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现行教育投入体制下,农村基础教育面临的种种问题主要源于政府投入不足。政府必须重视农村基础教育,完善和规范转移支付制度,明确中央、省、市、县对基础教育投入的责任,尤其是中央和省级政府在农村义务教育经费分担中的主要责任,健全教育经费投入监督体系,保证农村师资质量,促进农村基础教育平稳、快速、持续发展,有效体现教育公平和教育与社会的互进共荣。  相似文献   

An International Review section within this special international issue may seem redundant. This regular department usually features articles on research and/or development in countries outside of North America. This “review”, however, does not highlight any one country or program but views the entire world as an appropriate domain for educational technology practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to outline some of the many opportunities available for competent educational technology professionals to contribute their knowledge and skills in international settings beyond the North American borders. He was Founding Director, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology; Fulbright Professor in Chile, Peru and in the American Republics; has taught and consulted in Indonesia, iran, South africa, the Philippines and The Netherlands. He is currently Visiting Professor, University of Twente, The Netherlands and Florida State University. A post president of AECT, be is the recipient of the International Division's Exemplary International Contribution Award.  相似文献   

Currently the impact of educational television in universities is relatively small. However, this may change, thanks to recent advances in television technology. This article describes the ‘teleclass’ concept which Governors State University, a relatively small state‐funded institution in Illinois, has developed as an alternative to the conventional documentary‐style telecourse which is prohibitively expensive for most university television departments. Simply put, teleclasses are videotaped classrooms. The difference between teleclasses and the one‐way telelectures which were the bane of early educational television is that the entire class is videotaped, both students and instructor, so that all the interaction between instructor and students and between students and students is captured for the distant viewer, who becomes a vicarious participant in the classroom experience. Teleclasses have proved to be effective in terms of student completion and acceptance, and are having an impact on the university's entire academic programme.  相似文献   

When India became independent, primary education in the state of Rajasthan was made the responsibility of the Panchayats (Village Councils), and a number of village schools were opened. However they only drew around 40 per cent of the 6–11 age group, and the curricula, text books, and even the teachers themselves, recruited from the cities, were out of touch with the needs of the rural communities. A study conducted in 1974 showed that, to improve the situation, it would be necessary to make the school more relevant to village life, to involve the parents in planning, and to run it at times when the children could be spared from domestic or farm work; to select the teachers from village residents; and to adapt the curricula and teaching methods to the environment. An appropriate programme was worked out and introduced in three villages in 1975. It provided for morning classes for the regular pupils and evening school for children who worked during the day. The emphasis in the curricula was to be on agriculture and animal husbandry, and teaching methods were to be closely in keeping with the life of the village. Suitable local people were found and trained as teachers. The author describes the implementation of this programme in detail. It proved a success and has now been extended to ten villages with a total attendance at the schools of more than five hundred children.
Zusammenfassung Als Indien unabhängig wurde, übertrug man im Staat Rajasthan die Grundschulbildung der Verantwortung den Panchayats (Dorf-Räten) und eine Reihe von Dorfschulen wurde eröffnet. Aber diese erfaßten nur etwa 40% der Altersgruppe von 6–11 Jahren, und die Lehrpläne, die Textbücher, ja sogar die aus den Städten rekrutierten Lehrer selbst hatten keinerlei Berührung mit den Bedürfnissen der ländlichen Gemeinwesen. Aus einer 1974 durchgeführten Untersuchung ergab sich, daß es zur Verbesserung der Lage notwendig sein würde, der Schule mehr Bedeutung für das dörfliche Leben zu verleihen; die Eltern in die Planung einzubeziehen; zu den Zeiten Schule zu halten, da die Kinder bei der häuslichen und bäuerlichen Arbeit entbehrt werden konnten; die Lehrer unter den Dorfbewohnern auszuwählen, sowie Lehrpläne und Unterrichtsmethoden der Umwelt anzupassen. Nach Ausarbeitung eines geeigneten Programms wurde dieses 1975 in drei Dörfern eingeführt. Den regulären Schülern bot es Vormittagsunterricht und den tagsüber arbeitenden Kindern eine Abendschule. In den Curricula sollte das Hauptgewicht auf Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht liegen, und die Unterrichtsmethoden sollten genau auf das Leben des Dorfes abgestimmt werden. Geeignete Einheimische wurden gefunden und zu Lehrern ausgebildet. Der Verfasser beschreibt im einzelnen die Einführung dieses Programms. Es erwies sich als wirksam und wurde nun auf zehn Dörfer übertragen, so daß jetzt ingesamt mehr als fünfhundert Kinder die Schulen besuchen.

