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The end of the Cold War ushered in a paradigmatic shift in international development discourse whereby a human rights-based approach to development was generated. This shift has stimulated the pegging of international development policy to the objectives of the human rights regime. However, in attempting to unify development and human rights perspectives, policy-makers have overlooked an imperative component of these realities, namely that proponents of the human rights agenda and social developmentalists differ in their conceptions of “education”. Thus, while both perspectives seek universal primary education (UPE), their ideas about what that education should consist of vary. This paper does not argue for the use of one definition, nor does it conclude that the two are incompatible. Rather, the author contends that it is paramount that these two definitions are recognised for their unique approaches to education, in order for policies to be most effective. The value in the human rights-based approach to development is its ability to utilise both human rights and development perspectives to create a more comprehensive approach to poverty reduction and economic growth. By incorporating both definitions of “education” into policy agendas, both the process and product of education will be emphasised, in turn improving the effectiveness and outcome of all efforts to achieve UPE.  相似文献   

Models of competency standards for industry trainers now exist in Canada, Britain, USA, and Australia. These models all tend to define the training roles to which they apply, cluster the areas of competence in some way, and define the required competencies. The models also have interesting distinguishing features. Apart from the different mechanisms by which they achieve each of the above points, they differ in the purposes for which they were designed. The wishes of the stakeholders who controlled or initiated their development, and the particular contexts within which they were developed have been powerful influences. We assert that competency based standards can make a valuable contribution to the workforce but more is required on a range of higher order competencies, on the clarification of values which are implicit in the models and on quality assurance in relation to the ways they are developed and used. To enhance such work we show that an integrated approach to competency standards has advantages over previous approaches. Indeed such an integrated approach is perceived as one more stage in the development of a distinct HRD discipline.  相似文献   

The framing of teaching standards within restrictive managerial or collaborative democratic ideologies impacts significantly on initial teacher education. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore teacher educators’ (n = 13) perspectives on beginning teacher standards for physical education teacher education in Ireland. Teacher educators favoured a standards-based approach to support consensus within the profession and clear expectations for beginning teachers. They suggested that provision of quality assurance through increased accountability and regulation could enhance the status of the profession based on a democratic ideology of teacher professionalism. The potential of standards to foreground a particular ideology of teacher professionalism is discussed.  相似文献   

Recognition is increasing that Ph.D. graduates require transferable skills for employment within or outside academia, and professional written communication skills form an important subset which contributes to many other skill categories. Writing journal articles for publication is a key task within candidatures and research workplaces, so intrinsic motivation for developing the required skills is high in both contexts. This paper describes a publication skills workshop approach based on research findings from genre analysis and methodologies current within the English for Specific Purposes area of Applied Linguistics. Quantitative evaluation of workshops presented in research workplaces in China and Australia, and in university departments, highlights participants' positive responses to the approach. Qualitative data analysis indicates that the workshop features participants valued most highly related to its genre‐based, collaborative and hands‐on nature. Implications are drawn for the effective development of desirable graduate attributes within research education programmes.  相似文献   

Using critical discourse analysis as a methodology for analysis, this paper sets out the nature and form of the challenges directed to the compulsory schooling sector by the knowledge economy that is contained in key policy and related documents put out by the OECD, the World Bank and the UK government. The OECD and the World Bank’s policy agendas are increasingly important in setting policy and programme agendas for the developed and developing countries respectively; however there are important differences between the two institutions regarding how education should be redesigned. The World Bank’s redesign of education favours the market and individualism as the means for developing knowledge and skills for the knowledge economy. The OECD, however, while concerned with human capital formation, rejects the market model in favour of an institutionally embedded liberalism to overcome the problems posed by tacit knowledge. The UK, on the other hand, has promoted the idea of personalized learning. The paper suggests that this idea is particularly problematic for developing a system of innovation for the economy that is dependent on high levels of social interaction.
The first half of the twenty‐first century will, I believe, be far more difficult, more unsettling, and yet more open than anything we have known in the twentieth century. I say this on three premises; none of which I have time to argue here. The first is that historical systems, like all systems, have finite lives. They have beginnings, a long development and finally, as they move far from equilibrium and reach points of bifurcation, a demise. The second premise is that two things are true at these points of bifurcation; small inputs have large outputs (as opposed to times of the normal development of the system, when large inputs have small outputs); and the outcome of such bifurcation is inherently indeterminate. The third premise is that the modern world system as a historical system has entered into a terminal crisis and is unlikely to exist in 50 years. However, since its outcome is so uncertain, we do not know whether the resulting system (or systems) will be better or worse than the one in which we are living, but we do know that the period of transition will be a terrible time of troubles, since the stakes of the transition are so high, the outcome so uncertain, and the ability of small impacts to affect the outcome so great. (Wallerstein, 1999, p. 1)  相似文献   

