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This paper identifies the role of reflexivity as a central concern to educational researchers. We argue that reflexivity as a concept needs to be recognised at three key levels. Reflexivity can be considered in terms of learning in general, in relation to our research designs and finally with respect to the production of educational knowledge. Each of these levels is analysed and related to our understanding of social justice research in education. Through an exposition of Giddens’ notion of the ‘duality of structure’ we put forward one way of researching in the area of social justice and education which takes into account the reflexive nature of educational research.  相似文献   

This article analyses a Chinese approach to social justice in education using the example of Shanghai. In addressing schooling inequalities, Shanghai illustrates social justice education with Chinese characteristics, which revolves around the ideal of ‘educational balance’ (jiaoyu junheng). The ‘balance’ in question is about achieving a values-centred and all-round education in and across all schools through the cultivation of a school’s ‘inner quality’ (neihan). This Chinese formulation of social justice education is manifested through two representative policy measures: creating and strengthening ‘new high-quality schools’ and helping weak schools to level up. The Chinese characteristics of these action plans are seen in two ways: a focus on social justice between schools rather than between students; and an emphasis on the moral cultivation of students. It is argued that a Chinese model of social justice education promotes educational equity to some extent through the politics of redistribution, recognition and representation. However, a major critique is its hegemonic and top-down nature, which overlooks alternative and competitive voices—especially those of migrant children—as part of a politics of representation.  相似文献   

教育史学具有社会科学的一般发展规律:教育史学适应教育社会实践的需要而产生发展;深受政治的影响而具有强烈意识形态色彩;与社会文化的更迭兴衰遥相呼应。教育史学作为历史学的分支,又有史学的演进规律:教育史学发展史就是教育历史被不断重写的过程;研究队伍的整体素养与教育史学发展水平成正比;教育史学研究中史料、方法与理论三者密切配合、协调发展;描述叙事性的教育历史与解释分析性的教育历史相互依存、互相促进;宏观教育史研究与微观教育史研究取长补短、相辅相成。教育史学自身的特殊的演变规律表现为:教育制度、教育思想、教育活动的历史研究齐头并进,且维持动态平衡;教育史学与教育学的其他分支学科相互依赖、互相借鉴。  相似文献   

A remarkable feature of the sociology of education is its proliferation under a broad gamut of research themes and topics. Understanding the relationship of education to social reproduction and social change are pivotal to the sociology of education, and have fruitfully informed research in fields such as gender and education, vocational education and lifelong learning, policy sociology in education, cultural sociology of education, literacy, social justice and education, globalisation and education. Tracking the historical trajectory of the sociology of education in Australia, this article underlines the productivity of educational research and methodological advances in the fields of gender, literacy, and policy. It also points to the failure of the sociology of education and educational research to engage with the education system’s complicity in reproducing Indigenous and ethnic disadvantage. I argue for an sociology of education along lines envisaged by Emile Durkheim who recognised the importance of understanding education systems past and present, so that educators might comprehend the relationship of education to social change. New theories, methodologies and fields of education play an important role in informing understandings of contemporary education. However, if education and educational research are to inform social futures, they require an educational imagination able to account for achievements and deficiencies; an educational imagination able to undertake theoretical deliberations about the social and material conditions, struggles and occlusions that have and continue to constitute the purpose and practice of education.  相似文献   

从伦理学的角度看教育公正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公正维护的是某一社会共同体的健康存在和正常运转,教育公正作为教育伦理中的一个重要的范畴,不仅仅关涉到教育本身的成败,而且对于整个国家的发展与进步也都有着重要的意义。在对历史上的教育公正观和原则进行考察之后,结合国内教育公正中存在的问题,我们认为应把教育机制提升到社会公正的层面上来看待,基于一种平等的原则,从维护个人权利的角度出发,来解决今天教育当中存在的不公正问题,在这一过程中,政府也负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

论教育考试公正的内涵与实质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育考试公正是教育考试的生命线,也是社会公正的重要体现。本文在讨论公正的一般内涵和实质基础上,着重研究教育考试公正的理论内涵和社会实质。文章认为,教育考试公正就是组考者通过考试使可能的应试者得其所应得,或者说使可能的应试者各得其所,其社会实质在于:它是教育公正的基本前提,是社会公正的重要体现,是社会资源合理分配的基础方式,是个人潜能合理开发的保证机制。文章提出,不能仅仅从教育考试本身来认识教育考试公正的必要性和重要性,而要从整个社会的宏观视野、站在人类更好地生存和发展的高度来认识教育考试公正问题。  相似文献   

