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在对竹亚科散生竹全面研究基础上,本文对酸竹属进行了系统的整理和研究,讨论了本属与相近属之间亲缘和区别。本文确认有6种,其中有1新组合和5个新异名。  相似文献   

沿阶草亚科植物的叶表皮特征及其在分类学上的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察研究了沿阶草亚科(Ophiopogonoideae)3属39种1变种叶   片远轴面的表皮特征。认为这些气孔器周围的邻近细胞和表皮细胞特征在分类上有比较重要的意义,  主要是:(1)有助于沿阶草属、山麦冬属和球子草属种间和属间种类的鉴别;(2)给这些植物类群的分类提供了有用的性状;(3)对沿阶草属的归类有着比较重要的意义;(4)为探讨沿阶草亚科内3个属间的亲缘关系提供了有益的证据。并认为,这三个属的气孔器邻近细胞和表皮细胞特征的演化趋势为无气孔带类型→无角质突起类型→具角质突起类型(具气孔带)。根据这些特征和外部形态性状认为这三个属 的亲缘关系比较密切,应归属于同一个大类群—沿阶草亚科。  相似文献   

方竹属(竹亚科)叶片表皮微形态特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用扫描电镜和光镜观察了方竹属27个发表种叶片表皮特征,结果支持广义方竹属、并将其分为 三个组的观点。叶表皮特征还对一些种的分与并、相互间亲缘关系以及它们在属内的系统位置提供了新证据。乳突在气孔上方的特殊的拱状排列在竹亚科有重要的系统分类价值。  相似文献   

 将异枝竹属Metasasa W.T. Lin作为酸竹属Acidosasa C.D.Chu et C.S.Chao ex Keng f.的异名处 理。异枝竹Metasasa carinata W.T. Lin和白环异枝竹 Metasasa albo-farinosa W.T.Lin作为新组合名Aci-dosasa nanunica(McCl.)C.S.Chao et G.Y.Yang,comb.nov.的异名。  相似文献   

本文根据植物类群的系统发育和地理分布统一的原理,讨论了獐牙菜属植物的起源、散布和分 布区的形成。獐牙菜属包括11组16系154种,间断分布在亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲。中国西南部- 喜马拉雅地区汇集了大多数种类、不同演化水平的类群以及形形色色的特有类群,成为该属的多样化 中心和多度中心。该属的原始类群和外类群也集中分布在中国西南山地,极有可能是该属的起源地。该 属的分布区类型中出现了各式的间断分布,根据有该属植物分布的大陆间及大陆与岛屿间分离和连接 的时间推测,该属的起源时间至少不会晚于晚白垩纪,也许更早,可追溯到中白垩纪。通过分类群间亲 缘关系和现代分布分析,显示出该属植物从起源地向周围和一定方向散布,形成了三个主要散布途径。在散布过程中植物本身也发生演化和就地特化,形成新的类群。  相似文献   

本文采用聚丙烯(月+先)胺凝胶电泳法测定了5属28种竹叶的谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶(GOT),过氧化物酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)三种同工酶。测定结果表明,GOT同工酶比较稳定,对于竹子分属有较好的意义;POD与EST同工酶种间分化大,可作为竹子分种的参考依据。根据三种同工酶的酶谱及相似系数分析,结合经典分类,对丛生竹分类中存在的疑难问题提出了一些参考意见。  相似文献   

本文用201种禾本科植物幼苗的60个形态和解剖性状进行了聚类分析,将禾本科植物分为四个大类(一级聚合单位)—狐茅类(Festucoid)、黍类(Panicoid),竹类(Bambusoid)和画眉草类(Eragrostidoid)。这四类基本上与分类系统中的亚科相吻合,只是芦竹亚科植物的幼苗分散聚到了其它类中。推测芦竹亚科是一个比较原始的类群,狐茅亚科、黍亚科和画眉草亚科可能是在芦竹亚科的基础上进化而来的。  除个别种外,大多数同属的种在较低的聚合水平上聚在一起,超族在亚聚合单位中基本上能够反映出来。  研究证明禾本科植物的幼苗性状在禾本科植物分类中具有重要的分类学意义。  相似文献   

 本文通过对177种(或亚种,变种)杜鹃叶中16种黄酮类化合物和3种其它酚性成分的高效硅胶 薄层阶式层析和聚酰胺薄层层析,发现中国杜鹃属植物中的黄酮类成分的共同特征是存在着槲皮素的多种单糖甙;有的属下类群以几种甙共存或某种甙缺乏为特征;杨梅树皮甙。棉子皮亭甙尽管不是普遍检出的成分,但在某些属下类群中分布较集中,具有独特的分类价值.作者进一步讨论了化学性状的定量或半定量研究对杜鹃属植物化学分类的意义。  相似文献   

