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The pervasive involvement of information and communication technologies and computers in our daily lives influences changes of attitude toward computers. We focused on finding these ecological effects in the differences in computer attitudes as a function of gender and age. A questionnaire with 34 Likert-type items was used in our research. The sample consisted of 659 students from 14 high schools, aged 15–19 years attending the first, the second, the third, and the fourth years of study. The results of the questionnaire were divided into the two dimensions of concrete computer enjoyment and computer anxiety. On the first dimension both younger students and girls have positive attitudes. On the second dimension both younger students and boys have more positive attitudes. Overall, girls have more positive attitudes than boys. This is interesting because in the existing literature there is evidence that boys have more positive attitudes toward computers than girls. Perhaps a change is taking place.  相似文献   

A number of studies have highlighted that anxiety, confidence and enjoyment are influential factors on students’ participation in mathematics, and in particular girls’ participation. This paper, based upon data collected as part of a PhD thesis, examines the effect of these influences on pupil choices within different types of secondary schools in Wales and, rather interestingly, the findings show that such factors are significantly less marked in one category of school in Wales. Girls were more likely than boys to report feelings of anxiety and a lack of confidence in mathematics in all schools in Wales, apart from in Language Streamed schools. Furthermore, students in the Language Streamed schools were most likely to enjoy mathematics compared to pupils in other schools in Wales. Reasons for such findings are related to certain school practices. Smaller classes, retaining a teacher and teacher gender all appear to have positive benefits on girls’ and boys’ attitudes towards mathematics.  相似文献   

The present study examined possible changes in the computer experience and attitudes of 11-12-year-old and 15-16-year-old students following a period in which ICT has become much more widely used in the school curriculum. In comparison with findings from a similar study undertaken in the early 1990s, there was some evidence of a reduced gender gap, particularly in the use of computers for applications such as word-processing, graphics, programming and maths. In addition, more recently introduced applications such as e-mail, accessing the internet and using CD-ROMs showed no overall gender difference in frequency of use. However, some gender differences remained, particularly in attitudes. Boys still liked computers more, were more self-confident in their use and, unlike previously, sex-typed them less than girls. They also used computers more frequently out of school, particularly for playing games. There was some evidence that, as found previously, older girls held the least positive attitudes, and it is suggested that their approach to computers may be influenced by the cultural pressures of gender stereotyping. More general age differences in use and attitudes were also found, and these may result from the different computing applications used by Year 7 and Year 11 pupils at school. In summary, although we found evidence of some change since the early 1990s, increased exposure to computes has not closed the gender gap.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine whether middle school students' writing self-efficacy beliefs make an independent contribution to the prediction of their writing competence and to explore grade level and gender differences in writing self-beliefs (N = 742). Writing self-efficacy was the only motivation construct to predict writing competence in a model that included writing self-concept, writing apprehension, perceived value of writing, self-efficacy for self-regulation, previous writing achievement, gender, and grade level. Girls were more competent writers than were boys, but there were no gender differences in writing self-efficacy beliefs. However, when students were asked whether they were better writers than their peers, girls expressed that they were better writers than were other boys or girls in their class or in their school to a greater degree than did the boys. These findings suggest that girls and boys may use a different metric when responding to traditional self-efficacy scales. Students in Grade 6 reported higher self-efficacy and found writing more valuable than did their older peers, and students in Grade 7 reported lower writing self-beliefs than did students in Grades 6 or 8.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate attitudes towards and achievement in science of Form 3 students studying in single-sex and coeducational schools in Brunei. The results demonstrated significant differences in attitudes towards and achievement in science of male and female students in single-sex schools and students in coeducational schools. These differences were at moderate level. In single-sex schools, the girls achieved moderately better in science than the boys despite their attitudes were only marginally better than the boys. However, there were no gender differences in attitudes towards and achievement in science of students in coeducational schools. The attitudes towards and achievement in science of girls in single-sex schools were moderately better than those of girls in coeducational schools. Whereas the attitudes towards and achievement in science of boys in single-sex schools were only marginally better than the boys in coeducational schools. However, further research to investigate (a) if these differences are repeated at other levels as well as in other subjects, and (b) the extent to which school type contributed towards these differences is recommended.  相似文献   

