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作为一种全球性的社会现象,腐败被国际社会称为"全球性灰色瘟疫"。如何预防控制职务犯罪,不断健全完善反腐败机制,成为各国共同关注的问题。美国、日本和新加坡是社会清廉程度较高的代表国家,其有效的反腐败机制在预防控制职务犯罪工作中发挥了重要作用。我们在立足我国国情的基础上,从立法、设立机构和完善措施几个方面向它们借鉴经验,取其精华,努力实现"把权力关进制度的笼子里"的目标,形成"不敢腐、不能腐、不易腐"的防腐机制。  相似文献   

With its broader employability to the issues of underperformance that may emerge in educational systems internationally, this empirical study redefines and expands Albert Hirschman's theory of voice, exit, and loyalty within higher education. The article formulates a new education-embedded theoretical framework that explains reactionary behaviors of students in corrupt educational systems. The new corruption coping theory defines a set of coping mechanisms that students employ in reaction to failing institutions. Relying on the survey data collected from 762 students and interview-based data from 15 purposely sampled current students or recent graduates of the public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the study reinterprets the voice mechanism that Hirschman sees as a political tool capable of bringing about change within underperforming institutions as, ironically, severely diminished in its power when observed within a corrupt environment. This research similarly differentiates amongst various types of exit and finds that Bosnian students often react in ways not predicted by Hirschman's model, leading to the emergence of a novel corruption coping theory presented in this study.  相似文献   

十月革命后,列宁针对苏俄党内和国家机关中出现的铺张浪费,贪污受贿、追求特权等腐败现象,为确保苏维埃政权的人民性,防止国家公职人员由社会公仆变为社会主人,列宁从改善队伍、严刑峻法、健全制度三个层面系统地提出了预防和消除腐败的一系列措施。筑起了反腐的三道防线;加强对党员干部的思想教育,提高党员质量,让人不思贪;对于那些胆大妄为,贪赃枉法,置党国家和人民利益于不顾的腐败分子从重惩处,施以严刑,使人想贪而不敢贪;健全各种工作监督制度,更好地防止腐败的产生,即使产生了,也能很快地识别和消除,使人想贪而不能贪。  相似文献   

培养大学生的廉政观念,目的在于让他们在走上工作岗位之前,就懂得做人和为官之道,树立以清廉为荣,以腐败为耻的观念,从思想道德上筑起拒腐防变的堤防,做一个诚实公正,富有正义感和社会责任感的人。在实践中应从世界观、人生观、价值观教育和法律知识,道德规范,历史知识教育等入手,利用高校优势,发挥教师的垂范作用,有重点、分层次以及运用正反典型,在两课教育中渗透廉政反腐内容等方法来培养大学生的廉政观念。  相似文献   


Meritocracy is used by governments in many societies as an ‘effective’ way to represent social justice and legitimise – explain away – class inequality. By focusing on a small number of working-class students who achieve academic ‘success’ and have reached elite universities in an ideal meritocratic environment – Chinese schooling – this paper aims to discuss the relation of meritocracy to upward social mobility and class domination. Our analysis raises questions about the notion of ‘success’ in a meritocratic environment and suggests the operation of a new form of symbolic domination in relation to these working-class high-achievers. Through their ‘successes’ at school, they are distanced from their working-class localities and histories, while they also remain outside of the middle-class sensibilities that they aspire to – they become a ‘third class’ whose core values reside in meritocracy itself. There is no transcendence of class here rather a different form of distinction and exclusion.  相似文献   

This empirical research explores a role that the quality of teaching and students’ competence play in shaping students’ views about the upward mobility opportunities in their higher education institutions. It is often understood that the principal role of higher education is to promote merit-based mobility amongst students, as well as espouse the merit-based upward mobility amongst its faculty. How exactly students in higher education form their views about the presence of meritorious upward mobility is the question that remains largely unanswered, especially in developing societies. To help answer this question, the study relies on the binary logistic regression of data collected via 762 surveys from 6 public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and determines what factors help predict students’ views on whether faculty promotions are merited or not. Findings in this article are sub-selected from a broader empirical work, and they point to a novel link: the quality of teaching and students’ views on whether the most competent students are first to graduate in their faculties are the key predictors of whether students believe the faculty members within their higher education institutions are promoted based on merit. In the absence of meritocracy, students are, as this research finds, likely to categorize the educational system as corrupt. When the merit-based competition does not determine who moves up within higher education, one's belonging to the political, social, and economic elites tends to become the alternative basis for the upward mobility. Moving away from the merit-based mobility can have broad social consequences particularly in developing countries that are poorly equipped to react to such digressions, underlining the relevance of this work cross-nationally.  相似文献   

