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职教高考作为沟通职业教育体系建设的重要制度改革,有必要从政策层面对其进行分层的评估。纵向上看,国家、地方、学校、学生在不同的话语体系下,有不同的任务和评估原理。职教高考原本以类型为基础,以为学生提供多元的发展路径为目标,在实践中却有着成为另一种应试化考试的趋向。关键在于在分层的基础上,重新整合评估框架,在“好的生活”“好的教育”等根本问题上形成共同的价值和政策标准,以赋予政策主体新的活力。  相似文献   

一、学校教育要素投入改革学校教育要素投入改革是以投入产出分析为基础,通过改革学校教育要素投入的方式来提高教育质量的改革。二、学校组织管理改革从20世纪80年代到90年代美国提高教育质量的努力就集中在效法企业组织管理方式来改造学校组织,改变教育管理机制,建立权责体系,从而提高教育质量。改革主要集中在学校教育的目标、决策结构、激励机制、生产技术、信息机制这几个方面。三、学校教育制度安排改革学校教育制度安排改革是在公立学校体系中引入竞争机制,将教育行政管理模式转化为一种经济市场模式,克服过去公立学校体制中的官僚弊…  相似文献   

高等学校要主动应对高考招生制度改革新挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高考招生制度改革是一项社会关注度高、政策性强、涉及面广的系统改革。面对高考招生制度改革带来的新挑战和新机遇,高等学校要在更新教育观念、优化人才培养规格和选拔标准、构建综合评价和多元录取机制、深化人才培养模式改革、创新学校内部管理体制、提高师资队伍整体水平等方面加强系统研究和综合改革,推进学校的内涵建设和特色发展。  相似文献   

下篇为本文第二部分,从高校招生制度的社会功能和变革演进的驱动因素、引领和贯穿高校招生制度演进过程的指导思想、科学选才与公平选才的辩证关系、高校中学与考生从利益相关者到评价主体的变化、新高考对高考改革的延续深化和突破、功利应试惯性对高考改革的阻碍掣肘和克服等方面,探讨了高校招生制度变革演进的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

山东省作为我国高考综合改革的第二批试点省市之一,由于其既是教育大省又是考试大省的特殊身份,对于高考综合改革在全国的推进具有显著的实验价值。山东省的高考综合改革方案坚持问题导向,通过完善高中学业水平考试制度、规范高中阶段学生综合素质评价制度、深化夏季高考改革和春季高考改革、构建高等教育分类考试招生制度,有效关照了共性与个性、基础与发展、学生与学校、基础教育与高等教育等诸多利益关系,为最终实现分类考试、综合评价、多元录取的高校招生模式奠定了良好基础,形成了山东特色,体现了山东智慧。  相似文献   

【考核学校不能“一个方子吃药”】李霞在2009年1月13日的《中国教育报》上撰文指出,考核评估必须实现由目前的判断、鉴别功能向促进主体过程性发展的功能转型。一是在功能上体现民主协商、过程激励和持续发展。首先,教育主管部门要通过与被评估学校的交往与对话,充分了解学校,彼此尊重,建立民主、协商的关系。其次,被评估学校也要把评估看成是一种经历,一种动态的从初级向高级水平发展的过程。二是在体制上健全学校自我评估制度,建立第三方评估制度。教育主管部门要有组织、有系统地开展学校自我评估活动,  相似文献   

高等教育评估制度已成为各国高等教育研究的重点内容,它是保障高等教育质量的有效手段。日本推动高等教育发展与改革的重点主要集中在提高大学的教育质量上,并形成了以自我评估为基础、以第三方评估为主体的多元化评估体制,对完善我国高等教育评估制度建设具有借鉴意义。通过比较中日高等教育评估的主体、指标体系、组织机构以及法律法规等,对完善我国高等教育评估制度提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对以C学校为基础建立起来的A大学Z学院的发展情况进行描述与分析,试图以学校内部管理制度为线索梳理该学院的发展脉络,呈现一种外生型高校内部管理制度构建过程.文章认为,对于高校这种相对具有较强制度惯性的组织而言,一种具有优势地位的制度是可以采取渐进的方式强制地构建起来的.利益分配问题是影响制度变迁的核心要素,学校合并事实上是相关院校之间不同利益主体的利益和权力结构的重新分配.在这一过程中,如果能够较好地处理新旧制度间对组织成员的利益分配问题,重视变革成本利益补偿问题,则制度变迁过程往往能够取得成功;反之,则可能遭遇失败.  相似文献   

高职院校内部治理结构亟待改革,应当以解决内部治理结构中存在的主要问题为目标,以法人治理理论、利益相关者共同治理理论、委托代理理论和教育消费理论为指导,在学校内部建立起党委主导的理事会决策制度、基于专门委员会策划的院长执行制度、"标准、评估和奖惩一体化"的质量监督制度,形成与外部治理制度相衔接的内部治理体制、机制,为学校的发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

一、什么是现代学校制度? 现代学校制度,指的是一种适应社会化大教育和社会主义市场经济体制、政治体制、科技体制改革的内在要求,以学校法人制度为主体,以有限责任制度为核心,以教育管理专家经营为表征,以学校组织制度和管理制度以及新型的政校关系为主要内容的现代学校体制。 现代学校制度是一种建立在  相似文献   

Survival analysis was used to model theretention of 8,867 undergraduate students at OregonState University between 1991 and 1996. Attrition wasfound to increase with age, and decrease with increasing high school GPA and first-quarter GPA.Non-residents had higher attrition rates than didresident and international students, and students takingthe Freshman Orientation Course appeared to be atreduced risk of dropping out. Statistically significantassociations of retention with ethnicity/race andcollege at first enrollment were also noted. Aproportional hazards regression model was developed topredict a student's probability of leaving school basedon these demographic and academic variables. Theseanalyses are helping to guide the university's effortsto improve retention through marketing, recruitment, and the development of orientation and otherprograms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates college enrollment of the population 35 years of age and older from 1972 to 1982 using data collected in the Current Population Survey. Trends in enrollment and enrollment rates by sex are analyzed. It is clear that major increases in college enrollment have been taking place among the mature population. This is due to increased enrollment among females; males have experienced no trend in the likelihood of being enrolled in college after age 35. The characteristics of older college students, including attendance status, marital status, and labor force status are also investigated.

