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美国研究型大学在推行学术研究的时候,关注学生的"学术诚信",重视科研声誉。在研究型大学中享有盛誉的贝勒大学把学术诚信看做是一种"荣誉",建立了学术诚信保障体系:成立学术诚信办公室和荣誉委员会,规定教师和学生在学术诚信方面应承担的责任,制定荣誉守则及违反荣誉守则案件的审理程序。贝勒大学通过成立专门机构、制定政策和惩罚措施,为学生和教师营造了良好的学术环境,引导学术诚信,规范学生的科研行为,保持学校良好的科研声誉。借鉴贝勒大学的经验,中国高校在制定学术诚信体系时,应在诚信、道德、公正、正直的理念指导下,制定具体的学术保障机制、学术实施路径和学术评估制度。大学应制定学术荣誉手册,建立学术诚信激励和约束机制,在日常的教育中让学生了解一些有关学术诚信的常识性知识,把大学生的在校学术表现纳入个人的诚信系统,进一步地规范、引导大学生的学术研究。  相似文献   

美国大学的诚信教育以"荣誉"(Honor)观念为核心思想,通过荣誉准则的树立培育学生的诚信观念,通过荣誉制度的实施保障学生对诚信行为的遵守,具有鲜明的指导思想和完善的制度体系。本文通过明晰美国大学"荣誉准则"的内涵与荣誉制度的操作程序,综合分析美国大学诚信教育体系的特征,并深入探讨美国大学诚信教育对中国大学诚信教育的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚大学荣誉制度是一种规范学生行为的规章制度,旨在规范学生的学术研究,引导学生做到学术诚信。基于对学生的信任,荣誉制度由学生充分自治。荣誉制度的组织机构:荣誉委员会、执行委员会、辅助官员、委员会职业道德准则和标准委员会。对违反荣誉制度的行为进行惩治,其处理程序:案件报告、案件调查、案件审判和上诉。  相似文献   

荣誉制度是美国大学生诚信教育的重要途径,荣誉制度体现了学生自治的传统,通过学生的自由选择、荣誉承诺,学生能够养成自觉守信的习惯。我国免费师范生制度的实施和推行也是一个诚信意识逐步显现的过程,主要体现在国家、师范院校、免费师范生、基础教育学校四类主体上。文章从免费师范生诚信教育的角度出发。分析了美国荣誉制度对我国免费师范生诚信意识培养的启示。  相似文献   

当今社会,学术诚信缺失现象已经普遍出现在高校校园中,如何塑造大学生健全的人格,提高大学生的诚信道德,营造健康纯洁的校园文化环境已经成为各国学术界和教育界共同关注的问题。美国大学在管理大学生学术不端行为方面具有丰富的研究和实践经验,其荣誉制度在学生管理和诚信教育中发挥了关键的作用,对我国高校构建大学生学术诚信模式具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

通过对大学生诚信行为及其重要性的分析,提出约束大学生诚信的方案,建立关于大学生诚信的荣誉体系.  相似文献   

大学生是承担建设国家重任的未来栋梁.由于不良社会文化广泛渗透、制度对失信行为惩治不力、高校诚信教育"虚弱"、家庭诚信教育"偏失"等原因,导致了大学生"诚信危机"现象显现.为此,以恰当的教育方法加强大学生的诚信教育(以"两课"教学为主渠道,以教师诚信形象为引导榜样,以舆论宣传创讲诚信氛围,以自然亲切教育形式追求实效性,以针对性措施形成制度约束),把诚信教育作为高校"基础工程"来抓.全面加强学生的诚信教育,成为高校大学生思想政治教育的"系统工程".  相似文献   

高校学生干部职务违规是大学生实施的与其担任职务有关的渎职性违规行为。职务犯罪年轻化是当前职务犯罪治理中的一个新问题。学生干部职务违规行为与公职人员职务犯罪行为在行为表征上具有相似性,二者之间存在一定程度的因果关系。大学生是国家公职人员的主要后备群体,我们应反思当前大学生廉洁教育的不足,通过完善制度、培育廉洁文化等途径治理学生干部职务违规行为。  相似文献   

研究大学生学术诚信有助于净化学术环境,提高学术质量。对美国大学生学术不诚信问题的研究发现,美国大学生学术不诚信较为严重,表现形式多样,其中有主观无知而陷入学术不诚信,更有为达到自己的目的而明知故犯的学术不诚信。美国高校为此采取了一系列措施:从大学新生开始进行学术诚信教育,开展多种形式的宣传教育活动,制定学术荣誉制度,建立打击学术不诚信网站,应用网络新技术加强监管,建立专门的学术诚信委员会。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚大学荣誉制度是一种规范学生学术行为的制度,引导学生做到学术诚信.针对精神障碍和无行为能力的问题学生,荣誉制度启用了心理听证会规范这一特殊人群的学术行为,设置心理听证程序负责精神障碍和无行为能力案件的处理.心理听证会实施程序分为申请和听证,其中听证程序又包括听证前的准备、听证的开展及听证后的上诉.心理听证会进一步保证了荣誉制度实施的公正性.  相似文献   

Research has shown that traditional academic honor codes are generally associated with lower levels of student academic dishonesty. Utilizing data obtained from students at 21 colleges and universities, this study investigated the influence of modified honor codes, an alternative to traditional honor codes, that is gaining popularity on larger campuses. It also tested the model of student academic dishonesty previously suggested by McCabe and Treviño in a more diverse sample of campuses. Results suggest that modified honor codes are associated with lower levels of student dishonesty and that the McCabe and Treviño model appears to be reasonably robust.  相似文献   

