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Attaining high speed of the stick head and consequently of the ball is essential for successful performance of the drag flick in field hockey, but the coordination pattern used to maximise stick head speed is unknown. The kinematics of the drag flick was studied in ten elite hockey players who performed twenty shots each towards a target located 1.5 m high. A 150 Hz active marker motion analysis system was used, alongside two force plates to detect foot touchdown. Angular velocity and contribution to stick endpoint speed of upper body joints were analysed. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare timing of onset and peak angular velocities between joints. Participants used a kinematic pattern that was close to a proximal-to-distal sequence. Trunk axial rotation and lateral rotation towards the target, right wrist flexion and left wrist extension were the main contributors to stick endpoint speed. Coaches should emphasise trunk rotations and wrist flexion and extension movements for maximising stick head speed. Given the high level of the participants in this study, the coordination of joints motions, as reported here, can serve as a guideline for drag flick training.  相似文献   


The quiet eye (QE) is a gaze phenomenon that has been studied over more than two decades. However, the underlying mechanisms of the well-known expertise effect, namely, longer QE durations in experts when compared to less-skilled athletes remain unclear. Therefore, from a functional perspective, an inhibition hypothesis was proposed that explains long QE durations in experts with increased inhibition requirements over movement parametrisation. This hypothesis was tested by making use of the especial-skill effect in basketball free throw which refers to the observation of higher actual performance than would be predicted on the basis of performance at the nearby locations. In line with the expectations, from the distance of the free-throw line, higher actual than predicted shooting accuracy and longer actual than predicted QE duration were revealed. This suggests that when performing free throws prolonged QE durations are required to shield the optimal against alternative task solutions within the very dense sub-space of this especial skill. These findings suggest an inhibition function of long QE durations in expert athletes.  相似文献   

Tournament preparation in golf is used by players to increase course knowledge, develop strategy, optimise playing conditions and facilitate self-regulation. It is not known whether specific behaviours in tournament preparation should be given priority in education and practice at different stages of competition. This study aimed to achieve consensus on the importance of specific tournament preparation behaviours or “items” to players of five competitive levels. A two-round Delphi study was used, including an expert panel of 36 coaches, high-performance staff, players and academics. Participants were asked to score the relative importance of 48 items to players using a 5-point Likert-type scale. For an item to achieve consensus, 67% agreement was required in two adjacent score categories. Consensus was reached for 46 items and these were used to develop a ranked framework for each competitive level. The developed framework provides consensus-based guidelines of the behaviours that are perceived as important in tournament preparation. This framework could be used by national sport organisations to guide the development of more comprehensive learning environments for players and coaches. It could also direct future studies examining the critical behaviours for golfers across different competitive levels.  相似文献   

Social identity – identity formed through membership in groups – may play an important role in regulating intrateam moral behaviour in youth sport (Bruner, M. W., Boardley, I., & Côté, J. (2014). Social identity and prosocial and antisocial behavior in youth sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 56–64. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.003). The aim of this study was to qualitatively examine this potential role through stimulated recall interviews with competitive youth-ice-hockey players. Twenty-three players (Mage = 13.27 years, SD = 1.79) who reported engaging in high, median or low frequency of antisocial teammate behaviour (determined through pre-screening with the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale [Kavussanu, M., & Boardley, I. D. (2009). The prosocial and antisocial behavior in sport scale. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 31(1), 97–117. doi:10.1123/jsep.31.1.97]) were recruited from eight youth-ice-hockey teams in Canada. Interviews involved participants recalling their thoughts during prosocial/antisocial interactions with teammates, prompted by previously recorded video sequences of such incidents. Thematic analysis of interview data revealed all athletes – regardless of reported frequency of intrateam antisocial behaviour – felt prosocial interactions with teammates enhanced social identity. In contrast, the perceived influence of antisocial teammate behaviour on social identity differed depending on athletes’ reported frequency of intrateam antisocial behaviour; those reporting low and median frequencies described how such behaviour undermines social identity, whereas athletes reporting high frequency did not perceive this effect. The study findings highlight the potential importance of intrateam moral behaviour and social identity for youth-sport team functioning.  相似文献   

我国优秀男子武术套路运动员运动损伤的调查与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法,对参加2004年"枝江大曲杯"全国武术男子套路锦标赛的80名运动员进行运动损伤的调查与分析。结果表明:发病率列前4位的依次为关节韧带损伤、肌肉劳损、肌肉拉伤、骨膜炎,发生运动损伤的主要原因有过度疲劳未恢复、准备活动不充分、自我保护意识欠缺、局部负担量过大等。  相似文献   

