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祝阳  雷莹 《现代情报》2016,36(8):14-20
网络搭建的“场域”成为社会风险的“放大站”,本研究旨在描述网络传播与社会风险放大之间的关系。在区分网络与媒体概念的基础上,分析网络传播特征与放大效应的关系。基于公共卫生事件,探讨社会风险本身就会产生的社会效应。在上述分析基础上,分析网络对社会风险的传播衍生出的次生危害。在网络社会与现实社会关系的假设前提下,提出网络的社会风险放大效应的模型。需要理性应对网络在社会风险中产生的放大效应。  相似文献   

利用对农村流动人口和驻村人口中已婚男性、大龄未婚男性、小龄未婚男性、已婚女性和未婚女性所做的有关经济、健康、心理、决策地位等特征的调查信息,通过分性别、婚姻状态、流动状态、年龄、地域进行的描述性统计比较,分析了性别失衡背景下不同群体在经济、健康、心理、决策地位和社会交往等特征方面的差别。研究发现:在性别失衡背景下,男性比女性弱势,非婚人群比在婚人群弱势,非流动人员比流动人员弱势,28岁以下人群和50岁以上的人群比28~50岁人群弱势,中、西部人群比东部人群弱势。  相似文献   

毛明芳 《未来与发展》2010,33(11):50-54,30
在当代风险社会,技术风险是一种客观层面风险与主观层面风险的统一体。技术风险事件在制度、文化和心理等因素的影响下,通常会发生风险的社会放大效应,导致其影响后果远远超过技术对人类健康和环境的直接伤害,产生间接影响。转基因技术风险具有典型的社会放大效应。技术风险的社会放大分析框架对于我们把握当代技术风险的本质和寻找技术风险规避的对策具有启示意义。  相似文献   

基于2008年安徽省CH市JC区的调查数据,通过与同年龄段已婚男性的对比,对性别失衡背景下中国农村大龄未婚男性的男男性行为发生率及其影响因素进行了分析。结果发现,中国的性别失衡确实会使得农村地区的男男性行为发生率增加;而发生男男性行为的人群中,其无保护性行为也达到了一个较高的比例;同时与已婚男性相比,未婚男性在艾滋病和性病知识方面的掌握情况较差,从而为公共卫生安全带来潜在威胁。论文结尾指出了研究结论的政策启示、研究的局限性和未来改进方向。  相似文献   

技术风险的主观不确定性主要来源于相关主体不同的利益或价值追求。前沿生物技术较高的主观不确定性在其社会扩散过程中容易被级联放大,进而埋下风险隐患。对此,文章基于Oxitec公司转基因伊蚊技术环境释放试验的案例研究,探究了前沿生物技术主观不确定性风险产生的源头与过程。研究发现:(1)技术本身的不确定性是风险争议产生的起点,主要通过科学家之间的相互博弈产生;(2)技术研发机构是技术不确定性向社会扩散的过渡点,焦点机构与其他主体之间由于价值追求的冲突而产生相关争议;(3)制度环境决定着技术不确定性扩散的方向,不完善的制度设计与制度执行容易导致对各主体利益保护的失衡。文章拓展并丰富了技术风险管理的理论研究,对实践中前沿生物技术的风险防范也具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

王文乐 《科技广场》2014,(3):104-112
优先股是相对普通股而言的金融创新产品,融合了股权与债权两者的优点,投资人既能获取低风险收益,在利益遭遇侵害时又不失产权人应有的权利诉求。因此,在我国资本市场供给失衡的背景下推行优先股制度具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

专项投资是研发联盟中实现资源互补必不可少的部分。基于交易成本理论和社会交换理论,分析了研发联盟背景下企业专项投资对自身知识被侵占风险的影响,以及企业监督和善意信任对专项投资与知识被侵占风险之间关系的调节作用。通过对155家参与合作创新的制造业企业发放问卷来收集样本,采用多元统计分析方法对假设进行验证。结果表明:(1)企业专项投资与其知识被侵占风险之间存在正相关关系;(2)监督削弱了企业专项投资与其知识被侵占风险之间的正向关系;(3)善意信任会对"专项投资—知识被侵占风险"关系产生U型调节作用:即适度的善意信任会降低企业专项投资带来的知识被侵占风险,而过低或过高的善意信任都会放大专项投资带来的知识被侵占风险。  相似文献   