Female college enrollment rates are related to trends in GNP, labor force participation, divorce rates, age structure, and past educational attainment using regression analysis. The significant results are then applied to recent projections of the size of the older population in order to project the number of enrollees 35 years of age and over until the year 2000. Dramatic increases in enrollment among mature students can be expected in the last decade of this century.  相似文献   

论高等教育大众化发展的四个时期   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育大众化是一个历史过程 ,它需要经历四个时期的演进 :其一是世俗化 ,这个时期要实现高等教育控制权从“神权”向世俗的转移 ;其二是实用化 ,它要实现高等教育课程结构向职业方向的变革 ;其三是大众化 ,即国家需要制定鼓励大众接受高等教育的政策措施并出现入学人口大规模增长 ;最后是个性化 ,它把高等教育发展重心从规模扩展转向个体的切实受益上来。世界各国高等教育大众化发展一般都需要经历这四个时期  相似文献   

This study investigates how much the racial composition of communities influences the private school enrollment rates of members of different racial groups. Some scholars argue that private school enrollment contributes to racial segregation in public schools because White families attempt to enhance the social status of their children by leaving public schools serving communities with higher percentages of children who are Black. A second group of scholars argue that private school enrollment is primarily based on nonracial factors. A third, related perspective argues that race is of diminishing importance in driving behaviors such as school choice. This study explores these perspectives using 1990 and 2000 Public Use Micro Data Samples to estimate private school enrollment rates by student race and community racial composition. Findings indicate that private school enrollment rates among Asian, Black, and Hispanic students do not fluctuate much with community racial composition. By contrast, private school enrollment rates among White families are strongly and positively correlated with the percentage of children in their communities who are Black—even after holding constant a series of individual and community-level factors that may account for this trend. Moreover, the association between race and choice has changed little between 1990 and 2000.  相似文献   

本文应用人力资本和社会资本理论,探讨了中国高等教育需求中的城乡差异。研究表明:在控制其他因素以后,城乡高中生对高等教育有着同样强烈的需求,但学生的城乡背景与影响高等教育需求的人力资本和社会资本因素之间存在交互作用:(1)当高等教育预期收益率较低时,农村学生比城市学生更希望接受高等教育;当高等教育预期收益率较高时,城市学生比农村学生更希望接受高等教育。(2)当家庭网络资源较少时,农村学生比城市学生更希望接受高等教育;当家庭网络资源较多时,城市学生比农村学生更希望接受高等教育。农村低社会经济地位的学生对高等教育的旺盛需求表明,接受高等教育几乎是他们改变其不利社会地位、实现流动的惟一渠道。扩大农村学生的高等教育机会,是改善城乡差异的重要手段。政府应该在教育财政和招生等方面进行制度创新以回应此类教育需求。  相似文献   

本文运用灰色系统理论中系统的关联度分析法,对我院九二级7个班级213名学生的分析化学期终考试成绩进行分析。把考试命题划分为基本概念和原理、计算能力、综合分析运用能力等三个方面来加以分析,结果可看出各个班级学生对这三个方面以及课程综合掌握情况,同时为授课教师改进教学提供参考。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of demographic,socioeconomic, and financial factors on the enrollmentbehavior of accepted college applicants. The receipt offinancial aid had a positive impact on the enrollment decisions of accepted applicants. For every$1,000 increase in the amount of aid offered, theprobability of enrollment increased between 1.1% and2.5%. Grants and loans had the expected positive impact on enrollment, but work study did not enticeprospective students unless it was packaged with somegrant or loan assistance. Upper-income applicants wereless likely to enroll at this institution regardless of financial aid incentives.  相似文献   

高校扩招后,高师声乐课的教学由原来的一对一的授课方式转变为一对多的小组授课方式,在教学时间不变的情况下,如何提高教学效率已成为急待解决的问题。本文通过对声乐小组课特点的分析,从实践基础上对如何提高声乐小组课的教学效率提出了行之有效的方法。  相似文献   


With the increased numbers of dual enrollment students across the country as well as various state initiatives to increase retention among the student population at large, institutions face great challenges when balancing the many initiatives incumbent upon them. However, Tennessee, a state leader in both the free community college and dual enrollment initiatives, the Tennessee Board of Regents System (TBR), and its community colleges are positioned to improve retention rates by giving greater attention to their dual enrollment students. This brief study of one cohort of students at Walters State Community College (WSCC), located in East Tennessee, noted a major disparity in retention between students with dual enrollment experience and those without, suggesting an extant need to give particular consideration to institutional approaches designed to reinforce the dual enrollment programs and the students’ experience in said programs. Doing so may not only address the initiative of providing high quality dual enrollment classes to high school students but also improve institutional retention rates.  相似文献   

教育规模扩大对长期经济增长的引致贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在柯布—道格拉斯生产函数的基本范式基础上引入基础教育入学率和高等教育入学率两个解释变量,经过计量经济分析发现,1982-2004年间平均每年我国基础教育和高等教育毛入学率各自每增加1%将会促使或引致GDP分别增长约524亿元和712亿元。表明扩大高等教育规模更具有经济意义。  相似文献   

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