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Stigma is a powerful force in preventing university students with mental health difficulties from gaining access to appropriate support. This paper reports on an exploratory study of university students with mental health difficulties that found most students did not disclose their mental health problems to staff at university. This was primarily due to fear of discrimination during their studies and in professional employment. Many students went to considerable efforts to hide their mental health condition and in doing so struggled to meet university requirements. Of the minority who did disclose, most received helpful assistance with both their studies and management of their mental health condition. The university was the main source of support services including counselling, disability, student union and housing. A range of measures are required to address the impact of stigma and mental health to empower students so that they can disclose in the confidence that they will be treated fairly.  相似文献   

影响教师心理健康的压力源及应付策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会乃至教育系统内部的变革,给教师带来巨大的心理压力,压力源主要存在于社会环境、工作和家庭等诸方面,也与教师个人的因素有一定关系,这对教师的心理健康是不利的。研究影响教师健康的压力来源,提供相应的应付策略,以期对教师和教育管理提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

When discussing contributions from psychology in/to educational practices like school-based mental health promotion, it is peculiar that psychologists (of an educational or clinical kind) or education-oriented sociologists, both not often based in schools or classrooms, dominate the topic. It has been acknowledged that school staff have been over looked and underutilised in contributing to the discussion, particularly as this pertains to sharing perspectives on how they experience their role in relationship to education policy and practice. The study presented here looked to address this situation by seeking the perspectives of school staff on a range of concerns situated at the nexus between education and psychology. Contrary to the type of displaced assessment intimated above, this group of school staff generally accepts they perform a crucial task in supporting students, their main concern being to incisively question how they might negotiate existing role-related pressures to better current school-based practice.  相似文献   

新时代呼唤在中学生中进行心理健康教育,提高学生的心理健康水平,以适应未来社会的需要.为帮助学生健全人格,促进身心健康发展,尝试在生物学科教学中渗透心理健康教育,探讨学生心理健康与生物学学习的内在联系;利用生物学的特点,从课堂氛围、教学实践活动、情感培养及合作精神等方面入手,探索课堂学习、课外实践等各项教学活动渗透心理健康教育的可行方法.  相似文献   

由于受社会和学校的影响以及工作、家庭的原因 ,已经使为数不少的教师身心疲惫 ,精神压抑 ,导致工作积极性受损 ,工作效率降低 ,影响教学质量的提高。所以 ,在重视学生心理教育的同时 ,同样不能忽视教师的心理健康问题  相似文献   

少儿心理健康,是他们成为社会合格成员的重要条件和保证,也是他们学业成绩提高的有效保障。作为孩子的第一任老师──家长,一定要根据少儿心理发展的特点与规律,以科学的方式进行恰当的指导,从而促进孩子身心健康发展。  相似文献   

我国心理健康教育动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国学校心理健康教育起步较晚,但发展迅速,成为代表着现代教育观念的学校教育改革热点之一,其发展的新动态表现为四个方面:一是心理健康教育走进学前教育领域,成为现代幼儿素质教育的新视点;二是心理健康教育走进家庭;;三是学生的学习辅成为学校心理健康教育深入发展的突破口;四是教师的心理健康问题日益得到重视。  相似文献   


Students with disabilities (SWD) in Australian higher education need to disclose to their institution to access a range of ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support their learning. Nationally, 5.8% of the university population disclose their disability to their institution. It is suspected that there is a much larger population of students who choose non-disclosure, and therefore decide not to access support. Very little is known about the reasons for non-disclosure as this group represents a hidden population in higher education. The research reported here is based on a survey of undergraduate students in one regional Australian university where disability was reframed as ‘learning challenge’. This identified the institutionally non-disclosed group. This research identified that there were sound reasons for non-disclosure, students continually weigh up potential disclosure during their study, and students have difficulty with the disclosure process. We conclude that institutions need to understand that they have an invisible group of non-disclosing SWD in their student populations and that, to meet their learning challenges, universities need to support changes to policies, procedures and curriculum design.  相似文献   

家庭心理健康教育概论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在整个心理健康教育系统中,家庭心理健康教育是其重要的组成部分。本文从学校心理健康教育的角度,对家庭心理健康教育的目标,任务,原则,内容,策略和途径等基本理论问题作了初步论述,以期教育者和管理者对学校心理健康教育视野中的家庭心理健康教育有了一个基本的了解与认识。  相似文献   

人本主义心理学强调以人为中心,主张培养完整的人。罗杰斯在他的人本主义教育思想中提出"以学生为中心"的理念。强调学生在教学过程中的主体地位,重视实践经验。本文通过对罗杰斯人本主义理论的分析,探讨我国高校大学生心理健康教育课程教学的新的思路、内容、方法以及渠道,以期使大学生心理健康教育课程取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

互联网的发展与高校心理健康教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述互联网的发展趋势给高校心理健康教育带来的机遇,分析网络环境对高校心理健康教育的挑战,提出在新的时代条件下高校心理健康教育的新思路。  相似文献   

