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Spring is coming.Spring is coming.All the flowers are smiling.The grass is green.The birds are singing.The butterflies and beesare dancing.Happy are the children.On time to school they are going.春来到,春来到,花儿朵朵开口笑,草儿绿,鸟儿叫,蝴蝶蜜蜂齐舞蹈,孩子们,乐陶陶,个个按时上学校。春来到!云南@尹子文 !云南@尹惠婕…  相似文献   

SPring,Summer,Autumn,Winter SPring 159叮with flower and song·Sununer 15 hot and the days are long. Autumn 15 rieh with fruit and grain. Winter brings snow and the new year agaln·春、夏、秋、冬春天明媚,鸟语花香;夏日炎炎,夜短昼长;秋天丰收,谷果满仓;冬飘瑞雪,新年在望。The Vast Sea大翔Mama 15 the sea,1 am a waVe·海是妈妈,浪花是我。50 high,Mama holds me up·妈妈时刻把我举得高高。Higher and higher.把我举得再高,Yet never 50 hish.也没有离开妈妈的怀抱。As to leaVe mama,s Embrace!(…  相似文献   

Fun Time EASTER     
HaPPy Easter! 复活节快乐! Easter usually falls in Mareh or APril. 复活节通常是在每年的三月或者四月。 Always in the sPring· 通常是在春季。 Easter 15 the份st Sunday after the first full moon in SPring. 复活节是每年春天第一个满月后的第一个星期日. A lot ofAmerieansgotoehurchonEaster Sunday,and bring Easter lilies like these to ehurch with them. 美国人在复活节时去教堂礼拜,还带着像这 样的百合花。 The week before Easter,allfamilies gather together and dye Easter eggs like these. 复活节前的一…  相似文献   

开始谈话▼A:A lovely day,isn't it? 天气真不错,不是吗? B:Yes,It is.Spring is always pleasant.The air is warm and everythinq looks fresh and green. 是很好。春天总是很宜人。天气温暖,万物呈现一片生机A:I particularly love the sound of the birds and the flowers when they are just beginning to bloom.They are so inspiring! 我尤其喜欢啁啾的鸟鸣和含苞欲放的花儿。它们是多么令人鼓舞啊!  相似文献   

Oh脚u,sweet SPring,alighr力’O m cherub’5 wi儿g, And Put the ugly winter血llto血ht,’ And rouse the ea滋to smile,andla由to sin乡 下价功skies sobrighrand hea心ofyouth 50 light. YOu产gentle and genial breaths eatch bIOssom blow, 下W己ile bees in gard七ns hun王rhe lullabies. The hills and dales arest矛-iI少’dof,na ntles ofsn。讹 And strea,ns ar:d rivers户-e edfrom irons of iee. 材勿season:allth“SPring tho pride ofyears, That all the things woulde’er in glories glean:! But men b…  相似文献   

A Biology Lesson     
Today wc盯c going to learn about the birds. Tllel·e axlet、、’o b一rds 11ere.One 15 the sParrow*,and tlle other 15 the swallo认*.A Biology Lesson@佚名 @陈烨霓$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

春天,甜蜜的春天,一年中欢乐的君王;春光中万物昌盛,春光中少女们团团起舞,寒冷不再砭骨,美丽的鸟儿处处啼唱,  相似文献   

kill two birds with one stone这一习语的意思为“一举两得”,“一箭双雕”。1.We can visit Aunt Jennie andalso see New York City on the same trip, thus killing two birds with one stone. 同一次旅行,我们既可以看望珍妮姑母,又可以参观纽约市,真是一举两得。2.The history teacher told us that making an outline kills two birds with one stone; itmakes us study, the lesson till we understand it, and it gives us notes to review before  相似文献   

鬓 霉罐嘟撇 让苏施一燕 一Sa甲一尹治乓终_ 单位少桂林英特外语学校 Nancy黄麟婷饰 Mother徐夕理叮饰 作︸ 尹 嘿黔井毓赢鬓 冷薰 默抵默州S,i踢蘸毅释寒 It,5 not alw即5 easy to make .母珍今娜谬奋协峥毛赞今:协 然犷:鞘 This Pot 15 for you,Sam.And this one 15 for you,Naney.I’11 give you some seeds,too. 3 OK,Mu一刀.1’!1 water the 5011 if it starts to feel dry. Then Sam and Nancy began to put their seeds in the pots.They芷a、,e them lots of、、atel‘and nllt th曲未“太t1 th‘、、t,:n,{,、…  相似文献   

先画一个打开的鸟笼等鸟儿一进来就用画笔把笼门关上然后把笼栅一根一根统统擦去小心别碰到鸟儿任何一根羽毛然后画上树林画上明媚的春光这时再为鸟儿选择一根最美的树枝当鸟儿飞上枝头无忧无虑地唱歌画就算成功了小星星写这首诗的普雷维尔是法国的一位大诗人。他的写法很不一般,从画鸟儿着眼来写春天。我们以为他画鸟笼,还把鸟关到里面,正当我们读着心跳的时候,他却把笼栅的细棍儿一根一根全擦去,不但给鸟儿自由,还给鸟儿春光,让鸟儿唱起歌儿来。是的,没有鸟笼子的画才是成功的画。韦苇画鸟儿!法国@普雷维尔 @韦苇  相似文献   

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