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The 1990s saw considerable structural reform in school education in many Anglophone nation states, marked by trends towards school-based, site-based, self-managing and self-governing schools. This article illustrates through a case study of educational restructuring in Victoria, Australia, how leadership, as a discursive practice, is redefined in the context of spatial and cultural restructuring. Restructuring produced a spatial redistribution of educational provision and individual opportunities as a result of structural adjustment reforms. These same policy moves towards post-welfarism also produced cultural shifts in attitudes to education with the rise of the new instrumentalism and entrepeneurialism. For school principals at the forefront of self managing schools, this meant shifts in resource distribution through new policy mechanisms of managerial and market accountability, and also new priorities impacting on leadership practices with a move from dialogic to decisional modes of management. The question is how recent policy moves towards learning networks and reinventing systematic support with a focus on locational disadvantage are addressing what were increased educational disparities between schools and students. Does this provide scope for more equity-driven leadership practices?  相似文献   

In many countries, the development and introduction of educational software into general education is one of the key issues of national ICT policies. However, differently from other issues of ICT in education, this question is much more country-specific. Therefore, each state shall look for individual solutions that match its economic, social, cultural and other national requirements the best. This paper analyses the development of country-tailored policy for schools' provision with educational software and content. While having generic objectives, the research investigates the case of Lithuania. Initially, the paper gives a review of the Lithuanian context. Then, it analyses the policies and practices of other countries and abstracts potential solutions of the key strategic issues, relevant to the development and implementation of educational software into general education. In parallel with theoretical investigation, the research ratiocinates and demonstrates how each solution, proposed in the Lithuanian strategy of schools' provision with educational aids, has been adapted to the national peculiarities.  相似文献   

Confucianism has had a profound influence on Chinese learners’ academic achievements, moral education and education for citizenship. It is often suggested that the influence of Confucianism leads to educational success. Situating the Confucian ideology in a Western educational setting in so far as how those involved in teaching and learning according to Chinese Confucian-based education. This paper is based on a BBC documentary that leads me to reflect on Chinese education. The documentary sought to investigate what would occur when Western learners undertake Chinese Confucian-based learning. In this article, my personal reflections on the content and messages of the documentary are interwoven with reflections of the teachers and others involved in the documentary. I begin this auto-ethnographic account by reflecting on my cultural upbringing in China and the influence that Confucianism had on my own early learning experiences. Selected diary entries show my identities within a unique Confucian cultural framework.  相似文献   

国外的多元文化教育在近半个世纪的发展历程中,逐渐成为西方社会的一种教育理念。西方国家多元文化教育的兴起,既有人口、教育上的因素,也有文化、政治方面的原因。为了实现多元文化教育的目标,多元文化教育的倡导者提出从师资、课程、教学以及评价等方面对学校教育全面加以改革。多元文化教育在倡导民主观念、种族平等、尊重文化差异等方面取得了一定的进展,使教育能更多地考虑到了不同文化背景的学生的实际情况,但是也有一些人对多元文化教育提出了异议,使其面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

我国如今的教育学,大抵是在西学东渐的影响下发生的,迄今对中国教育文化的历史特点,尚缺乏研究。加之我国如今通用的教育语汇,实际上是外来的教育基本语汇的译词,同其原义及外文原义都只是大致相当,以致迄今对教育学基本概念的认知若明若暗。本文从分析教育问题的发生和“教育”概念泛化的缘由入手,论及“教育”的狭义与广义,教育与教养的区别,教育、教养与教学的区别,教学与课程的区别,现代教育与传统教育的区别,中国传统教育与西方传统教育的区别,不同性质教育判断的区别,以及教育专业研究与非专业研究的区别等。通过循名责实的具体分析,去教育空谈,力求返璞归真。  相似文献   

This article introduces a specific concept of consumer culture into the international and European discussion about new concepts and categories in comparative education. Basic meanings of consumer culture are presented in reference to consumer research, consumer culture theory, and a revisited concept of world polity. In addition to general reflexions, two educational programs from UNESCO—on sustainable consumption and lifestyles, and on cultural diversity and national cultural heritage—are analyzed to show how education and educational research can benefit from the concept of consumer culture. The article proposes to conceive consumer culture as the educational space of global cultural capitalism.  相似文献   

