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Longitudinal change in body composition for elite-level inter-county hurlers was reported over a single season and four consecutive seasons. Body composition measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of 66 senior, male, outfield players was obtained. Four successive measurements were taken: off-season (OFF1), pre-season (PRE), mid-season (MID) and the off-season of the following season (OFF2). A subsample of 11 hurlers were measured at all time points over 4 consecutive seasons. DXA-derived estimates of fat and lean mass were normalised to stature for analysis (kg?m?2); data are (mean [lower: upper, 95% confidence interval]). A concurrent increase of lean mass (0.31 [0.19: 0.43] kg?m?2) and loss of fat mass occurred (?0.38 [?0.50: ?0.26] kg?m?2) OFF1 to PRE. Lean mass accrual was maintained PRE to OFF2 while the initial loss of fat mass was restored MID to OFF2 (0.52 [0.40: 0.64] kg ? m?2), with the trunk acting as the primary region of change. Over the four seasons, a net increase of lean mass was observed (~ 0.9 [0.4: 1.4] kg per annum) with a negligible overall change for fat mass over time. However, the cycling of fat mass (OFF to PRE and MID to OFF) within each season was recurrent season-to-season.  相似文献   


In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated the body composition and dietary intake of 44 adolescent tennis players. After being divided into two groups (age 10–13 years and age 14–18), the players had their weight, height, and sexual maturation assessed. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to assess body composition. Food intake was obtained from a non-consecutive 4-day food record. The data were analysed using the Virtual Nutri v.1.0 software and compared with the present recommendations for adolescent athletes or dietary reference intakes. Body mass index and body fat for tennis practice were adequate for 89% and 71% of the tennis players respectively, regardless of age group. A calorie deficit greater than 10% of energy expenditure was observed in 32% of the sample. Fifty percent of the athletes consumed carbohydrates in accordance with recommended values. Protein and lipid intakes were above recommended values, while fibre, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid intakes were below recommendation for 98%, 80%, 100%, 100%, and 98% of the tennis players respectively. The observed nutritional deficiencies represent an additional barrier for adolescents engaged in competitive sports to achieve an optimum nutrition to maintain growth, health, and performance.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to compare equations for estimating percentage body fat from skinfold thickness in elite sport climbers by assessing their agreement with percentage body fat measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Skinfold thickness was measured in a convenience sample of 19 elite sport climbers [9 women and 10 men; mean age 31.2 years (s = 5.0) and 28.6 years (s = 3.6), respectively]. Percentage body fat was estimated using 17 different equations, and it was also measured by DXA. A significant inter-methods difference was observed for all equations, except for Durnin's equation in men (inter-methods difference: ?0.57% and ?0.29%; 1.96 s: 5.56 and 5.23 for Siri's and Brozek's equation, respectively) and women (inter-methods difference: ?0.67% and ?1.29% for Siri's and Brozek's equation, respectively), and for Wilmore's equation using Siri's body fat equation in women (inter-methods difference: ?1.86%). In women, the limits of agreement were lower when using Durnin's equation compared with Wilmore's equation (1.96 s: 3.86% and 5.13%, respectively). In conclusion, of the 17 studied equations, Durnin's equation was the most accurate in estimating percentage body fat in both male and female elite climbers. Therefore, Durnin's equation could be used to assess percentage body fat in elite sport climbers if more accurate methods are not available. The generalizability of the results is limited by the fact that the sample was not selected at random.  相似文献   


Body composition is a key consideration in the physical make-up of professional soccer players. The aims of the present study were to determine whether the body composition of professional soccer players varied according to playing position, international status or ethnicity, and to establish which variables best distinguished the soccer players from a reference group. Body composition was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 64 male professional soccer players. Measured variables included bone mineral density and the relative amounts of lean and fat mass. Data were analysed using analysis of variance and stepwise discriminant function. The soccer players recorded better values than a reference group (n = 24) for all body composition compartments. Percent lean mass and bone mineral density were the variables best able to identify the soccer players (95.5% correctly classified). Differences in body composition were evident between goalkeepers and outfield players, but not between outfield playing positions. No differences were found on the basis of international status. The non-Caucasian players demonstrated significantly lower percent body fat (9.2 ± 2.0%) than the Caucasian players (10.7 ± 1.8%). It was concluded that body composition is important for elite soccer players, but that homogeneity between players at top professional clubs results in little variation between individuals.  相似文献   

