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Is there (still) something specific about academic practice in contemporary neoliberal times? This article reports on a sociomaterial, ethnographic study informed by Deleuze’s untimely empiricism conducted at two research centres of a research university. We unfold the specificity of ‘the academic’ by elaborating upon two central notions: relational aspirations (the attachments of these academics, and the operations that such attachments generate) and mode of existence (the way academic practice comes into being by and through these attachments). The article discerns four types of relations that are typical for academic practice and argues that the way in which academic practice exists nowadays is characterized by a continuous distancing in action, that is, by drawing things together and by slowing things down.  相似文献   

In this study, members of a higher education department explore their research activity and how it influences their practice as academic developers in a research-led institution. While the research activities of the team members appear diverse, they are all underpinned by a shared set of professional values to provide an anchor for these activities. Research-as-pedagogy and the relationship between the discourses of research and teaching are explored using Bernstein’s knowledge structures. The authors conclude that differences in research focus (horizontal discourse) provide dynamism across a department and that stability is provided through the underpinning core values inherent in the vertical discourse.  相似文献   

学术服装用于表示在大学或相关机构获得职位、学位或其他资格,是学位的有形标志之一。学术服装一般由学位袍、垂布、学位帽、流苏等四部分组成,其承载的意义是尊重知识、追求真理、倡导学术自由和守护“象牙塔”精神的大学理念。  相似文献   

两次学术革命与研究型大学的发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
科学研究被引入大学的第一次学术革命 ,造就了研究型大学。此后科学研究这一大学(主要是研究型大学 )的社会职能逐步走向职业化和专业化 ,从“小科学”步入“大科学” ,研究型大学也由此在今天成为新知识与新经济的策源地 ,以致人们提出大学正经历着把经济发展也引为学术使命的第二次学术革命。  相似文献   

“Quality teaching”, “curriculum change” and “innovative practice” are just a few of the common phrases used by university academics as a basis for defining and justifying their actions as educators and policy‐makers. Yet our analysis of 25 interviews with academics revealed differences in their conceptions of these terms. While the impact of such disparity upon the clarity of discussions across campus is not known, it is likely to be significant. We suggest there is a real need for academics and developers to work together to identify the meanings behind the language of higher education. By working collaboratively and contributing individual expertise, academics and developers can develop converging understandings and better shape the university curriculum. This paper explores ways in which we can work together to achieve this goal.

“Enseignement de qualité”, “changement de programme” et “pratique innovatrice” ne sont que quelques‐unes des expressions communément employées par les universitaires pour définir et justifier leurs actions en tant qu’éducateurs ou responsables de politiques. Toutefois, notre analyse d’entretiens effectués auprès de 25 universitaires révèle des différences en ce qui a trait aux conceptions entretenues à l’égard de ces expressions. Bien que l’impact d’une telle disparité sur la clarité des discussions à la grandeur du campus ne soit pas connu, celui‐ci est susceptible d’être significatif. Nous suggérons qu’universitaires et conseillers pédagogiques travaillent ensemble à identifier les significations sous‐jacentes au langage de l’enseignement supérieur. En collaborant et en fournissant une expertise individuelle, universitaires et conseillers pédagogiques peuvent parvenir à des compréhensions convergentes et, ainsi, mieux informer les programmes universitaires. Cet article explore quelques façons selon lesquelles nous pouvons travailler ensemble vers l’atteinte de cet objectif.  相似文献   

Studies of innovation suggest that understanding the complex set of variables associated with innovation can help higher education professionals plan and achieve organizational reforms more effectively. The purpose of the research reported here was to explore innovation in a non-traditional academic unit, the intensive English program (IEP), on several university campuses. The focus of the study was IEP administrators and their perceptions of factors that facilitate innovation in their units.Fredricka L. Stoller, Ed.D. (Northern Arizona University) is an Assistant Professor in the Teaching English as a Second Language and Applied Linguistics programs at Northern Arizona University. She is also Director of the Program in Intensive English at the same university. Her areas of professional interest include innovation in English language teaching settings; second language methodology, curriculum, and materials development; second language reading; and second language teacher education.  相似文献   

Nurse education is characterised by dissonance, ambiguity and uncertainty. Such a context makes demands on the educator's authenticity or sense of self. This paper reports an attempt to provide a space where dissonance, ambiguity and uncertainty could be held, tolerated and examined and where authenticity could be recovered or developed through the practice of artistry. Three art workshops were offered to eight nurse educators over a period of three months. Each of the participants and the co‐facilitator were subsequently interviewed. All welcomed the opportunity to find meaning in their practice and to be listened to in a climate of empathy, acceptance and congruence. They undertook novel activities that allowed for discovery and surprise. They explored their sense of self and coined fresh metaphors to communicate their experiences. The paper argues that there is room for approaches to academic staff development that go against the mainstream.

