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PurposeThe purpose of this study was to compare established methods with newly-developed methods for estimating the total energy expenditure (TEE).MethodsThe study subjects comprised 46 individuals, including 16 middle-aged men (mean age 51.4 years), 14 middle-aged women (mean age 49.9 years) and 16 young women (mean age 19.1 years). The TEE was estimated from 24-h heart rate (HR) data using newly-developed software (MoveSense HRAnalyzer 2011a, RC1, Suunto Oy, Vantaa, Finland), and was compared against the TEE determined using doubly labeled water (DLW). Agreement between the two methods was analyzed using Bland and Altman plots.ResultsThe HR method yielded similar TEE values as the DLW method at the group level, with an average of 8.6 kcal/day in the difference in the mean, but with large individual variations. Forty-four (96%) out of 46 subjects fell within ±2SD of the mean difference in TEE comparisons, and there was no tendency towards under- or over-estimation.ConclusionOur results indicate that the current software using HR analysis for the estimation of daily TEE needs further development for use with free-living individuals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine RT3 accelerometer activity counts and activity energy expenditure of 36 pregnant women at 20 and 32 weeks' gestation during treadmill walking and free-living conditions. During treadmill walking, oxygen consumption was collected, and activity energy expenditure was estimated for a 30-min walk at a self-selected walking pace. The number of min it would take a pregnant woman to meet exercise recommendations (i.e., kcal/week) were calculated. Preliminary activity count cut points at a self-selected walking pace were then estimated and applied in interpreting free-living data. For the treadmill walking condition, the self-selected walking pace significantly decreased from 20 to 32 weeks' gestation. Additionally, few women (< 12% each day) met physical activity guidelines in the free-living condition. Encouraging pregnant women to walk for 30-40 min per day at a self-selected walking pace may be an appropriate public health recommendation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine heart rate, blood lactate concentration and estimated energy expenditure during a competitive rugby league match. Seventeen well-trained rugby league players (age, 23.9 +/- 4.1 years; VO2max, 57.9 +/- 3.6 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1); height, 1.82 +/- 0.06 m; body mass, 90.2 +/- 9.6 kg; mean +/- s) participated in the study. Heart rate was recorded continuously throughout the match using Polar Vantage NV recordable heart rate monitors. Blood lactate samples (n = 102) were taken before the match, after the warm-up, at random stoppages in play, at half time and immediately after the match. Estimated energy expenditure during the match was calculated from the heart rate-VO2 relationship determined in laboratory tests. The mean team heart rate (n = 15) was not significantly different between halves (167 +/- 9 vs 165 +/- 11 beats x min(-1)). Mean match intensity was 81.1 +/- 5.8% VO2max. Mean match blood lactate concentration was 7.2 +/- 2.5 mmol x l(-1), with concentrations for the first half (8.4 +/- 1.8 mmol x l(-1)) being significantly higher than those for the second half (5.9 +/- 2.5 mmol x l(-1)) (P<0.05). Energy expenditure was approximately 7.9 MJ. These results demonstrate that semi-professional rugby league is a highly aerobic game with a considerable anaerobic component requiring high lactate tolerance. Training programmes should reflect these demands placed on players during competitive match-play.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to validate a wireless network of accelerometers and compare it to a hip-mounted accelerometer for predicting energy expenditure in a semi-structured environment. Adults (n = 25) aged 18–30 engaged in 14 sedentary, ambulatory, exercise, and lifestyle activities over a 60-min protocol while wearing a portable metabolic analyser, hip-mounted accelerometer, and wireless network of three accelerometers worn on the right wrist, thigh, and ankle. Participants chose the order and duration of activities. Artificial neural networks were created separately for the wireless network and hip accelerometer for energy expenditure prediction. The wireless network had higher correlations (r = 0.79 vs. r = 0.72, P < 0.01) but similar root mean square error (2.16 vs. 2.09 METs, P > 0.05) to the hip accelerometer. Measured (from metabolic analyser) and predicted energy expenditure from the hip accelerometer were significantly different for the 3 of the 14 activities (lying down, sweeping, and cycle fast); conversely, measured and predicted energy expenditure from the wireless network were not significantly different for any activity. In conclusion, the wireless network yielded a small improvement over the hip accelerometer, providing evidence that the wireless network can produce accurate estimates of energy expenditure in adults participating in a range of activities.  相似文献   


There is a strong relationship between low physical activity level and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The popularity of football may be used to promote physical activity and previous evidence has shown it is effective to decrease the risk of CVD. However, the energy expenditure (EE) of recreational football is not well known but it is crucial to develop preventive health programmes.