Are certain controversial issues, even though being part of the public debate, more open to discussion than others? We asked 80 French 6, 8, 10 and 12 graders respond to two letters. These letters dealt with either integration of immigrant students at school, or the right to smoke in public places. In France, there is a politically “correct” (officially dominant and valued) social position regarding immigration which could limit a person's willingness to discuss the issue. In contrast, the smoking issue is widely open to discussion, and most ideas and opinions related to it are socially acceptable. The analysis of certain textual operations characterizing the referent degree of openness to discussion (counter-argumentation, conditional modifiers, …), as well as the number of arguments produced, demonstrated the referent influence on the argumentative text. The non debatable referent, target of reigning socially dominant and politically “correct” position, resulted in an impoverished discourse containing few arguments (primarily ones that support the dominant opinion) in which the speaker distanced himself/herself from his discourse by the use of enunciative position (I think that…) and restrictions (only in a case where…). Referents open to discussion, not limited by social pressure, were conducive to a rich and nuanced discourse. In this case, the arguments were numerous and varied, and the speaker openly took a stand and expressed personal value judgments.  相似文献   

This study explores the extent to which American educational ideas made an impact on policy‐making and practice of education in British African colonies between the two World Wars. The analysis re‐examines the apparent ‘borrowing’ of American black industrial education models for application in Africa. It is argued that, while the view that Americans were successful in handling racial conflicts by means of education at home carried strong symbolic meaning in the colonial political arena, the ideas themselves were not new. The paper focuses on the motivations and characteristics of the people involved in this political discourse and in transferring American and other models to Africa. By doing this, the paper draws attention to a more complex network of factors that were involved in the transfer of educational policies to British colonies in Africa.  相似文献   

This paper is a critique of the initial teacher education (ITE) of further and adult education teachers in the UK. It argues that the employer‐led, national standards model in the UK is not the basis for ITE and professional development because it takes no account of learning in the workplace, disregards the multi‐specialist and professional dimensions of professional practice and marginalizes the importance of knowledge. In the critique of the “standards‐led model” the paper draws upon research and ideas on work‐based learning, seeing the learning of teachers in the workplace as a complex relationship with many “experts” in multiple, often conflicting learning contexts. The paper stresses the importance of seeing work‐based learning as more than just “learning by doing” to one that sees it as an intentional structuring of participatory activity. In other words, a “pedagogy of the workplace”. Finally the paper suggests that learning is not just a process of “participation”, but a learning zone where different types of knowledge and pedagogy are learnt and transformed. In highlighting the importance of knowledge the paper draws upon theories of professional knowledge that suggests that certain types of knowledge cannot be gained in the workplace alone, therefore focusing on the issues of the different types of knowledge, their acquisition and their transformation or recontextualisation.  相似文献   