风险社会下的风险主要被认为是科学技术发展的结果,它的产生与科学有着密切的关系,并呈现了复杂性的特征,主要表现为风险的无序性、风险社会的非线性与混沌性、风险社会系统演变的不确定性.因此,有必要从复杂性科学的角度对当代风险社会进行解读,以复杂性思维应对风险,运用“策略优于程序”原则、以复杂的理性主义代替简单的理性主义、注重背景复杂性和共持世界主义视野来应对风险社会,实现社会和谐发展.  相似文献   

邻避冲突中,公众邻避情节产生的根源在于其风险感知的差异。风险感知是公众对邻避设施及项目的潜在风险所做出的的主观判断,其所具有的偏差性、主观性和放大性特点极大地影响了公众的行为选择,一定程度上决定了邻避风险的演化进程。由于不同发展阶段,公众的风险感知呈现不同的特点,随之公众的行为也将发生不同的变化。探究基于风险感知下的公众行为内在演化机理,通过完善公民参与机制、完善风险沟通机制、完善共建共享共治机制等路径化解邻避困局,推进社会基层治理的现代化。  相似文献   

建国后,以国家政权强制推动的妇女解放运动,目标是实现无性别差异的男女平等,但1950年《婚姻法》关于夫妻财产的规定侧重于保护妇女权益,体现了性别差异的平等观。现行婚姻家庭立法欠缺社会性别意识,表面上性别平等的夫妻财产规定在适用中产生男女权益失衡的法律后果。这是否是立法的倒退?我国现行婚姻家庭立法应采用社会性别分析方法,从社会性别平等的角度修改和完善夫妻财产的若干规定,以实现实质意义的男女平等。  相似文献   

Information systems research provides increasing evidence that women and men differ in their use of information technology. However, research has not sufficiently explained why these differences exist. Using the theory of reasoned action and social role theory, this paper investigates gender differences in people’s decisions about information sharing in the context of social networking sites (SNSs). We developed a comparative model of the information-sharing decision process across genders and theoretically explained why these differences exist. Data was collected from an online survey taken by American SNS users. We found that privacy risks, social ties, and commitment were more important in the formation of attitudes toward information sharing for women than men. Gender significantly moderates the relationship between people’s perceptions of information sharing and their intention to share information. This paper provides an enhanced understanding of gender differences in people’s decisions about sharing information on SNSs. It advances gender differences research into the use of newly emerged information technology and provides researchers insightful views of the role that gender plays in the social media era. Being aware of the research findings, practitioners may better engage their targeted stakeholders on SNSs and collect more useful information for business purposes.  相似文献   

Social media is growing rapidly. Providing both risks and opportunities for organizations as it does. The social strategy cone is developed for evaluating social media strategies. This framework comprises of seven key elements of social media strategies as based on a systematic literature review and case studies. The results of 21 interviews have contributed to the construction of the social media strategy cone for analyzing social media strategies. Three levels of maturity of social media strategy are proposed: initiation, diffusion and maturity. Initiation includes the key elements: ‘target audience’ and ‘channel choice’ while all case organizations studied payed attention to these elements. Diffusion includes the elements: ‘goals’, ‘resources’ and ‘policies’. Maturity adds the elements of ‘monitoring’ and ‘content activities’. Only 3 of the 9 organizations studied are in this phase of maturity. Although, theory suggests the importance of the element of ‘monitoring’ our research shows the need for more attention in practice.  相似文献   

李晔萍 《科教文汇》2011,(35):167-169
语言作为社会交际的工具,随着社会的产生而产生,随着社会的发展而发展。语言的发展最显著的规律是其具有不平衡性和渐变性。普通语言学研究的是语言发展的共通规律和一般原理,将语言发展过程中呈现出的特征加以归纳。本文将站在普通语言学这个巨人的肩膀上分析语言发展过程中产生不平衡性的原因,并从认知语言学的角度再度分析阐述语言发展的这一规律,并将主要着重词汇的发展不平衡规律的研究。  相似文献   