本文采用PCR直接测序方法,对来自沙参属全部2组7亚组的10个种和作为外类群的风铃草属2个种的核糖体DNA ITS片段进行了序列分析。在重点探讨裂叶沙参分类地位的同时,分析了ITS片段序列在沙参属系统发育重建中的价值。结果表明,在沙参属中,ITS片段在长度、GC含量和位点变异量上均比较一致;长度539bp~541 bp,GC含量57%~60%,信息位点只占总位点的3.9~6%。采用PAUP软件进行的系统发育分析表明,裂叶沙参A.lobophylla与大花盘亚组的A.himalayana组成一支,而不是象以往形态学和杂交试验所推断的与泡沙参A.potaninii或A.stenanthina近缘。可见,ITS序列进一步支持将裂叶沙参移出泡沙参复合体甚至移出有齿亚组的推论,但同时也表明将其作为A.stenanthina的近缘种是不适宜的。尽管本研究所测定的类群已涵盖了整个沙参属,但种间序列的两两比较表明,沙参属种间在ITS片段上的分化很小(0.0~3.9%),相比之下,沙参属类群与风铃草属类群间的分化却很高(17.8%~19.2%)。这大概和沙参属起源较晚、遗传分化较小有关。本文还就ITS片段在沙参属和桔梗科系统学研究中的价值进行了讨论。  相似文献   

 运用PCR方法分别从松科8属、9种植物中扩增出一长约2550bp的cpDNA片段,这一片段包括rbcL、trnR、部分accD及基因间的非编码区(相对于黑松cpDNA中的同源片段而言)。运用18种限制性内切酶对这一cpDNA片段进行酶切分析,共获得86个酶切位点,其中54个为变异位点。运用PAUP(version 3.1.1)和Mega(version 1.01)软件对数据进行分析,结果Wagner简约树和Neighbor-Joining树反映出的松科系统发育关系基本一致:银杉属、松属、黄杉属和落叶松属形成一个单系群,且银杉属与松属的亲缘关系更近于与另外二属的关系,但这一结果未得到Bootstrap分析的较强支持;落叶松属近缘于黄杉属;冷杉属近缘于油杉属。此外,松科中的冷杉亚科和落叶松亚科均不是单系类群,将松科划分为冷杉亚科、落叶松亚科和松亚科三个亚科的系统(郑万钧,傅立国,1978)是不自然的。  相似文献   

Nooteboom和Peter Raven都认为中国的分类学家往往持有狭隘的物种概念,而这是由于他们缺 少足够的标本,尤其是模式标本,因而不能充分研究种的变异性。Raven说这使他相信中国植物分类学 中真正的物种概念颇有模式概念的色彩。他们的说法不无道理。的确,中国的植物区系中可能有大量 的种其真实身份还有讨论的余地。根据单个性状或完全按营养器官性状来命名新种是常有的事。有些 学者甚至把发表新种作为其分类工作的主要目标。现有的、为数非常有限的关于中国植物变异式样研 究的证据证明有些“种”实际上是生态宗(Clinopodium)、地理宗(Cunninghamia和Indigofera)或呈地形 梯度变异式样的分类群(Lespedeza和Rhododendron)而已。根据表型的可塑性变化而命名的种曾经或 仍然被作为“好种”对待(Rorippa)。具各种不同叶形特性的种间杂种的分离系被命名为不同的种 (Ilex)。分类学上本来就已经很复杂的无融合生殖复合体由于新种的不断增加而变得更加复杂 (Malus)。对一个具有复杂变异式样的种的精心研究导致对25个种名的归并,其中有10个是80年代 由中国分类学家发表的(Clematoclethra)。诸如此类的例子随着研究工作的扩大而势必大量增加。传统 植物分类学主要或完全以形态性状为依据。外部形态性状具有比较容易观察和记录的优点。分类学种 概念能满足多种用途分类的需要。但如果把分类学种概念说成是完全凭分类学家个人的主观判断或甚 至偏爱而很难有是非之分就颇成问题了。现在比过去任何时候都有条件对种这个分类阶元作客观的解 释。正确的物种概念来自对植物变异式样及其分类学价值的正确和充分的理解。因此,作为标本室分 类学家,首先要研究尽可能多的标本。其次,尽可能收编来自其他方面的证据是十分可取的。这些证据 即使不是很有用的分类性状,对更好地了解或解释类群的变异式样往往具有重要的意义。分类学家可 借以发现他所寻找的分类群在表型或基因型变异上的间断。对这两种间断的合理应用将导致在许多属内种级水平的更加合理的分类。  相似文献   