In their recent contribution to JPS, Gleaves and Llewellyn argue on lusory and ethical grounds that elite sporting competition should cease to be predicated on competitions between nations. From a lusory perspective, they argue that inter-national sports’ limitation on who can compete (due to it being based on national and cultural criteria) undermines some of the central principles of elite sport, such as athletic supremacy and merit. From an ethical perspective, they argue that inter-national sport is categorically unethical because the national and cultural narratives that frame such contests are inherently untruthful and inauthentic. In this article, we challenge Gleaves and Llewellyn on both these grounds and argue that national identity and representation are worthy values that can be achieved through sport, and that inter-national sport, far from being categorically unethical, has the potential to stimulate meaningful cultural conversations, both within and between national communities.  相似文献   

Structured talent identification and development, it has been argued, is one of the foundations of international sporting success and many modern elite sport systems have applied normative talent development (TD) models. The success of Norwegian handball, however, is based on an alternative approach to TD. Norwegian handball is characterized by a heterarchical organizational structure in which several key actors function highly autonomously. The aim of this article is three-fold: (a) to describe the organization of TD in Norwegian handball, (b) to identify how the inherent organizational characteristics of Norwegian handball have influenced the TD processes used and (c) to discuss if contemporary TD models provide an adequate conceptualization of the model used in Norwegian handball. This case study includes three units of analysis: (i) the overall organizational structure of Norwegian handball, (ii) the characteristics of the key actors involved and (iii) the inter-communication and collaborations of the key actors. The data sources were (a) documents and (b) interviews with 11 key informants. The informants were selected strategically to represent experienced coaches and professionals from multiple organizational units. The National Handball Federation uses a broad-based model for TD: 23% of male handball players and 15% of female handball players from the age of 13–17 years participate in regional-level initiatives in addition to practising daily in community-based volunteer sport clubs and sport schools. Findings reveal that the broad base of TD initiatives creates multiple access points to the talent pipeline for adolescents. However, because the heterarchical structure involves many actors, the unintended consequences are often related to (im)properly managing training and competition loads. There is a need therefore for well-developed coordination mechanisms and good communication between the key actors involved.  相似文献   

高校高水平运动队建设的调整与革新   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
坚守高校高水平运动队建设使命的3个命题为:确立“以人为本”的核心理念;体现竞技体育的价值;攀登竞技体育的顶峰。高校办队应当关注运动员“后竞技”发展;进行生源结构调整;实现教练员定位的转变。高校办队的着力点要抓住新时期学校体育改革为革新高校高水平运动队建设提供的机遇;激发更多高等学校成为有繁荣我国竞技体育意识和能力的主体;创设育人为本的办队制度和文化精神氛围;加速竞技体育体制改革,突破“体教结合”的体制性障碍。  相似文献   

Sophisticated data analytical methods such as data mining, where the focus is upon exploration and developing new insights, are becoming increasingly useful tools in analysing elite sports performance data and supporting decision making that is crucial to gaining success. In this article, we investigate the different data mining demands of elite sports with respect to a number of features that describe sport competitions. The aim is to more structurally connect the sports and data mining domains through: (a) describing a framework for categorizing elite sports, and (b) understanding the analytical demands of different performance analysis problems. Therefore, we review different aspects such as sport categories and performance analysis requirements that influence each stage in sports data mining. We also present a model bringing together performance analysis requirements, data mining methods, data mining techniques, and technique characteristics. This will assist both data scientists and sport professionals to more effectively collaborate and contribute to success in elite sport events.  相似文献   

Research has revealed that field hockey drag flickers have greater odds of hip and lumbar injuries compared to non-drag flickers (DF). This study aimed to compare the biomechanics of a field hockey hit and a specialised field hockey drag flick. Eighteen male and seven female specialised hockey DF performed a hit and a drag flick in a motion analysis laboratory with an 18-camera three-dimensional motion analysis system and a calibrated multichannel force platform to examine differences in lower limb and lumbar kinematics and kinetics. Results revealed that drag flicks were performed with more of a forward lunge on the left lower limb resulting in significantly greater left ankle dorsiflexion, knee, hip and lumbar flexion (Ps<0.001) compared to a hit. Drag flicks were also performed with significantly greater lateral flexion (P < 0.002) and rotation of the lumbar spine (P < 0.006) compared to a hit. Differences in kinematics lead to greater shear, compression and tensile forces in multiple left lower limb and lumbar joints in the drag flick compared to the hit (P < 0.05). The biomechanical differences in drag flicks compared to a hit may have ramifications with respect to injury in field hockey drag flickers.  相似文献   

