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教师的教学观念转变是一个复杂的心理过程,涉及到对新教学观念可理解性、合理性和有效性的多层次认识,并最终外显为具体的教学行为。教师教学观念转变的现实情境是教学过程中的各种内外影响因素。通过对在职教师和在读师范生的调查和访谈发现:教师对新教学理念的可理解性和合理性的认同度较高,对有效性的认同度较低,教师原有的教学经验和教学评价制度是影响教师观念转变的两大主要因素。教师普遍认可信息技术给实际教学带来重大变革,对教学观念转变有重要作用,但在教学设计和自身专业发展中却不能较好地应用信息技术。因此,在教师教育和培训中,应充分发挥信息技术的优势,搭建教师发展平台,通过网络集体备课和课题研讨等方式反思教学问题产生的深层次原因,促进教师的观念转变。  相似文献   

《乡村教师支持计划(2015-2020年)》的实施使乡村教师的生活境遇逐步改善,但其专业生态依然存在较大问题,主要表现为专业知识信息传递的单向性、教学文化建构和生成意识弱、教师文化境遇被主流文化边缘三个方面。教师专业困顿感、教师专业内在价值失落和教师专业环境内外失衡是乡村教师不良专业生态问题形成的原因。乡村教师专业发展良性生态建立策略主要有教学文化生态改变策略、专业价值生态形成策略、专业境遇生态平衡策略。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe findings from a three-year evaluation of a well-developed mathematics professional development program that is commercially available on a wide scale. The professional development is designed to improve teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching and to enable them to elicit more student thinking and reasoning during mathematics lessons. Specifically, it focused on helping teachers (a) learn more mathematics, (b) understand how children learn math, (c) use formative assessment to develop insight into what specific students know and do not know, and (d) develop effective classroom instructional strategies that enable student problem solving. Participants included 105 fourth- and fifth-grade teachers teaching in 19 low-income schools within a single district. Teachers were randomly assigned within schools either to a “business as usual” control group or to receive the professional development. The training consisted of a week-long summer institute and four to six in-service days during the school year. The training was run by full-time trained associates. We find some limited evidence of positive impacts on teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching, but no effects on instructional practice or student outcomes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a measure of early childhood practitioners' beliefs about emotions and to use this measure to examine the structure and correlates of these beliefs. A 40-item emotion beliefs measure was administered to 279 American practitioners. Internal consistency for each of 10 emotion belief areas was weak to moderate. In revising the measure, emotion belief areas with the lowest internal consistency were deleted and items were added to the 6 remaining areas to strengthen their reliability. The resulting 23-item revised measure had internal consistencies of .41 to .62 for each of 6 emotion belief areas. Participants' emotion beliefs were related to their level of education and background in early childhood education. A 4-factor solution provided the best fit to the data, explaining 40% of the variance in the U.S. teachers' emotion beliefs. This factor structure was similar to that of the conceptually derived belief scales. Cultural patterns were examined by comparing beliefs of Korean and American teachers of 4-6-year-olds, using t-tests and factor analyses. Although the structure of emotion beliefs was similar, differences appeared in the level of agreement with many items, reflecting culturally specific expectations a b u t young children's emotional vulnerability and about the nature of emotional bonds and emotion socialization in early childhood programs.  相似文献   

教师具有的专业技能是教师专业身份的重要维度,但主要是有关教育活动的效用维度,且主要以技术性和工具性为特征.使"教育"成为可能的层面还必然涉及"价值维度",因而教育价值和教育理想在教师的专业认同中占有不可或缺的角色.教师"使命"背后的教育理想无不与个人价值密切相关.个人价值是个人认同的一个构成维度,所以,教师的专业认同与其个人认同在价值层面应是一致的.如此,教师对教育理想的反思和对其专业认同的理解与她/他对个人认同的理解分不开.哲学家利科对个人认同概念和叙事认同概念的分析,为教师反思其教育理想和理解其专业认同提供了一种可能的学习模式.  相似文献   


