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新技术创新促进教育与学习:地平线项目研究启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地平线项目是新媒体联盟(NMC)于2002年启动,以新兴信息技术进入教育主流性应用的潜能作为主要评估标准,开展持续而系列化的质性研究,以年度报告的形式发布研究成果。文章通过认真研读《2011地平线报告》的核心内容,概述了报告提出的六种新兴技术、四个关键趋势及重要挑战,并对近年来地平线报告发布的新技术特点与趋势进行了分析,从非正式学习的发展、未来教育所面临的挑战以及技术发展的融合与技术观角度讨论了地平线报告带给我们的启示。  相似文献   

In this paper the aim is to highlight the absence of a sociology of learning in relation to primary education. Further, it is argued that there is considerable scope for cooperation between psychologists and sociologists in tackling this issue and one way will be explored in which this could be achieved by drawing on social constructivist psychology and symbolic interactionist sociology. In support of this suggestion, some brief illustrative material is presented, drawn from a longitudinal ethnography of a pupil cohort progressing through a primary school in the UK.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a framework for the analysis of learning designs using new technologies. It takes a learner-centred view derived from literature in higher, professional and adult education. The process of developing guidelines for applying this framework to particular learning activities is outlined and the strengths and limitations of this approach considered. Evaluation des nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement. L'article discute d'un cadre pour l'analyse de schémas d'enseignement faisant usage des nouvelles technologies. Il prend en compte un enseignement centré sur l'apprenant À partir d'articles et de livres sur l'éducation supérieure, professionnelle et des adultes. Le processus de développement des lignes directrices pour l'application de ce cadre À des activités d'enseignement particuliers est mis en valeur et les forces et les limitations de cette approche sont prises en considération. Bewertung neuer Lerntechnologien: Grundlagen zur Weiterentwicklung. In diesem Artikel werden Grundlagen zur Analyse von Lernformen besprochen, die sich auf neue Technologien stützen. Man konzentriert sich auf die Sicht des Lernenden und stützt sich auf die Auswertung der in der höheren Schulbildung, Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung verwendeten Literatur. Es wird die Entwicklung von Richtlinien bei der Anwendung dieser Grundlagen bei bestimmten Lernvorgängen besprochen und die Stärken und Grenzen ihrer Anwendung diskutiert.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its starting point the special provision made for grant maintained schools through the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act and suggests that the compromise it represented may be considered as an example of New Labour' Third Way in politics. The latter is discussed in terms of general and educational policies with specific regard to the characteristics of self-governing schools.  相似文献   

小学写字教学"导学"模式,采取师生双轨道规律性牵引,使学生有效掌握汉字书写技能,逻辑步骤明确、合理,认知程式得力、完善,构成了有效的教学过程。"导学"模式的构建与实施,能够提高学生的写字水平,提高写字教学质量。  相似文献   

特校教师要尽快走进新课程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为推进新课程的实施,教育部于2001年秋季,已在38个国家课程改革实验区开展基础教育课程改革实验.我校所在的锡山区也是实验区之一,因此有幸多次参加了新课程的培训和教研活动,参观考察了兄弟学校实验区的课改实践.  相似文献   

在年轻人对初级高等教育的需求还没有减少之时,随之而来的是那些在工作中与时代保持步伐需要学习的成人对进一步学习不断增长的需求。在美国,大约40%的成人接受过正规的教育(查普尔,奥朵尼尔,2005)。在通过网络发送课程激增时,通过电视发送课程就减少了。然而,越来越多的年轻成人正在通过新一代交互式多媒体技术,用新的方法进行学习,这样反过来就引发了对更具有交互性的远程学习的期望。流传的教育模式是构建主义,新技术打破了构建主义教学方法,使受到距离限制的教学变为可行。建立和完善学习社区对大多数远程教育者来说是一个新的挑战。本文的目的意在引起对提出的观点进行提问和讨论,但是,在结束之前,还提出了远程与开放教育在使用新技术和新教育方法上可能出现失败的设想,本人的观点更为乐观。  相似文献   

新技术在远程开放教育中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以教师的视角,阐述了开放远程教育中教学法的变化,即不涉及政策和管理问题。尽管年轻人对初级高等教育的需求尚未减少,与此同时,成年人为了使自己在职场上不被落伍,对继续教育的需求亦不断增加。在美国,有大约40%的成年人参加过正规的成人教育活动。目前,电视传输的形式大为减少,而网络传输的形式却在迅速发展。越来越多的年轻人正运用新的方式,即通过新一代多媒体互动技术开展学习,这种学习方式的转变预计会增加更多的交互式远程学习活动。这一流行的教学法模式具有建构主义特征,而新技术使得建构主义远程教学成为可能。设立和推动学习共同体对于大多数远程教育者来说是一种新的挑战。本文的目的是想激发对于这一论题的讨论和探究。然而在作出结论前,本文对于有些人关于远程开放教育不能适应新技术和教学方法提出了质疑假定。笔者在这一问题上的观点要显得更为乐观。  相似文献   

