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This article describes the school careers of Dutch pupils of ethnic minority background in the first 5 years following the transition to secondary education. The database used is VOCL89 of the Dutch Central Statistics Office (CBS). In line with previous findings,in the case of equal achievements pupils of ethnic minority background are advised to select higher types of secondary education than Dutch pupils. Furthermore, pupils of ethnic minority background more often select a school higher than advised than Dutch pupils. With control for social background, pupils of ethnic minority background are also found to display a more favourable career after the 1st year of secondary education. Path model construction results in consistently positive effects of ethnic minority origin at every transition. Further analysis demonstrates that even the most vulnerable subgroups of pupils of ethnic minority background, the Turkish and Moroccan pupils born in their motherland, show both absolutely and compared with the advice a career on a higher level than Dutch pupils with a similar social background. A point of discussion concerns the extent to which social background, defined as the parental educational level, refers to the same concept for Dutch people and people belonging to ethnic minority groups.  相似文献   

More than 3 million students study outside their home country, primarily at a Western university. A common belief among educators is that international students are insufficiently adjusted to higher education in their host country, both academically and socially. Furthermore, several groups of international students experience considerable amounts of stress while adapting to the culture of the host-institute. Several researchers argue that studies on adaptation of international students should widen its focus to the underlying mechanisms that leads towards this “misalignment”. In a cross-institutional comparison among 958 students at five business schools in the Netherlands, differences in academic performance between local and international students were identified by focussing on their levels of academic and social integration. Students’ academic integration was measured with the Students’ Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ), while students’ social integration was measured with a newly developed and validated questionnaire. The results indicate that the degree of academic success of international students is multi-faceted. International students with a (mixed) western ethnic background perform well on both academic and social integration, and also attained higher study-performance in comparison to domestic students. In contrast, international students with a non-Western background are less integrated compared to other international students. Nevertheless, they have a similar study-performance. Finally, academic adjustment is the main predictor of study-performance for Dutch, Western and Mixed-Western students. Social adjustment was negatively related to study-performance. The lack of fit for predicting long-term study success of non-Western students indicates that their academic and social integration processes are more complex and non-linear.  相似文献   

Background: Changing demographics in societies through international migration have led to an increasing number of bi-ethnic individuals. The focus of this study is on bi-ethnic students with one parent with an ethnic majority background and one parent with an ethnic minority background. Most studies worldwide have grouped these bi-ethnic students with ethnic minority students or have grouped them according to the ethnic background of their mothers with the majority or minority group. However, empirical arguments for these groupings are lacking.

Purpose: The present study examined the educational outcomes and functioning of bi-ethnic students compared with mono-ethnic majority and mono-ethnic minority students in the Netherlands.

Sample: Data on in total 12,841 sixth-grade students (age 11–12) in primary education from two consecutive measurements of the national Dutch cohort study (COOL5–18) were used in this study.

Method: Educational outcomes were measured with test scores on reading comprehension and mathematics. Educational functioning in school was measured with teacher and student questionnaires. Student questionnaires included instruments for well-being of the pupil in relationship with fellow students and citizenship competences. Teachers reported on problem behaviour of the pupils. To analyse the differences in educational outcomes and functioning among bi-ethnic, mono-ethnic minority and mono-ethnic majority students, multivariate, multilevel analyses were performed.

Results: The research findings indicate that bi-ethnic students do not differ from mono-ethnic majority students while they do differ from mono-ethnic minority students in their cognitive achievement, social-emotional functioning and citizenship knowledge. Bi-ethnic students scored higher on cognitive outcomes, social-emotional functioning and citizenship knowledge than mono-ethnic minority students did. For citizenship orientation alone, it was found that bi-ethnic students score in between mono-ethnic majority and mono-ethnic minority students.