忍冬科的数值分类初试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 A numerical taxonomic study of Caprifoliaceae is presented. For the sake of ana- lyzing the resemblances between the 33 species or OUT’s selected at random from the total 13 genera of the family, a summation of 32 characters was employed in the numeri- cal analyses.  Raw data for each character were given equal weighting by condensa- tion in order to have adequate comparisons, and the characters were converted to 51 states, each with a new range of zero to one. Owing to the lack of sufficient data from other lines for numerical analyses, the characters used in this study were largely mor- phological.  The estimation of the coefficient resemblance between each pair or OUT’s was established using the association coefficient method.  The resulting values com- prise the 33×33 OUT’s basic similarity matrix.  The clustering technique used was unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA).      It can be stated that the scheme of phenetic relationships shown in the resultant dendrogram (Fig. 1) is on the whole in accord with the concepts hold by most current taxonomists, but with some noteworthy exceptions.  If the phenon line of tribal de- markation is drawn at the level of 0.6820, the OUT’s could be roughly divided into five groups or tribes.  The fact that the highest degree of correlation between Group I Sambuceae and Group II Viburneae on the one hand, and the great distance between them and the rest genera of the family on the other hand agrees well with the data obtained from morphological (Troll and Weberling,  1966),  anatomical  (Wilkinson, 1949, Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950), embryological (Moissl, 1941), sereological (Hillebrand and Fairbrother, 1970), and phytochemical (Bohm and  Glennie,  1971)  researches. These two tribes are most probably members of different phylogenetic origin. Trioste- um and Symphoricarpos both show their affinities  with  Leycesteria  of  Group  V Lonicereae instead of Group III Linnaeea  or Group II Viburneae as suggested by some taxonomists, and thus supports the opinion of Troll and Weberling (1966), who suggested that these two genera are members of the tribe Lonicereae.  The location of the phylogenetically uncertain genus Heptacodium in the dendrogram shows its close morphological similarity to the tribe Linnaeeae.       Because of the relatively small number of characters considered in this work, and “taxonomic judgement” was used in selecting these characters which appeared to be most “basic” to the classification of genera in the family, as well as the limitation of numerical taxonomy in itself, the resultant scheme of tribal relationships presented in this paper is by no means phylogenetic, but one that provides an excellent checkon ordinary taxonomic procedures.  相似文献   

稻属分类的现状及存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻属(Oryza L.是禾本科中重要的植物类群,该属含20余种,广泛分布于全球热带和亚热带地区。未来水稻育种的重大突破还将有赖于对稻属基因库中丰富种质资源,特别是野生稻资源的利用和开发。由于稻属植物在农业生产中的重要作用,引起了众多的植物分类学家、遗传学家、育种学家和分子生物学家的广泛研究。稻属自Linnaeus于1753年建立以来的200多年中,无论在物种的数量和分类系统上都产生了很大的变化。多位学者对稻属的属以下等级和种间的分类都做了详细的工作,对稻属现代分类系统的建立起到了重要的作用。Roschevicz(1931)对稻属全面深入的研究为后来的稻属系统分类奠定了基础。Sharma &; Shastry (1965) 建立的稻属分类系统在很大程度上受了 Roschevicz(1931)工作的影响,对属以下种以上的分类等级也处理得较合理,但是他们对稻属的分类定义较为广泛,包括了好几个如今已不放在稻属的物种。Vaughan(1989)对全球的稻属标本进行了较为全面的查证和研究,他建立的稻属系统不仅在属的界定上更为合理,而且对稻属中各物种的形态变异、地理分布和种间的关系,都有更清楚的描述。遗憾的是,Vaughan (1989)采用的属下等级——“复合体”(complex),不符合国际植物命名法规(ICBN)的规定。Lu(1999)在对前人大量工作的基础上,结合现代对稻属的研究成果并包括了近年来发表的一些新种,建立了稻属3组7系24种的分类系统。本文结合最新的研究成果对稻属作了进一步的修订,列出了以形态特征为基础的分种检索表,并对稻属分类中仍存在的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

竹类果实与淀粉形态及系统位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文收集了竹类5个族21属30种的竹类果实,作了外部形态与淀粉形态的研究,从而为确立 各竹属的系统分类位置提供了科学依据,进一步证实了浆果类果实不具有胚乳,从而认为Oreocalamus (Keng,1940),Qiongzhuea(薛纪如等,1979),Ferrocalamus(耿伯介等,1982)与Chimonobambusa Subg.Chimonobambusa系统位置更接近于Melocanneae(Keng,1940)。  竹类果实淀粉均为复粒结构。果实大小、淀粉粒大小与淀粉小粒相互之间有一定的联系。  相似文献   

