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This agenda-setting study explores ways that individuals processinformation issues by examining two potential public agendasources: the news media and the president of the USA. The researchersused a two-site study to examine the magnitude of influencefrom media exposure and perceived credibility of source. Itwas found that the higher the level of exposure to media anda presidential state-of-the-union message, the more likely thatissues were considered important. However, when both were examinedsimultaneously, media exposure was the more powerful predictor.Source credibility, both of the media and the president, wasalso found to influence how people perceived the importanceof issues.  相似文献   

高校图书馆引进学生助理的实践与思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
广西生态工程职业技术学院图书馆自2001年以来,每年引进150-180名无薪学生助理协助工作,既满足了全开架连续开馆的服务要求,又为学校节省了巨额人力费。学生助理被列为图书馆重要的人力资源组成部分,各岗位职责明文规定:指导和培养学生助理,是馆员的工作职责之一。指导和培养目标也非常明确,即教给学生助理做人的道理、做事的方法。最终目标是,指导学生助理在完成工作中提升自我,达到图书馆服务效益、学校经济效益、教育效益、学生助理成长发展利益兼顾的"共赢"目标。  相似文献   

Forecast errors in preelectoral polls are common. Since theNicaraguan Election in 1990, a common assumption is that wheredemocratic practices are not equal to those of the developedcountries (authoritarian, in transition, etc.), the errors inpredicting electoral outcomes with the help of pre-electoralpolls result mostly from contextual effects related to the authoritariannature of the political systems. Forecast errors in developeddemocracies have been explained by flaws in sampling (GreatBritain), last minute changes in preferences (Spain, UnitedStates, and France) and a social desirability bias in the UnitedStates. The intention of this paper is to show that in Mexicoboth the accuracy and the sources of error in predicting electoralresults are very similar to those confronted by pollsters elsewhere:mostly sampling and allocation of nonrespondents and those whoare undecided. An extensive data set of pre-electoral pollsconducted in Mexico shows an average error in the order of 3–5percentage points. Some of this error could be related to sociallydesirable answers derived from contextual effects, but thiseffect is small and must not be generalized.  相似文献   


In preparation for a major exhibition at the National Gallery of Scotland in 2005, a thorough technical examination of VISION OF THE SERMON by Paul Gauguin was undertaken for the first time since the painting's acquisition in 1925. An inter-disciplinary approach to the research was adopted in an attempt to assess how innovative were the materials and techniques employed by Gauguin in this iconic work. The importance of the unique customs and religious piety of Brittany in 1888 to the iconography of Vision is discussed, as well as the various ways in which the original appearance of the painting has altered over time. Changes have occurred through both the natural ageing of materials and as a result of human intervention, particularly an aqueous lining and reframing. Analysis suggests that the paint medium consists of several different drying oils, confounding years of speculation that it may contain wax. The discovery that the original surface coating contains beeswax and tallow has grave implications for the feasibility of future conservation treatments. Following Gauguin's accusation of plagiarism by Emile Bernard, a tentative comparison is made between Vision and the latter's Breton Women in the Meadow. This reveals that while compositional similarities exist, Vision is far more complex, both in conception and execution.  相似文献   

中文网页标引源主题表达能力的调查统计   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
通过对随机采集的300篇中文经济类网页进行人工自由标引、人工打分、词频统计,并进行统计数据的分析,得出网页内容主题与网页题名、文章标题等12个标引源的关系,分析中文网页的不同部位的主题表达能力,并为之设计加权标引时的适当权值,以便为自动标引及人工智能搜索引擎的研制提供数据。  相似文献   

以湖北大学新图书馆为例,阐述了高校图书馆物业社会化管理的组织内容、具体架构、管理模式及运行机制,并对高校图书馆物业管理的发展趋势提出了探讨与展望。  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the procurement of a large collection of electronic books by NoWAL, the North West Academic Libraries Consortium.  相似文献   

案例教学在文献检索课程中的应用探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析了文献检索课运用案例教学的目的以及案例教学法的特点,探讨了“案例教学”在文献检索课程中的具体应用以及案例选取要注意的问题。  相似文献   

示范性高职图书馆现状与发展模式探索   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
通过对我国首批28所示范性高职图书馆现状的调研,分析了示范性高职图书馆经过教育部人才培养水平评估所取得的成效、存在的主要问题;探讨了示范性高职图书馆的发展新思路、新模式。  相似文献   

以山东大学图书馆电子资源建设为例,探讨图书馆制定电子资源发展政策过程中应重点解决的问题。对电子资源发展政策涉及的内容,以及产生的效果进行分析,以避免图书馆电子资源建设中的随意性和盲目性。阐述电子资源发展政策的引导作用,增强电子资源建设的科学性和合理性,并对今后的工作提出了积极的建议。  相似文献   

介绍了高校图书馆无线网卡借还服务的特点、易产生的一些问题及其解决方法,对于将要推出无线网卡借还服务的图书馆具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

南非的图书馆信息资源共享模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南非共有五个地区性图书馆联盟和一个全国性的图书馆联盟联合体,是南非信息资源共享的主体。受特殊国情的影响,南非的图书馆联盟在组织管理、经费来源、共享的内容及形式上都有自己的特点。尽管南非图书馆联盟在资源共享上取得了长足进步,但也存在着部分问题。  相似文献   

在隐秘的历史深处,总有一根线,连接了过去和现在的两个时空.这根线便是人类社会活动的原始记录——档案.暮春四月,当我坐在安徽省高等法院的档案阅览室里,翻阅面前二尺多高的案卷卷宗时,我被这根线牵引着,思维游走在40多年前的某一特定时空.通过这些卷宗,我在寻找一位布鲁诺式的人物——石仁祥. 生于上世纪50年代的我,对当年这桩轰动一时的公案早有耳闻,这使我已经有了充分的心理准备.但在逐页阅览这份黄纸黑字的卷宗,"零距离"触碰这段历史时,我的心仍抑制不住地颤抖.  相似文献   

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