Conclusion: This study indicates that researchers should not assume that bi-ethnic students will be similar to mono-ethnic ones.  相似文献   

The present study shows that power relations in classrooms between Dutch and immigrant students radically shift when students move from academic talk to more open, free talk. Whereas in their interactions with immigrant students, Dutch students are able to represent the more powerful role in the official, academic discourse, they lose this position in the unofficial, nonacademic discourse. These shifts show that ethnic relationships are played out differently in different discursive domains. They also show that academic identities do not exist as such but are specific to certain minority–majority relationships. This study builds upon a tradition of studies that have argued that ethnic minorities construct academic identities depending on the social setting. However, this study shows the instability of these constructions while demonstrating their dependency on specific ethnic interactions and discursive modes. The study is based on the analysis of interaction patterns in multiethnic classrooms in the Netherlands focussing on (a)symmetries in knowledge sharing. An ethnographic approach is combined with quantitative analyses to test group differences. The results are interpreted and discussed in the light of a poststructuralist view on how ethnic minority groups construct academic identities and how these are related to minority–majority relationships.  相似文献   

Research has established that adolescents both befriend peers based on their academic achievement and adjust their own achievement to that of their friends’ over time. However, these processes may be different for ethnic minority students, because some of them may adhere to an oppositional culture that rejects striving for academic success. We examine respective differences between self-identified ethnic minority and majority students using longitudinal social network analysis (stochastic actor-oriented models) in a sample of 1175 students (aged 13) from 12 grade-level networks in Germany secondary schools. Among the students, we find that academically successful students in particular prefer friends with high grades, but that students with poor grades exert more social influence on their friends to adjust their performance. Moreover, while minority students are indeed less inclined to select friends with higher grades, both ethnic majority and minority youth prefer friends with similar academic achievement and are similarly influenced by their friends’ achievement. However, social influence is stronger from same-ethnic than from inter-ethnic friends. In sum, there is mixed evidence for an oppositional culture among ethnic minority students in our sample.  相似文献   

This paper examines the question of how the high non-completion rates found amongst ethnic minority students in UK higher education should be interpreted. US studies examining the nexus between academic performance, ethnicity and social background have concluded that ethnicity-related performance differences are not just the by-product of social class. This study examines the nature of these linkages in the UK where the composition of the ethnicity mix and the nature of the socioeconomic environment are both markedly different from the US. The paper is based on a detailed case study of a cohort from a UK university that recruits a high proportion of its students from ethnic minority backgrounds. Prima facie evidence is found which questions the assumption that the under-performance of minorities should be treated predominantly as an ethnicity issue. It is found that after controlling for socioeconomic background, minority student non-completion rates are found to be very similar to those of their White peers. Further evidence is also uncovered which suggests that in practice there are considerable complexities in the ways in which ethnic differences impact on non-completion rates. From an educational policy perspective, it is argued that more effective results might be obtained if student support initiatives aimed at reducing the non-completion rates among minority student place a greater emphasis on issues relating to their socioeconomic background.  相似文献   

At UK institutions of higher education, the academic attainment of White students tends to be higher than that of students from other ethnic groups. A postal survey of Open University students found very little difference in academic engagement in those from different ethnic groups. The differences in pass rates and course grades remained statistically significant even when any effects of differences in academic engagement had been controlled. This is consistent with previous findings that quantitative variations in the attainment of students from different ethnic groups are not reflected in concomitant qualitative variations in their experience of higher education. The explanation for the attainment gap in ethnic minority students must be sought elsewhere than in the nature of their experience of higher education.  相似文献   

研究在贵州黔南布依族苗族自治州的三都水族自治县、荔波县和都匀市,分别选取了三种典型的中学班级(以水族学生占多数,其他民族学生占少数的班级;以水族学生约占一半,其他民族学生约占一半的班级;以其他民族学生为主,水族学生占少数的班级),研究了近150名水族学生在不同社会情境中的民族认同和自我尊重。实验结果表明,在以其他民族为主,水族学生占少数的班级中,水族学生的民族认同和自我尊重的水平明显高于另外两种班级。根据这一研究结果,对民族学校的多元文化教育提出了一定的看法。  相似文献   

It is well documented that stratification in education precedes social stratification. Many authors hypothesise that the stratification patterns in education may be related to background characteristics of students in a more complex way than researched so far in this field. Therefore, in this article the interactive effects of social class, ethnicity and gender on various indicators for school success are analysed and discussed. A large-scale longitudinal database offered the possibility to establish the complex relations between the three student background variables and school careers, measured by educational attainment 6 years after entering secondary education and by technical or science related choices. Results show that school success is not always predicted by expected additive or multiplicative effects of the different background variables. For example the situation of girls from ethnic minorities is better than expected, while that of indigenous boys from low socio-economic backgrounds is worse when compared to similar boys from ethnic minorities. Inequalities arising from different choice patterns regarding technical and science subjects can only partly be deduced from differences present at the age of 12, whereas in terms of general educational attainment secondary schools even reduce arrears of ethnic minority female students as these can be observed at the age of 12.  相似文献   

