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This article outlines the evaluation of student‐led group work as the major vehicle for a professional course in education (PGCE whole school studies) which relies heavily on work‐based learning. Group work is found to be an effective means of enhancing reflective practice. Problems of engaging whole group responsibility for the tasks and activities can be effectively managed through appropriate structuring of the learning experiences, induction programmes in team work, review and tutor facilitation. Two issues are identified as problematical in longer‐term work of this kind. The first is that of the social cohesion of the groups; where this works well the learning experience is enhanced, where not students are deprived of an effective learning experience. The other is that of the appropriateness of this form of learning for all preferred learning styles. A flexibility of approach is recommended.  相似文献   

Students in part‐time courses were interviewed about their perceptions of good teaching and tutoring. The perceptions differed markedly between those with reproductive conceptions of learning and students holding self‐determining ones. The former preferred didactic teaching but disliked interaction, whereas the latter had almost diametrically opposite perspectives by finding student‐centred approaches consistent with their conceptions of learning. The findings have implications for the evaluation of teaching, as ratings are likely to be influenced by the predominant conceptions of learning of a class. It is common for individual instructors to be regularly evaluated by teacher evaluation questionnaires, which often have a teacher‐centred bias, and for the ratings to be used for appraisal. It is argued that this leads to conservatism as teachers fear that students with reproductive conceptions of learning will reduce their ratings if they innovate in their teaching. As the degree of bias from this ratings‐lowering phenomenon may be quite large, the findings are a caution against the common practice of using absolute rating values from both teacher evaluation questionnaires and programme‐level evaluation by instruments such as the Course Experience Questionnaire. Results need to be interpreted together with other evidence and take into account contextual factors including students' conceptions of learning.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, science educators have accumulated a vast amount of information on conceptions––variously defined as beliefs, ontologies, cognitive structures, mental models, or frameworks––that generally (at least initially) have been derived from interviews about certain topics. During the same time period, cultural studies has emerged as a field in which everyday social practices are interrogated with the objective to understand culture in all its complexity. Science educators have however yet to ask themselves what it would mean to consider the possession of conceptions as well as conceptual change from the perspective of cultural studies. The purpose of this article is thus to articulate in and through the analysis of an interview about natural phenomenon the first principles of such a cultural approach to scientific conceptions. Our bottom-up approach in fact leads us to develop the kind of analyses and theories that have become widespread in cultural studies. This promises to generate less presupposing and more parsimonious explanations of this core issue within science education than if conceptions are supposed to be structures inhabiting the human mind.
Wolff-Michael RothEmail:

Wolff-Michael Roth   is the Lansdowne Professor of Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Victoria, Canada. His research focuses on cultural-historical, linguistic, and embodied aspects of scientific and mathematical cognition and communication from elementary school to professional practice, including, among others, studies of scientists, technicians, and environmentalists at their work sites. The work is published in leading journals of linguistics, social studies of science, sociology, and fields and subfields of education (curriculum, mathematics education, science education). His recent books include Toward an Anthropology of Science (Kluwer, 2003), Rethinking Scientific Literacy (Routledge, 2004, with A. C. Barton), Talking Science (Rowman and Littlefield, 2005), and Doing Qualitative Research: Praxis of Method (SensePublishers, 2005). Yew Jin Lee   is an assistant professor of science education at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. He has completed his PhD with Roth and begun to establish an extensive publication record, including Participation, Learning, and Identity: Dialectical Perspectives (Roth et al. 2005). His work concerned knowing and learning in complex systems, that is, at individual and collective (institution, society) levels. SungWon Hwang   is postdoctoral fellow at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. She conducts interdisciplinary research projects that articulate dialectic frameworks of learning and identity in the context of science and mathematics. She studied science education in Korea and migrated to adopting a range of philosophical, psychological, and sociological theories for the conceptualization of scientific practice from phenomenological and cultural perspectives.  相似文献   

