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Within the UK and internationally, schools are increasingly being encouraged to call on external agencies and draw on the services of individuals, including sport coaches, to ‘help teach or lead sports within the school setting and out of school time’. This trend arises from and has contributed to a changing policy landscape and relations that characterise ‘physical education and school sport’ (PESS) and the growing use of the terminology of ‘PESS’. Previous research has highlighted that neither PESS considered broadly as a policy space, nor specific initiatives centring on ‘partnership-based’ development of physical education (PE) and/or sport in schools, can be assumed to facilitate greater equity in provision for young people. This study reports on research that has sought to build on past studies revealing gender and ability inequities amidst PESS developments. The research was designed as a small-scale case study investigation to critically explore the equity-related messages being conveyed in and through the hidden curriculum in a context of coaches’ involvement in extra-curricular provision. Utilising observations and interviews with coaches and PE teachers, data collection focused on ways in which ideas of ability, masculinity and femininity were being constructed and reproduced in and through coach's pedagogy, and sought insight into the prospective impact of the particular constructions on girls’ and boys’ involvement in extra-curricular PE. Analysis revealed that the hidden curriculum expressed in and through the organisation of extra-curricular PE and coaches’ pedagogical practices in this context can be seen as reaffirming limited conceptions of ability in PE and gender inequity in relation to girls’ and boys’ respective participation opportunities. Discussion critically addresses the relationship between policy and pedagogy in PESS in pursuing apparently ongoing tendencies for long-standing inequities to be reproduced in and through extra-curricular provision.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(5):694-707
Despite the known benefits of volunteering–such as helping others, contributing to community and the development of skills–individuals with a disability are underrepresented in volunteering roles. In this research, the authors examine the benefits and barriers to including volunteers with a disability in three Australian sport and recreation organisations, as well as the potential human resource management implications. The authors take a multi-level perspective and draw on interviews with sport volunteers with a disability, staff from sport organisations, and recipients of services from volunteers with a disability conducted in 2016–2017. Researchers have not previously examined these diverse perspectives, but they are important for understanding how to include and support sport volunteers with a disability. Analysis of the interviews revealed a wide range of benefits of including volunteers with a disability including social acceptance, social inclusion and personal development; but both volunteers and organisations identified numerous barriers to volunteering, including negative attitudes, personal factors, organisational factors and lack of social inclusion. Based on the results of this study, the authors develop recommendations for human resource management practices and policies to support volunteers with a disability in sport and recreation organisations, which are organised around an ability-motivation-opportunity framework. The results suggest that organisations need to create an environment that facilitates open, two-way communication with volunteers with a disability about their needs and wants. There also should be training and education to all volunteers and staff around an inclusive workplace culture.  相似文献   

The last two decades within Australia have witnessed a range of policies and strategies seeking to promote the inclusion of young people with disabilities within mainstream community sport clubs. Whilst research at an institutional level has highlighted the problems with mainstreaming agendas, few studies have examined how grassroots clubs, as key components of the supply side of inclusive provision seek to respond to such policy imperatives. In this paper, therefore, the authors provide a critical analysis of the ways in which clubs engage with inclusion policies in practice. Theoretically, the authors draw on the concept of policy enactment and educational inclusivity. Through analysis of semi-structured interviews with club volunteers, the findings illustrate three key areas. Firstly, the importance of individual volunteers in establishing and developing provision within clubs; secondly, the largely separatist nature of disability provision within clubs; and thirdly, that policies tend to encourage club to focus on narrow forms of participation that lead to competitive pathways and mirror the structure of mainstream sport. In the conclusion, the authors problematize the notion of inclusion presented in policy and practice, suggesting such imperatives do not encourage a holistic approach.  相似文献   


Though agencies, such as the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and the Australian Sports Drug Agency, argue that much effort is being directed toward educating athletes about the virtues of fair play, the risks of drug use, and the ethics of cheating, the primary focus of government led initiatives is catching cheaters through testing. As a result, a decade following the inaugural Canadian Inquiry random drug testing is an accepted part of the culture of elite sport and is recognised as the most powerful deterrent for prospective abusers. As public confidence rests implicitly upon testing as the best and only direct means to establish a fair level of competition, it is perhaps not surprising that little attention is given to the ethical implications of testing as an invasion of privacy. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ethical implications of testing athletes for the use of banned substances and determine if the current course of action is a morally justified suspension of privacy.  相似文献   

