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The authors conducted a phenomenological study to explore the experiences of 32 school counselor educators preparing preservice school counselors. Analysis of data from 3 focus groups revealed 3 themes: breadth versus depth, balancing specialties and professor partiality, and preparation versus practice. These results highlight the need for collaboration across counseling specialties at the preservice level.  相似文献   

The perceptions of professional identity development from 10 counseling leaders were examined through consensual qualitative research methodology. Themes and implications include the (a) intersection of being counselor educators and leaders in the counseling field and (b) the development and strengthening of professional identity over time.  相似文献   

Thirty-six counselor educators’ perceptions and experiences with international student trainees were examined in this online survey research. Findings support the issues identified in the literature as confronting international students and also surface some issues specific to students in counselor training. International counselor education students tend to experience more difficulties in areas related to language, clinical training, adjustment, and cultural differences. Similarities and differences were also found within international student categories involving western and non-western countries and between international and domestic students. Counselor educators in general reported favorably on working with international students. Findings support attention being given to further examine the specific training and supervisory needs of international counseling students.Portions of this article were presented at the 2003 Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Chattanooga, U.S.A. and at the 2004 American Counseling Association Convention, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This article presents the outcomes of a qualitative investigation addressing the global exchange of counselor education. Findings delineate key traits and behaviors applied by counselor educators and counseling psychologists in cross-cultural exchanges. Personal traits noted by educators as essential for international exchanges included flexibility, respect, openness to learning, and passion for the experiences provided by international travel. Factors that increased cultural competency were cited as communication skills, increased comprehension of the context, and understanding of the counseling profession within the culture.  相似文献   

The authors use the results of an intersectional critical qualitative inquiry to illustrate the encounters 6 minoritized counselor educators had with institutional forms of oppression. Their findings depict the insidious nature of institutional oppression and suggest that counselor educator experiences may be improved by peer mentorship programs and by the organizational advocacy and accountability efforts of bodies such as the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.  相似文献   

The authors used a phenomenological research design and a critical race theory lens to examine interviews with 8 Black male counselor educators and learn what contributed to their earning tenure. Participants described requisite personal dispositions and institutional support as contributing factors. Recommendations include facilitating programmatic sociocultural awareness, assessing faculty experiences, and coordinating mentoring opportunities.  相似文献   

随着全球化时代的到来,国际化成为高校发展的大势所趋。地方综合性大学作为教育事业的重要组成部分,其国际化战略具有"地方性""综合性""教学层次为主,辅以科研合作"三大特点。国际化为地方综合性大学既带来发展机遇,又带来严峻挑战。借鉴经典企业管理国际化三战略,可为地方综合性大学制定同步战略,即:国际化与本土化结合;与多国建立广泛合作;放宽视野,明确自身国际定位。  相似文献   

学生思想政治辅导员在高等学校有着其特殊的地位和作用,具有双重身份,对于加强和改进大学生思想政治教育起着举足轻重的作用。文章通过对三年来工作实际的思考,提出了一名辅导员应具备的几点基本素质和工作要求,以期对新入职的辅导员有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

综合性大学举办教师教育已经成为国际趋势,我国则刚刚起步。我国综合性大学举办教师教育有多学科、学术性、“一体化教育”、适应性等优势,也存在着领导决策层对综合性大学举办教师教育不重视的传统以及综合性大学举办教师教育容易脱离实践等问题。为发挥优势、解决问题,综合性大学一方面应承担起服务于社会的责任,另一方面应加强其与实践的联系。  相似文献   

This study reports results of a questionnaire of 210 counselor educators regarding assessment instruments covered in their assessment courses. Instruments are ranked on how extensively they are covered, and comparisons of coverage are made by assessment category (e.g., educational, clinical) and by instructor and program characteristic (e.g., Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs [CACREP] vs. non‐CACREP). Suggestions regarding which assessment techniques to cover in a basic counselor education testing and assessment course are made.  相似文献   

