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Three experiments are reported that investigate the cognitive processes underlying contextual and isolated word reading. In Phase 1, undergraduate participants were exposed to 75 target words under three conditions. The participants generated 25 words from definitions, read 25 words in context and read 25 in isolation. In Phase 2, volunteers completed either an explicit recall task (Experiment 1), an implicit word stem completion task (Experiment 2) or both tasks (Experiment 3). Our findings provide converging evidence that contextual and isolated word reading elicit different patterns of cognitive processing. Specifically, Experiments 1–3 demonstrated that words read in context were remembered similarly to words generated from definitions: words from both conditions were recalled more frequently in the surprise memory task and selected less often to complete the word stems in the implicit memory task. The opposite pattern was noted for words read in isolation. Reading in context is discussed in terms of its greater reliance on semantic processing, whereas isolated word reading is discussed in relation to perceptually driven processes.  相似文献   

Second- and fourth-grade children were classified according to their knowledge of soccer (experts vs. novices) and IQ (high vs. low), and given 2 sort-recall tasks. One task included items related to the game of soccer and the other included items from familiar natural language categories. Previous research has shown that expertise in a subject can compensate for low levels of performance on text comprehension tasks. Our results, the first examining the effects of both expertise and intelligence on a strategic memory task, were that soccer expert children recalled more items on the soccer list but not on the nonsoccer list than soccer novice children. However, soccer expertise did not modify a significant effect of IQ level, with high-IQ children recalling more than low-IQ children for all contrasts. Interest in soccer was found to be related to expertise but did not contribute to differences in memory performance. The results demonstrate that the knowledge base plays an important role in children's memory, but that domain knowledge cannot fully eliminate the effects of IQ on sort-recall tasks using domain-related materials. That is, although rich domain knowledge seemed to compensate for low aptitude, in that low-aptitude experts performed at the level of high-aptitude novices, its effects were not strong enough to eliminate performance differences between high- and low-aptitude soccer experts.  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that enactment (i.e., performing representative gestures during encoding) enhances memory for concrete words, in particular action words. Here, we investigate the impact of enactment on abstract word learning in a foreign language. We further ask if learning novel words with gestures facilitates sentence production. In a within‐subjects paradigm, participants first learned 32 abstract sentences from an artificial corpus conforming with Italian phonotactics. Sixteen sentences were encoded audiovisually. Another set of 16 sentences was also encoded audiovisually, but, in addition, each single word was accompanied by a symbolic gesture. Participants were trained for 6 days. Memory performance was assessed daily using different tests. The overall results support the prediction that learners have better memory for words encoded with gestures. In a transfer test, participants produced new sentences with the words they had acquired. Items encoded through gestures were used more frequently, demonstrating their enhanced accessibility in memory. The results are interpreted in terms of embodied cognition. Implications for teaching and learning are suggested.  相似文献   

宋洁琳 《培训与研究》2010,(11):111-112
根据建构主义的情景教学理论,PPT是以丰富的社会符号资源形式参与意义建构的必要的认知元素,多模态PPT演示作为最富有现代特色的教学手段越来越受到教师和学生的青睐.多模态是我国外语界专家在长期的教学科研实践中摸索创立的全新教学理念,通过调动学习者多种感官协同合作来强化记忆,提高学习效果,有助于解决我国目前大学英语教学中的高投入低效率等问题.  相似文献   

经济术语是经济文献的核心和灵魂。经济术语规范化是经济文献翻译的前提。本文列举了经济文献翻译中术语译名和普通词汇的不规范的现象,从经济术语翻译和经济文献中普通词汇的专业化翻译方面对经济文献的翻译规范化问题作了探讨,认为经济文献翻译规范化的核心是统一经济专业术语翻译和普通词汇的专业化翻译。  相似文献   

随着时代变迁,唐代不同时期制举试策中的策问和对策在结构、字数、题目数量等方面有很大变化:在唐前期,策问和对策结构比较简单,字数较少,题目数量也较少;在中晚唐时期,题目结构渐趋复杂,字数和数量也大为增加,并形成了相对固定的策问和对策结构。唐代的制举试策在文体上大致遵循一定格式,但相对比较宽泛,选拔标准更注重文采和论述内容,对文体格式的要求不是非常严格,举人在同科同场对策中可以采取相对自由的格式。陈飞先生所说的唐代试策的形式体制,严格意义上讲是不存在的,仅仅是把唐代试策的众多个案中出现的要素"集优"在一起;他对唐代前后期的试策文体特点及其变化的区别也不够深入、清楚。  相似文献   