Professional development programs should provide teachers with experiences that develop their knowledge and skills to integrate environmental field studies into their school curriculum. This article reports on a professional development model that engaged teachers in designing and conducting local environmental science research projects. An overview of the professional development model is provided and evaluation data are reported, detailing the impact of the professional development model on teachers' understandings about watersheds, water quality, and stream monitoring.  相似文献   

In this work, we present the design, implementation, and initial outcomes of the Climate Academy, a hybrid professional development program delivered through a combination of face-to-face and online interactions, intended to prepare formal and informal science teachers (grades 5–16) in teaching about climate change. The Climate Academy was designed around core elements of successful environmental professional development programs and aligned with practices advocated in benchmarked science standards. Data were collected from multiple sources including observations of professional development events, participants’ reflections on their learning, and collection of instructional units designed during the Academy. Data were also collected from a focal case study teacher in a middle school setting. Case study data included classroom observations, teacher interviews, and student beliefs toward climate change. Results indicated that the Climate Academy fostered increased learning among participants of both climate science content and pedagogical strategies for teaching about climate change. Additionally, results indicated that participants applied their new learning in the design of climate change instructional units. Finally, results from the case study indicated positive impacts on student beliefs and greater awareness about climate change. Results have implications for the design of professional development programs on climate change, a topic included for the first time in national standards.  相似文献   

初任教师专业成长阶段,作为教师入职阶段的关键时期,在教师专业发展过程中面临着诸多挑战。通过阐释初任教师的专业发展特点,初任教师在教学、知识结构、融入学校文化、心理健康问题所面临的四方面挑战,分析其内在和外在原因,试图从师范院校、教师进修学院、教师入职学校和初任教师自身四个方面提出改善和解决初任教师问题的相关对策。  相似文献   

师幼互动质量干预课程设计及其实施效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以美国学者皮安塔及其研究团队提出的师幼互动质量模型为理论基础,借鉴国外相关干预项目经验,设计了聚焦教师的儿童中心信念、有效互动知识与策略的师幼互动质量干预课程,然后对24名实验组和对照组教师进行了短期追踪干预研究,在干预课程实施前、后及4个月后用课堂评估编码系统(CLASS)对两组教师的师幼互动质量进行了三次评定,结果发现干预后实验组教师的情感支持、教育支持和课堂组织水平不仅显著高于前测,而且高于对照组;实验组教师的情感支持和课堂组织水平虽然在延时后测时略有下降,但与前测仍有显著差异;对照组教师的两次后测结果虽然也发生了积极变化,但变化程度均小于实验组,说明干预课程能够有效提高教师的师幼互动质量,可为学前教师培养培训单位设计和实施师幼互动方面的课程提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

In this article, we report on an 18-month longmathematics professional development projectwith elementary school teachers. Using a modelwe developed, three participant case studieswere analyzed with respect to not only theprofessional development milieu, but also howthese teachers interacted with the professionaldevelopment experience. In particular we foundthat having teachers reflect on new, authenticreform-oriented mathematics learningexperiences leads some teachers to take aninquiry stance concerning their own teaching,resulting in self-sustaining changes in theirmathematics instructional practices. Thisimplies that professional development forelementary mathematics teachers should includechallenging mathematics learning experiencescomplete with opportunities to reflect on personal and professional implications.  相似文献   

课程改革对教师提出了专业适应性发展的问题.外在的、抽象的专家知识对于教师的专业知识性发展而言乃是必要的,然而这并不意味着教师个体的经验性知识之应该受到排挤或否定.个体的经验性知识对于教师的专业适应性发展来说有着重要的促进作用.发挥教师个体经验性知识在其专业发展中的作用在于教师的专业自我建构、教育反思和教育实践对话.  相似文献   