Fifteen sedentary middle-aged male participants were involved (mean ± SDs; age 43.9 ± 3.1 years, weight 83.0 ± 13.6 kg, height 174.9 ± 6.8 cm). EE was estimated from the heart rate (HR)-VO2 relation during 1-h 5-a-side matches (futsal). Participants covered 3412 ± 381 m in 52 ± 2 min, at an average HR of 85 ± 2% of maximum HR. Estimated EE during a recreational futsal match was 634 ± 92 kcal. One futsal recreational match corresponds to about 50% of American College of Sport Medicine recommended physical activity quantity per week. Based on this estimation: once, twice and 3 sessions per week are equivalent to 50% (634 kcal), 100% (1268 kcal) and 150% (1902 kcal), respectively, of EE suggested in international guidelines. This EE estimation may have important implications for designing recreational football training protocols in health programmes and dose response studies.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of energy expenditure (EE) from accelerometer outputs remains a challenge in older adults. The aim of this study was to validate different ActiGraph (AG) equations for predicting EE in older adults. Forty older adults (age = 77.4 ± 8.1 yrs) completed a set of household/gardening activities in their residence, while wearing an AG at the hip (GT3X+) and a portable calorimeter (MetaMax 3B – criterion). Predicted EEs from AG were calculated using five equations (Freedson, refined Crouter, Sasaki and Santos-Lozano (vertical-axis, vectormagnitude)). Accuracy of equations was assessed using root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean bias. The Sasaki equation showed the lowest RMSE for all activities (0.47 METs) and across physical activity intensities (PAIs) (range 0.18–0.48 METs). The Freedson and Santos-Lozano equations tended to overestimate EE for sedentary activities (range: 0.48 to 0.97 METs), while EEs for moderate-to-vigorous activities (MVPA) were underestimated (range: ?1.02 to ?0.64 METs). The refined Crouter and Sasaki equations showed no systematic bias, but they respectively overestimated and underestimated EE across PAIs. In conclusion, none of the equations was completely accurate for predicting EE across the range of PAIs. However, the refined Crouter and Sasaki equations showed better overall accuracy and precision when compared with the other methods.  相似文献   

This study aimed to apply a validated bioenergetics model of sprint running to recordings obtained from commercial basic high-sensitivity global positioning system receivers to estimate energy expenditure and physical activity variables during soccer refereeing. We studied five Italian fifth division referees during 20 official matches while carrying the receivers. By applying the model to the recorded speed and acceleration data, we calculated energy consumption during activity, mass-normalised total energy consumption, total distance, metabolically equivalent distance and their ratio over the entire match and the two halves. Main results were as follows: (match) energy consumption = 4729 ± 608 kJ, mass normalised total energy consumption = 74 ± 8 kJ · kg?1, total distance = 13,112 ± 1225 m, metabolically equivalent distance = 13,788 ± 1151 m and metabolically equivalent/total distance = 1.05 ± 0.05. By using a very low-cost device, it is possible to estimate the energy expenditure of soccer refereeing. The provided predicting mass-normalised total energy consumption versus total distance equation can supply information about soccer refereeing energy demand.  相似文献   


The purpose was to quantify the effects of mid-flight whole-body and trunk rotation on knee mechanics in a double-leg landing. Eighteen male and 20 female participants completed a jump-landing-jump task in five conditions: no rotation, testing leg ipsilateral or contralateral (WBRC) to the whole-body rotation direction, and testing leg ipsilateral (TRI) or contralateral to the trunk rotation direction. The WBRC and TRI conditions demonstrated decreased knee flexion and increased knee abduction angles at initial contact (2.6 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3) and increased peak vertical ground reaction forces and knee adduction moments during the 100 ms after landing (1.7 > Cohen’s dz > 0.3). The TRI condition also showed the greatest knee internal rotation angles at initial contact and peak knee abduction and internal rotation angles and peak knee extension moments during the 100 ms after landing (2.0 > Cohen’s dz > 0.5). Whole-body rotation increased contralateral knee loading because of its primary role in decelerating medial-lateral velocities. Trunk rotation resulted in the greatest knee loading for the ipsilateral knee due to weight shifting and mechanical coupling between the trunk and lower extremities. These findings may help understand altered trunk motion in anterior cruciate ligament injuries.  相似文献   


