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分析性外语课堂互动中口头纠正反馈作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纠正反馈的作用一直是外语课堂研究的一个热点,但大多局限在口语课上,而对分析性外语课堂的研究较少。采用实验方法,探究了不同的口头纠正性反馈方式在分析性外语课堂互动中的作用。讨论了几种不同的纠正性反馈方式以及由此产生的几种不同的学习者接纳的频率和分布情况,还探究了在不同的分析性外语课堂教学活动中,不同纠正性反馈方式的频率和分布情况。并引出下一个研究问题:究竟哪种策略更能引起学生注意反馈呢?  相似文献   

There are many kinds of corrective feedback for SLA learners, which include explicit feedback, recast and prompts. Since teacher plays a very important role in SLA teaching, we should carefully use corrective feedback. From the book A Research Agenda For Second Language Acquisition Of Pre-literate And Low-literate Adult And Adolescent Learners' s examples and my own real teaching experience, I assume that teacher should choose different corrective feedback to different students. Their learning abilities, English levels as well as their characteristics and personalities should be all taken into account when you are giving a corrective feedback to students. In other words, as a SLA teacher, we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude. And teachers better use different corrective feedback when they are going to response or react to their different students.  相似文献   

大学英语写作教学中的纠错反馈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章讨论了大学英语写作教学中有关纠错反馈的理论基础——输入输出假说以及纠错反馈的研究进展。认为教师应重视自己在纠错反馈中的角色,教师应知道纠正什么、何时纠错和如何纠错;还应重视学生在纠错反馈中的角色,了解学生的喜好和愿望,重视和引导学生进行自我纠正和同辈反馈。  相似文献   

周杰 《怀化学院学报》2012,(12):119-122
近些年来,二语课堂的师生互动研究在二语习得领域中备受关注。其中,修正性反馈是最为核心的部分。主要通过实证探讨大学英语课堂中教师修正性反馈与学习者接纳之间的关系。实验结果表明,引起学习者最多接纳的反馈是元语言反馈,其次是引导和要求澄清,再次是明确纠错和重复,最后是重铸。此外,学习者语言水平对修正性反馈的效果、接纳和修正错误都有影响。  相似文献   

文章根据Lyster和RantA所给的模式,通过一定量的课堂观察等实验,对综合英语课堂中教师的口语纠正反馈对学生的语言输入和语言输出的影响进行分析。结果发现,交际互动中教师对学生口语错误的纠正反馈能较大程度上引起学生对正确语言的理解,并对错误做出一定量的修正;适当的教师纠正反馈能加强学生的语言输入,促进学生正确的语言输出,对学生英语学习有积极的影响,因此,在综合英语课堂中教师对学生的口语错误有必要进行适当的纠正反馈。  相似文献   

It is known that corrective feedback is effective in developing English learners' interlanguage.Therefore,it is meaningful to discuss the effectiveness of corrective feedback in the context of EFL in China and to find instructive ways in the classroom implication.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of oral repeated reading, with and without corrective feedback, on the fluency and comprehension skills of 60 struggling readers in 7th Grade. Comparisons were made by group on narrative and expository reading ability and by comprehension question type. Students were randomly assigned to one of two reading groups (oral repeated reading with corrective feedback and oral repeated reading without corrective feedback). Participants in each group were required to repeatedly read a narrative and an expository passage. Statistical analyses (namely, repeated measures ANOVA and ANCOVA) were used to determine the overall effects on fluency and comprehension and differential effects demonstrated by groups on text type and comprehension question type. Results indicated that both forms of intervention improved fluency and comprehension. Limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

纠正性反馈是二语习得研究领域的一个热门话题。它不仅令学习者意识到自身的二语水平和目标语之间的差距,并且提供机会让他们修正自己的语言输出,从而提高自身的语言水平。本研究对本校非英语专业学生对口语教学中教师提供纠正性反馈的态度进行了抽样调查,并分析了学生个体因素对这种态度的形成所产生的影响,以启示教师在口语教学中更为合理有效地运用纠正性反馈。  相似文献   

文章采用三种方法对学生英语口语的纠正反馈在CLT课堂的重要性进行了实证研究。先通过访谈、问卷调查了教师和学生对纠正反馈的态度和偏好,再运用听课记录分析了教师对学生错误纠正的频率,以及纠正反馈所产生的作用。调查结果发现,大部分老师和学生对纠正反馈持肯定态度,交际互动中老师对学生口语错误的纠正反馈能较大程度上引起学生对正确语言的理解并对错误做出一定量的修正。据此,本研究认为,在CLT课堂中,适当的纠正反馈是重要的,必不可少的,对学生的英语学习有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

在反馈理论和过程体裁法指导下,采用实验方法,探讨三种方式纠正反馈对提高商务英语写作准确性的作用,发现三种反馈方式都在一定程度上提高了商务英语写作准确性,表明全面、清晰、直接的纠正反馈在短期内对提高学生写作准确性有显著作用,还表明纠正反馈后修改重写对提高商务英语写作准确性非常必要。  相似文献   

The discussion on the role of corrective feedback is part of a larger discussion on the role of ‘focusing on form’ in foreign language teaching (Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998). Studies conducted in communicative and content-based foreign language teaching (FLT) settings have shown that some focus on form seems to be required for learners to ‘notice the gap’ (in: R. Day (Ed.), Talking to Learn, Newbury House, Rowley, MA, pp. 237–326) between their erroneous utterances and the target language.This article discusses the role of different types of oral corrective feedback in analytic FLT. Stern (in: B. Harley, P. Allen, J. Cummins, M. Swain (Eds.), The Development of Second Language Proficiency, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 93–109; Issues and options in language teaching, Oxford University Press, Oxford) refers to FLT as analytic when the focus of instruction is on the form of the foreign language as opposed to more content-based approaches where the focus is on meaning and content. Typical for analytic FLT are discrete point presentation along with feedback on formal error. This type of FLT is still common practice in Belgian secondary schools.The study explores the role of different kinds of corrective feedback in an analytic setting (German as a foreign language in Flanders, Belgium). The frequency and distribution of several corrective feedback types together with the frequency and distribution of different types of learner uptake following each feedback type (see Stud. Second Language Acquisit. 19 (1997) 37) are discussed. The question then is which strategy is to be preferred in terms of noticing the feedback.  相似文献   