Teaching the Torah in liberal settings demands a set of skills and a sophisticated knowledge of the Bible. It presupposes an open approach to the text that posits multiple interpretations, and demands close reading and explication of the text as in a literary-critical approach. In this article, the author describes the knowledge and beliefs of six different cohort groups of prospective Jewish educators regarding the authorship of the Torah and their understandings of two central narratives in the book of Genesis. She explores the tenacity of their early beliefs in the face of a variety of pedagogic interventions question and speculates about the nature of that tenacity.  相似文献   

This study was designed to use critical reflective journaling practices to explore the experiences of preservice teachers working in a juvenile justice education program called the Reach Academy. Using a qualitative case study design, the researchers explored how 48 preservice teachers utilized critical reflective journaling to examine their own identities in relation to working in this unique school setting. Three major themes emerged from the reflective journal and interview data: (a) participants preconceived notions were challenged based on their positive interactions with Reach students, (b) preservice participants engaged in critical observation of the Reach Academy teachers and their interactions with students, and (c) participants' focus shifted from themselves to their students' needs. Findings suggest that preservice teachers reflective journaling process facilitated their ability to examine and reconsider their preconceived notions about working with students at the Reach Academy and in other diverse schooling settings.  相似文献   

高校教师专业自主发展是我国高等教育转型发展迫切需要解决的问题。当前高校教师专业自主发展有三种典型模式:教师自我个体行动模式、外部制度引领模式和教师组织支持模式。进一步提升我国高校教师专业自主发展的能力和水平需要从三个方面进行努力:一是发挥高校教师的主体能动性,提升高校教师自我专业发展能力;二是优化制度设计,实现制度管理和人文管理相结合;三是建立高校教师专业学习社群,提高组织支持的成效。  相似文献   

教师参与教师专业发展政策决策不仅具有必要性,而且具备可能性。文章首先明确了教师参与教师专业发展政策决策的必要性:有利于教师专业发展政策的完善、保障教师的合法权利和利益及推动教师专业化成长。然后通过理论分析和事实分析提炼教师参与教师专业发展政策的可能性。理论分析包括政策法规依据和教师主体属性;事实分析包括现实基础和域外借鉴。  相似文献   

地方本科高校尤其新建地方本科高校的转型是时代要求,教师是转型的核心利益相关者,转型影响教师专业发展逻辑与思维方式发生转变,引起了教师专业发展的现实问题。破解转型和发展内在逻辑的应有之义是教师转变和学校教育质量提高的同期互动。互联网+所饱含的平等、互助、共赢的时代精神需要地方本科高校在转型过程中破除学校的内外壁垒,以教师转变为契机,达成教师—市场—学生的融合。教师转变切忌一刀切,实质是产教融合视域下的教师创新精神被唤醒,各显其才,各尽其能,可以通过人本主义、多元融合主义和人文主义三种策略的融合尝试解决地方本科高校转型影响下的教师专业发展问题。  相似文献   

In this article, we report a study of professional culture and professional development in Jewish schools based on surveys of teachers and other staff and interviews with principals. We first introduce three key constructs: professional culture, professional development, and professional learning communities. We then describe research that has identified features of each that support teacher learning. With this background in mind, we compare the current realities in Jewish schools as gleaned through the survey with typical public schools and with the features of schools identified in the literature as supportive of teacher learning and collegiality. Finally, we suggest the next steps that might be taken to improve Jewish schools as settings in which teacher growth and learning flourish.  相似文献   

教师专业发展的取向是教师专业发展中的重要问题。根植于技术理性,技术取向的教师专业发展将教学隐喻为生产技术,将教师隐喻为"技师",强调对教师进行集中划一的培训以完善教学技能。它偏重教师认知技能的发展,易于操作实行,然而却带来理论与实践的分离,也不能满足新课程改革对教师的要求。未来的教师专业发展必然是超越于单一的技术取向,实现多种取向的多元共存、互补与融合。  相似文献   

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