张学明 《海外英语》2012,(8):134-135
语块是指英语中一种特殊的多词词汇现象,介于语法和词汇之间,通常是固定或半固定、模式化的块状结构。它整体存储在记忆中,使用时直接提取,无需语法生成和分析。学生在写作过程中用母语思维越多,作文成绩就越低。该文拟从语块应用入手,探讨如何利用语块克服大学英语写作中的母语思维及其有益启示。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,随着启蒙思潮逐渐分化和瓦解,知识界出现了各种论争,中国思想文化日益呈现出转型的特征和三分天下的格局,文学版图随之发生了一系列明显的变化,这些变化和新世纪的市场经济和商业主义背景有着千丝万缕的联系.批评界对当前文学的评价不一,文学轰动效应的全面失去,文学潮流的持续淡化,网络文学的出现以及文学创作现场的波澜不惊等,已经成为描述新世纪文学面貌的几个关键句子.  相似文献   

A Motivated Exploration of Motivation Terminology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this review was twofold. First, we wanted to identify fundamental terms within the motivation literature associated with the study of academic achievement or academic development. Having identified these terms with the help of experts in the field of motivation, we wanted to document how motivation researchers defined and used these terms within their programs of research. To accomplish these purposes, over 120 achievement motivation articles were reviewed, and 68 met the criteria for inclusion. Various aspects of these studies, including definitions of terminology, framing variables (e.g., age/grade or domain/task), as well as patterns in language use were charted and analyzed. Based on these analyses, we derived several interpretations, extracted conceptual definitions, and overviewed specific conceptual issues relevant to emerging trends in motivation terminology. Finally, implications for future research and practice are forwarded. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Applying constructivism: A test for the learner-as-scientist   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Constructivist learning theory predicts that knowledge encoded from data by learners themselves will be more flexible, transferable, and useful than knowledge encoded for them by experts and transmitted to them by an instructor or other delivery agent. If this prediction is correct, then learners should be modeled as scientists and use the reasoning and technologies of scientists to construct their own knowledge. However, it cannot be taken for granted that the prediction is correct, or correct in every knowledge domain. The present study attempts to establish conditions in which the prediction can be operationalized and tested. It reports on the adaptation of constructivist principles to instructional design in a particular domain, second language vocabulary acquisition. Students learning English for academic purposes in the Sultanate of Oman followed one of two approaches to vocabulary expansion, learning pre-encoded dictionary definitions of words, or constructing definitions for themselves using an adapted version of the computational tools of lexicographers. After 12 weeks, both groups were equal in definitional knowledge of target words, but lexicography group students were more able to transfer their word knowledge to novel contexts.  相似文献   

近年来,“教育产业化”已成为一个热门话题。对此,教育界、经济学家、政府官员等社会各界人士仁者见仁、智者见智,有学者提出用教育促进消费、拉动内需、推动经济发展的观点。然而,教育投资与经济增长的关系究竞如何呢?针对这一问题,笔者建立了一系列统计模型进行实证分析,并得出短期内扩大教育投资对经济增长不产生作用的这一结论:  相似文献   

This meta-analysis integrates 296 effect sizes reported in eye-tracking research on expertise differences in the comprehension of visualizations. Three theories were evaluated: Ericsson and Kintsch’s (Psychol Rev 102:211–245, 1995) theory of long-term working memory, Haider and Frensch’s (J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cognit 25:172–190, 1999) information-reduction hypothesis, and the holistic model of image perception of Kundel et al. (Radiology 242:396–402, 2007). Eye movement and performance data were cumulated from 819 experts, 187 intermediates, and 893 novices. In support of the evaluated theories, experts, when compared with non-experts, had shorter fixation durations, more fixations on task-relevant areas, and fewer fixations on task-redundant areas; experts also had longer saccades and shorter times to first fixate relevant information, owing to superiority in parafoveal processing and selective attention allocation. Eye movements, reaction time, and performance accuracy were moderated by characteristics of visualization (dynamics, realism, dimensionality, modality, and text annotation), task (complexity, time-on-task, and task control), and domain (sports, medicine, transportation, other). These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for theories of visual expertise in professional domains and their significance for the design of learning environments.  相似文献   