Many commentators have suggested that the use of new information and communications technologies (ICTs) has significant potential in providing access to, and improving the quality of, teacher education. Such an idea is particularly relevant for the Global South, it is argued, where tens of thousands more qualified teachers are required if universal primary education (UPE) is to be achieved. This article explores six arguments commonly used to critique the relevance of ICT for development, encompassing technical, cost, philosophical, cultural and pedagogic issues. The arguments are categorised as the ‘technological’ view; the ‘donor’ view; the ‘anthropological’ view; the ‘standard’ view; the ‘individual’ view; and the ‘transmissional’ view. Drawing on empirical research into ICT and teacher education in sub‐Saharan Africa, including the work of the Digital Education Enhancement Project, six responses are used to review these arguments (‘developmental’, ‘democratic’, ‘cultural’, ‘deep’, ‘community’ and ‘pedagogic’). The author concludes that these contemporary data offer new ways of thinking about such debates and concludes with recommendations for policy makers, educators and the donor community.  相似文献   

The article examines the role of career counsellors in secondary education in Cyprus, with emphasis on their effect on students' career decisions. Survey research was used to collect information from 611 students and 36 career counsellors in Cyprus. Students were asked to rate the importance of several factors as influences on their career decisions. This allowed for the assessment of the importance of career counsellors relative to other influencing factors. In a separate survey, career counsellors provided information on their job satisfaction and their effectiveness in providing guidance and information to students. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. According to the findings, students consider counsellors to be of little or no importance as sources of guidance and information in the decision‐making process which precedes the choice between higher education and employment. Moreover, counsellors point to serious problems at the workplace which limit their effectiveness. The article discusses ways of addressing the problems faced by career counsellors and enhancing their role as significant reference individuals in further education and career decisions.  相似文献   

Shame, shame management and reintegrative shaming feature in some restorative justice literature, and may have implications for schools. Restorative justice in schools is effective when perpetrators of wrong-doing can accept and take ownership of their wrongful acts, are appropriately remorseful, and seek to make amends. Shame may be understood as an ethical matter if it is regarded to arise because of the contradiction between the wrongful act and the individual’s sense of self and self-worth. Shame management (that is, seeking reintegrative over stigmatising shaming) can be regarded to reflect a form of social responsibility as it contributes to community restoration by repairing ruptured social relationships. The notion of shaming and acknowledgement of harm thus assumes norms of acceptable community behaviour, attitudes and relationships, and is therefore also an ethical matter. Successful restorative practices in schools depend on the school-wide existence and practice of such norms, and mesh with virtues education, stimulated by the contemporary demand of many national curricula to promote so-called key competencies. Although the concepts of restorative justice and reintegrative shaming serve as a context for this article, its chief impetus was provided by an evaluative study of a group of New Zealand schools, in the course of which notions such as shame, reintegration and exclusion became evident. The chief purpose of this article is to consider and problematise shame from the perspective of the philosophy of education, and ask whether the concept of shame has a place in schools, whose important aims ought to include the development of democratic citizenship.  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) is an important subject in higher education that specifically targets motor skills in health-enhancing activities. This study aimed to explore how mobile technology could be integrated into a badminton course to enhance learners’ motivation and badminton skills. The experiment was conducted in the university badminton course and a total of 225 college students were involved in this study. The participants were divided into two groups, one who would use technology, the Tablet Course Group (TCG), and the other, the Conventional Course Group (CCG), where conventional face-to-face methods were used. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were adopted in this study. The results indicate that learning motivation and performance in badminton skills in the TCG were significantly better than those in the CCG. The operation of iPads enabled students to change their holistic views of badminton skill learning and achieve the desired skills at their own pace, and afforded immediate visual feedback on skill learning.  相似文献   

This article explores the context of the period following the Education Reform Act 1988 in terms of the efforts by successive governments to raise academic standards. These attempts are illustrated by discussion of the impact of the introduction of market forces and parental choice, a centralised National Curriculum and associated assessment regime, the increasing cultures of performativity and surveillance in schools and the resulting commercialisation of education. The article then examines the current Secretary of State for Education, Mr Gove's, plans for the future standards agenda1 1Department for Education, The Importance of Teaching: Schools White Paper (Runcorn: Department for Education, 2010). View all notes, speculating that the current trend of raising standards and emphasising standards and performance is nearing the end of its useful life. Finally, drawing on Barker's2 2Bernard Barker, The Pendulum Swings: Transforming School Reform (Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham, 2010). View all notes advocacy of progressive community schools and the best of the progressive tradition the article suggests a counter argument to the creeping commercialisation and narrow results-based focus on standards in schools since 1988.  相似文献   