La formation des infirmières se caractérise par la dissonance, l'ambiguïté et l'incertitude. Un tel contexte exerce des pressions sur l'authenticité et le sens de soi d'un éducateur. Cet article rend compte d'une tentative de fournir un espace o[ugrave] l'authenticité peut être redécouverte et développée au moyen de la pratique artistique. Trois ateliers artistiques ont été offerts à huit formateurs d'infirmières sur une période de trois mois. Des entretiens ont été effectués auprès de chaque participant et du co‐facilitateur. Les répondants ont tous accueilli l'occasion de trouver un sens à leur pratique et de pouvoir être écouté dans un climat d'empathie, d'acceptation et d'harmonie. Ceux‐ci on entrepris des activités nouvelles faisant place à la découverte et à la surprise. Ils ont exploré leur sens de soi et ont trouvé de nouvelles métaphores pour communiquer leurs expériences. Cet article défend l'idée que des activités de développement pédagogique qui vont à l'encontre de la majorité ont leur place.  相似文献   

Language is an important way of presenting an identity, either individual or group. This paper explores the language used in the presentation of the identity of academic development. The study is based on an analysis of websites from academic development centres in the UK and Australia and outlines the public ways in which academic developers present their work and the meanings that are attached to this presentation. It uses frame theory to analyse the language of academic development websites in order to explore some of the assumptions underpinning the public face of academic development. It explores the ways in which language is used to frame and persuade in order to establish the credibility of academic development as an expert and scholarly field.  相似文献   

知识经济浪潮正在席卷全球,大学逐渐从社会的边缘走向社会的中心,在此背景下,大学教师的职业地位理应上升,但实际上,学术职业地位呈现出衰落之势。为此,学术人员必须以学术为本,内因与外因相结合,主动学习,刻意发展;同时应建设和谐、柔性的大学制度环境,采用弹性的评价考核机制并使组织结构进一步扁平化以促进学术职业地位的提高与发展。  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是目前学习科学和教育技术学的热点研究问题。随着计算机和网络技术的发展,CSCL发展迅猛,并逐渐地应用于实践之中。通过对近几年的研究成果分析,介绍了CSCL的研究现状和发展趋势,并提出了在实践过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

This study examined the viva experiences of 87 social science PhD graduates from three Irish higher education institutions through a questionnaire that assessed outcome, preparation, conduct and post-viva. The majority were awarded their PhD with minor corrections, considered their viva as a summative assessment, and emphasised its purpose as authentication, examination and defence. Most felt well prepared yet few had experienced a ‘mock viva’ or viva workshop. Even those with minor corrections identified aspects of the viva for improvement. The study recommends that academic development programmes should incorporate assessment literacy for PhD students and supervisors and the need for evaluation of graduates’ viva experiences.  相似文献   

大学是一个具有自身逻辑系统的社会组织,学术性是其根本属性,学术发展是其持续创新的根本动力.推进大学学术发展,应以科学发展现为指导.具体包括:恪守"第一要义",一心一意谋划发展;明确"核心",坚持以人为本;领会"基本要求",推动全面协调可持续发展;掌握"根本方法",做好统筹兼顾.  相似文献   


As calls for student-staff partnership proliferate across higher education, academic development must re-examine and reimagine its relationship to students. Students generally occupy roles with limited agency in academic development. We argue that this needs to change. We propose re-articulating the purpose of academic development toward the creation of conditions that liberate everyone involved in teaching and learning in higher education. We offer four vignettes that illustrate what is possible when students have the opportunity to embrace their essential roles. We conclude by reflecting on the human implications of student agency in academic development and higher education more broadly.  相似文献   

学风建设:大学可持续发展的永恒主题   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
加强学风建设,是大学落实科学发展观、实现可持续发展的永恒主题。追求真理、强化学术自由与学术责任、服务社会发展和张扬个性,是大学学风建设的题中应有之义。加强大学学风建设,应该用大学精神去激励,用道德教育去引导,用大学制度去规范,用校园文化去陶冶,并注重把握好大学学风建设的学、思、用、创四个关键环节。  相似文献   

职业化背景下我国专业学位高等教育发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
专业学位高等教育通过紧密结合社会需求和职业背景,有效吸纳和使用社会资源,已成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。笔者有针对性地提出了具有职业性本质属性的专业学位高等教育发展的建设性思路。  相似文献   

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