Several studies have examined energy expenditure in various sports but there is a lack of research on the contribution of exercise and habitual activity during different training periods. This study examined changes in total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and its components during high- and low-volume training periods. Further, changes in time spent in sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous activity in response to different training volumes were explored. Energy expenditure was measured in 15 male endurance athletes during 2 non-consecutive weeks – 1 week of high volume (>13 hours) training and another week of low volume (<7 hours) training. The SenseWear Pro 3 Armband, individual heart-rate-oxygen consumption regression and indirect calorimetry was used to measure non-exercise activity thermogensis (NEAT), exercise energy expenditure (EEE) and resting metabolic rate, respectively. Time spent at different intensities was assessed using previously established MET cutpoints. TDEE as well as EEE increased significantly with higher training volume, while no difference in NEAT occurred. Further, significantly less time was spent in sedentary activities during the high-volume week. These results suggest that highly trained athletes do not compensate for increased training volume and reduce sedentary activities to allow for more training time.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of the Actical accelerometer step count and energy expenditure (EE) functions in healthy young adults. Forty-three participants participated in study 1. Actical step counts were compared to actual steps taken during a 200 m walk around an indoor track at self-selected pace and during treadmill walking at different speeds (0.894, 1.56 and 2.01 m · s–1) for 5 min. The Actical was also compared to three pedometers. For study 2, 15 participants from study 1 walked on a treadmill at their predetermined self-selected pace for 15 min. Actical EE was compared to EE measured by indirect calorimetry. One-way analysis of variance and t-tests were used to examine differences. There were no statistical difference between Actical steps and actual steps in self-selected pace walking and during treadmill walking at moderate and fast speeds. During treadmill walking at slow speed, the Actical step counts significantly under predicted actual steps taken. For study 2, there was no statistical difference between measured EE and Actical-recorded EE. The Actical provides valid estimates of step counts at self-selected pace and walking at constant speeds of 1.56 and 2.01 m · s–1. The Actical underestimates EE of walking at constants speeds ≥1.38 m · s–1.  相似文献   


A means of quantifying continuous, free-living energy expenditure (EE) would advance the study of bioenergetics. The aim of this study was to apply a non-linear, machine learning algorithm (random forest) to predict minute level EE for a range of activities using acceleration, physiological signals (e.g., heart rate, body temperature, galvanic skin response), and participant characteristics (e.g., sex, age, height, weight, body composition) collected from wearable devices (Fitbit charge 2, Polar H7, SenseWear Armband Mini and Actigraph GT3-x) as potential inputs. By utilising a leave-one-out cross-validation approach in 59 subjects, we investigated the predictive accuracy in sedentary, ambulatory, household, and cycling activities compared to indirect calorimetry (Vyntus CPX). Over all activities, correlations of at least r = 0.85 were achieved by the models. Root mean squared error ranged from 1 to 1.37 METs and all overall models were statistically equivalent to the criterion measure. Significantly lower error was observed for Actigraph and Sensewear models, when compared to the manufacturer provided estimates of the Sensewear Armband (p < 0.05). A high degree of accuracy in EE estimation was achieved by applying non-linear models to wearable devices which may offer a means to capture the energy cost of free-living activities.  相似文献   


A comparative evaluation of the ability of activity monitors to predict energy expenditure (EE) is necessary to aid in the investigation of the effect of EE on health. The purpose of this study was to validate and compare the RT3, the SWA and the IDEEA at measuring EE in adults and children. Twenty-six adults and 22 children completed a resting metabolic rate (RMR) test and performed four treadmill activities at 3 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 at a 10% incline, 9 km.h?1. EE was assessed throughout the protocol by the RT3, the SWA and the IDEEA. Indirect calorimetry (IC) was used as a criterion measure of EE against which each monitor was compared. Mean bias was assessed by subtracting EE from IC from EE from each monitor for each activity. Limit of agreement plots were used to assess the agreement between each monitor and IC. Limits of agreement for resting EE were narrowest for the RT3 for adults and children. Although the IDEEA displayed the smallest mean bias between measures at 3 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 and 9 km.h?1 in adults and children, the SWA agreed closest with IC at 6 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 at a 10% incline and 9 km.h?1. Limits of agreement were closest for the SWA at 9 km.h?1 in adults representing 42% of the overall mean EE. Although the RT3 provided the best estimate of resting EE in adults and children, the SWA provided the most accurate estimate of EE across a range of physical activity intensities.  相似文献   