中国研究生教育起源于20世纪初,中西教育价值理念的碰撞与交流引发了国人对研究生教育的制度化借鉴,制度设计开启了研究生教育中国化的实践探索。百余年来在"价值-制度-实践"的互动进程中,研究生教育先后经历了起源创制、震荡转型、策略调整和战略发展四大阶段,德知共同体成为研究生教育的文化本色。得中西教育文化交流与清末民初留学风气之力助,开放与创新铺就了研究生教育起源创制时期的文化底色;受抗战烽火与退守乡土之历练,砥砺与结晶铸就研究生教育震荡转型时期的文化原色;应新中国国内外政治经济之大局,调合与坚守成为研究生教育策略转折时期的文化气色;合改革开放与百年大计之国策,根深与叶茂彰显出研究生教育战略发展时期的文化成色。  相似文献   

文化帝国主义理论是分析西方国家与第三世界国家文化关系的一种基本范式.全球化背景下,文化帝国主义在发展中国家的教育中已有诸多表征,主要体现在教育的理论模式、研究取向、研究成果、国际教育援助与交流等方面.对发展中国家的教.育来讲,需要积极且理性的态度来面对全球化进程中的文化帝国主义影响.  相似文献   

Third-sector community organisations are important sites for learning, especially for the most excluded groups in society. However, scant attention has been paid to the various factors shaping educational provision in community contexts, and how these interact to shape the provision available to marginalised populations. This article presents new evidence addressing this gap, through drawing on interview data from practitioners working in the UK homelessness sector. It identifies a range of factors shaping educational provision in these community contexts. These are: service user need and demand; staff roles and capacity; organisational purpose and structures; national policies; support from other adult education providers; non-governmental finance; and volunteers. With some modification, and placed within an overarching critical realist framework, it is argued that these findings are consistent with Boeren’s comprehensive lifelong learning participation model. The article concludes that so long as government policy and related funding continues to ignore and fails to support educational provision in these settings, it will remain piecemeal and highly contingent on the contribution of volunteers and short-term funding.  相似文献   

贵州苗族音乐的学校教育传播萌芽于上世纪50年代,"文革"时期曾一度中断,上世纪80年代初期,贵州部分学校再度将苗族音乐引入学校,开始了苗族音乐学校教育传播的真正创建。进入90年代以后,苗族音乐的学校教育传播逐步扩大,新世纪之交,贵州苗族音乐学校教育传播进入理论探析和反思阶段,并在此基础上开拓前行。贵州苗族音乐学校教育传播的萌芽、创建、扩大和反思,与近半个世纪社会文化背景、教育文化背景以及音乐教育研究的变迁密切相关。  相似文献   

In marginal regions of Mexico, grass roots educational innovations have often provided what the official system has not: basic education that responds to the cultural particularities of such populations while satisfying the national curriculum's requirements. The way these have developed, the article argues, offers valuable lessons for a new devolved, more democratic and sustainable form of educational provision in which the school is the heart of the educational system.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the work of four early radical educators: the cultural nationalist Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), Asia’s first Nobel Laureate; Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), Cambridge mathematician and philosopher; the Irish educationalist and insurgent Patrick Pearse (1879–1916) and Leonard Elmhirst (1893–1975), co-founder of Dartington Hall school in England. Each represents a type of radicalism that is particular to his own era but resonates in twentieth-century educational provision and policy. Each articulated his political vision through the establishment of a school and all contributed to modern pedagogical practice. The paper argues that ideological and methodological similarities not only compel us to consider them as radical founders, whose ideas are in many ways identical, but to identify them as pivotal theorists in early conceptualisations of education as dissent and disengagement, as a means of decoupling thought and habit from the mainstream of educational practice, colonial imposition or curricular conservatism. In particular, the paper concentrates upon the work of the Irish educationalist and political radical Patrick Pearse and, employing his educational writings and practice as a template for dissension, demonstrates that it was both typical of and reflected the wider tone of early formulations of education as dissent.  相似文献   

中西教育的比较与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东西方由于有着各自的文化传统和文化传承方式,因此在教育理念和方法上也有很大的差异。西方教育环境比较宽松,重视学生质疑能力培养,注重学生研究能力培养,以及与生活相联系的教学内容和讲求实效的学习方式,值得研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

Western cultural practices contribute to our understanding of the purpose of higher education and how we are to conduct ourselves in educational contexts. In this article, entitled ‘Seekers after truth?’, I analyse recent works of popular fiction which draw on and contribute to the idea that postgraduate research is a process of locating and amassing clues leading to the revelation or discovery of a truth. These novels re-inscribe the metaphor of the postgraduate researcher as detective or ‘seeker after truth’. This article considers the contradictory and productive meanings that arise from the trope of the researcher-detective. In addition, I argue that, although there are challenges in bringing the work of one field to bear on another, analyses of discourses which are not produced within higher educational contexts can nonetheless promote reflection on educational concepts. In this case, fiction enables us to consider ideas about what it is to do postgraduate research and to be a postgraduate researcher.  相似文献   