Previous research on consequences of schools' gender composition has mostly investigated students' socio-emotional well-being and achievement, while students' academic attitudes and behavioural outcomes – including school deviancy – have been studied less. Moreover, most studies compared single-sex and coeducational schools, and did not focus on the proportion of girls at school. Starting from reference group theory, we hypothesise that boys attending schools with a higher proportion of girls adopt the latter's positive study attitudes, rendering them less susceptible to disruptive behaviour. Conversely, girls in schools with more boys are expected to adopt the latter's negative study attitudes, consequently being more likely to misbehave. Multilevel analyses on data from the Flemish educational assessment, consisting of 5961 girls and 5638 boys in 81 schools, showed that both boys and girls valued studying more and were less likely to misbehave at school when proportionally more girls attended their school. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Student motivation may have significant influences on essential academic outcomes. However, students’ motivation may decline as they grow older. This study examined six motivation constructs (self-efficacy, interest, mastery goal orientation, engagement, avoidance coping, and effort withdrawal) of students from 78 schools in Singapore (= 4214) in learning English. Using a large and diverse sample of primary 5 (5th grade) and secondary 3 (9th grade) students, grade and gender differences in these constructs were examined. Applying a MIMIC approach to structural equation modeling, the paths from grade and gender as well as the grade × gender interaction variable were found to be significant. That is, (a) the scores for self-efficacy, interest, mastery goal orientation, and engagement tended to be lower whereas avoidance coping and effort withdrawal tended to be higher for the secondary students, (b) boys tended to have lower scores; and (c) the gap in motivation between primary and secondary tended to be greater for girls. Since motivation may have important influences on subsequent learning outcomes, we need to seriously consider the implications of these grade- and gender-related patterns and pay attention particularly to boys in primary schools and girls in secondary schools.  相似文献   

There is continuing evidence of gender bias in the use of computers in schools. Boys' greater access and confidence is multidetermined; however, one factor is the nature of the packages themselves and the imagery they deploy. Unlike the computer games sector where images remain crudely sexist, educational software providers have developed software which use 'androgynous' humanoid figures where gender-stereotypical features are absent. There is, however, no social or cultural warrant for human representations which are non-gendered. We hypothesised that children would have no notion of genderless persons and would assign gender to the figures, reverting to male as norm, but that girls would be more likely than boys to identify androgynous computer characters as female. In our study we asked primary school children to talk about the images, making up names and describing them. Content analysis of the data was used and a gender constancy test was included as a check for validity. A small pilot study supported our hypothesis and the results from a larger scale study confirm that children identify neutral characters as male, but that girls are more willing to see them as female. We conclude that more research should be undertaken into the ways teachers can influence the child's perception of gender.  相似文献   


Results of a three year longitudinal study of elementary school children's attitudes toward computers in Japan, Mexico, and the United States of America are presented, along with implications of the findings for teacher education. Two types of attitudes toward computers (importance and enjoyment) were found to be positively influenced by the introduction of computer activities in primary school. No novelty effect was found regarding enjoyment of computers, and perceived computer importance declined less from Grades 1–3 than several other dispositions measured. No consistent gender differences were found for attitudes toward computers among the three nations. These findings imply that students begin school eager to learn about computers and lacking the gender biases often found in older age groups, and that teachers should be educated to help preserve interest in and access to information technology for all students. Reflections for teacher education conclude the article.  相似文献   

In the school year 1993-94 a new subject, Information and computer literacy' (ICL), was introduced in lower secondary education in the Netherlands. This article reports on a study of the effects of the curriculum materials used and of teaching behaviour in ICL lessons on changes in girls' and boys' attitudes towards computers, knowledge about ICL , and future plans. A second question focuses on the gender-linked ideas about the subject developed by pupils during ICL lessons. Students appear to enter the classroom with gender-linked patterns of behaviour and attitudes, but education plays an important role. After the course the differences in knowledge between girls and boys have diminished. However, the course was not able to remove gender differences in attitudes. Moreover, for students who worked with a non-genderinclusive method, gender differences in attitudes increased. The events and experiences in the classroom contribute to the extension of gender-specific repertoires of pupils.  相似文献   

Previous studies that attempted to explain why girls often perform better than boys in reading have emphasized the role of values and beliefs, with little attention paid to the role of emotions. This study focused on the role of parent–child emotional contagion in explaining gender differences, by investigating how parents’ reading emotion predicts students’ reading emotion and subsequent reading achievement. The data that was used was from a subsample of students from the Program for International Students Assessment (n = 84,429) from 14 countries. Multi-group structural equation modeling was conducted to assess a model of parents’ enjoyment of reading predicting reading achievement through students’ enjoyment of reading. Results provided support for a model of parents’ enjoyment of reading, predicting students 'enjoyment of reading, and subsequent reading achievement for both girls and boys. However, the indirect effect of parents’ enjoyment of reading on reading achievement through students’ enjoyment of reading was found to be stronger in girls than in boys. Findings emphasize the important role of parents’ emotions on student outcomes and how gender biases in a certain context can affect the extent to which parents’ emotions can influence student achievement.  相似文献   

高校男女生健美操主观认识异同与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要以问卷调查法和数理统计法为主,结合文献资料法和访谈法,围绕高校男女学生对健美操认识差异原因展开调查,改变以往调查研究方中男女分向研究,本文将男女生结合起来对比研究,侧重了解男女学生对健美操认识差异的原因。研究结果发现:运动量、就业能力需求、教学内容与健身意识、自信感存在不一致认同,教师教学态度影响学生学习态度。  相似文献   


Since the early 1980s, there has been a growing interest in the potentiality of computers as facilitators of students' learning. The importance of using technology effectively as a learning tool has been emphasized by many researchers. However, finding good software that encourages pupils to explore and express mathematical ideas is becoming a crucial issue.