Purpose:This paper presents an update of the 201 1 Wheelchair Compendium of Physical Activities designed for wheelchair users and is referred to as the 2024 Wheelchair Compendium.The Wheelchair Compendium aims to curate existing knowledge of the energy expenditure for wheelchair physical activities(PAs).Methods:A systematic review of the published energy expenditure of PA for wheelchair users was completed between 201 1 and May 2023.We added these data to the 2011 Wheelchair Compendium data that...  相似文献   

This study examined the accuracy of a new device (Caltrac) in estimating energy expenditure via acceleration measurements. Energy expenditure of 20 high school students during basketball class activity (average length = 37 min) was estimated using the Caltrac, heart rate recording, and video analysis. Heart rate recording and video analysis estimates of energy expenditure were determined from heart rate, caloric expenditure curves, and an activity rating scale, respectively. The following estimates of caloric expenditure (M +/- SD) were found: heart rate recording = 196 +/- 73 greater than Caltrac = 163 +/- 49 greater than film analysis = 123 +/- 30 kcal (p less than .05). Laboratory simulations of the basketball activity revealed that the Caltrac energy expenditure was not significantly different from the actual energy expenditure (p greater than .05). The heart rate recording and video analysis estimates of energy expenditure were significantly (p less than .05) higher and lower, respectively, than the actual energy expenditure. The Caltrac is a lightweight, low-cost device that provides a relatively accurate estimate of energy expenditure in free-ranging activities, such as basketball.  相似文献   


The assessment of nutrition and activity in athletes requires accurate and precise methods. The aim of this study was to validate a protocol for parallel assessment of diet and exercise against doubly labelled water, 24-h urea excretion, and respiratory gas exchange. The participants were 14 male triathletes under normal training conditions. Energy intake and doubly labelled water were weakly associated with each other (r = 0.69, standard error of estimate [SEE] = 304 kcal · day?1). Protein intake was strongly correlated with 24-h urea (r = 0.89) but showed considerable individual variation (SEE = 0.34 g · kg?1 · day?1). Total energy expenditure based on recorded activities was highly correlated with doubly labelled water (r = 0.95, SEE = 195 kcal · day?1) but was proportionally biased. During running and cycling, estimated exercise energy expenditure was highly correlated with gas exchange (running: r = 0.89, SEE = 1.6 kcal · min?1; cycling: r = 0.95, SEE = 1.4 kcal · min?1). High exercise energy expenditure was slightly underestimated during running. For nutrition data, variations appear too large for precise measurements in individual athletes, which is a common problem of dietary assessment methods. Despite the high correlations of total energy expenditure and exercise energy expenditure with reference methods, a correction for systematic errors is necessary for the valid estimation of energetic requirements in individual athletes.  相似文献   

