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The paper argues for the need to increase student participation in university governance, especially in relation to high‐level decision‐making concerning the aims and mission of tertiary institutions. The paper examines the arguments in favour of, and against, student participation in university governance. It also provides an overview of the findings of recent empirical studies on the topic. The need for a process of negotiation in the setting of higher education aims is emphasised and several suggestions are offered regarding ways of increasing student involvement in the aims‐setting process.  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织后,高等教育只有树立全球观念,规范教育行政,加大教育投入,引进教育资源,深化专业改造,提高教育质量,面向世界培养人才,才能融入世界教育大潮。  相似文献   

分类管理是我国民办教育领域的一项重大制度设计,国家试图通过分类管理建立差异化的制度体系,促进民办教育健康规范发展。分类管理后,民办高校资本化运作的特征非常明显。一些资本通过并购策略控制了不少民办高校,从学校经营中获取了巨额收益;一些有营利诉求的举办者通过转让举办者收益权,在退出办学的同时获得了巨额收益。这种异化的并购行为扰乱了正常的教育秩序,使学校办学面临一定的风险考验。解决民办高等教育领域资本并购热的问题,需要政府认识到并购存在的风险,进一步完善分类管理政策,同时加强引导与监督。  相似文献   

随着2008年末的世界金融危机的扩展和深化,温州经济也不可避免的受到影响,但究其根本原因是由于温州经济自身的发展瓶颈,那么在金融危机的背景下如何摆脱经济下滑的命运?文章认为只有教育尤其是高职教育才能解决温州经济发展的根本问题,高职教育应该在全球经济普遍衰退这一关键时刻义不容辞的担当起促进温州经济可持续发展的历史使命。  相似文献   

This paper presents a synopsis of selected findings from a co-constructed professional Doctorate in leadership in education. In Ireland, as elsewhere, primary school principals meet the challenges of teaching, community leadership and on-site management in an era of continual change. Formalised leadership acculturation processes are as yet relatively unformed in Ireland and school leadership at local level is arguably an embryonic concept. In most cases therefore, Irish principals meet leadership challenges with limited or no formal preparation. Against this backdrop, a diverse group of 31 primary school principals generated data from the self-observed minutae of researcher-driven diaries and from a colourful spectrum of personal reflections in follow-up semi-structured qualitative interviews. Coding in NVivo and the querying of emergent themes through conceptual frameworks provided detailed evidence of a myriad of daily activities. This paper offers an exploration, in narrative form and with supporting evidence, of principals’ experiences of the perpetual motion of administration, dealing with the unexpected and interacting with staff. The daily practicalities of school governance and community leadership demanded a considerable investment of time and personal interest, to the point that boundaries between principals’ personal and professional lives blurred significantly. Evidence pointed once more to a generally held understanding that life’s journey as a school principal is demanding but worthwhile.  相似文献   

2008年欧盟委员会发布了关于欧盟兼并条例项下可接受救济的新指南。新指南澄清了当事方在资产剥离中的义务,制定了提交有关救济的信息的格式,并考虑了2005年欧盟委员会兼并救济研究报告的成果。但是,新指南对结构性救济的偏好以及其给予利益方有限的灵活性也反映了其缺陷。我国的兼并救济制度已初步建立起来,但仍需要进一步完善。欧盟新指南为我国兼并救济制度的完善提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

This reflective essay presents a personal account of experiences and models that have shaped the development of the author as a leader in tertiary education. It is presented from the perspective of a practitioner whose career has led her through academic and administrative roles in Australian and UK institutions into her current position as academic registrar of a large, global university. The author concludes that, in learning to lead, the ideas that have been influential and which she has integrated into her practice are those that resonate with her own understanding of leadership and which are consistent with her values.  相似文献   

分析了合并期间高校档案管理工作存在的问题,提出了做好档案管理工作的一些建议,认为:要做好合并高校档案管理工作,首先要领导重视,明确体制,统一集中管理;要加强宣传力度,增强档案意识;要建立健全管理制度;其次,要加大投入力度,改善档案管理工作条件,加快档案电子信息化建设;再次,要明确管理目标,加强管理人员业务水平,提高管理水平。  相似文献   

The article begins by examining the variety of meanings that can be given to the word ‘theory’, the different attitudes that may be taken towards theories of these various types and some of the problems associated with them. The second half of the article focuses on one of these types, explanatory theory, and the question of what is required if case study research is to be effective in producing sound theories of this sort. A range of important distinctions is outlined and questions are raised about the possibility of, and need for, such theories.  相似文献   