美国大学学生荣誉承诺制度——内容与意义解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荣誉制度是美国大学生对学校的承诺制度,也是一种独特的学生自治制度,其实质是信任学生的道德感和责任感,让学生在学术事务或其他生活事务方面进行自我管理.本文从五个方面对荣誉制度的内容进行了论述:荣誉规则、荣誉誓词、管理机构、惩罚机制和传统的延续;并对荣誉制度的意义做了简要的分析.  相似文献   

College and university faculty and administrators are responsible for constructing academic honesty policies and communicating them to students. This is often attempted through institutional honesty policies and university-wide honor codes. While these approaches have been widely researched, less attention has been given to the role of individual faculty members. That role is examined in this study by addressing student reactions to professors based on their academic honesty policies. In addition to demographic information, data were gathered about student attitudes and beliefs concerning academic dishonesty and their decision to enroll in or avoid a course being taught by a professor with zero tolerance for academic dishonesty. The findings regarding different instructors’ approaches toward academic dishonesty indicate that an intolerant policy will keep dishonest students away, but at a price—it will also detract many honest students.  相似文献   

美国高校为防止学生学术不当行为,对学生学术不当行为的含义、认定与处罚措施作了详细规定,采取多种措施预防学生的学术不当行为,并设立相应的机构为学生提供权利救济途径.我国应借鉴美国高校的做法,完善相应的学生学术不当行为处理制度,开展多种形式的学术诚信教育,防止学生学术不当行为,培养学生良好的学术规范.  相似文献   

诚信教育在推动时代发展和创新人才培养过程中发挥着巨大作用。剑桥大学诚信教育继承英国高等教育的道德教育传统,其诚信教育的目标是规训学生诚信意识和规避学生失信行为。为此,剑桥大学构建了一套横纵交融的学生诚信教育体系,即"行为诚信教育-考试诚信教育-学术诚信教育"横向的诚信教育内容体系和"入学登记-学业过程-离校教育"纵向的诚信教育管理体系。剑桥大学诚信教育对于推进我国高校学生诚信教育具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is a fundamental issue for the academic integrity of higher education institutions, and one that has lately been gaining increasing media attention. This study reports on a survey of 1206 students and 190 academic staff across four major Queensland universities in relation to student academic misconduct. The aim of the survey was to determine the prevalence of academic misconduct, and to investigate the extent to which perceptions of dishonesty are shared between students and staff, as preliminary steps toward developing effective strategies to deal with the academic dishonesty/misconduct problem. Results indicate a higher tolerance for academic misconduct by students in comparison to staff, particularly with respect to falsification of research results and plagiarism, as well as considerable underestimation by staff of the prevalence of virtually all forms of student academic misconduct. Overall, the study’s findings confirm the significance of the issue of academic dishonesty within the Australian tertiary sector, indicating considerable divergence between students and staff in terms of perceptions of the seriousness and prevalence of student academic misconduct. We suggest that university administrators need to examine this issue closely in order to develop mechanisms for managing and curtailing the level of academic misconduct, since a failure to do so may lead to a further undermining of the academic integrity of the Australian tertiary sector.  相似文献   

伴随着我国高等教育规模的扩张,高校从事教学科研工作的学术人员数量大增。作为我国科学研究的一支重要生力军,高校学术人员一方面有力推动了我国整体科技发展的水平和质量,另一方面,在学术领域也滋生了学术失范现象。由此,构建高校学术问责制的理论探讨应运而生,但要进入实践领域,应当充分考虑以下三个相关问题:高校学术失范现象大量滋生的归因问题、学术自由欠缺下高校学术问责制实施的风险问题、学术问责中的责任认定问题。  相似文献   

法国倡导科研诚信和反对学术不端行为的举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在倡导科研诚信和反对学术不端行为方面,与大多数西方发达国家一样,法国在国家层面没有制定有关专门的法律法规.但是,自20世纪90年代中期以来,政府、科技界、教育学术界及公众逐步予以重视,认识到其重要性和必要性.目前,法国依靠良好的科技计划管理制度、完善的科技评价体系、规范的评价方法等途径,防止科研舞弊和抵制学术不端行为.与此同时,一些科研机构和高等教育主管部门通过建立相关的规章制度,如制定科研人员行为准则和科研成果评价机制,规范科研和学术工作.这些经验和措施是值得借鉴和学习的.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of two investigations into the prevalence and profile of academic dishonesty amongst students in New Zealand’s tertiary institutions and compares this with findings from other studies. Staff and students report on their personal experiences of academic dishonesty and these are compared with official information requested and supplied by the institutions. Ways in which academic dishonesty are dealt with are discussed, including the reasons given by staff and students for lack of action. Staff and student reactions to institutional policies on the issue are presented, analysed and compared with data from other studies. Finally the study examines methods utilised by academic staff to minimise the occurrence of dishonest behaviour.  相似文献   

The high rate of academic dishonesty reported among Chinese college students has created challenges for practitioners in both domestic and Western universities. Following two contrasting yet complementary scholarly approaches, this study explored the relative importance of predictors indicative of students’ intention to cheat (moral attitude, subjective norm and penalty enforcement) and of their educational preparedness for academic integrity (integrity engagement) in explaining academic dishonesty, with an emphasis on gender differences. We administered a questionnaire survey to a sample of 2009 Chinese undergraduate students. The results indicated that moral attitude and integrity engagement were the major predictors, that subjective norm accounted for marginal variations of academic dishonesty, and that the influence of penalty enforcement was insignificant. Some gender differences on both the mean score and effect levels of the four predictors were revealed. The effects of grade, year and area of study on academic dishonesty (and particularly their joint effects with gender) were noteworthy. These findings are discussed relative to the results of prior studies and the Chinese context.  相似文献   

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