This review essay draws on Nancy Fraser's work as featured in Adding insult to injury: Nancy Fraser debates her critics to explore issues of schooling and social justice. The review focuses on the applicability and usefulness of Fraser's three-dimensional model for understanding matters of justice in education. It begins with an overview of the principles of economic, cultural and political justice as they are reflected in specific examples of equity and schooling policy and practice. This is followed by (1) a consideration of Fraser's concerns that current forms of identity politics are reifying group identity and displacing matters of distributive justice and (2) with an account of her concerns about the political justice issues of representation and misframing in the contemporary global era. With reference to the sphere of Indigenous education, the review examines some of the problematics involved in pursuing distributive, recognitive and representative justice. Fraser's ‘status model’ is presented as a way through these problematics because it engages with a politics that begins with overcoming status subordination rather than with a politics of group identity. Against this theoretical backdrop, the final section of the review briefly considers some of the future challenges for schooling and social justice.  相似文献   


In her article "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Examining an endarkened feminist epistemology in educational research and leadership," Professor Dillard delineates a set of proposals for the study of educational inequity. Professor Wright in his response, "An endarkened feminist epistemology? Identity, difference and the politics of representation in educational research," comments on Professor Dillard's proposals and furthers her analysis by an integration of the cultural studies literature. The author enjoins this conversation in this article by reviewing the proposals by feminists of Color to further social justice in solidarity with Professor Dillard's analysis. In particular, feminists of Color are examined, expanding the definition of "data" to include artistic production such as poetry, personal reflections, and autobiographical essays. The integration of spirituality as it relates to secular teaching is another innovation proposed by various writers. Feminists of Color have also chosen to construct theory and a political agenda for achieving social justice rather than only engaging in intellectual debates that deconstruct existing paradigms. Professor Dillard is part of a cadre of feminist writers who advocate radical changes in the academy to eradicate educational inequity.  相似文献   

Assurance of citizens’ social rights and minimization of social differences have been central tenets that have framed the educational policy of Finland and the other Nordic welfare states. Equality has been on the official agenda in educational politics and policies since the comprehensive school reforms of the 1960s and 1970s. However, the conceptualization of equality has fluctuated, reflecting the political climate in which the policy statements have been created. In this article, we analyse Finnish curricular documents concerning upper secondary education from the 1970s to the 2010s in order to find out how the aims of educational equality are presented. Drawing on different conceptualizations of equality and social justice, as well as feminist theorizations of intersectionality, we scrutinize how gendered, classed and ethnised patterns are emphasized, challenged or muted in documents. Through the longitudinal data of this study it is possible to analyse the growing impact of this neo-liberal educational restructuring into Finland, which has a reputation for equal education and excellent records in the Programme for International Student Assessment tests. Hence, we ask how the Finnish society as an imagined community is reflected in the documents of different decades.  相似文献   

The article utilizes a decolonizing theoretical lens to advocate for the need to engage in a more nuanced approach to conceptualizing local/global aspect of social justice discussions within social studies education. The article engages with questions of social justice by utilizing Noddings’s (2006) argument that “educational malpractice” (p. 250) is a daily occurrence in US classrooms because students are expected to reproduce textbook answers, rather than generate their own questions and reasoned research and deliberation. Kumashiro’s (2004) writings on antioppressive education speak of how the repetition of mainstream narratives normalize what ought to be taught and learned in schools. We propose that educators cannot avoid questions of racism and Islamophobia as critically important issues within social studies classrooms. Therefore, through engaging in critical inquiry on the prevalence of racism and Islamophobia, educators can disrupt the continued educational malpractice within the social studies.  相似文献   


Social justice has been suggested as a possible global moral framework for school psychology. It is, however, culturally understood and research suggests that the engagement with “social justice” in school psychology has been largely limited to a U.S. context. This project sought to extend international understandings and practices of social justice in school psychology. A thematic analysis of nine interviews with educational psychologists based in England was conducted. Social justice was defined as complex, and participants suggested it is important to educational psychology practice in part because of current cuts to public services and educational reforms. Findings also indicated a role for social justice consultation, building relationships, and engaging with broader macrolevel work to enact a social justice agenda. We discuss these findings in relation to previous literature, concluding that our research begins to document the seeds of a broader social justice agenda in school psychology.  相似文献   

教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。而我国高等教育至今仍存在一些不公平现象,因此,远程开放教育是实现教育公平的重要途径,其面向全社会各类成员提供学习的条件和机会,提供优质教育,从而缩小数字鸿沟,促进教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

教育学独立性不强,形成对其他学科严重依赖性的重要原因是教育学始终没有形成自己独特的核心问题、核心概念等稳定范式。教育学在中外教育史上就没有成为过独立性的学科。教育学独立性不强既有国内的环境因素与历史因素,但更主要的是教育自身的因素。由于教育学研究对象作为事实层面所特有的综合性、整体性、终身性以及经验与实践的个性特征和作为价值层面的多元性,共同构成了教育特有的复杂性,教育学先天比其他学科更易受政治、经济及社会文化的制约,教育学在社会功效上难以实现社会的需要,这些都使教育学难以建构自己独立而严谨的学科。  相似文献   