This is a study of how a group of primary school teachers in Singapore dealt with the possibility of introducing informal educational innovations in their school settings. “Informal innovations” here refers to the voluntary adoption of new teaching methods, techniques and ideas acquired during an in-service teacher education programme, namely, the Further Professional Certificate in Education (FPCE) programme conducted by the Institute of Education, Singapore. Did these teachers attempt, when back in their schools, to experiment with the new ideas and methods of teaching they had been exposed to during the one year of the FPCE programme? What factors worked for, and against, attempts at innovations in their primary schools? Were there structural constraints and socio-psychological obstacles that they had to negotiate in order to adopt innovations in classroom and educational practices? If innovative ideas had remained dormant, was this because the teachers were unconvinced about the practicality and relevance of these ideas for the classroom and the school? These questions serve as the focal points of a small study involving 66 primary school teachers. Of the 66 teachers, sixteen had resumed work at school for nine months after they completed their in-service attachment at the Institute of Education (IE). The remaining 50 were in the midst of their in-service training when they participated in the study.  相似文献   

本文首先对综述中用到的关键术语进行了界定,并讨论了思维技能、学习和技术三者之间的联系;然后从讨论一般思维技能是否存在的问题入手,针对思维技能能否被教授的问题进行了理论和实证的分析;接着对技术在思维技能教学中的作用进行了讨论,并认为信息和通讯技术(ICT)在思维技能教学中的作用方式主要有三种:作为导师或者教学机器、提供思维工具以及支持学习性对话.最后为使用技术支持思维技能的教学制定了指南,并评估了该领域的研究趋势及其对教育实践的启示.  相似文献   

李阳  吉喆  杨玉芹 《远程教育杂志》2009,17(4):35-40,28
本综述主要关注人们创造力的特点,社区、学科领域、社会情境等与数字技术特点之间的互动.对创造力在教育中的作用,数字技术对创造力的支持,如何教授创造力,如何创造性地使用数字技术,如何评价创造力、学习和数字技术等进行了详细论述.在文章最后两部分对实践、课程及学习资源设计的启示及目前存在的问题进行了简要总结.  相似文献   

思维、技术与学习综述(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先对综述中用到的关键术语进行了界定,并讨论了思维技能、学习和技术三者之间的联系;然后从讨论一般思维技能是否存在的问题入手,针对思维技能能否被教授的问题进行了理论和实证的分析;接着对技术在思维技能教学中的作用进行了讨论,并认为信息和通讯技术(ICT)在思维技能教学中的作用方式主要有三种:作为导师或者教学机器、提供思维工具以及支持学习性对话。最后为使用技术支持思维技能的教学制定了指南,并评估了该领域的研究趋势及其对教育实践的启示。  相似文献   

"教会学生学习"已成为当今世界流行的教育口号.许多教师在长期的教育教学实践中,在"授人以鱼"的同时,更重视在"授人以渔".笔者在初中英语教学的过程中,探索出了一套"五导授渔法",即导读、导入、导学、导议、导练.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that teacher education is undergoing significant transformation. In most countries there is a recognition that the quality and extent of provision will need to be raised. Open and distance education, utilising new interactive forms of technology, will have a crucial, perhaps major, role to play in this process. The school will act increasingly as a ‘site’ for learning within evolving models of initial and in‐service teacher education. All forms of teacher education will exploit new technologies. There will be an increasing convergence between conventional and open and distance modes of delivery. New assessments of costs and effectiveness will need to be made. Changes in technology has rendered ‘out‐of‐date’ much of the previous evaluative evidence. National and international expertise in open and distance education, new methodologies and teacher education will need to be developed.  相似文献   

School effectiveness research has made a number of valuable contributions to educational research over the past three decades. However, its validity is threatened by a number of evolutions that question the continuing centrality of its basic research object, the public school. Moves towards more flexible school organization such as networks of schools, a broader role for schools reconceptualized as community centers, the emergence of new providers outwith the public sector, the increasingly internationalised nature of research and moves towards greater use of distance learning and home schooling all mean that this focus may rapidly become outdated, potentially making school effectiveness research irrelevant.In this paper we will discuss the consequences of these evolutions for school effectiveness research and argue that, rather than lessening the need for effectiveness research, they increase the imperative for this type of research, as long as it is broadened to educational effectiveness in its broadest sense whether it takes place in the traditional public school or not, and is conducted in an empirical and open-minded way.  相似文献   

多媒体学习研究的演进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在起源于教育领域之外的多媒体学习责源(像光盘和网络)大规模涌入之前,关于多媒体对学习的影响方面的实验研究已经有几十年的时间。尽管研究的结果并不是决定性的,但是前两代多媒体研究帮助我们确定了影响有效多媒体设计的要素。本文总结了现有研究的结论.评述了每一代多媒体研究的主要理论问题、研究方向以及不足之处。论文还讨论了已经开始受到人们关注的第三代多媒体设计和学习研究新动向,也提出了若干未来发展趋势的建议。  相似文献   

中小学德育课程改革与创新   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
中小学德育课程改革与创新体现在三个方面 ,其一是中西方文化的整合与互补 ,主导要素是对民族思维方式和民族精神的体认、培育与发展 ;其二是增强综合性与实践性 ,整体构建德育的目标内容和实践活动体系 ;其三是德育课程形态回归生活 ,促进学生道德主体性的发展  相似文献   

The central thesis of the paper is that children should be accorded a greater role in the evaluation of the role of new information technologies in schools, that is, where possible they should be stakeholders who help shape the design, processes and interpretations of evaluation studies as well as informants who provide data for the study. Arguments for this position draw on children's special relationship with the new technologies as well as current movements in children's rights and the development of a new paradigm of childhood studies. The paper finishes with a discussion of some of the issues that might arise from involving children as stakeholders.  相似文献   

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