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San Francisco     
Even people who hate the USA love San Francisco. It has an atmosphere of genteel (彬彬有礼的,有教养的)chic(高尚,别致)mixed with offbeat innovation, and a self-effacing( 自我谦逊的 ) quality so blatantly missing from New York and Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Higher education: Paradise lost?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Universities in many cultures and times have had golden ages the most recent throughout the Western World lasted from the end of World War II to about 1970. Now the prevailing mood is one of pessimism: the golden age is over. In fact, however, universal access postsecondary education is healthy and continuing to grow in most nations; mass access higher education is generally static; and it is the elite sector of higher education that most suffers a decline in prestige, in faculty morale, in rate of growth of enrollments and financing, in independence, and in other ways. The paper analyzes some of the reasons for the comparative decline of the elite sector, including (1) the historical transition from elite to mass access to universal higher education, (2) the politicization of higher education, and (3) the increasing submergence of higher education under external social controls. The author argues that elite, or highly selective, higher education is useful for the creation of knowledge and for training the highly skilled persons needed by modern nations and economies, and suggests that a differentiated system of postsecondary education, such as exists in some countries now, is essential for its survival. Differentiated by function, the different segments are also distinguished by different levels of admission requirements, principles for selection of faculty, levels of financial support, amount of institutional autonomy, and the relative importance of academic freedom. A series of guidelines are suggested for the preservation of an effective highly selective segment.Adapted from an address given in connection with the ceremonies commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the founding of Uppsala University, September 1977.  相似文献   

中国作为旧金山联合国制宪会议的四个发起国之一,也是会议的四主席之一,为联合国的创建作出了杰出贡献。中国在世界反法西斯战争中取得了大国地位,决定其在国际事务中获得相应的发言权,并发挥特殊的作用。中国共产党一直积极支持和推动战时中国政府参加创建战后新型国际组织的计划,并派遣代表加入中国代表团出席旧金山会议,对会议的成功产生重大影响。  相似文献   

中国作为1945年旧金山联合国制宪会议的四个发起国之一,为联合国的创建做出了杰出的贡献。中国派出了阵容庞大、堪称会议之“最”的代表团与会,近代以来第一次在大型国际会议上扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

The San Francisco Bay area has been rapidly growing in size and stature as one of the national centers of the electronics industry. In particular, the growth has been in companies and laboratories with a strong emphasis on research and development, in contrast to volume production. Such industry needs and seeks opportunities for graduate education for its engineers. The manner in which such opportunities have developed in the San Francisco area, especially at Stanford where the great majority of the part-time students are enrolled, provides an interesting example of how the needs of industry can be served within the academic objectives of an educational institution which serves primarily the full-time day student.  相似文献   

一份最新调查报告显示,旧金山被评为美国最健康的城市。旧金山以其陡峭的山峦和鲜美的食物而著名,所以获此殊荣并不奇怪。  相似文献   

城市群作为一个国家发展的载体,对地区经济文化的推动力日趋受到学界的关注,其发展模式突破了传统的地理范围。进入21世纪,全球化经济带来了产业变化、贸易转型,建设世界级城市群已成为国家发展的新目标。旧金山湾区是美国加利福尼亚州典型的城市群,也是美国应对全球竞争的阵地之一。旧金山湾区结合本土发展需求,在人口和产业与高等教育相互演进中不断发展。旧金山湾区高等教育协同发展特性,可为我国建设国际一流湾区和世界级城市群提供参考。  相似文献   

1906年的一场大地震和随后引发的火灾袭击了旧金山。旧金山市政府立刻成立了各种组织进行紧急救援,联邦政府和国会也立即行动起来对旧金山进行援助。联邦军队在救援灾民、提供救援物资、维护社会秩序等方面发挥了重要的作用。美国红十字会充分发挥了其作为现代救援组织的重大作用。与此同时,社会各界也慷慨捐赠食物、衣服和救援资金。经过一系列的紧急救援,旧金山民众逐渐恢复了正常的生活秩序,并为城市重建奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

女性作家的竞争日见激烈,女性作家们如何才能守住自己的“精神的故园”呢?赵玫用她的小说回答了我们,那就是不断地摸索与创新,赵玫的小说创作从不困于一种风格,在《我们家族的女人》中她将两种截然不同的叙事手法-意识流与写实手法交叉运用,使作品呈现出别样的风貌。  相似文献   

加州大学旧金山分校的发展历程表明:在竞争中与对手共存发展、基础研究与实践有机结合、紧跟社会需求开展学术研究、建设强有力的科研合作团队等发展策略,对UCSF的跨越式发展发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

在教学中使用英语歌曲是辅助二语习得的一种有效方法。在目前缺乏相关教材的情况下,结合关于歌曲San Francisco的90分钟的课堂教学活动设计,从理论和实践两个角度详细探析英语歌曲在大学英语课堂教学中的独特性和应用方法。  相似文献   

Pet Paradise     

This paper is a fictionalized account of the development, within an elementary school, of four distinctive schools-within-schools. Questions and issues arising in developing such programs are discussed, the theme of each of these four is described, and advantages that staff find in the arrangement are presented.  相似文献   

在人类需要更多文明的今天,参阅代表西方文化精髓的《圣经》,能给学人带来获益匪浅的感受,人需要精神上的慰藉,人必须要有敬畏之心。遵守规则、签订契约是人赖以存活与发展的前提。获得爱的关照与奉献爱的施与是和谐社会建立的基本基础。  相似文献   

《天堂》是托妮·莫尼森获诺贝尔文学奖后的第一部小说。通过一个黑人城镇的兴衰 ,莫尼森解读了生活在爱与恨、孤立与融入、分裂与聚合、吸纳与排斥、嫉妒与谅解、同情与冷漠等多元矛盾中的普通人。《天堂》没有性别的栅栏、没有种族的藩篱 ,它鞭笞的是人性的弱点 ,高扬的是人性的精华 ,疾呼的是理性的思考 ,召唤的是同乐同喜的人间天堂。同时 ,《天堂》再次向我们展现了诗意的璀璨。莫尼森将语言原本的鲜活交还给了语言本身  相似文献   

渡边淳一的《失乐园》曾在日本引起极大反响,该作品的主题以及作品包含的文化要素都满足了日本读者的期待视野。从期待视野的角度审视《失乐园》,能够揭示该作品在日本持续热销的原因,也为研究渡边淳一的情爱文学开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

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