取最能反映公务员这一群体偏好选择一般特征的权力、虔诚、财富、感官享受、友谊等变量,建立公务员效用模型.模型分析显示:a.反腐败控制力度存在一个均衡点;b.公务员面对一笔潜在贿金可能产生效用幻觉。因而反腐败的重点在预防和监督,惩处力度应当适度;加强公务员意识形态教育,提高其对组织、事业的忠诚系统以及对自己声誉、地位等变量的评价比重;加强在职培训,全面提高公务员的行政水平和个人素养;根据激励相容原则设计内外结合的考核机制,规范公务员的录用、任用和擢升制度,以期将腐败的潜在可能性和社会福利损失减小到最低限度。  相似文献   

拒绝腐败教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐败教育是与教育腐败直接相连又相区别的心灵污染和文化毒瘤。施教者趁教育腐败之机,向受教育者暗示,或用败坏风尚的观念残害受教育者的心灵,这是腐败教育的特征。教育腐败是腐败教育的源,腐败教育是教育腐败长出的瘤。教育腐败为腐败教育提供支撑,腐败教育为教育腐败推波助澜。遏制腐败教育必须从清理教育腐败着手。端正权力观和用权动机,既是反对腐败的普遍举措,也是反对教育腐败进而反对腐败教育的良策。  相似文献   

There have been many studies of the socio-economic background of students in developed countries; but – apart from extensive commentary on the gender gap – far fewer in developing countries. In Africa, this is mostly because the University record systems do not record corresponding data; and because the international standard household surveys such as DHS only ask about educational attainment of household members which of course mainly excludes current students. This paper uses the record systems of the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and specifically the Pre-Assessment form completed by all students on entry with information about their parental background.The combination of parents not having more than primary education, renting and not owning land identified only between 1 and 3 students a year. Taking the opposite extreme, the percentage of entrants reporting that their parents had a post-Secondary qualification is considerably higher (around 57% on average) than the norm at the time the parents would have been studying (around 7%). These students were certainly not poor, they are upper middle class. Further analysis identifies differences in the patterns for those at Anglophone or Francophone centres; and trends over the last four years.The paper then reviews the trends in inequality in access to higher education in the ‘mother’ countries – UK and France – from about sixty years ago until recently, to ask whether the social inequalities observed among AIMS students can be seen as ‘derived’ from those in the mother countries, with a nuanced positive conclusion.  相似文献   

反腐倡廉建设是增进党内和谐的重要内容和重要保障,同时增进党内和谐也对反腐倡廉建设提出了新的要求。着力推进反腐倡廉建设不断增进党内和谐,必须坚持党要管党、从严治党,严肃党的纪律,加强作风建设,加强廉政文化建设,加大惩处腐败力度。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的全球化发展,腐败犯罪分子的犯罪手段日益复杂化,犯罪所得资产的转移和藏匿也变得多样化,使各国打击腐败犯罪有了新的重要意义。同时,建立有效的资产追回机制,全面追回境外腐败资产势在必行,但在实践中却因法律等方面的障碍,追回腐败资产面临重重困难。《联合国反腐败公约》第五章确立的“腐败资产追回机制”,为腐败受害国破解追回腐败所得资产难题提供了重大转机。我国作为腐败犯罪的一个重要受害国,应当加紧研究《联合国反腐败公约》的有关制度,完善配套制度建设,有效利用“资产追回机制”追回外流的资产。  相似文献   

Conclusion After dealing with student relativism for decades, I have come to the conclusion that it is a view students can fairly easily be talked out of. It is not at all difficult to reveal to students the extent to which they are closet absolutists. It is also not difficult to reveal to them that their fondness for relativism is in large part due to their misunderstanding the nature of absolutism. A number of misconceptions surround absolutism, and students fall victim to these misconceptions. It doesn’t help matters that many of their college professors have fallen victim to these same misconceptions and as a result encourage student relativism. In their minds, by encouraging relativism, they are encouraging tolerance in the classroom. As we have seen, though, absolutism is not synonymous with intolerance. Morality allows us to be tolerant in some cases, but requires us to be intolerant in others. By confronting relativism in the classroom—by correcting students' mistaken beliefs about absolutism—college professors are taking an important step in fostering their students' development as moral beings. Editor’s Note: This essay by William B. Irvine and the subsequent article by Charles Landesman are loosely tied by subject matter. They both address academic dimensions of morality. The former charts from its author’s experience in the classroom a landscape of the relativism that prevails among today's undergraduates. The latter explores the realm of the academic moralists, where we find scholars and philosophers projecting their political longings as unconditional imperatives for a just society. The two territories trade on each other's needs. The dreams of the moralists for diversity or multiculturalism provide alternatives to genuine ethical deliberation in a packaged philosophy that affords students the luxury of never having to formulate their own moral framework. William B. Irvine is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Paragon House is to release his Doing Right by Children: Reflections on the Nature of Childhood and the Obligations of Parenthood in 2001.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Little research has focused on women's career and professional development in developing countries. In this study, six overseas women doctorate students from a range of developing countries were interviewed in order to ascertain their experiences and the challenges they face as a result of undertaking higher academic studies. The study demonstrated that despite their cultural diversity, the women had many characteristics in common. They had the intrinsic motivation to succeed in their career and professional development as independent persons. However, due to the traditional values and cultural expectations of their societies, they felt that starting and maintaining a family was imperative. Success in both needed a combination of hard work, diligence, and determination. The study called for gender sensitisation, especially in developing countries where the analysis of gender issues is still in its infancy. Both men and women need to be aware that women as well as men have career aspirations and that it is possible to share family and other responsibilities.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing scholarly literature about students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education by describing an initiative designed to support partnership and a study investigating international staff and student perspectives. The initiative – an international summer institute – is a four-day, professional development experience that brought together students and staff from seven countries to learn about partnership and develop specific partnership projects. Participants in the institute were invited to contribute to a qualitative study exploring their experiences of students as partners work and their perceptions of the institute’s capacity to support it. Given that much existing research on this topic tends to be celebratory, we focus here on the challenges participants ascribed to student-staff partnership, and on the features of the summer institute they thought particularly useful in helping them to navigate these difficulties. Looking beyond the summer institute, we consider the implications of these findings for those looking to support partnership more broadly.  相似文献   