Educational policy depends on assumptions about fairness in education, whether they are made explicit or kept implicit. Without a view of fairness, one would be in the dark as to what should be done about the reproduction of social inequality through education, or whether or not anything should be done at all. The aim of this paper is to uncover the view of fairness in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) education policy. It is based on an analysis of the normative argumentation concerning educational fairness in a set of policy documents from the last seven years, with special emphasis on the association between social background and educational achievement. The main result of the analysis is that the OECD explicitly operate with a loose idea of equal opportunity, compatible with even a merely formal equality, but implicitly with a meritocratic variant of fair equality of opportunity. In the final section, I argue that the OECD approach to fairness suffers from a limitation in that it considers educational justice in isolation from social justice in general.  相似文献   

黄锡铨主要从事过外交、教育、实业、政治等方面的工作。特别是担任驻外使节期间为华工、华侨伸张正义,以及担任国会参议员期间为国家仗义执言等事情,给世人留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   

High school students who participate in social justice education have a greater awareness of inequities that impact their school, community, and society, and learn tools for taking action to address these inequities. Also, a classroom that consist of students with a diverse set of identities creates an ideal circumstance in which a teacher can build upon student differences in order to facilitate meaningful discussions about social justice, especially issues of race. Therefore, in this article we use qualitative case study approaches to examine a high school course on social justice education, paying specific attention to the classroom pedagogy and dialogue on issues of race, power, and privilege. The course was purposefully diverse in enrollment, which brought students together who might not have had interactions with each other prior to the class. We employ Hackman's (2005) five components of social justice education (SJE) as a framework for the analysis of the pedagogy and discussions constructed in the classroom, as well as a common language for what constitutes as social justice education in our research inquiry. Students in the course developed a facility for defining and identifying various forms of oppression and injustice. However, we questioned to what extent these very same issues played out in the class dialogue. Due to the level of student diversity, the course was a unique space to learn about racism and intersecting issues of social justice. However, there was still some student resistance to acknowledging certain aspects of racism. In conclusion, we discuss how social justice education is not absolved from, but rife with complex racial politics.  相似文献   

Redressing educational inequity requires taking a comprehensive and systemic approach to education reform, a practice increasingly framed as “social justice (in) education.” However, while state and federal accountability mandates require any reform intended for K-12 classroom implementation to have a demonstrable impact on student achievement, published accounts of classroom-level “teaching for social justice” are widely varied and scantly evaluated. This article examines the conceptual foundations of teaching for social justice, presents a concrete framework for teaching for social justice in K-12 classrooms, and examines how elements of teaching for social justice are supported by existing research on secondary students’ academic, behavioral/motivational, and attitudinal outcomes. In conducting this review, the author hopes to provide both a rationale for teaching for social justice in K-12 classrooms and a foundation for future empirical research on how doing so affects student outcomes.  相似文献   

While theories and recommendations continue to proliferate in the educational research literature on what it means to teach towards social justice and to prepare teachers for such teaching, so do concerns that these theories and recommendations fail to account for the ways that the contexts of teaching—cultural contexts, national contexts, political contexts—always affect teaching in idiosyncratic, unpredictable and even contradictory ways. Given that much educational research fails to trouble the US‐centric nature of prevailing conceptions of social justice and teacher education, it is important to learn about the unique as well as shared challenges facing teacher educators around the globe. In this article, teacher educators from Asia, Africa, North America and South America offer a sampling of initiatives in anti‐oppressive teacher education; that is, initiatives to prepare teachers to teach various subject matters to various age groups, addressing various forms of oppression in various cultural and community contexts.  相似文献   

论高校学报的思想政治教育功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学报是学术理论研究的重要园地 ,是社会意识的重要载体 ,在社会主义精神文明建设中发挥着积极的作用。高校学报的内涵和基本特征 ,决定了高校学报必须充分发挥其思想政治教育的功能 ;学报编辑要增强使命感、责任感、紧迫感 ,敢于和善于引导人们对社会经济发展中的一些难点和热点问题进行科学的探讨 ,对人们思想问题 (现实问题 )作出科学的分析 ,丰富和促进思想政治教育研究  相似文献   

市场机制的介入给教育领域带来了竞争、选择等新的社会关系,由此对教育公平产生种种负面影响。文章通过分析研究,提出了实现教育公平的主要对策:建立弱势补偿制度,促进教育资源配置的均衡化;建立可选择的教育制度,满足多样化的教育需求;坚持“效率优先,兼顾公平”的价值取向,实现教育公平和效率的同步提高;构建终身教育体系,促进教育的民主化。  相似文献   

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