足球场上不同位置运动员身体形态特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对参加2004年欧洲杯、美洲杯和亚洲杯的足球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数的分析,来比较足球场上不同位置运动员的身体形态特征,揭示其一般规律,为运动训练和运动员的选材提供理论依据。  相似文献   


A squad of Premiership soccer players (n=24) provided informed consent to participate in this study. Using ISAK (International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry) accredited methods, a total of 39 measurements (sectioned as: skinfolds, girths, lengths, and breadths) were made for each player. The procedure involved three measures at each site to calculate a mean value and an acceptable technical error margin. All data collection was performed by an ISAK level 3 accredited anthropometrist. The data analysis consisted of demographic and anthropometric data, including fractionation of body mass and estimated body fat from sum of skinfolds. Scaling of the raw data was done by using the phantom strategem to obtain calculated data for inter-player comparison. Mean calculated scores for playing position were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed no differences between positions (F 15,41.810=0.783, P=0.688). Previous studies have reported heterogeneity between playing positions. However, in this study, stature and body mass were not different between strikers, midfielders, defenders, and goalkeepers. Research has suggested that a soccer player's anthropometric dimensions can be a major determinant for success within a playing position. In this study, within-position variation was quite large in some cases, which could indicate that a team that does not have the opportunity to hand-pick players, based on anthropometric characteristics, may be at a disadvantage.  相似文献   

运用测验法对浙江省跆拳道队8名女队员进行体成分与体重测量,通过现场观察法和访谈法调查冬训及体重控制情况,认为冬训体能训练使队员脂肪含量明显减少和肌肉含量明显增加,大部分队员体重略有下降,针对训练和饮食提出建议。  相似文献   

篮球、手球、足球运动员体成分及肌肉力量的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对篮球、手球、足球运动员的身体成分和肌肉力量进行比较分析,探讨三大球运动员身体素质的特点与差异,为运动训练以及运动员科学选材提供理论参考.方法:研究对象均为篮球、足球、手球二级以上专业运动员,均为男性,身高、体重、年龄和运动年限无明显差异,对研究对象进行体成分和肌肉力量测试及比较分析.结果:篮球组与手球组腹下脂肪比率、基础代谢、肥胖程度、BMI以及细胞液都有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);篮球组与足球组之间下肢和腹下脂肪与体重比存有差异性(P<0.05),胸下脂肪与体重比存有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);手球运动员与足球运动员之间肥胖程度、BMI、细胞液和基础代谢均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);在上下肢力量方面篮球运动员与手球和足球运动员存有非常显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:手球运动员在身高、体重、脂肪比率、BMI、细胞量、蛋白质、无机盐、细胞液方面都明显高于篮球和足球运动员;篮球运动员在力量方面比较占据优势;足球运动员身材相对较小,在体脂比率、BMI以及上下肢力量方面低于篮球和手球运动员.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the body composition of speed skaters who were candidates for the 1980 United States Olympic Team. Subjects were 19 males between 16 and 27 years of age. Most subjects had just completed three months of intensive dry-land training. Seven skinfold fat, 11 circumference, and seven diameter sites were measured. Body density was determined by underwater weighing. Study of the speed skaters (mean ± standard deviation) gave the following results: height, 176 ± 8 cm; body weight, 69.6 ± 7.0 kg; body density, 1.081 ± 0.006 g/ml; and relative fat, 7.6 ± 2.6%. The eight speed skaters who were selected for the Olympic Team were significantly older, taller, and heavier in total body weight and fat free weight (FFW) than the non-Olympians. Thus, years of training and greater FFW may help differentiate international caliber male speed skaters. Data on Olympic speed skating candidates from 1968 showed them to be of similar age (20.1 yr) and height (176 cm), but greater in body weight (73.9 kg). Relative fat was not determined but the body mass index (Wt/ht2) showed that the present speed skaters may be leaner (24.0 vs 22.2). These differences in body composition were thought to be, in part, a result of the more rigorous training program currently used by speed skaters. The body composition of the speed skaters was also compared to that of other athletic groups.  相似文献   