在美国独立战争期间 ,大陆会议通过了《帮联条例》 ,确立了美国邦联制的国家结构形式 ,但随着独立战争结束后 ,美国国内政治、经济形势的发展变化 ,阶级矛盾的尖锐化 ,加上英国等欧洲国家对年轻的美国所采取的敌对政策 ,使联邦制的弊端得以充分暴露。这样 ,在 1 787年美国费城召开的制宪会议上 ,通过了《1 787年美国宪法》 ,废除了邦联制 ,从而确立了美国联邦制的国家结构形式  相似文献   

This article outlines the arguments for an action research approach to the implementation of STS education, and describes some of the experiences and outcomes of an action research group of six teachers (one elementary, five secondary) based at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto. The teachers' initial views, and their changing perceptions throughout the duration of the project (the 1992-93 academic year), are presented in terms of four categories: the nature of STS education; the development of curriculum materials; personal/professional development; collaborative work. The emergence of an additional complex theme involving reinforcement, extending horizons, and building professional confidence, is considered the most significant outcome of the project.  相似文献   

关于学习反馈信息是“十五”国家规划重点课题已经在去年完成了研究工作,研究对远程教育的贡献在于:界定了教学反馈信息的分类方式及其四种类型的定义、正确的教学策略必然受到教学反馈信息的综合影响、补偿性教学的设计与反馈信息的统计分析密切相关,本文描述了教学反馈信息的采集、统计分析、补偿性教学设计的一系列过程和以案例介绍了反馈信息三种分布因子对教学设计的影响,评价了补偿性教学的效果。  相似文献   

The significance of the field placement's rolein the professional education of schoolcounselors is explored. A model is proposed formatching students with field placementsettings, to be used as a tool to facilitateother institutions. The article details with variousguidelines for organizing a field placementprogram in counselor education. Issues such asapplication procedures, selection of sites,evaluation, responsibilities of students andsupervisors, and the role of supervision arediscussed.  相似文献   

中国贯彻《TRIPS协定》刑事措施中的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国贯彻《TRIPS协定》的间接适用方式符合《TRIPS协定》的基本要求和我国的国家利益,应予坚持。我国侵犯知识产权犯罪刑事立法中的定罪量刑情节、刑罚设置与非刑罚处理措施等符合《TRIPS协定》刑事措施的最低要求,美国等国的指责毫无道理。基于创新型国家建设的需要,我国知识产权刑法保护水平仍有待于进一步提高,具体包括继续严密知识产权刑事法网,增设新罪名,改革罪状设置;立法保护与司法保护并重,共同构筑知识产权刑法保护的体系;积极开展国际、区际刑事司法合作等。  相似文献   

This paper concludes our report of an investigation of two beginning teacher educators making the transition from classroom teacher to university-based teacher educator. The authors combined case study and self-study of teacher education practices to investigate features of the institutional context they encountered, the knowledge they employed in their decision-making, and the merging of their former identities as classroom teachers with their new identities as teacher educators. Our initial paper described the theoretical framework, methodology, and two categories of findings—institutional context and shifting role identification. This paper builds on those insights by addressing the frames of understanding and knowledge employed in this transition, and how these frames informed the decisions made in the arena of teacher education practice. We also explore the implications of these findings by discussing the need for support as educators make the transition from teacher to teacher educator.  相似文献   

This article considers the different ways that inclusion is conceived in the United Kingdom by government, teachers, and academics. I contend that a concept of inclusion based primarily on the notion of students with special educational needs being in mainstream schools is unhelpful to educators of deaf children and that a broader concept is needed. A working definition of inclusion is presented based on a system of values. I suggest "indicators of inclusion for deaf students" and illustrate with examples of practice. Some basic information on the education of deaf children in the United Kingdom is included.  相似文献   

Orton-based programs include essential elements that insure success for teaching language to regular and special education children. This paper traces the theoretical foundations of The Writing Road to Readingby Romalda B. Spalding (1990) from the beginning concepts taught Mrs. Spalding by Dr. Samuel T. Orton through its validation in current cognitive science and learning theory. Pilot project locations and success statistics with regular and special education children in Arizona, Louisiana, Maine, and Texas are presented. It explains how direct, multisensory instruction in seven processes necessary for skilled reading and principles of skill learning and instruction are incorporated in the Spalding Method.  相似文献   

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