Bias in teachers’ judgment formation and decision making has long been acknowledged. More specifically, studies have repeatedly demonstrated discrepancies between teacher ratings of minority and majority students with similar academic profiles. Studies have also demonstrated that increasing accountability reduced bias. Little is known, however, about the effect of accountability and bias on the accuracy of decisions. This study investigated the short- and long-term effect of accountability priming on the accuracy of transition decisions. It considered both the extent to which teacher decision accuracy differed for minority and majority students with similar academic profiles (accuracy bias) and differences in levels of confidence for accurate versus erroneous decisions (metacognitive judgment bias). In a longitudinal experimental design, we presented 38 primary school teachers with 9 student vignettes at 3 points in time (baseline, post priming, and 6-month follow-up), varying students’ ethnic background, and asked them to make a school tracking decision for each student. We measured decision accuracy as well as teachers’ level of confidence for each decision. Accuracy and confidence levels were combined to provide two indices of metacognitive judgment accuracy. Results confirmed the hypothesis that accuracy of decisions would improve as a result of increased level of accountability. More specifically, we found that teachers made more accurate decisions after priming, whereby ethnic background differences disappeared. In addition, teachers’ metacognitions varied, whereby after priming decision accuracy was better matched with teachers’ confidence levels. Although accuracy levels were still higher at follow-up than at pre-test, the ethnic bias recurred. This study shows that increased levels of accountability are associated with not only increased decision accuracy but also reduced metacognitive judgment bias, especially in regard to minority students. It also demonstrates accountability may be an effective way of reducing systematic errors in decision making. Findings are discussed in terms of theory and current changes in educational practice.  相似文献   

At UK institutions of higher education, the academic attainment of White students tends to be higher than that of students from other ethnic groups. The present study confirmed this trend in students who were taking courses by distance learning with the UK’s Open University. It was apparent in students of all ages apart from the youngest, and it was largely independent of their gender, academic background and socioeconomic circumstances, or the particular course being taken. Students’ interactions with teachers and other students are attenuated in distance education, and so the results suggest that the explanation for the attainment gap in ethnic minority students must be sought elsewhere than in the nature of their relationships with teachers and other students.  相似文献   

The article examines how social background characteristics affect the academic achievement and grade careers of Norwegian economics students. The analyses show that the parents' social class is of great importance for the offspring's grades. Students with parents who are academics perform better than their fellow students of working‐class background, on each stage of their university career. The differences are smallest at the preparatory level, and biggest at the master's level. At the last stage of the educational career, students with economist parents outperform other students with similar class backgrounds. The effects of social background are not constant throughout the educational career of economists. Rather, they seem to increase.  相似文献   

社会资本对美国少数民族参与高等教育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国高等教育入学机会中存在明显的种族差异 ,白人的中学毕业生比黑人和西班牙裔的中学毕业生更容易进入大学。对于影响高等教育入学机会的因素 ,教育经济学集中研究家庭收入和政府财政支持对入学机会的影响 ,把高等教育看作一种投资来分析投资回报率、大学学位的收入等对学生入学选择的影响。本文以社会资本理论为框架 ,提出家庭内部及家庭与学校之间的社会关系和社会网所产生的资源 ,对美国少数民族学生高等教育入学机会产生显著影响。笔者以长期跟踪调查研究的美国两万多名学生为样本 ,运用因素分析法测定社会资本的各个指标 ,同时分别从学生和学校两个维度进行多层次分析。多层次分析结果表明 :在学生水平上 ,家庭的社会经济地位、中学的专业成绩和中学选修的课程对美国少数民族学生的高等教育入学机会产生显著影响。在学校方面 ,学校社会经济地位的平均水平、教会学校以及家庭的教育期望也深刻影响着美国少数民族学生的高等教育入学机会。  相似文献   