"体教结合"与高校高水平运动队建设   总被引:79,自引:1,他引:79  
运用以人为本、统筹兼顾的科学发展观来重新审视,“体教结合”应是文化教育与运动员训练和成长全过程的结合。高校办高水平运动队应该是“体教结合”的一种最佳模式。高校办高水平运动队有其内在动力,体育部门提出的“体教结合”与高校高水平运动队建设存在一定的差异。针对两个部门存在的分歧与困惑,提出建议,认为实现体育与教育的有机融合,是培养竞技体育后备人才、实现竞技体育可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to gather information from scientific literature related to all steps of Van Mechelen’s “sequence of prevention” for injuries applied to youth and adult recreational field hockey players. A systematic review was conducted in Medline via Pubmed and in SPORTDiscus via EBSCOhost. Twenty-six original studies were included. Regarding injury incidence (step 1) results showed several overall injury incidence rates (youth: 1.47 per 1,000 Athlete Exposure (AE) time-loss (TL) injury up to 11.32 per 1,000 AE TL ánd non-time loss (NTL) injury, adults: 2.2 NTL injury per 1,000 AE, 15.2 injury per 1,000 hours of sports participation). Considering games and practices, most injuries were sustained in games (youth: 4.9, adults: 7.87 per 1,000 AE). Considering body parts, highest injury incidence rates were found in body parts in the lower extremities (youth: knee injuries in games (0.33 per 1,000 AE), adults: hamstring injuries in pre-season (0.75 per 1,000 AE)) and injuries in the head/face/eye (youth: 0.66 and adults: 0.94 head/face/eye, 0.71 head/face and 0.63 concussion per 1,000 AE). Regarding aetiology (step 2), no studies were found. Regarding the efficacy of available interventions (step 3 and 4), one study was found among youth players, describing a warm-up programme.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of match-related fatigue on physical and technical skill performance in ball playing positions at two different levels of rugby league competition. Time-motion analyses were performed using global positioning systems from 6 elite National Rugby League (NRL) and 11 junior elite National Youth Competition (NYC) players from 45 matches. A standardised 5-point technical coding criteria was used to qualitatively assess skill involvements during match-play. The distance travelled in the 0–5 and 40–45 min period were significantly higher compared to the 30–35, 35–40, 70–75 and 75–80 min periods (P < 0.001). Skill rating and involvements were higher in the 0–5 and 40–45 min compared to 70–75 and 75–80 min periods (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively).There was no significant difference in the number of physical collisions between the 5-min periods (P = 0.051). Following the peak 5-min bout of exercise intensity there were reductions in distance (P < 0.001), quality of skill involvements (P < 0.001), number of involvements (P < 0.001) and collisions (P < 0.001). Elite NRL and NYC “ball players” exhibit reductions in physical performance towards the end of matches and following brief periods of intense exercise. There also appears to be a reduction in technical performance for NRL and NYC ball players, which may be attributable to match-related fatigue.  相似文献   


The physical demands of English Premier League soccer goalkeepers were quantified during training and match-play in a two-part study. Goalkeeper-specific micromechanical electrical systems (MEMS) devices, profiled training and match-day activities throughout one competitive week (n=8; part A). Changes in MEMS-derived outputs were also profiled throughout match-play (100 matches; n=8, 18±14 observations per goalkeeper; part B). In part A, goalkeeping-training elicited the most dives (51±11) versus all activities (all p≤0.030) except shooting-training (p=0.069). Small-sided games elicited the fewest (5±3) dives (all p≤0.012). High-speed distance covered in match (103±72 m) was similar to goalkeeping-training (p=0.484), while exceeding shooting-training, small-sided games, pre-match shooting, and pre-match warm-up (all p=0.012). Most changes of direction (34±12) and explosive efforts (70±18) occurred during goalkeeping-training, with values exceeding match (both p=0.012). In part B, between-half reductions in total distance, but increased high-speed changes of direction and explosive efforts, occurred (both p≤0.05). Excluding the number of high jumps, all variables differed from 0-15-min during at least one match epoch, with more dives (1.3±1.4 vs 1.0±1.1) and explosive efforts (2.5±2.4 vs 2.0±1.8) performed between 75-90-min versus 0-15-min (all p<0.05). These data highlight the differing physical demands of various activities performed by professional soccer goalkeepers throughout a competitive week.  相似文献   