 When F. A. McClure published the new genus Sinocalamus McClure in 1940, the 4 species he listed are S. latiflorus (Munro) McClure, S. beecheyanus (Munro) Mc- Clure, S. oldhami (Munro) McClure and S. affinis (Rendle) McClure.  After careful examination, the authors of this paper considered that the type species of McClure’s genus S. latiflorus (Munro) McClure should belong to the genus Dendrocalamus Nees, and the other species are of Bambusa Schreber.  Owing to Sinocalamus McClure is not a taxon representative of its type species, but a mixture, it must be rejected as a synonym of Dendrocalamus Nees.  In consequence then, the authors make adjustment to the taxonomic category of the 14 species and 1 variety which have ever been in Sinocalamus McClure.      As for the characters of Lingnania McClure, except that some differences exist in the vegetative parts, the structure of the spikelets is in the main the same as that of Bambusa Schreber.  Consequently, with regard to the systematic relationship, the authors consider it may be more resonable that the rank of Lingnania McClure should be alter- ed to Bambusa Schreber subg.  Lingnania (MeClure) Chia  et H. L. Fung; all the species of Lingnania McClure, except that L. tsiangii McClure should be transferred to Dendrocalamus Nees, should be assignable to Bambusa Schreber subg.  Lingnania (McClure) Chia et H. L. Fung.  相似文献   

三种数值方法在几种六道木分类中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
   In the last 10—20 years there has bee n increasing awareness of the problem con- cerning the aims and practices of taxonomy.  In particular, there has been growing interest in the development of numerical methods in biological taxonomy as an aid to making systematics a quantitative science, a step which comes in time to almost every scientific discipline.       Numerical taxonomy is the evaluation by numerical methods of the affinity or  similarity between taxonomic units and the employment of these affinities in erecting a hierarchic order of taxa.  The present rapid development of these ideas is presuma- bly a result of the development of computer techniques.       Numerical taxonomic approach has been applied to the studies of entomology and microbiology in China to some extent since 1975. But so far it hasn’t been commonly used in botany.  The present report is a preliminary study on 9 spp. of the genus Abelia.  A set of binary data with 54 characters  is  used  for  computing association coefficient; and a set of quantitative data with 47 characters for distance coefficient and correlation coefficient. For the mathematical models were chosen the non-metric  simple matching association coefficient, the geometrical distance of Riemannian space and correlation coefficient.  Computational procedures are stepwise presented in detail and computer programmes are written in the background of Algol-60 language. Cluster analysis is compared with simple linkage,  average  linkage  and multi-correlation.      The results of DC and CC for 9 spp. of Abelia agree closely with the traditional taxonomy, because the data we collected mainly come from morphological characters. It would seem that the results of quantita tive data are more appropriate for  seed plants.  It is, therefore, postulated that our programes are complementary and very useful to a wide range of classification entities, such as microbes, animals and plants in present situation in China.      In conclusion, a comparison between the  conventional taxonomy  and  numerical taxonomy has been made, and a brief discussion of three problems, i.e. the monothetic versus polythetic, divisive versus agglomerative, weighting versus unweighting.    相似文献   

本文对人字果属Dichocarpum W.T.Wang et Hsiao.的形态、花粉和染色体等性     状,以及地理分布进行了系统研究。确认了该属在毛茛科Ranunculaceae中的地位,并认为可     能与星果草属Asteropyrum Drumm.et Hutch.关系较密切, 证实了该属内存在三沟和散沟两     种花粉类型。该属的染色体基数可能为x=6,产于东亚大陆的种为4倍体,日本的种为6倍     体,原始的2倍体种已灭绝。中国西部山地可能为该属的分布中心,日本的种可能是在第三纪由中国大陆迁移过去的。本文按该属内各种之间可能的亲缘关系,作出了系统排列。  相似文献   

 A numerical taxonomic study of Chinese jasminum is presented. The 57 OTUS includemost taxa of the genus in China. Sixty eight characters, of which 30 were quantitative and 38 were qualitative, were used in the numerical analysis. The methods used here are cluster analysis and principle component analysiis (PCA). In cluster analysis, product-moment correlations secured from standardized data were clustered by the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic average linkage (UPGMA). From the evidence presented the genus is divided into two sections which correspond to the two groups proposed by Taylor in 1945, rather than the four sections established by De Canolle (1844). By techniques of numerical taxonomy, some doubted taxa such as J. humile L., J. girddii Diels, J. ligustrioides Chia, J. hemsleyi Yamamoto J. cinnamomifolium var. axillare Kob.  … are re-examined and the treatment of these taxa are further discussed.  相似文献   

Six new taxa of the Bambusoideae are described from Guangdong Pro- vince, China. They are Indosasa suavis W. T. Lin et Z. J. Feng, Phyllostachys purpureomaculata W. T. Lin et Z. J. Feng, Arundinaria quadrangula W. T. Lin et Z.  J.  Feng,  A.  pubiannula W.  T.  Lin et Z.  J.  Feng,  Gelidocalamus albopubescens W. T. Lin et Z. J. Feng, and Sasa duplicata W. T. Lin et Z. J.Feng.  相似文献   

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