Access to education is a right for all students. This right is typically realised through the provision of disability support and reasonable adjustments to enable tertiary students with disabilities to participate on an equal footing with their peers. This paper presents perspectives of disability service staff and students about implementing and using reasonable adjustments. Data were collected at 2 tertiary institutions in Australia through interviews with 25 students with disabilities and 7 disability service staff. Data were thematically analysed. The complexity of and variability in the processes of negotiating and implementing disability support were identified as an overarching theme in the data. These processes involved engaging multiple parties. The task of negotiating reasonable adjustments is used to illustrate some of the complexities inherent in supporting students with disabilities. These findings challenge existing assumptions that support is easily accessible and simply provided. They highlight the complexity of using reasonable adjustments, and the tendency for this to be seen as a student responsibility. Finally, the findings imply that disability services need to reorient from a focus on care and concern towards a rights orientation and foster students’ skills in self-advocacy to better enable them to negotiate without disadvantage.  相似文献   

我国对于中国留学生在留学前的心理健康教育有着严重的缺失,社会对于留学生的重视往往放在海归人才上,而忽视了准留学生的思想教育和心理辅导。大学应面向社会开设相关课程和讲座,为众多准留学生及其父母提供服务。  相似文献   

由于中职学生文化素质较低,在学习上有相当大的困难,其成长过程中产生的逆反心理和脆弱、孤独的封闭心理等问题也影响学习.数学是中职学生学习困难、易于厌学的主要学科之一,成绩的优劣元不与学生心理品质息息相关.因此,数学教学过程要善于捕捉学生心理问题的各种信息,及时了解学生的内心世界,并采取灵活、巧妙的办法,因材施教,适时、适度地渗透心理健康教育,帮助学生妥善地处理心理问题,使学生具有良好的心理品质、健全的人格和较强的社会适应能力,以促进其心理健康发展,从而提高中职学生的数学素质.  相似文献   

Despite high rates of mental disorders in university students, very few seek professional help. University teaching staff are well placed to connect students with mental health care. However, little is known about university staff attitudes to and knowledge about mental health problems, or whether these factors influence their experience with and assistance of students with these problems. A total of 224 teaching staff members at the Australian National University, Canberra completed an anonymous online survey via an email link (16.4% response rate from N ~ 1370). Measures included demographic and professional information, experiences with student mental health, knowledge of depression (literacy) and attitudes to depression (stigma). Strength of stigmatising attitude did not predict whether a teaching staff member would approach a student to assist with mental health problems. Teaching staff with higher levels of depression literacy (OR = 1.14, p = 0.007) were more likely to feel sufficiently informed to help students with mental health problems. Ensuring staff complete mental health literacy training and have adequate skills to respond appropriately to students with mental health problems may help in connecting young people to appropriate care in a university context.  相似文献   

心理健康教育在高校教育工作中占有十分重要的地位。辅导员是高校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,在大学生心理健康教育工作中需要发挥应有的作用。辅导员贴近学生,对学生思想状况和心理动态十分了解,能及时准确地发现学生的心理问题,可以在萌芽阶段就给予学生及时的疏导,遇到疑难问题,也可以及时向上一级部门反馈与求助。应加强辅导员心理健康教育知识和方法的培训,建立健全辅导员心理健康教育机制,辅助高校心理咨询中心做好大学生心理健康教育工作,增强高校心理健康教育工作的针对性与时效性。  相似文献   

论学校心理健康教育的生活性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校心理健康教育是关于生活智慧的教育,它是从生活出发,在生活中展开并为了生活的教育。  相似文献   

Based on surveys undertaken by the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) and by the Direction de l'évaluation de la prospective et de la performance (Directorate of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance), this article examines the evolution of female student enrollment in scientific streams in secondary and post-secondary education in France over a period of approximately 20 years, from 1985 to 2008. The aim is to study the changes and constants in girls’ choices in science and technology education. The results show that girls’ choices to study science and technology have undergone clear changes during this period. These changes have been positive at the secondary level, but rather more ambiguous at the post-secondary level. Both an appraisal of positive developments and the persistently low representation of women in scientific fields will be offered.  相似文献   

There are concerns globally about the emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people and in this paper a critical orientation comprises both theoretical and empirical data sources. The case is made that (1) the medical model of mental health – that of problem identification, diagnosis and medical treatment at the level of the individual – is not appropriate for the vast majority of children and young people in schools and (2) relational approaches would be more sensitive in responding to the complexity of the ‘conditions’ in the schools, homes and communities in which young people live. Articulations of these conditions in the literature are explored while we also draw on empirical data from part of an evaluation of a school-based teacher-training programme in which interviewees and respondents mapped out their own conditions for emotional wellbeing and mental health. We conclude with proposals for relational approaches which (1) acknowledge the links between affect, cognition and school climate and culture, (2) foreground mental health and poverty as impacting on young people’s emotional wellbeing in their communities, families and schools and (3) attend to voice – providing spaces in which young people can develop their own ‘preferred narratives’ concerning emotional wellbeing and mental health.  相似文献   

文章针对小学生心理健康教育及心理潜能开发这一课题的提出、界定与表述、目标与内容、对象与范围、原则与策略、研究工作与阶段推进、研究方法与措施、研究成果与思考几个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

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