Critical discourse analysis was used to explore and discuss data on young people’s knowledge and understanding of health, fitness and physical activity, selected from a wider study which focused on the role of secondary schools in effectively promoting physical activity. A mixed methods approach was utilised, involving an online survey to teachers in all state secondary schools in the UK (n?=?603 responding schools) and case studies centred on eight randomly selected state secondary schools from nine Government regions across England. Within each case study school, teacher interviews and pupil focus groups were conducted involving 17 teachers and 132 children aged 12–15 years, respectively. The healthism discourse was evident in the way young people talked about health, fitness and physical activity and two key themes emerged, these being: (i) issues with young people’s knowledge and understanding of health, fitness and physical activity in the form of reductive, limited and limiting conceptions; conceptual confusion; a preoccupation with appearance, weight, fat, shape and size; limited progression in learning; and complexities in understandings; and (ii) divides between young people’s health knowledge and health behaviour, and dilemmas underpinning these divides. Improved understanding of issues with young people’s knowledge and understanding of health, fitness and physical activity and of divides and dilemmas regarding associated behaviours should assist in developing critical pedagogies which challenge the dominance and stability of the healthism discourse and more effectively promote healthy, active lifestyles amongst young people.  相似文献   

Background: Laws and legislation have prompted movement from special education towards inclusive education, whereby students with disabilities are included in mainstream physical education (PE) classes. It is widely acknowledged that including students with disabilities in PE presents significant challenges in relation to meeting the diverse needs of all students. Significantly, little is known about how teachers include junior primary students with a disability in PE.

Aims: This paper aims to explore pedagogical practices for the inclusion of junior primary students with disabilities in PE as well as environmental accommodations teachers make. In order to address these aims, the research undertaking was guided by the question: ‘What pedagogies do teachers draw upon to include junior primary students with disabilities in PE’?

Methods: This qualitative research undertaking incorporated a critical case study approach, which utilised semi-structured interviews and field observations as data collection tools. Three teachers of PE in primary schools located in Adelaide, South Australia, participated in the research undertaking. Given this small sample group we make no claims for generalisability, but seek to provide connections for others teaching in PE.

Results: Findings are presented in three general themes of: Relationships for inclusion, Practices of Inclusion and Complexity and inclusion. Participants’ statements are used to illuminate discussions about discourses drawn on and to make links between previous research and theoretical perspectives. In general terms, findings revealed that despite barriers, such as catering for multiple forms of disabilities with minimal assistance from support staff and negotiating school environments, participants embraced inclusion and made pedagogical modifications to ensure meaningful involvement in PE lessons for all students. This research also identified the important role teachers play in terms of relationships, adaptations and safe learning environments, which collectively enable the inclusion of junior primary students with disabilities.

Conclusion: Students with disabilities warrant specific recognition and access to educational resources including within the field of PE.  相似文献   

Two instructional approaches that have been of interest in promoting sport have been the Sport Education Model (SEM) and the Traditional Style (TS) of teaching physical education. The purpose of this study was to investigate how SEM and TS would affect skill development, knowledge, and game performance for volleyball at the secondary level. A 2 × 3 (group × time) research design was utilized on 47 secondary students testing volleyball skills, knowledge, and game performance. Participants were placed in either the SEM or the TS via stratified randomization, and then were tested pre, mid, and post intervention through the 20-lesson volleyball unit. The 2 × 3 repeated measures Analysis of Variances (ANOVAs) with Bonferroni correction revealed no significant difference between models for skills and knowledge, but there was for game performance for group [F(1, 45) = 10.27, p < .008, η2 = .19], time [F(2, 90) = 8.62, p < .008, η2 = .16], and group × time interaction [F(2, 90) = 8.43, p < .008, η2 = .16]. If the goal of the physical education program is to promote quality game play, the SEM may be more effective than the TS.  相似文献   