Résumé Lorsque l'Inde est devenue indépendante, l'enseignement primaire, dans l'état de Rajasthan, a été placé sous la responsabilité des Panchayats (Conseils de village), et un grand nombre d'écoles ont été ouvertes dans les villages. Toutefois, elles ne furent fréquentées que par 40% environ des enfants appartenant au groupe d'âge de 6 à 11 ans, car les curricula, les manuels scolaires et même les enseignants qui étaient recrutés dans les villes, ne tenaient pas compte des besoins des communautés rurales. Une enquête menée en 1974 a montré que pour améliorer la situation il faudrait que l'école ait davantage de rapports avec la vie du village, qu'elle fasse participer les parents à la planification et que les classes fonctionnent quand les parents peuvent se passer de l'aide des enfants pour les travaux domestiques ou ceux de la ferme. L'enquête a révélé également qu'il fallait choisir les enseignants parmi les habitants du village; enfin que les curricula et les méthodes d'enseignement soient adaptés à l'environnement. Un programme approprié a alors été élaboré et appliqué expérimentalement dans trois villages en 1975. Ce programme assurait des classes matinales pour les élèves réguliers et des classes vespérales pour les enfants travaillant dans la journée. L'accent des curricula était mis sur l'agriculture et l'élevage, et les méthodes d'enseignement étaient en harmonie avec la vie du village. Des gens du cru, répondant à certains critères, étaient formés pour devenir des enseignants. L'auteur décrit en détail la mise en application de ce programme qui s'est révélé un succès. Il est maintenant étendu à dix villages et plus de cinq cents enfants fréquentent l'école.

In this study of the meanings of education and learning in people's lives, educational generations in Finland were investigated. The analysis is based on Karl Mannheim's concept and theory of social generation. This approach resulted in the differentiation of four educational cohorts living in contemporary Finnish society, three of which provided distinct core life experiences and educational experiences for analysis. These are: the war generation with scant education (born before 1935); the generation of structural change with growing educational opportunities (born 1936–55) and the welfare generation with many educational choices (born after 1955). This article, reviews the characteristics of these generations, and analyses the dynamics of their educational courses and experiences. It is concluded that their core experiences of education can be summarized in two basic narratives: the narrative of national culture and that of economic structural change. Finally, it is argued that such generational change reflects the more general rationalization of Western culture and society. Based on this argumentation, the future of adult education based on the application of Weberian social theory and its conceptions of material and formal rationality are considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of educational inequality for the major Indian states. We compute the education Gini index separately for the rural and urban sectors and examine the changes in inequality during past two decades. The estimates show the high extent of educational inequality; though the inequality declined between 1993 and 2009 the Gini index is above 50% in 2009. Using the analysis of Gini (ANOGI), a technique to decompose overall inequality into the inequality within- and between-sectors, we find that a large part of overall educational inequality is accounted for by intra-sector inequality. Further, intra-sector inequality has increased and inter-sector inequality has narrowed during the above period.  相似文献   