This paper investigates the effect of spreadsheet and dynamic geometry software on the mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy of 7th-grade students. The study further examines the gender differences with respect to computer self-efficacy, mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics achievement. The relationship among these three constructs is also investigated.


The study consisted of 64 7th-grade students from three different classes including all the 7th- graders in a school, which is located in an upper-middle-class area in Ankara, Turkey. Study participants were aged from 12 to 13. In total, the number of female and male students was equal. In this study, purposive sampling was used since the school where the study took place was well equipped in terms of computer laboratories and technological devices.

Design and methods

The evaluation used an experimental design where two software programs, Excel and Autograph, were used in experimental groups separately, and a control group took traditional-based instruction without using any technological tools such as a computer or calculator. The study was carried out during the spring semester of the 2001/02 academic year, where three instructional methods of study: Autograph-based instruction, spreadsheet-based instruction and traditionally based instruction, were randomly assigned to the three classes. The Mathematics achievement test was used to assess the students' performance on mathematics. In order to determine the self-efficacy expectation of the students with respect to mathematics and computers, a Mathematics self-efficacy scale and Computer self-efficacy scale were developed respectively. Analysis of covariance, bivariate correlations and t-test were used to analyse outcome data.


Results revealed that the Autograph group and Traditional group had significantly greater mean scores than the Excel group with respect to mathematics achievement. The Autograph group had significantly greater mean scores than the Traditional group, while no significant mean difference was found between the Autograph and Excel groups and between the Excel and Traditional groups with respect to mathematics self-efficacy. No significant mean difference was found between boys and girls with respect to mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy. On the other hand, boys had significantly greater mean scores than girls with respect to computer self-efficacy. In addition, significant correlations were found among efficacy scores and achievement.


The evidence suggests that students showed great enthusiasm for Autograph. Students in the Autograph group had the highest scores compared to other groups regarding mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy. In addition, boys reported significantly higher scores with respect to computer self-efficacy where, during the Autograph-based instruction and spreadsheet-based instruction, boys were more willing to solve activities using computers compared to girls. On the other hand, treatments seemed not to have any effect on gender regarding mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

This study investigated Jamaican 9th graders' attitudes towards science and if there were statistically significant differences in their conceptual knowledge of matter linked to their gender, attitudes towards science, school-type, and socio-economic background (SEB). The 216 participating students comprised 109 males and 107 females; 65, 98 and 53 (25%) students had highly favourable, moderate and low attitudes towards science respectively; 73 boys were from two all-boys' schools, 71 girls from two all-girls' schools, 36 boys and 36 girls were from two coeducational schools; 108 students each were from a high and a low SEB, all in Kingston. Attitudes to science questionnaire and the knowledge of matter test were used to collect data. The results showed that most of the students exhibited favourable attitudes to science; there were statistically significant differences in the students' knowledge of matter linked to attitudes to science, and school-type in favour of the boys, students with highly favourable attitudes to science, and students in all-boys' schools respectively. There was a positive, statistically significant but weak relationship between the students' (a) attitudes to science, and (b) school-type and their knowledge of matter, while there was no relationship between their (c) gender, and (d) SEB and their knowledge of matter.  相似文献   

A total of 1068 secondary school pupils completed a questionnaire concerned with enjoyment of school, enjoyment of subjects and what they attributed academic success to. Gender differences were shown in the overall enjoyment of school (girls expressing greater enjoyment). Girls also reported liking friends, teachers, outings and lessons more than boys, while boys reported liking sports and school clubs more. Enjoyment of school subjects reflected traditional sex stereotyping: girls reported more liking than did boys for English, French, German, history, drama, music and home economics while boys reported more liking for science. craft and design technology, physical education and information technology. Some gender differences were shown in rating factors contributing to academic success (girls rating hard work and teachers’ liking for you as more important than boys, and boys rating cleverness, talent and luck as more important than girls) but attributions with respect to academic success varied more with age than with gender.  相似文献   