素质教育与学生体育能力的培养   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
根据我国学校教育改革所面临的“迫切性”和当前我国学生健康状况,提出了体育教学应注重学生体育能力培养的思想,并探讨培养学生体育能力的有效方法。从提高国民素质和全民族的创新能力的角度,推进深化教育改革及素质教育的实施。  相似文献   


Background: Research on physical education (PE) shows a prevalence of narrow and reductionist views on what counts as ability. These views tend to privilege certain students and marginalize others, and often equate ability with technique-based sport performance. A lot of research is still directed towards the above problem. However, very few have devoted time and energy to actually resolving this problem. If no alternatives to narrow and reductionist views of ability are presented, then research will struggle to make a difference to the practice of PE. Assuming that movement is a key element in PE, the question of what counts as ability in PE is, we argue, a question of what capabilities a learner needs to develop in order to move in different ways. Investigating what movement capability can mean will provide possibilities for discussing and negotiating the meaning of ability in PE when the learning goal is something other than technique-based sport performance.

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to further advance the knowledge base of what movement capability can mean within the context of PE. By achieving this aim, we intend to challenge narrow views on ability and thereby provide enhanced possibilities for PE to make a difference for students’ abilities through education.

Theory and method: The process of coming to know something can be seen as exploring, with all senses, a landscape. Exploration involves recognizing details and nuances of the landscape and their relationships to one another. In this investigation, we examine what there is to know in the landscape of juggling using Ryle’s and Polanyi’s notions of knowing and learning. In line with a focus on the learners’ perspectives, interviews and observations were conducted with students whilst they were coming to know juggling. Ethnographic-type conversations were used to help students describe what they seemed to know or were aiming to know. Students were invited to write diaries with a focus on their experiences during the learning process, which we hoped could extend our insights regarding the experiential aspects in learning.

Findings: Findings of the investigation suggest that in the group of students, four significant ways of knowing the landscape of juggling are important: grasping a pattern; grasping a rhythm; preparing for the next throw and catch and navigating one’s position and throwing. The research challenges the narrow view on ability as technique-based sport performance by providing examples of what movement capability can mean in terms of knowing a movement landscape alternatively to knowing a specific movement ‘in the right way.’  相似文献   

谢斯 《体育学刊》2020,(1):80-86
对英国学校体育合作项目的概况和运行机制进行叙述,以个案方式描述和分析6个各具特色的学校体育合作项目及共性特点,并基于此提出对于我国中小学体育发展的6点启示:(1)整合校际校本体育资源,形成学校体育发展集群,联合开发体育课程和体育活动,形成校际体育教育衔接;(2)与青少年体育培训机构和社会体育组织建立横向合作,建立复杂多维的学校体育发展支持系统;(3)积极宣传具备出众个人能力的体育模范,充分发挥其示范作用和感召力;(4)完善和明晰学校体育到社区体育的发展路径,以“体育作业”为支点构建学校、社区、家庭三位一体的体育网络;(5)对体育教学和活动的各个环节进行针对性调整,促进体育教育平等化;(6)充分注重培养学生健康人格和综合素质。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this work is focused on the study of the effect that feedback has on competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation, vitality, and performance in a throwing task. Method: Thirty-five college students (26 men and 9 women), without previous experience in the task, participated in this study. The students were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions (positive, negative, and lack of feedback). Results: The results of this study point out that only those who received positive feedback before the handball throwing task, in contrast to those who received negative feedback or did not receive any feedback, showed increased levels of competence valuation (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.30), perceived competence (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.77), and autonomous motivation (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.48). This group also presented higher levels of perceived competence (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.84) and subjective vitality (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.80) than the group who received negative feedback after the throwing task. Those who received positive feedback also showed a higher throwing speed at the end of task than those who received negative feedback (p < 0.001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.71) or than those who did not receive any feedback (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.56). Conclusions: Competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation, subjective vitality, and throwing speed were favorably influenced by positive feedback. These results have important implications for the training style applied by coaches.  相似文献   