通过调查国内53所综合性大学医学教育的管理模式,分析了各种模式的优缺点,提出采取相对独立的管理模式更有利于高等医学教育的发展。  相似文献   

In this phenomenological study, the authors interviewed 4 African American male counselor educators about their social justice efforts. Resulting themes were lifelong commitment to social justice, reaction to resistance, professional and personal support, and the meaning of social justice work. Findings suggest that social justice work can increase professional resilience for African American male counselor educators.  相似文献   

美国加州大学9所分校2005年起共同实施的培养本科层次优秀教师的教师教育项目CalTeach已经取得了显著的效果,产生了广泛的影响。它在培养方式上讲求差异化发展、全方位指导,在课程设置上全面融合学科知识、教学知识与教学实践,在教师构成上强调多方合作、U-S合力,在保障机制上注重资源供给、岗位介绍与经费支持。该项目对中国目前探索综合性大学教师培养举措的启示是:帮助并支持优秀人才乐教、善教、持续教;制定并实施个性化的、有效率的培养方案;在充分夯实学科知识的同时提升教学技能;交互理论与实践,贯通学习、实习与研究;凝聚多方力量并构建多种共同体以作支撑。  相似文献   

论教师教育转型期综合性大学与师范大学的竞争与合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国教师教育呈现出多元化的局面,教师教育机构形成综合化态势,教师培养模式出现多样化趋势。综合性大学与师范大学举办教师教育有着各自不同的竞争优势,双方要在教师教育的人才培养模式、教师培养规格和教师教育的一体化等方面发挥各自的优势特色,相辅相成,共同建设我国现代教师教育体系。  相似文献   

综合性大学教师教育需要从“适应”转向“引领”,从“学术水平”转向“教育水平”。为此,综合性大学教师教育应系统评估教育资源;在“研究”的状态下培养、服务、引领;完善课程体系,体现教师成长的特点;适度发展本科层次的“教育”学士。  相似文献   

Through 23 open‐ended questionnaires and 8 individual interviews, this phenomenological study explored the experiences of Hispanic men and women (N = 23) who completed doctoral degrees in counselor education. Six themes were identified: family role models, educational support, parental expectations, ethnic identity, acculturation/cultural expectations, and intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

教师教育专业化发展趋势要求教师教育大学化。努力实现教师教育文化在综合性大学里的生长。是综合性大学教师教育专业发展的内在要求。建立教师教育教育(师范)学院化的制度文化,加大教师教育专业学科文化建设,促使大学文化与中小学文化的融合是综合性大学教师教育专业发展的文化路径。  相似文献   

Coursework in teaching, fieldwork, and supervised teaching experiences were examined as predictors of counselor education doctoral students’ (N = 149) self-efficacy toward teaching. Results revealed that all 3 variables related significantly to self-efficacy toward teaching. Results suggested that students’ satisfaction with supervision of teaching was particularly important in strengthening self-efficacy.  相似文献   

一流综合大学参与教师教育作为新的时代诉求,切合进一步提高教师教育质量、优化办学条件的现实需求,满足参与国际竞争的战略需求,符合学校提供社会服务的责任需求;同时也具备教师教育体系开放化提供的条件基础、国家政策多次倡导夯实的政治基础、自身学术实力奠定的学术基础等支撑性条件。进入新时代,一流综合大学应以培养教育专业学位研究生的方式参与教师教育,以培养教育领域高层次应用型人才为目标,具体从培养类型、机构设立、课程设置、师资调配、基地建设等方面进行整体规划,并结合转变高校办学理念、优化教育专业学位研究生培养过程、加大教师教育扶持力度、建立实践导向的内外部评价体系等保障措施,共同推动一流综合大学真正参与教师教育。  相似文献   

明确办学定位、加强师范教育的领导、改革原有教学模式、加强实践教学,这是这师范专科学校升格为地方综合性本科高校后加强师范教育、培养合格基础教育师资、为地方经济服务的有效途径。  相似文献   

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