Body composition is a physiological variable associated with physical activity and, in some cases, is related to athletic performance. Our objectives were to describe the body composition of participants in three distinct Paralympic sports and to compare the values of body density and estimated body fat obtained from the Paralympic athletes on the National Team by air-displacement plethysmography (ADP) and by the anthropometric method (skinfolds (SFs)). The sample consisted of 70 volunteers of both genders. The body composition of the volunteers was evaluated using the ADP in a Bod Pod® and seven SFs. There were no significant differences between the values obtained by ADP and SF for body fat percentage (p?=?.58) and body density (p?=?.49). Analysis by Bland–Altman plots showed mean differences of 0.56?±?4.94 (?9.12–10.23) and ?0.0017?±?0.0113 (?0.024–0.020) for body fat percentage and body density, respectively. In conclusion, body composition analyses of Paralympic athletes by the ADP and SF methods show similar results, and ADP should be used as the first option when available. When the use of ADP is not possible, estimating body density and fat percentage by SF is a viable alternative for Paralympic athletes when future comparisons will use the same analysis method.  相似文献   

高校足球运动员比赛中不良心理活动的分析与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查分析5类外部因素对高校足球运动员赛前心理活动的不良影响,认为加强指导和心理训练是克服这些不良心理的有效措施。  相似文献   

使用身体成份分析仪,对天津市女子柔道队的20名运动员进行测量与分析,并通过访谈法和问卷法调查其控制体重的方法,指导教练员和运动员进行科学合理的体重控制,达到提高其运动能力的目的。  相似文献   

重竞技运动员慢性控重问题的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述摔跤、举重、散手等重竞技项目运动员慢性控重的原理、方法,即确定理想体重、适当控制饮食、加大运动量、充分的整理活动、确定减重的时间及速度;探讨慢性减重与身体成分之关系;提出慢性控重带来的医学问题:营养不良、饮食失调、骨密度减小、免疫机能下降、精神压力大,以及对运动能力的影响等。  相似文献   

Body composition measures were collected pre‐, mid‐ and post‐season on a team of eight national‐calibre collegiate women gymnasts to examine intraseason changes. Also analysed were interseason changes using pre‐ and post‐season data on five of the eight subjects during the current and previous year, according to a 2 x 2 (years x tests) analysis of variance repeated‐measures design. Skinfold, circumference and diameter measures were collected with percentage body fat, lean body mass and body density determined by regression equations developed specifically for collegiate female gymnasts.

Intraseason body weight decreased significantly from pre‐ to mid‐season (x = 55.0 and 53.6 kg respectively); but the difference between mid‐ and post‐season (53.9 kg) values was not significant (P>0.05). The majority of the 1.4 kg weight loss occurred during intense pre‐season conditioning and not during the actual season. Percentage body fat, on the other hand, decreased significantly from pre‐to mid‐season and mid‐ to post‐season (x = 21.4%, 17.4% and 13.45% respectively; P<0.0005). Body density increased significantly from pre‐ to mid‐season and mid‐ to post‐season (x = 1.0476, 1.0584 and 1.0681 respectively; P<0.0005). Of the circumference and skinfold values used in calculating percentage body fat and body density, only the skinfold values displayed significant decreases throughout the season.

Interseason analyses revealed no significant changes in any of the dependent measures between seasons, despite consistent trends. There were no significant years x tests interactions and all intraseason changes for two seasons (n = 5) were the same as those found in more detailed analysis of a single season (n = 8) except in the case of weight loss, which was marginally significant (P < 0.046) in the single‐season and not in the dual‐season analysis (P>0.05).