The ability to quickly locate objects within the visual field has a significant influence on athletic performance. Saccades are conjugate eye movements responsible for the rapid shift that brings a new part of the visual field into foveal vision. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sport expertise and intense physical effort on saccade dynamics during a free-viewing visual search task in skilled soccer players. Two groups of male subjects participated in this study: 18 soccer players and 18 non-athletes as the control group. Two sessions of visual search tasks without a sport-specific design were employed. Eye movements during the visual search tasks were recorded binocularly. Between pre- and post-test sessions, athletes performed a maximal incremental treadmill test. Cardiorespiratory parameters were measured continuously. Capillary lactate samples were collected. Pre-test findings indicated that athletes, in comparison to non-athletes, achieve higher values of the following characteristics of saccades (1) average acceleration, (2) acceleration peak, (3) deceleration peak, and (4) average velocity. An increase in post-test saccade duration and a decrease in post-test saccade velocity was observed in athletes due to the strenuous physical effort in relation to the pre-test state. Athletes may transfer high saccadic function efficiency to non-specific visual stimuli. The findings partially confirm that physical exertion can reduce oculomotor efficiency in athletes.  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between multidimensional performance characteristics and level of performance in talented youth field hockey players, elite youth players (n = 38, mean age 13.2 years, s = 1.26) were compared with sub-elite youth players (n = 88, mean age 14.2 years, s = 1.26) on anthropometric, physiological, technical, tactical and psychological characteristics. Multivariate analyses with performance level and gender as factors, and age as the covariate, showed that the elite youth players scored better than the sub-elite youth players on technical (dribble performance in a peak and repeated shuttle run), tactical (general tactics; tactics for possession and non-possession of the ball) and psychological variables (motivation) (P <?0.05). The most discriminating variables were tactics for possession of the ball, motivation and performance in a slalom dribble. Age discriminated between the two groups, indicating that the elite youth players were younger than the sub-elite players. In the guidance of young talented players to the top as well as in the detection of talented players, more attention has to be paid to tactical qualities, motivation and specific technical skills.  相似文献   

To identify performance characteristics that could help predict future elite field hockey players, we measured the anthropometric, physiological, technical, tactical, and psychological characteristics of 30 elite and 35 sub-elite youth players at the end of three consecutive seasons. The mean age of the players at the end of the first season was 14.2 years (s = 1.1). Repeated-measures analyses of covariance, with standard of performance and measurement occasion as factors and age as a covariate, showed that the elite players fared better than the sub-elite players on technical and tactical variables. Female elite youth players also scored better on interval endurance capacity, motivation, and confidence. Future elite players appear to have excellent tactical skills by the age of 14. They also have good specific technical skills and develop these together with interval endurance capacity better than sub-elite youth players in the subsequent 2 years. To verify our conclusions, we will be tracking these players into adulthood.  相似文献   

主要从管理体制改革、完善主教练负责制、教体结合、退役运动员的安置等方面,阐述西北地区优秀运动队管理体制的现状、存在的问题。通过对西北5省区的实地调查和问卷调查等方法,收集了大量资料。经过统计和综合分析,对西北地区优秀运动队管理体制的改革、运动队向单项协会化过渡、教体(训)结合的具体实施、退役运动员的安置等当前急待解决的问题提出建议和对策,供领导决策参考。  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the relationship between regular game-related caffeine consumption on sleep after an evening Super Rugby game. Methods: Twenty elite rugby union players wore a wrist-activity monitor to measure sleep for three days before, three days after and on the night of an evening Super Rugby game (19:00–21:00). Players ingested caffeine as they would normally (i.e. before and sometimes during a game) and saliva samples were collected before (17:00) and after (21:30) the game for caffeine concentration. Results: Compared to the nights leading up to the game, on the night of the game, players went to bed 3?h later (23:08?±?66?min vs 02:11?±?114?min; p?p?p?p?p?p?=?.06) on game night. Conclusion: Caffeine consumption before a Super Rugby game markedly increases post-game saliva caffeine levels. This may contribute to the observed 3.5?h delay in time at sleep onset and the 1.5?h reduction in sleep duration on the night of the game. This study highlights the need for a strategic approach to the use of caffeine within a Super Rugby team considering the potential effect on post-game sleep.  相似文献   

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