Although teacher-thinking research is now well established, the specific mechanisms through which teachers construct new understandings of their teaching have not been closely examined. This paper presents four interrelated concepts—teachers' conceptions of practice, tensions in their practice, articulation, and local and professional language—which emerged as grounded categories from a longitudinal study of change in teachers' practice. The study focused on how a group of foreign language teachers integrated new ideas, encountered in an inservice masters' degree program, in their thinking about and activity in the classroom. The analysis traced the ways in which the teachers reconstructed their classroom practice, using professional discourse to rename their experience and thus to assign new or different meanings to their actions. The concepts, presented with illustrations from the study and accompanying analysis, have implications for research on teaching and teacher education as well as the design and execution of teacher education programs.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the influence of high school students’ (10th and 11th grade) epistemological understanding and topic interest on their interpretation of a dual-position expository text about genetically modified food, as well as on the change in their beliefs about the topic. After reading, students were given different tasks: (1) to write a conclusion for the text, which presented two opposing positions but lacked an overall concluding paragraph, (2) to write personal comments on the text, (3) to answer questions on conceptual understanding, and (4) to rate their interest in the text. Participants were also asked to rate their beliefs about transgenic food before and after reading the text. The findings show the effects of students’ level of epistemological understanding when writing conclusions to the text, and commenting on (a) the role of science and scientists’ work with respect to nature, (b) the need for further scientific investigation, and (c) the effective value of transgenic food production. Students’ topic interest affected their answers to the questions on the text arguments and their text-based interest. In addition, after reading, a change emerged in students’ beliefs about the topic in relation to their epistemological understanding.  相似文献   

Many university faculties of education across Australia employ a model of internship for final semester pre-service teacher education students to help them make a smooth transition into the teaching profession. While a growing body of research has explored pre-service teachers’ experiences of their practicum, including the internship, which is the final professional experience within a course of study, very little work has considered micropolitics as a lens through which to interpret interns’ relationships with their school supervisors/mentors. This paper uses a micropolitical framework to interpret reflective reports written by 145 Bachelor of Education (primary) interns who recorded their perceptions of their professional learning experience within the context of a relationship with their school-based mentors. Several key themes are identified that highlight interns’ reports of a range of micropolitical strategies at play. The paper concludes by raising a number of implications for universities and schools regarding how better to facilitate interns’ transition into the profession.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests adults and infants selectively attend to features of action, such as how a hand contacts an object. The current research investigated whether this bias stems from infants' processing of the functional consequences of grasps: understanding that different grasps afford different future actions. A habituation paradigm assessed 10-month-old infants' (N = 62) understanding of the functional consequences of precision and whole-hand grasps in others' actions, and infants' own precision grasping abilities were also assessed. The results indicate infants understood the functional consequences of another's grasp only if they could perform precision grasps themselves. These results highlight a previously unknown aspect of early action understanding, and deepen our understanding of the relation between motor experience and cognition.  相似文献   

Early achievement in rural China: The role of preschool experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies examined the relationship between preschool experiences and the early academic achievement of rural Chinese children. In both Study 1 (n = 165) and Study 2 (n = 205), the school preparedness, and the literacy and mathematics attainment of first graders with different preschool experiences (kindergarten, separate pre-primary class, “sitting-in” a Grade 1 class, no preschool experience) were assessed. In Study 1, educational attainment was evaluated using end-of-semester examinations designed by local educational authorities; whereas in Study 2, better-constructed and identical tests were administered at the beginning and end of the academic year. Further, in Study 2, the different types of preschool programs attended by participating children were directly observed. Findings from both studies showed that children with developmentally appropriate preschool experiences (kindergartens or separate pre-primary classes) had higher school readiness scores than other children. Results from Study 2 also indicated that (i) disparities in children's school attainment were associated with the type of their preschool experience; and (ii) children from the developmentally appropriate kindergarten program showed higher mathematics and literacy achievement at the end of Grade 1 than children who merely “sat in” Grade 1 classes or had no preschool experience. Implications of the findings for the scaling up of preschool services in rural China are discussed.  相似文献   

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