Body composition of these gymnasts changed in many ways within competitive seasons. The most pronounced changes observed were decreases in subcutaneous fat and increases in body density. This study reinforces the need for administrators, coaches and athletes to be concerned with percentage body fat and skinfold measures rather than weight alone when determining if a person is ‘fat’.  相似文献   


Pre-season rugby training develops the physical requisites for competition and consists of a high volume of resistance training and anaerobic and aerobic conditioning. However, the effects of a rugby union pre-season in professional athletes are currently unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of a 4-week pre-season on 33 professional rugby union players. Bench press and box squat increased moderately (13.6 kg, 90% confidence limits ±2.9 kg and 17.6 ± 8.0 kg, respectively) over the training phase. Small decreases in bench throw (70.6 ± 53.5 W), jump squat (280.1 ± 232.4 W), and fat mass (1.4 ± 0.4 kg) were observed. In addition, small increases were seen in fat-free mass (2.0 ± 0.6 kg) and flexed upper-arm girth (0.6 ± 0.2 cm), while moderate increases were observed in mid-thigh girth (1.9 ± 0.5 cm) and perception of fatigue (0.6 ± 0.4 units). Increases in strength and body composition were observed in elite rugby union players after 4 weeks of intensive pre-season training, but this may have been the result of a return to fitness levels prior to the off-season. Decreases in power may reflect high training volumes and increases in perceived of fatigue.  相似文献   

目的:探讨我国优秀男子柔道运动员身体成分特征及与无氧代谢能力的关系。方法:以中国国家男子柔道队59名优秀运动员为研究对象.采用InBody3.0多频分段生物电阻抗身体成分测试仪(韩国Biospace公司)进行身体成分的测定,采用30s Wingate测定无氧代谢能力。结果:我国优秀男子柔道运动员身体成分特点为低体脂率,高瘦体重;体脂百分比、瘦体重和肌肉重量等指标表现出明显的体重级别特征;与拳击、跆拳道、摔跤等项目运动员相比,体脂百分比较低,瘦体重,体重、肌肉重量,体重比值较高。同时,健将运动员肌肉的爆发力和速度耐力均优于一级运动员;体重、瘦体重、肌肉重量和蛋白总量都与PP、AP和Pd呈高度正相关,同时肌肉重量与PP和AP表现出更高的相关性。结论:我国优秀男子柔道运动员身体成分具有明显的项目特征,同时运动员的最大做功和运动能力与肌肉的体积关系密切。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate dietary intake and body composition of elite rhythmic gymnastics (RG) athletes prior to a competition event. Sixty-seven rhythmic gymnasts (18.7 ± 2.9 years old) of high performance level, with 36.6 ± 7.6 h of training/week were evaluated in order to collect training and competition data, medical and gynaecological history, detailed dietary intake and body composition before an international competition. The majority of the participants (n = 40; 59.7%) had already menstruated, but age of menarche was delayed (15.3 ± 1.3 years) and all revealed menstrual irregularities. Gymnasts' body mass (48.4 ± 4.9 kg) and body mass index (BMI; 17.4 ± 1.1 kg/m2) were below the normal for age, and height (1.66 ± 0.05 m) was normal or even slightly above normal for age. Body fat was 9.0 ± 2.0% with no significant differences between age strata. Gymnasts exhibited low energy availability (EA; 31.5 ± 11.9 kcal/kg fat-free mass (FFM)/day). The average carbohydrate and protein intakes were 5.1 ± 2.3 g/kg/day and 1.6 ± 04 g/kg/day, which correspond to 51.4 ± 7.2% and 16.9 ± 3.4% of total energy intakes, respectively; average fat contribution was 33.0 ± 5.3%. Low intakes of pantothenic acid, folate and vitamins D, E and K and of minerals, including calcium, iron and magnesium were reported. Intakes of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C and manganese and zinc were above-adequate (P < 0.05). Low EA, low body fat and micronutrient deficiencies are common among RG.  相似文献   

两种方法评价武术运动员身体成分的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过人工测量法 (使用皮脂厚度计和皮尺 )和生物电阻抗法 (BioelectricalImpedanceAssessment,BIA) ,对北京体育大学的 71名国家武术运动员的体脂百分比和腰臀围之比进行了测量与评估。结果表明 :对男武术运动员 ,两种方法测量和评价结果非常一致 ,具有很高的相关性和可信度 ;但对女武术运动员 ,BIA方法比人工测量法结果普遍偏高 ,二者存在显著性差异  相似文献   

对齐齐哈尔市冬泳协会的116名冬泳爱好者进行身体成分测试。结果显示:长期进行冬泳运动,可以改善中老年人的身体成分,降低体脂百分比和肥胖发生率,提高身体素质,对预防心血管疾病及老年性骨质疏松具有积极意义。  相似文献   

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