Schmidt的注意假设认为,反馈可以帮助学习者注意到自己的中介语与目的语之间的差距,有助于中介语的发展。基于此,采用口试及访谈,探究哪种纠正反馈类型更能引起学习者对语言形式的注意和更易被学习者接纳。研究表明,所有纠正反馈都能在不同程度上引起学习者对语言形式的注意;元语言提示和诱导最能引起学习者的注意;学习者的注意度越高,接纳率也越高。  相似文献   

学术界普遍认为纠正性反馈对二语习得是有积极作用的。重铸已经被证明为使用频率最高的纠正性反馈方法,它的作用在二语习得研究方面受到越来越多的关注。我们对重铸的特征及其有效性的认识不断扩展,目前普遍认为,重铸的有效性受制于多种变量。本文通过文献研究,尝试探究有效重铸的特征并就如何进行有效反馈提出建议。  相似文献   

Most theories predict that when people indicate that they are highly confident they are producing their strongest responses. Hence, if such a high confidence response is in error it should be overwritten only with great difficulty. In contrast to this prediction, we have found that people easily correct erroneous responses to general information questions endorsed as correct with high-confidence, so long as the correct answer is given as feedback. Three potential explanations for this unexpected hypercorrection effect are summarized. The explanation that is tested here, in two experiments, is that after a person commits a high-confidence error the correct answer feedback, being surprising or unexpected, is given more attention than is accorded to the feedback to low-confidence errors. This enhanced attentional capture leads to better memory. In both experiments, a tone detection task was presented concurrently with the corrective feedback to assess the attentional capture of feedback stimuli. In both, tone detection was selectively impaired during the feedback to high confidence errors. It was also negatively related to final performance, indicating that the attention not devoted to the tone detection was effectively engaged by the corrective feedback. These data support the attentional explanation of the high-confidence hypercorrection effect.  相似文献   

为求证直接纠错反馈能否提高学习者外贸函电写作的语法准确性,在某大专院校二年级英语专业学生中进行了实验研究。被试分为接受直接纠错反馈组与未接受纠错反馈组。经过一学期的写作教学,被试共完成五篇信函写作。研究表明:本次实验中直接纠错反馈未能有效提高学习者外贸函电的语法准确性。  相似文献   

为探寻中国英语课堂上教师所用的口头反馈规律,本文通过对课堂观察数据的分析得出以下发现:无论出现哪种错误,“复述”都是教师使用频率最高的一种反馈类型,形式协商只能引起很小一部分的正确吸纳。本文还根据课堂上学生对纠正性反馈的反应情况,分析不同反馈形式在各错误种类下的即时效果,从而对教师在英语课堂上如何使用纠正性反馈提出建议,如用加强语气来辅助“复述”等。  相似文献   

通过对西南地区某高校大学英语课教师和学生的问卷调查及访谈,发现:在传统大学英语教学环境下,书面任务反馈的对象丰富,但方式传统,以教师纠正性反馈为主,评价简单;师生均认为反馈对学生学习提高有一定效果;学生希望得到更多的来自老师的详细反馈,而教师认为当前的反馈方式耗时较多,效率较低,应采用多元化的反馈方式。反馈理论的成果难以引用于实际,建议研究者关注转变学生对教师依赖,以改变大学英语书面任务反馈的方式,提高效率。  相似文献   

重述通常被认为是一种隐性纠错反馈。然而,大量的课堂和实验研究发现,重述式纠错反馈经常受到某些因素的制约而凸显其隐蔽性和显著性。本文回顾了与重述有关的隐性反馈和显性反馈的研究成果,总结了制约重述两种反馈互相转换的因素及如何提高重述的有效性,并尝试探究重述这一复合特性在语言习得中表现出的交际功能和教导功能。  相似文献   

This study focused on a social interaction theory of the development of cognitive self-regulation. Specifically, the effect of mother-child interaction on the child's ability to problem solve was investigated. The general predictions were (1) children who interacted with their mothers throughout a problem-solving task would subsequently exhibit improved independent performance over practice-control children, who received corrective feedback from a female experimenter at the end of the task; (2) mothers would be more responsible for task activities, would more often regulate their child's task behaviors, and offer more specific verbal content when task demands on child competence increased than when they decreased. 60 3- and 5-year-olds either worked with their mothers or practiced alone and were given corrective feedback on a sorting task in which miniature pieces of furniture were placed in a doll house. As predicted, children who interacted with their mothers subsequently created more correct, adult-like groupings independently than children who received corrective feedback. Mothers displayed more task responsibility and regulation with younger children and when task demands on children of both age groups increased. Maternal verbal content became less specific when task demands decreased. Child performance was related to (1) variation in maternal regulation of the child; and (2) degree of specificity of maternal verbal content.  相似文献   

教师课堂反馈是教师对学生课堂表现活动的一种评价,它是课堂活动的重要组成部分,对学生的学习有明显的影响。本文通过分析学生日记的方法研究发现有效的教师课堂反馈对学生学习及情感都起着积极的作用,教师可通过合理使用鼓励性话语反馈、修正性反馈及态势语言反馈这三个途径获得有效的课堂反馈。  相似文献   

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