This study investigated girls’ attitudes towards science in Kenya. It was carried out with 120 girls from four secondary schools in the Eastern province of Kenya. These were an urban single-sex (SS) and co-educational (Co-Ed) school and a rural SS and Co-Ed school. Different schools were chosen in order to explore whether there are any differences in attitudes in SS and Co-Ed schools and in schools in rural and urban areas. The methodology included the use of both questionnaires and focus group interviews. The main aim was to gain insight into the extent and depth of students’ attitudes towards science. The findings of the study showed that the majority of Kenyan girls who participated in the study have a favourable attitude towards science. Girls in SS schools were found to have a more favourable attitude than those in Co-Ed schools, while girls in rural area schools were found to find science more relevant than those in urban schools. It emerged from this study that the attitudes of Kenyan girls are influenced by their perceptions of the relevance of science, enjoyment of studying science, perceptions of the suitability of science for a career, and their perceptions of subject difficulty.  相似文献   

This article is based upon a full‐time study of masculinity and singing funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Empirical work was conducted with boy performers and ‘peer audiences’ for those performers in schools. The article focuses on girls’ attitudes to boy singers and reveals a significant difference between primary and secondary schooling. In primary schools, girls are the more responsible for discouraging boys but in secondary schools the male peer group becomes more critical whilst girls increasingly perceive boy singers as ‘cute’. It is possible to construct a strong case for single‐sex groupings but the empirical work suggests this may turn out to be misguided. The article concludes that there is an urgent need for girls and boys to learn mutual respect in the context of the music class. The evidence suggests that teachers require a significantly enhanced level of gender‐related subject knowledge, gender awareness and interpersonal skill.  相似文献   

In an attempt better to understand why, on the whole, girls are not very interested in computers, we have tried to investigate social representations of technical interest attributed to one or the other gender in primary and junior-high school. The results of the impressions formation test and those of a survey indicate that primary-school pupils consider boys and girls to be equally involved in technical fields and a girl «computer enthusiast» is perceived as a very atractive person. At the junior-high level, students no longer perceive this equality of gender in technical interests and they judge a girl «computer enthusiast» negatively. Moreover, girls themselves consider that too keen an interest in computers is evidence of loneliness and problems with sexual identity. A boy’s involvement with computers does not change his image, whatever the gender or the age of the subjects. Thus, the influence of the normative model of feminine identity can explain in part the drop in interest for computers observed in secondary-school girls.  相似文献   

In general, studies on gender and mathematics show that the advantage held by boys over girls in mathematics achievement has diminished markedly over the last 40 years. Some researchers even argue that gender differences in mathematics achievement are no longer a relevant issue. However, the results of the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study of 2003 (TIMSS-2003), as well as the participation rates of girls in (advanced) mathematics courses, show that in some countries, such as the Netherlands, gender equity in mathematics is still far from a reality. Research on gender and mathematics is often limited to the relationship between gender differences in attitudes toward mathematics and gender differences in mathematics achievement. In school effectiveness research, theories and empirical evidence emphasize the importance of certain school and class characteristics (e.g., strong educational leadership, safe and orderly learning climate) for achievement and attitudes. However, there is little information available at to whether these factors have the same or a different influence on the achievement of girls and boys. This study used the Dutch data from TIMSS-2003 to explore the relationship between school- and class characteristics and the mathematics achievement and attitudes for both girls and boys in Grade 4 of the primary school. The explorations documented in this paper were guided by a conceptual model of concentric circles and involved multilevel analyses. Interaction effects with gender were assessed for each influencing factor that turned out to have a significant effect. The results of these analyses provide additional insight into the influence that non-school-related and school-related factors have on the mathematics achievement and attitudes of girls and boys.  相似文献   

The study identified two dimensions of teacher self-efficacy and practices and five dimensions of students’ mathematics self-efficacy and sought to determine the extent to which teacher characteristics and practices can enhance secondary school students’ self-efficacy. Data were collected from 13,173 students in 193 teachers’ classrooms from 141 schools in the 10 districts of Lake Victoria Region of Kenya. Two-level hierarchical linear model revealed that teachers’ frequent use of mathematics homework, their level of interest and enjoyment of mathematics, as well as their ability and competence in teaching mathematics were found to play a key role in promoting students’ mathematics self-efficacy. Teachers’ ability and competence in teaching were also found to be effective in narrowing the gender gap in students’ self-confidence and competence in mathematics. The study recommends that teacher training colleges emphasize such teacher practices and values in order to enhance students’ mathematics self-efficacy, reduce their level of anxiety and fear of mathematics, and consequently, enhance their achievement in mathematics. Professional development opportunities should also be made available to in-service teachers to continually update their knowledge and skills and develop new strategies for teacher effectiveness.  相似文献   

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