The assessment of nutrition and activity in athletes requires accurate and precise methods. The aim of this study was to validate a protocol for parallel assessment of diet and exercise against doubly labelled water, 24-h urea excretion, and respiratory gas exchange. The participants were 14 male triathletes under normal training conditions. Energy intake and doubly labelled water were weakly associated with each other (r = 0.69, standard error of estimate [SEE] = 304 kcal x day(-1)). Protein intake was strongly correlated with 24-h urea (r = 0.89) but showed considerable individual variation (SEE = 0.34 g kg(-1) x day(-1)). Total energy expenditure based on recorded activities was highly correlated with doubly labelled water (r = 0.95, SEE = 195 kcal x day(-1)) but was proportionally biased. During running and cycling, estimated exercise energy expenditure was highly correlated with gas exchange (running: r = 0.89, SEE = 1.6 kcal x min(-1); cycling: r = 0.95, SEE = 1.4 kcal x min(-1)). High exercise energy expenditure was slightly underestimated during running. For nutrition data, variations appear too large for precise measurements in individual athletes, which is a common problem of dietary assessment methods. Despite the high correlations of total energy expenditure and exercise energy expenditure with reference methods, a correction for systematic errors is necessary for the valid estimation of energetic requirements in individual athletes.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to quantify the effects of factors such as mode of exercise, body composition and training on the relationship between heart rate and physical activity energy expenditure (measured in kJ x min(-1)) and to develop prediction equations for energy expenditure from heart rate. Regularly exercising individuals (n = 115; age 18-45 years, body mass 47-120 kg) underwent a test for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max test), using incremental protocols on either a cycle ergometer or treadmill; VO2max ranged from 27 to 81 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1). The participants then completed three steady-state exercise stages on either the treadmill (10 min) or the cycle ergometer (15 min) at 35%, 62% and 80% of VO2max, corresponding to 57%, 77% and 90% of maximal heart rate. Heart rate and respiratory exchange ratio data were collected during each stage. A mixed-model analysis identified gender, heart rate, weight, V2max and age as factors that best predicted the relationship between heart rate and energy expenditure. The model (with the highest likelihood ratio) was used to estimate energy expenditure. The correlation coefficient (r) between the measured and estimated energy expenditure was 0.913. The model therefore accounted for 83.3% (R2) of the variance in energy expenditure in this sample. Because a measure of fitness, such as VO2max, is not always available, a model without VO2max included was also fitted. The correlation coefficient between the measured energy expenditure and estimates from the mixed model without VO2max was 0.857. It follows that the model without a fitness measure accounted for 73.4% of the variance in energy expenditure in this sample. Based on these results, we conclude that it is possible to estimate physical activity energy expenditure from heart rate in a group of individuals with a great deal of accuracy, after adjusting for age, gender, body mass and fitness.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the RT3 accelerometer in young children, compare its accuracy with heart rate monitoring, and develop an equation to predict energy expenditure from RT3 output. Forty-two volunteers (mean age 12.2 years, s = 1.1) exercised at two horizontal and graded walking speeds (4 and 6 km · h?1, 0% grade and 6% grade), and one horizontal running speed (8 km · h?1, 0% grade), on a treadmill. Energy expenditure and oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2) served as the criterion measures. Comparison of RT3 estimates (counts and energy expenditure) demonstrated significant differences at 4, 6, and 8 km · h?1 on level ground (P < 0.01), while no significant differences were noted between horizontal and graded walking at 4 and 6 km · h?1. Correlation and regression analyses indicated no advantage of vector magnitude over the vertical plane (X) alone. A strong relationship between RT3 estimates and indirect calorimetry across all speeds was obtained (r = 0.633–0.850, P < 0.01). A child-specific prediction equation (adjusted R 2 = 0.753) was derived and cross-validated that offered a valid energy expenditure estimate for walking/running activities. Despite recognized limitations, the RT3 may be a useful tool for the assessment of children's physical activity during walking and running.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the RT3 accelerometer in young children, compare its accuracy with heart rate monitoring, and develop an equation to predict energy expenditure from RT3 output. Forty-two volunteers (mean age 12.2 years, s = 1.1) exercised at two horizontal and graded walking speeds (4 and 6 km.h(-1), 0% grade and 6% grade), and one horizontal running speed (8 km.h(-1), 0% grade), on a treadmill. Energy expenditure and oxygen consumption (VO2) served as the criterion measures. Comparison of RT3 estimates (counts and energy expenditure) demonstrated significant differences at 4, 6, and 8 km.h(-1) on level ground (P < 0.01), while no significant differences were noted between horizontal and graded walking at 4 and 6 km.h(-1). Correlation and regression analyses indicated no advantage of vector magnitude over the vertical plane (X) alone. A strong relationship between RT3 estimates and indirect calorimetry across all speeds was obtained (r = 0.633-0.850, P < 0.01). A child-specific prediction equation (adjusted R2 = 0.753) was derived and cross-validated that offered a valid energy expenditure estimate for walking/running activities. Despite recognized limitations, the RT3 may be a useful tool for the assessment of children's physical activity during walking and running.  相似文献   

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