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems worldwide. The diagnosis of depression is usually done by clinicians based on mental status questionnaires and patient's self-reporting. Not only do these methods highly depend on the current mood of the patient, but also people who experience mental illness are often reluctantly seeking help. Social networks have become a popular platform for people to express their feelings and thoughts with friends and family. With the substantial amount of data in social networks, there is an opportunity to try designing novel frameworks to identify those at risk of depression. Moreover, such frameworks can provide clinicians and hospitals with deeper insights about depressive behavioral patterns, thereby improving diagnostic process. In this paper, we propose a big data analytics framework to detect depression for users of social networks. In addition to syntactic and syntax features, it focuses on pragmatic features toward modeling the intention of users. User intention represents the true motivation behind social network behaviors. Moreover, since the behaviors of user's friends in the network are believed to have an influence on the user, the framework also models the influence of friends on the user's mental states. We evaluate the performance of the proposed framework on a massive real dataset obtained from Facebook and show that the framework outperforms existing methods for diagnosing user-level depression in social networks.  相似文献   

基于社会资本理论和服务创新理论构建社会资本、服务创新类型和服务创新绩效三者之间关系的理论模型,并以213家物流企业为调查对象收集数据,运用结构方程模型探讨企业的社会资本在2种服务创新类型中介作用下对服务创新绩效的影响。研究结果表明,在不同的服务创新类型下,不同维度的社会资本对于服务创新的影响效果是显著不同的。  相似文献   

王爱民 《软科学》2013,27(2):41-44
从项目治理风险视角诠释复杂项目危机成因,基于一个项目治理风险的分析框架,将复杂项目危机发生过程划分为三个阶段:治理风险累积、治理风险放大、危机爆发,系统分析了复杂项目治理体系不完善导致治理风险累积而演变为复杂项目危机的整个过程。最后,基于网格的优势,提出复杂项目网格化治理模式,描述了复杂项目网格化治理的运作流程,旨在实现复杂项目的动态治理,有效降低复杂项目治理风险累积。  相似文献   

The prior studies on information disclosure in location-based services (LBS) suggested that the perceived benefits of information disclosure in LBS were manifested by three benefits, namely, locatability, personalization, and social benefits. The three benefits might affect information disclosure intention differently. As an extension, individual factors, such as gender, may affect the relationship. However, according to literature, little research has investigated on the combined influence of the three benefits on the information disclosure intention in LBS with the gender as a moderator. Based upon the self-determination and social role theories, this study intends to bridge the gap empirically. The hypotheses are largely supported by 215 respondents. Unexpectedly, the research findings show that for females, locatability and personalization are more important in predicting their information disclosure intention, whereas for males, the social benefit has more of an impact on information disclosure intention, which is opposite to the hypotheses and convention. Furthermore, the research findings indicate that the behaviors of males and females may conform to the roles distributed within a society of this information age rather than to the personalities of the individuals. Finally, the implications are presented.  相似文献   

薛梅 《科教文汇》2014,(34):126-127
语言作为一种社会现象,能够充分反映出社会的现实状况,语言和社会、文化等方面有着密不可分的联系,同样,在英语语言当中所存在的性别歧视也从一定的层面上折射出了社会、文化、心理等方面存在的不同问题。对于语言中性别歧视研究中英语语言研究的一项重要课题,本文通过对其存在的形态进行举例说明,对其成因加以解析,并从其近年来的发展变化着手进行简要概述。  相似文献   

当前中国社会两极分化问题的成因及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究当前我国社会贫富差距加大、社会两极分化的现状和表现,具体分析了形成社会两极分化的原因,并提出了解决由贫富差距和地区发展不平衡引起的社会两极分化问题的一些对策,以期健全社会主义市场经济体制,提倡社会主义荣辱观,共创和谐社会。  相似文献   

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