrates that shoe drop influences running kinematic and kinetic patterns. Using SPM analysis in conjunction with classical analysis, the study adds new understanding on the influence of shoes on joint moment during contact time.  相似文献   


Unstable footwear may enhance training effects to the lower-limb musculature and sensorimotor system during dynamic gym movements. This study compared the instability of an unstable shoe with irregular midsole deformations (IM) and a control shoe (CS) during forward and lateral lunges. Seventeen female gym class participants completed two sets of ten forward and lateral lunges in CS and IM. Ground reaction forces, lower-limb kinematics and ankle muscle activations were recorded. Variables around initial ground contact, toe-off, descending and ascending lunge phases were compared statistically (p < .05). Responses to IM compared to CS were similar across lunge directions. The IM induced instability by increasing the vertical loading rate (p < .001, p = .009) and variability of frontal ankle motion during descending (p = .001, p < .001) and ascending phases (p = .150, p = .003), in forward and lateral lunges, respectively. At initial ground contact, ankle adjustments enhanced postural stability in IM. Across muscles, there were no activation increases, although results indicate peroneus longus activations increased in IM during the ascending phase. As expected, IM provided a more demanding training stimulus during lunge exercises and has potential to reduce ankle injuries by training ankle positioning for unpredictable instability.  相似文献   


Current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines recommend replacing 150% of sweat losses between training bouts separated by ≤12 hours, but little evidence exists concerning the implications of this strategy for runners. Participants (n = 13) in this study replaced 75% (1637 ± 372 mL) or 150% (3099 ± 850 mL) of sweat losses following an outdoor evening run (~75 minutes; Wet-bulb-globe temperature (WBGT) = ~27°C) and consumed a standardised evening meal and breakfast before completing an outdoor (WBGT = ~23°C) 10-km time-trial the following morning. Urine was collected between runs and urine specific gravity (USG) was assessed pre-run. Significant differences were found in pre-run body mass (75% = 69.6 ± 9.2; 150% = 70.1 ± 9.3 kg; P = 0.02) and USG (75% = 1.026 ± 0.005; 150% = 1.014 ± 0.007; P < 0.001). Heart rate during 10-km run (168 ± 14 versus 168 ± 12 beats min?1) and post-run intestinal temperature (39.08 ± 0.52 versus 39.00 ± 0.70 °C) did not differ for 75% and 150%, respectively, despite an ~3% performance improvement (75% = 47.28 ± 6.64; 150% = 45.93 ± 6.04 minutes; P = 0.001) due to a faster pace in the second half of the run with 150% replacement. Session rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was lower (P = 0.02) during 150% (7.5 ± 1.3) versus 75% (8.4 ± 0.9). Reluctant drinkers potentially hinder training quality between evening and morning runs in the heat, but copious urine production and difficulty in consuming recommended fluid volumes suggest fluid replacement <150% may be more ideal.  相似文献   

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