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Colleagues in developing countries are required to meet a range of challenges when implementing educationally inclusive policies and practices. In this article, Kirsten Kristensen, clinical phychologist and senior consultant in special needs education and development; Martin Omagor-Loican, commissioner for special needs education, careers guidance and counselling; and Negris Onen, principal education officer in the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda, describe work focused on addressing the needs of all learners, including those who experience barriers to learning and development, in ordinary, mainstream school settings. The authors draw upon a study of current attitudes, perceptions and knowledge about trends towards inclusion in Uganda. The findings indicate progress in the introduction and implementation of inclusive policies; improved professional development opportunities for staff concerned with special education at all levels; and relatively positive attitudes towards inclusion. The study also raises concerns, however, about the ways in which the education system is structured and managed in a country where class sizes are enormous and resources are few. The authors make a number of key recommendations for developing mechanisms, structures and capacity in support of inclusion at all levels and report positive and encouraging recent developments.  相似文献   

This article provides information on the educational problems and needs of hearing-impaired students from three major multi-cultural groups, the Afro-American, Hispanic, and Asian. The focus is upon identification and programming for these needs within the public school system, based especially upon experience within the San Diego City Schools. The factors addressed include: demographic shifts and the dropout rate among these students, and cultural considerations for education. Specific educational considerations discussed include: assessment, programming, bilingual education, curriculum and instructional strategies, teacher-training and program models.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and characteristics of virtual learning objects in selected classroom cases. Four Finnish cases represented such pedagogical approaches as student‐centeredness, process orientation and collaborative inquiry. The case study approach enabled the investigation of concrete practices in using learning objects in ordinary classroom settings. The goal of the study was to examine the interrelatedness of the teachers’ pedagogical practices with characteristics and affordances of the learning objects, in order to understand how learning objects can support the development of advanced pedagogical practices in schools. The data used were qualitative, consisting of the participating teachers’ agendas, and observations and video recordings during classroom sessions. The results indicate that the learning objects were mostly used as exploration tools, information sources, assessment models and objects of discussion. An expert‐like use of knowledge was characteristic in the pedagogical settings, especially when the teacher was experienced in using ICT in teaching. However, not all the learning objects supported such practices, thus preventing a teacher from reaching intended pedagogical aims.  相似文献   

In the framework of the SAL (Students’ approaches to learning) poosition, the learning experience (approaches to learning and study orchestrations) of 572 high school students was explored, examining its interrelationships with some personal and familial variables. Three major results emerged. First, links were found between family’s intellectual climate and students’ approaches to learning, in particular with Deep appraoch: The better the family’s intellectual climate the higher student’ scores on Deep approach. Second, along with general intelligence, these approaches predicted students’ academic achievement, higher grades being obtained by these students who scored lower in Surface learning approach and higher in Deep learning approach. Three, students from the four study orchestrations reported in previous research (two displaying conceptual consonance: Deep and Surface approaches, and the other two conceptual dissonance: high-high and low-low, in both Deep and Surface approaches) showed different profiles in some variables (e.g., metacognitive learning strategies, family’s intellectual climate, academic achievement), worse scores being obtained by those who orchestrated their study either in surface or in conceptually dissonant ways. These relationships shed more light on the nature of high school students ‘learning experience, and help to provide an integrated view of students’ webs of experience.  相似文献   

Developing inclusion in schools has been an objective for many countries in recent decades, giving rise to a variety of definitions, policy -making activities and school practices. This paper focuses on the attempts made towards inclusion of students with disabilities in Turkey. We start by introducing inclusive education and its parameters, and continue with recent trends in education in Turkey. Next, we discuss current progress in including students with disabilities within mainstream schools, and continue with the legislative attempts made to improve this position. After that, we discuss recent developments and challenges in the education and inclusion of students with disabilities, and conclude by noting several recommendations for realising their inclusion in Turkey. While the purpose of this paper is to investigate the inclusion of students with disabilities in the Turkish context, there is much of relevance to other international contexts going through similar developmental processes in terms of inclusion.  相似文献   

如何提高学困生的学习动机水平对提高其学习成绩具有重要意义.然而近年来针对初中英语学困生的学习动机的研究还不多见.该文从提高初中英语学困生学习动机水平的角度入手,并借鉴各动机学派的研究成果对如何激发学困生学习动机进行了系统的探究.针对初中生的特点和英语学科的特性,改变学困生对英语学习价值的认识、原有爱好与学习嫁接、丰富学习内容和创造学习氛围等.  相似文献   

The inclusion of children with special needs in mainstream regular schools has been seen as the best practice in special education provision, most markedly since the 90s. International research has provided amassing evidence towards the advantages of inclusive model over a segregation model of special education provision. However, nearly two decades after the signing of the international pledge, namely the Salamanca Statement (UNESCO) towards accepting inclusive education, Malaysia has not yet fully gained the momentum to implement inclusive education for children with special needs, especially for children identified within the category of learning disabilities. Because of the delay in policy implementation, inclusive education remains sparingly practiced in some schools without formal support. This study aims to investigate a scenario of this practice in a mainstream primary school via interviewing the regular teachers. The ultimate aim of this investigation is to identify ways to move forward from the current practice of ‘unconscious inclusion’.  相似文献   

根据物理学科特点和中学生的心理特点,提出了培养中学生物理学习兴趣的策略:巧妙设计实验,利用好奇心,培养学生直接兴趣;联系生活实际,培养学生的间接兴趣;利用多媒体辅助教学,培养学生的直觉兴趣;动手实验,动手制作,培养学生的操作兴趣;重视思维训练,培养学生有因果认识的兴趣。  相似文献   