体育是人类文化的重要组成部分。作为一门学科,体育教学与其它课程教学一样,有其固定的教学内容和一定的教学方法。但体育教学又不同于其它课程教学,它具有更广泛的活动空间和独特的教学方式。把“玩”合理地运用到体育教学中,寓教于玩,寓教于乐,是提高体育教学质量的有效手段。  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) remains the subject in coeducational schools that is most likely to be delivered in gender segregated sessions. Decisions to offer single sex lessons are often underpinned by discourses and practices associated with doing gender that emphasise differences in boys' and girls' attitudes, behaviours, abilities and experiences. This investigation employs the concept of ‘undoing’ gender to explore the possibility for alternative interpretations of the issues emerging in coeducation. Examples of ‘undoing gender’ included evidence of girls' and boys' engaging positively during activities, girls' identification of positive aspects of mixed gender, examples of boys' and girls' similarities and shared experiences and awareness of girl' capabilities. The paper concludes that the emphasis on gender difference in explaining problems associated with coeducation such as teasing, harassment and exclusion can mask the ways that these practices are embedded within the structure and organisation of PE and provides recommendations for working towards gender integration.  相似文献   

采用文献资料方法,分析了振动训练对运动能力的影响,综述了国内外振动训练的最新研究进展,并对这种新型训练方法提出展望,希望能为教练员和运动员及体育健身者认识和合理利用振动训练方法提供理论依据。  相似文献   

论学校体育与社区体育的有效结合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全民健身计划以全国人民为实施对象,以青少年和儿童为重点,但绝大部分的青少年和儿童作为在校学生更多地接触学校体育,很少了解和接触社区体育。通过对学校体育和社区体育的内在联系进行揭示,并对两者间的结合提出合理建议。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对第11届全运会游泳比赛最终获得各单项前8名运动员竞技能力的发挥水平进行统计分析。结果显示:在预赛、半决赛及决赛中运动员竞技能力的总体发挥水平呈逐渐递增的态势,预赛为99.52%,半决赛为100.39%,决赛高达101.52%。男女决赛前3名的发挥均明显优于4~8名选手。不同赛次其竞技能力的发挥水平存在显著差异,男女发挥水平均表现为:决赛>半决赛>预赛。在半决赛、决赛中女子的发挥明显优于男子,在预赛中男女发挥无明显性别差异。在预赛、半决赛中速度性短游项目运动员的发挥均优于耐力性中长游项目的发挥,在决赛中无明显项目差异。这与运动员竞技状态、赛次目标、实力隐蔽、体力分配及机能节省化的需要有关。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地调查法等研究方法,对广西灵山县农村中学阳光体育运动开展进行调查,提出农村学校应紧抓阳光体育运动的机遇,并针对该地区开展阳光体育中的经验和不足提出具体改革措施,旨在为家乡农村学校更好的实现阳光体育目标,促进学校体育和谐发展提供帮助,为其他农村地区开展学校体育工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

“阳光体育运动”开展5年来,不论是在活动的开展模式还是青少年体质健康水平的提高都取得了较大的成果,但是纵观国内学者相关研究发现,针对于“阳光体育运动”背景下高中体育教学有效性的研究较少,其中实证研究更是少之又少。本课题采用实验对比等方法专门针对高中体育教育有效性进行实证研究,真实探讨了“阳光体育运动”背景下高中体育教育教学质量的提升,对响应教育部号召以及提高青少年体质健康水平具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Disability is a complex multidimensional social construct. In a sporting context, people with a disability often face a multitude of barriers to participation in sport and achievement in sport. While other marginalised populations have received attention in the field of sport management, disability has received very little, or been used primarily as a context. This special issue focuses on “managing disability sport” rather than the medical, human performance or sociocultural issues facing people with disability. The collection of papers herein focus on management issues that centre on constraints to sport participation, supply side attributes, participant behaviours, consumption of disability sport, policy implementation, and sponsor congruence. We situate these papers in the context of further challenging researchers to think beyond disability as a context in their research and engage in the critical discussions necessary to advance the agenda of managing disability sport.  相似文献   

加强高校体育文化建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从研究高校体育文化功能的视角出发 ,着重论述了加强高校体育文化建设的设想 ,为构建一个良好的高校体育文化氛围提供依据。  相似文献   

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