Psychological research suggests that foreign‐language vocabulary acquisition recruits the phonological loop for verbal working memory. To depict the neural underpinnings and shed light on the process of foreign language learning, we conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging of Japanese participants without previous exposure to the Uzbek language using learning of novel Uzbek words. During encoding, spoken Uzbek words and corresponding visual objects were shown, and subjects either overtly repeated the words (phonological rehearsal) or overtly rehearsed numbers (phonological suppression). Phonological rehearsal improved the encoding performance. A learning‐related decrease in rehearsal‐specific activation was found in the left fusiform gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus, and right cerebellum. Recollection of the phonologically rehearsed words activated the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus more prominently than recollection of the phonologically suppressed words in a performance‐dependent manner. The phonological loop might provide the temporal and fragile registration of the articulatory pattern that is converted into a more durable form in the right cerebellum, which is in turn integrated with the object information in the fusiform gyrus.  相似文献   

由于书面语料记录语言的随机性,要更全面深入了解近代汉语的语言现象,有必要发掘更多中古文献中的语言事实。文章在讨论不同类型语料在语言研究中价值略有侧重的基础上,以齐梁陶弘景纂修的《真诰》为例,从一般语词和专门语词两方面论述了中古道经在近代汉语语词溯源方面的作用:中古道经在一般语词溯源上作用巨大;而在专门语词研究上,则应当成为主要的依托材料。  相似文献   

通过在生命科学专业的专业基础课程生物化学“物质代谢”章节的双语教学实践的探索 ,提出了“六记忆”、“三结合”这种具有创新性的双语教学模式。六记忆的具体教学步骤 :专业英语词族与词前缀、后缀简化记忆 ;生化专业英语单词意、形的异、同对比记忆 ;生化反应类型与多种英语句型特点综合归一记忆 ;根据生物化学反应底物推测其产物、酶或辅因子及其催化反应类型记忆 ;多种生化物质分解与合成代谢的对比记忆 ;多个复杂结构式简化记忆。“三结合” :即采用参与式教学 ,将课堂讨论与英语提问、答疑相结合 ;采用启发式教学 ,将生物化学重要基础理论知识与科学研究及进展相结合 ;将多媒体教学与常规教学手段相结合 ,取得了良好的教学效果  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature related to outdoor terminology as it is used within the languages of British English and Czech. It provides the background to the outdoors in the Czech Republic where terminology has adopted and adapted many English language outdoor terms. The paper analyses the differences and similarities between terms and deals with the problems associated with defining and explaining outdoor terms and translating the British English terms into Czech and vice versa. Semi structured interviews were conducted with British and Czech academic experts. The findings suggest that as the outdoor field develops there is a need for more understanding of the cultural, historical, and geographical differences between concepts and terminology used in both English and non-English speaking countries, for example, the specific indigenous nature of the Czech turistika activities.  相似文献   

Objective and subjective indices of imagery and verbal ability and their relationship to recognition memory for pictures and concrete words were examined in a large correlational study. Objective spatial tests of imagery proved to be better predictors of picture recognition than were self‐assessments, the Flags test excepted. Spatial tests also predicted word memory in males, but not females. Imagery control and imagery vividness bore little relation to recognition; vividness within specific modalities may have some influence, however, particularly in males. Verbal fluency and verbal comprehension were either unrelated or marginally negatively related to performance. In general, a more specialised pattern of ability‐performance correlations emerged for females than for males.  相似文献   

本文以天津市属高校“十一五”期间新增的255位高级专家为研究对象,通过对高级专家的专家类别、性别、年龄、专技职务、学历学位等方面的统计分析,尝试从中总结发现高级专家的成长规律、基本特征和培养模式,并将相应的量化数据用于指导今后高级专家的引进和培养工作.  相似文献   

关于赵树理在我国现当代文学史中的地位,读者与专家之间、专家与专家之间存在着较大分歧。其实,这种分歧完全是因为视野不同而造成的。从文学创作模式的转型看,赵树理堪称旗手,即便与鲁迅并肩,亦不甚为过;从作品之艺术水平看,赵树理尚无堪称经典之作,实有愧于文学大师、大家之称誉。本着实事求是的原则,假以慧眼与睿智,予以理性的审视与评判,对赵树理在我国现当代文学史中的地位是应该能够达成一个基本的共识的。  相似文献   

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