Universities,cultural identity,and democracy: Some Canada-China comparisons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ruth Hayhoe 《Interchange》1992,23(1-2):165-180
This paper begins with some broad comparative reflections on the role of universities in Canada and China. While the two societies could hardly be more different, their modern universities came into being around the same historical period. Patterned on foreign models, they have nevertheless been expected to contribute to national cultural identity.The second part of the paper considers the link between universities, cultural identity, and democracy in an increasingly globalized world community, and illustrates ways in which academic co-operation between China and Canada have the potential to enhance democratization, if principles of autonomy and intellectual freedom can be instituted in an international context.The third part returns to the question of universities and national cultural identity, comparing the different ways in which scholars in the two countries have conceptualized this link, and suggesting areas where comparative research on universities in the two societies could be carried out.  相似文献   

The outcomes of surveys of ‘the student experience’ that are sector‐wide, such as the National Student Survey in the UK and the Course Experience Questionnaire in Australia, are of considerable significance for intending students and institutions. Whilst they may satisfy psychometric criteria, some aspects of their design have been submitted to less attention than they warrant. The use – or non‐use – of negatively stated items in, and aspects of response style following the administration of, such instruments are reviewed. An empirical study follows up some of the issues that are discussed. The article as a whole evidences grounds for both comfort and discomfort on the part of those who construct and administer such surveys.  相似文献   

Corruption hierarchies in higher education in the former Soviet Bloc   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Corruption in higher education is known but not described theoretically. Decentralization and privatization of higher education and the increasing scale and scope of corruption in higher education in the former Soviet Bloc, as well as numerous other countries, urges better understanding of the problem within the context of socio-economic transformations as it touches upon issues of access, quality, and equity. This article presents an overview of the problem of corruption in education and develops models of corrupt organizations in higher education, including the vertical structure, the horizontal structure, and the vertical hierarchy. Possible future structures of corrupt organizations are presented as forms evolving from the horizontal structures.  相似文献   

赵岩 《沧州师专学报》2013,29(3):32-35,68
“治理”是各种公共的或私人的个人和机构管理其共同事务的诸多方式的总和.其目标是“善治”,即实现良好的治理,廉洁政府也是治理目标的题中应有之义.将治理理论应用于反腐败的实践,就是建立国家廉政体系.廉政体系本质上是制度建设过程,应从腐败产生的条件即公共权力、腐败动机、腐败机会入手,取消政府不合理的行政审批权,建立合理的公务员薪酬体系,增加腐败被查处的概率,完善腐败的惩罚与量刑体系.  相似文献   

举印者利用手中的权力去捞取个人私利,这就叫腐败。特权是腐败的孵化。自由使用手中的权力就离腐败不远了。教育腐败的危害性具有历史腐蚀性,决不可漠然处之。学术腐败是学术与权力交媾的私生子。没有权力的介入,没有权力引诱,学术是不会自行腐败的。学术研究中的伪造数据、剽窃成果、假造证书,只是当事人的行为不端和学风不正。够得上腐败水平的学术一定是权力异化,并将导致权力衰亡的是那些掌握在学阀、学霸手中的伪科学、假学问及其他们的行为。  相似文献   

Philip G. Altbach 《Interchange》1992,23(1-2):143-163
Universities are central institutions in modern societies, providing education, research, and communication of scientific information needed by technologically based societies. The focus of this essay is on the role of universities in the emerging economies of the Newly Industrializing Countries (NIC) of the Pacific Rim, although this discussion has relevance for all countries seeking to enter the ranks of the industrialized nations. Universities in the NICs are especially important because they are the windows through which modern science enters society. Academic institutions have also served to provide an important critical voice to emerging democracies because their faculties often contribute to public debates and discussions. The roles of faculty and students in the development of the NICs is also examined in this essay.  相似文献   

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