A recent review of research identified two Asian societies that represented “positive outliers” in the production of published knowledge on educational leadership and management: Hong Kong and Israel. These were the only Asian societies that had produced a critical mass of publications in this field in international journals over the past two decades. The current study examined the nature of the publication corpus from Hong Kong and Israel in an effort to understand factors that may have contributed to this capacity for high research productivity. The results suggested that different strategies may have accounted for research capacity development in these two societies. Directions are identified for future research.  相似文献   

中国-东盟《服务贸易协定》涉及高等教育服务承诺,这些承诺将对中国和东盟各国在高等教育服务贸易方面的权利和义务产生重大影响.本文通过对这些承诺的法律解读,分析了中国和东盟各方的相关权利和义务.这种解读对于确定中国高等教育服务国际化的发展方向是很有必要的.  相似文献   

幼儿教师组织承诺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
幼儿教师组织承诺的心理结构,有自己的特点。幼儿教师组织承诺可分为五种类型:情感承诺、经济承诺、理想信念承诺、职业承诺和人际承诺,不同组织承诺类型的幼儿教师行为表现各不相同,影响幼儿教师组织承诺的因素有个人因素和组织因素。  相似文献   

党委领导下的校长负责制是集体领导与首长负责相结合的管理体制,其中党委对重大决策负责,书记对决策过程和形式负责,校长对决定的执行和结果负责。要进行正确的制度和程序设计,既保证党委集体领导,又保证校长独立行使职权。  相似文献   

南非高校合并:成效与经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自20世纪90年代中期以来的南非高校合并,是摆脱了种族隔离制度的新南非改造其整个高等教育体系最重要的手段,在很大程度上改变了南非高等教育的面貌。南非的高校合并是在政府的主导下进行的,具有很强的计划性。充分调研,反复论证;政府推动,因势利导;就近归并,稳定重点;形式明确,深度融合,是南非高校合并获得成功的基本经验。  相似文献   


The present article takes up a paradox: that teachers' involvement in ambitious innovation or large-scale reform may supply rich opportunities for professional growth while also introducing the seeds of longer-term career disappointment. Case study investigations of reforming high schools in the US from 1991 to 2001 illuminate the relationship of teachers' participation in secondary school reform to their teaching commitment and career trajectories. Two of the three successive studies produced a dominant pattern of initial enthusiasm followed by growing disappointment. We draw on the combined data to examine teachers' propensity to remain engaged with innovation or reform, and the ways in which sustained involvement strengthens or weakens teachers' career commitment and satisfaction.  相似文献   

回顾我国高等教育学研究方法的发展历程发现,在学科创设之初,由于依附普通教育学体系、定量研究不足、外域研究欠缺而表现出研究方法上的贫乏。20世纪90年代,我国高等教育研究由本土拓向外域,由单一学科体系的模仿转向多学科方法的借鉴,由当下高等教育实践的经验描述转向其历史发展的学理层面分析,但方法借鉴仍存在若干缺憾。我国高等教育学研究采取定性与定量、本土与外域以及多学科方法的整合,将是其走向成熟的必由之路。  相似文献   

研究性学习在当今学习方式改革中占据重要的位置.研究性学习强调学生通过实践,增强探究和创新意识,学习科学研究的方法,发展综合运用知识的能力.本文依据"化学来自于生活,化学应用于生活"的课改理念,结合化学知识内容,以牛奶为研究对象,介绍了牛奶的相关知识与含钙量测定的研究性学习案例设计与实践成果.  相似文献   

研究性学习在当今学习方式改革中占据重要的位置.研究性学习强调学生通过实践,增强探究和创新意识,学习科学研究的方法,发展综合运用知识的能力.本文依据"化学来自于生活,化学应用于生活"的课改理念,结合化学知识内容,以牛奶为研究对象,介绍了牛奶的相关知识与含钙量测定的研究性学习案例设计与实践成果.  相似文献   

The article argues that the traditional conception of teacher effectiveness, focused on the teaching performance of individual teachers in relation to student cognitive outcomes, has limitations primarily because it does not recognise broader roles and responsibilities. A case study of a primary school staff attempting to generate criteria for effectiveness was conducted in order to develop a complementary approach. The criteria generated cover most of the characteristics of the effective teacher in the literature. Also the criteria generated in the case study school correlated strongly with those of a nationally representative sample. Implications for teacher effectiveness research are drawn.  相似文献   

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