To date little is known about the experiences of girls with autism, or how they live with and manage their autism. This qualitative study explored experiences of learning, friendships and bullying of girls with autism. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 girls with autism, aged 11–17 years, and one parent of each girl. Thematic analysis identified key themes relating to motivation to have friends, challenges for girls with autism and the notion that many girls tend to mask their autism, which had both positive and negative consequences. Overall, the girls were motivated to have friends, but often encountered social difficulties and were sometimes targeted for bullying. Findings pointed to the need for interventions such as staff training and programmes to support the social interaction of girls with autism based on their specific perceptions of friendship.  相似文献   

情感是人的需要是否得到满足产生的一种内心体验,是人对接触到的客观事务的态度的体验。情感伴随着学生学习的全过程,直接影响学生的学习动机、兴趣和效果。教师要用真挚的感情创设一种宽松和谐的学习氛围;活用教材,启迪学生的情感;巧用教材,调动学生的情感;还要采用小组合作、同伴互助的教学形式,激发学生的情感。  相似文献   

Social skills of students with special needs play a very important role in their successful integration into inclusive learning environments. The aim of present empirical research was to establish whether students with learning disabilities (LD) attending grades 7–9 of regular primary school in Slovenia experience difficulties in social skills compared to their peers without LD. The following measuring instruments were used: the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents and the Self-Concept Scale. The basic research findings indicated statistically significant structural differences between the students with LD and their peers. The two groups differ in terms of difficulties in social interaction. Students with LD experience more difficulties. Statistically significant differences between the groups also appeared in tension and inhibition in social contact and social anxiety, as well as in the area of self-concept: students with LD are more anxious and reserved in social contacts.  相似文献   

Integration experiences of hearing impaired German elementary school students in separate educational settings (n = 31) were compared with those of counterparts at the same level in integrated settings (n = 26), and evaluated in regard to psychosocial behavior, semantic-lexical abilities, and communicative skills. Analysis of questionnaire responses and intelligence subtests showed that the only difference between the samples concerned perceived well-being in school, and favored the integrated students. Other percentages of variance are explainable by school type (10%), parents' hearing status (12%), and use of bimodal communication (11%). The integrated students demonstrated a higher level of integration experience, associated with fewer psychosocial abnormalities and better communicative skills. The results indicate that educational setting is not the only factor influencing students' perceived well-being. Other contextual factors, e.g., hearing status of parents and communicative skills, have a similar positive impact on integration experiences  相似文献   

Business needs in many corporations call for learning outcomes that involve problem solutions, and creating and sharing new knowledge within worksplace situation that may involve collaboration among members of a team. We argue that work-based activities (WBA) and computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) are appropriate components for courses in such learning situations. Via this approach, collaborative work situations become the core of a course. We further describe how activity theory can provide a framework for the design of courses that involve WBA and CSCL as part of a workplace-oriented activity system for learning. The use of this design approach for courses offered by the Learning and Leadership Development organization of Shell International Exploration and Production is described and an example is elaborated. Finally, we identify four main issues and challenges that arose during the use of the design approach.  相似文献   

高中生学习物理实验困难的情况调查和对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
物理学科是一门以实验为基础的学科,实验给了学生动手动脑的好机会,如何以实验为契机,启发学生活化知识,培养动手能力和创新设汁能力,对物理教学有着重要的现实指导意义.然而,传统的实验教学,对学生的实验能力培养并不理想,主要表现为:学生对实验的兴趣不浓;实验操作技能差;实验创新能力不足  相似文献   

The argument developed in this paper is set within the context of an increasing global concern to promote inclusion in education. Drawing on the authors’ research over many years, it argues that an engagement with the views of students can lead to changes in understandings and practices that help to facilitate the development of more inclusive approaches in schools. At the same time, these experiences show how such processes can lead to ‘interruptions’ in the work of those in schools in ways that may challenge the status quo and sometimes lead to negative reactions. It is argued, however, that, under appropriate organisational conditions, such approaches can lead to dialogue between students and teachers that stimulates actions to promote inclusion in education. The paper concludes by outlining how such conditions can be promoted, focusing in particular on issues related to cultures and leadership.  相似文献   

This article argues that whatever the 2015 OECD report says about the value of ICT in relation to PISA results, our research has shown that using ICT in the education of students with Learning Difficulties has great value in interesting, enthusing and inspiring these students, so leading to better educational outcomes. The term ‘Learning Difficulties’ (LD) is used to refer to a condition of a large group of children who need extra assistance with schooling and arises from a vast range of cognitive and physical impairments. The reported research was conducted in two Special Schools in metropolitan Melbourne with the goal of investigating whether, and if so how, ICT could be used to support school communities involving students with learning difficulties, and whether it could help these students with their learning. This research found that ICT certainly does improve LD students’ attitude to learning and equips them with adequate skills to allow them to enter the workforce or continue with further study through various pathways. It provides evidence that for LD students, a significant attainment in skills and academic knowledge is facilitated by the adoption of ICT in the classroom.  相似文献   

School reform proposals have urged that schools provide students with an enhanced sense of community, especially for at-risk youth belonging, is thought to be crucial. Given their high rate of school drop out, school membership holds special relevance for students with learning disabilities (LD). Thirty-seven mainstreamed students with LD and an equal number of nondisabled (ND) high school students were compared on five dependent variables: grades, time spent on homework, Scholastic Competence, Global Self-Worth, and school membership. School membership was assessed by Goodenow's (1993) Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) scale. ND students reported higher grades and more favorable ratings of Scholastic Competence, while groups did not differ significantly on time on homework or Global Self-Worth. Also, contrary to the author's hypothesis, the groups did not differ on the PSSM. These findings are attributed to either the small size of the school in which the study was conducted or to the supportive nature of special education (i.e., resource room). Future studies are required to understand the development of school membership among students with LD. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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