Until the end of the Second World War, the population of Albania was more than 80 per cent illiterate; women, more than 90 per cent. Great progress was made, however, in education after 1946. During the 1950's, women gained access to higher education. Despite anti‐feminist, traditional attitudes towards women which persist in Albania, women now make up more than 50 per cent of all university students in the country, one third of the teaching staff at the University of Tirana, and one fourth of the staff in Albanian higher education and research as a whole. Nevertheless, the progress of Albanian women in academic careers is still very slow. The statistics indicate that the sexual equality achieved with regard to access to higher education turns into in‐equality further on in academic careers. Both in terms of academic qualifications and the filling of ranking positions in higher education and research institutions, women are a liny minority as compared to men.  相似文献   

We examined ethnicity and cultural orientation as predictors of parents' views of and involvement in children's education, using data gathered from the Latino (n = 74) and non‐Latino (17 White and 13 ethnic minority) parents of children in an elementary school's dual‐language program. Parents completed a questionnaire that assessed Latino and White American cultural orientations, importance of children's academic and social success, and self‐ and significant other involvement in children's education. Results indicated that Latino (and other ethnic minority) parents valued academic and social success equally and more strongly than did Whites and that Whites valued social success more strongly than academic success. Latinos also reported greater involvement of significant others. These differences were largely accounted for by cultural orientations. Educational practices that take into account differences in cultural orientations and the involvement of significant others thus seem more likely to improve academic outcomes than do efforts intended to promote the valuing of education. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of cooperative and individualistic learning experiences within which majority students worked with lower-achieving minority peers were compared. A number of theories predict that when white students collaborate with lower-achieving minority students prejudice and rejection will increase. These theories were tested against a counter position that working collaboratively promotes liking regardless of differences in achievement. Forty-eight students (20 minority and 28 white) were assigned to conditions on a stratified random basis controlling for ethnic membership, sex, social class, and ability level. They participated in the study for 55 min a day for 15 instructional days. The results indicate that cooperative learning experiences, compared with individualistic ones, promoted higher achievement for minority students, more cross-ethnic interaction aimed at supporting and regulating efforts to learn and ensuring the active involvement of all students, and greater cross-ethnic interpersonal attraction. The results do not support the theories that posit equal achievement levels are necessary for successful integration and do support the position that cooperative experiences result in liking regardless of the ethnic membership or achievement level of collaborators.  相似文献   

透过“他者”视角China’s National Minority Education—Culture,Schooling,and Development一书,记录和再现了20世纪90年代国外学者眼中中国西部少数民族地区少数民族教育的社会文化图景,聚焦了教育人类学领域关注的核心议题:族群、文化和教育,其中对少数民族高等教育入学优惠政策、少数民族学生学业成就归因理论、少数民族文化与学校教育等问题的探讨,在时下仍有其理论意义和学术价值。本书凝聚了一批研究中国民族教育的国际著名专家学者,包括本书的引介者、译者在内,这一代教育人类学人对中国民族教育相关政策、成功案例、研究成果起到了推介、传播等积极作用,并在20世纪90年代,推动了中国教育人类学学科发展和民族教育研究。  相似文献   

This article describes a highly successful short‐term experiential project in minority/ethnic communities developed for Oregon State University gerontology students. This project can serve as a model for universities that lack opportunities in the local community for students to interact with elderly of different minority/ethnic backgrounds and where geographic distances make long‐term practicums in minority communities impractical for the majority of students.

This project enhanced academic study and provided students a meaningful introduction to elements important in designing and implementing effective health and social service programs for minority/ethnic elderly. Details of a three‐day intensive experience at the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Oregon are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the academic performance and “engagement” of ethnic minority students at a leading university in southwest China. Results indicate that ethnic minority students have significantly lower grades, lower class ranking, and have failed more courses than majority Han students. Results also show that the level of student-faculty interaction (SFI) for ethnic minority students is significantly lower than for Han students. Study results also indicate that average scores in coursework and student ranking among their cohorts are significantly, but weakly, correlated with SFI. The study concludes that SFI may have little influence on students’ academic achievement itself, but would help students integrate into the college community, enabling a sense of belonging, which is a major factor in supporting academic success among ethnic minority students.  相似文献   

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