The physical education teacher education community in Ireland has developed Beginning Teacher Standards for Physical Education (BTSfPE) at the post-primary (secondary) level. This study explored teacher educators' perspectives on how the BTSfPE could be implemented and considered the possible impact on the profession within the discourses of power. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews with teacher educators in physical education (n = 13). Data were analysed inductively and trustworthiness issues were considered. Participants suggested that the teaching standards could serve as a developmental tool to guide individual teacher education programmes and beginning teachers as well as an assessment function to support quality assurance and to hold programmes accountable. The teacher educators were committed to addressing issues of quality and status in physical education in Ireland. However, an agreed vision of how the teaching standards would be used to develop and regulate the profession is necessary to ensure that the intended benefits emerge.  相似文献   

The educational reforms that began in the 1990s have changed Brazilian universities’ direction from welfare state institutions to market organisations. In postgraduate education, strategic alliances with international agencies, governments and corporations have become closer. At the same time, there has been a push for internationalisation of knowledge and more efficiency – with quality assurance and accountability systems. This study, based on the theory of ‘policy enactments’ proposed by Stephen Ball and collaborators, aims to analyse the interpretation and translation of Brazil’s postgraduate education programmes’ evaluation policy. The data are derived from interviews with co-ordinators of four Brazilian postgraduate programmes in education – all regarded by the Higher Education Co-ordination Agency, CAPES, as programmes of excellence and of international standard (during the assessment triennials of 2004, 2007 and 2010). The data analysis provided a critical understanding of the evaluation policy as policy enactment, and of the small margin for manoeuvre in decision-making in response to the policy and performativity’s effect on academic subjectivity and collective practice.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, as new capabilities for video communication have emerged, their use in educational contexts has steadily increased. Initially located in higher education, the use of videoconferencing for a broad range of learning purposes is now established in many schools. Although a considerable body of literature exists that describes the experience of videoconferencing using traditional pedagogies, much less has been published on the contextual factors that lead to effective learning outcomes and innovative uses of videoconferencing. The purpose of this review is to establish a baseline for researchers interested in the area. In focusing on educational uses in both higher education and mainstream schooling, the review examines the affordances and barriers to effective teaching and learning, with what are increasingly robust and easy‐to‐use technologies. The paper concludes with a call for further research into the more innovative possibilities of videoconferencing.  相似文献   

This article examines real‐life moral conflicts from the perspective of the ethic of care. Fifty‐six (Time 1) and 57 (Time 2) real‐life dilemmas provided by students representing different fields of study were analysed in terms of level of care reasoning according to Skoe's Ethic of Care Interview. The results showed that antisocial temptation and transgression dilemmas tended to invoke lower levels of care reasoning than conflicting‐demands and social‐pressure dilemmas. Participants reporting temptation dilemmas had the least developed care reasoning. The results suggest that subjects identified at different care levels perceive different types of real‐life moral conflict, and that the function of care reasoning varies according to the type of moral conflict.  相似文献   

Forty‐five years have passed since Kenya gained independence and almost 30 years since the feminist revolution ushered in a global gender and development agenda. While Kenya’s development agenda had a functionalist orientation aimed at modernisation, the outcome of efforts to promote education development cannot be understood without an examination of the context of women. Although development agencies acknowledge the need for empowerment of women, the interests of change agencies are accommodated within the bounds of patriarchy, poverty, and paternalism. This situation is best explained by examining the education experience of women through a relative‐change theory prism. From this perspective, change is actively pursued within limits, that is, options for change in the social, cultural, and political context are acknowledged but limited. As a result, whatever education development efforts have been put into place to benefit women in marginalised situations, the outcome has fallen short for the majority of women.  相似文献   

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