目前,我们的教育研究难以为教育发展方式的转变提供有效的智力支持与技术保证。本文从研究主体、研究目的、研究内容、研究方法、研究评价等维度,分析理论人的研究、实践人的研究、大学中小学合作研究的缺陷与不足,提出从教育研究的价值取向、组织管理、技术方法等多方面入手,全系统、多角度地进行教育研究改进,以提高教育发展的理性化水平。  相似文献   

This article analyses the school exclusion and subsequent educational inclusion of pregnant young women participating in a course of antenatal and key skills education at an alternative educational setting. It examines the young women's transitions from ‘failure’ in school to ‘success’ in motherhood and re-engagement with education. This article draws on participant observation- and interview-based research carried out with pregnant young women and staff at an alternative educational setting in London in 2007–2008. The young women's participation in the course represented a severing of past negative experiences in mainstream education, allowing a renewed focus on education alongside a positive maternal identity. The setting represented a form of inclusion, and the young women appreciated the focus on their social and emotional well-being, yet the limited academic provision in some cases continued to reinforce an educational exclusion.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(1):22-27
UK higher education appears to have generally been slow to adopt an organised means of provision for special educational needs for its students. This may be due to the fact that, historically, relatively few disabled students entered UK higher education. However, there is a growing number of disabled students entering UK higher education institutions, and the figure is likely to increase. It is therefore important and, under the UK Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001), legally binding, that UK higher education institutions make appropriate adjustments to their activities so as not to disadvantage or discriminate against disabled students. In this article Mark Taylor examines the development of the special educational needs coordinator role in a higher education setting based upon a two‐year case study in a UK university.  相似文献   

Cosmopolitanism has been cast by some in recent years as a form of cultural capital, disproportionately available to students on elite educational pathways. This article tests this supposition, by comparing the enactment of global citizenship education reforms at two high-status and two low-status universities in the United Kingdom. These enactments have indeed differed, as some students are being encouraged to cultivate a sophisticated cosmopolitan disposition for positions of leadership, while other students are not – even if they are being encouraged to learn more about the world, or to develop social tolerance. Comparing the practices and meanings attributed to the global citizenship agenda among universities in different positions in the higher education field, this article illuminates dynamics related to the creation, legitimation, and differentiation of cosmopolitan capital among different groups of students. The article also extends understanding of how the institutional hierarchy of higher education provision positions students for the global economy unequally.  相似文献   

The future of educational provision for pupils with special educational needs can be seen to be central to educational debate across Europe and the USA. Legislation from many countries has focused upon the means by which the achievement of a more inclusive education system can be achieved. This article suggests that whilst the socio‐political and moral arguments for inclusion have been well established, insufficient attention has been given to the development of an understanding of classroom practices which are conducive to creating an inclusive education system. The moral imperative for inclusion is clear and few teachers would deny that a move towards a more equitable education system should be regarded as a priority. Yet, moves towards the achievement of greater inclusion have been slow. Existing research has demonstrated that under some circumstances inclusion can be efficacious, yet many teachers remain uncertain with regard to its implementation in their schools. This article argues that there is a need to move forward from debating the justification of inclusion and to shift efforts in the direction of an analysis of effective classroom practice to meet the needs of those pupils who are currently presenting the greatest challenges to teachers.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of ‘quality’ in early years education, with the aim of highlighting the voices of nursery school head teachers. Government early years achievement statistics display a reductive and de-contextualised focus on young children’s developmental outcomes, with measures of the percentage of 5-year-olds achieving a ‘good level of development’ at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Early years practitioner understandings of ‘quality’ are more sophisticated and multi-dimensional, and yet are marginalised in debates around what constitutes ‘quality’ early years provision and around what are desired outcomes for young children and how these can be achieved. Using qualitative data from interviews with nursery school head teachers and classroom teachers from across England, the article analyses these participants’ understandings of ‘quality’ early years provision. The study finds a consensus amongst these teachers that quality provision emanates from the professional skills of staff providing education for the whole child and their wellbeing: they conceive of ‘quality’ as relating to a depth of understanding of each child as an individual, enabling the child to progress in their learning.  相似文献   

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