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成为当代大学生 ,就应在“怎样做人、做一个什么样的人”问题上下功夫。首先要做一个符合社会规范的人 ,还要做一个有社会主义道德的公民 ,更要做一个社会需要的人。这样才能真正成为一名合格大学生。  相似文献   

Higher Education - The 2010s witnessed unparalleled policymaking and development in international higher education in China. Whilst research has shed light on the broader...  相似文献   

In recent years, increased attention has been devoted to the applicability of school psychological services to the adult population. Despite such attention, few school psychologists currently are being prepared to service adults. This paper argues that, with increasing numbers of learning disabled students entering postsecondary institutions, there exists an opportunity for school psychology training programs to aid in the servicing of these legally handicapped adults, while, at the same time, providing valuable experience to school psychology students in servicing the adult population. Specifically, this paper provides the reader with an overview of services provided to college learning disabled students, discusses the relationship between such services and school psychological services, and identifies numerous and service possibilities that exist for the profession of school psychology.  相似文献   

Knowing whether time spent in formal schooling increases student achievement, and by how much, is important for policymakers interested in determining efficient use of resources. Using the ECLS-K, we exploit quasi-randomness in the timing of assessment dates to examine this question. Conservative estimates suggest a year of school results in gains of about one standard deviation above normal developmental gains in both reading and math test scores. The results are statistically significant and extremely robust to specification choice, supporting quasi-randomness of test dates. Estimates of skill accumulation due to formal schooling do not vary based on socioeconomic characteristics.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the satisfaction of international students. The factor analysis revealed the three factors of ‘learning and research’, ‘living and adaptation’ and ‘Japanese language ability’. The ten variables were used to predict the satisfaction of international students and found five significant variables in predicating the satisfaction of international students. These were suitability of curriculum, progress of research, having a good friend, cultural adaptation and part-time work. Among these, the suitability of the curriculum was the most significant predictor. Furthermore, the path analysis for learning and research indicated significant mutual causal relationships between research progress and supervisor’s advice. The level of Japanese language skills is not necessarily required to receive advice from their supervisors, although Japanese language skills help to understand the content of classes.  相似文献   

While the purposes of design and science are often different, they share some key practices and processes. Design-based science learning, which combines the processes of engineering design with scientific inquiry, is one attempt to engage students in scientific reasoning via solving practical problems. Although research suggests that engaging students in design-based science learning can be effective for learning both science process and content, more research is needed to understand how to overcome what Vattam and Kolodner (Pragmatics and Cognition 16:406–437, 2008) called “the design–science gap.” This study, therefore, takes a first step at systematically delving into this issue of bridging the design–science gap by examining the problem-solving strategies that students are using when they solve a prototypical design task. Videotaped performance assessments of high and low performing teams were analyzed in depth. Results suggest that students use both science reasoning strategies (e.g., control of variables) and design–focused strategies (e.g., adaptive growth). However, the strategies commonly associated with success in science (e.g., control of variables) did not necessarily lead to success in design. In addition, while both science reasoning strategies and design–focused strategies led to content learning, the content learned was different.  相似文献   

Federal legislation requires that students with disabilities receive services to assist them in the transition from high school to post-secondary life. Transition services must address students' understanding of their disability, learning strengths and weaknesses, career decision-making skills, and preparation for the increased demands of postsecondary education. This study surveyed coordinators of special services for students with disabilities at 74 colleges and universities in New York state. Respondents provided their perceptions of how well the students they served had been prepared by the transition services they had received in high school. Overall, little satisfaction with transition services was expressed. Respondents were most satisfied with high schools' provision of updated evaluations for students prior to enrollment in college, and they rated students' preparation for self-advocacy as the greatest weakness of current transition services.  相似文献   

This study aimed to provide an account of how learning takes place in problem-based learning (PBL), and to identify the relationships between the learning-oriented activities of students with their learning outcomes. First, the verbal interactions and computer resources studied by nine students for an entire PBL cycle were recorded. The relevant concepts articulated and studied individually while working on the problem-at-hand were identified as units of analysis and counted to demonstrate the growth in concepts acquired over the PBL cycle. We identified two distinct phases in the process—an initial concept articulation, and a later concept repetition phase. To overcome the sample-size limitations of the first study, we analyzed the verbal interactions of, and resources studied, by another 35 students in an entire PBL cycle using structural equation modeling. Results show that students’ verbal contributions during the problem analysis phase strongly influenced their verbal contributions during self-directed learning and reporting phases. Verbal contributions and individual study influenced similarly the contributions during the reporting phase. Increased verbalizations of concepts during the reporting phase also led to higher achievement. We found that collaborative learning is significant in the PBL process, and may be more important than individual study in determining students’ achievement.  相似文献   


This response argues that Greenspan's comment is basically incoherent, and that the position taken by Leicester and Cooke has unacceptable practical consequences. Greenspan admits that many people with 'mental retardation' lack adult decision-making capacities, but at the same time assumes that they have these very capacities in assigning them freedom rights. Leicester and Cooke consistently argue that people with 'mental retardation' do have adult reasoning powers and therefore should be given freedom rights. But this position has the rather disquieting implication that both the practice of treating 'mental retardation' as an exempting condition and the practice of giving them important special welfare rights seem to loose their justification.  相似文献   

This paper describes a model which allows for the assessment of alternative funding formulas for post-secondary educational systems. The first section of the paper present a rationale and identify the characteristics of what the authors label a practical planning model. The remainder of the paper describes the model and shows its application to a specific situation. The emphasis is on assessing the extent to which marginal funding proposals can offer a viable alternative to traditional linear enrollment driven formulas. Although the model operates at a statewide level of aggregation, it should also be beneficial to those interested in system and institutional resource allocation patterns in a period of declining enrollments.Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, California, May 1979.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from twenty-three US, UK, and Chinese mentor teachers, this study explores the relationship between contexts of mentoring and mentoring practice. It discusses learning opportunities created by mentoring in different contexts for novices to learn to teach. Through comparative analysis, it finds that mentoring practices show greater differences across programs and countries than within. This is the case even when mentors are practicing or moving toward practicing a kind of teaching as expected by education reformers. These differences are reflected in mentors’ beliefs about what novices need to learn, their interaction patterns and foci with novices. Three instructional contexts in each setting shape such differences: structure of school curriculum and assessment, organization of teaching and mentoring, and student population. These findings suggest that the reform-minded teaching practice that mentors developed does not necessarily guarantee the effective mentoring that supports teacher learning and teaching reform. Teacher educators should pay attention to the influences of instructional contexts on mentoring and the kinds of learning opportunities that mentoring creates for novice teachers in different contexts. When designing mentoring programs and arranging mentoring relationships, teacher educators need to consider how to restructure school contexts and help mentors learn how to mentor.  相似文献   

Online higher education professors may find their teaching approaches conflict with the learning preferences of their globally dispersed students, which can impede academic performance. In this empirical study of 254 international doctorate students (across 23 cultures), a model was developed to assess how learning expectations affected dissertation performance. Five indicators were validated from a survey and split sample: mentoring, rendering, interpreting, constructing, and schemata. Contemporary higher education performance-related factors and instruments were also discussed, namely: attrition, competence, motivation, supervision, discipline difference, learning style, and culture. Limited experimental control consisted of same university context and program. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling; revealing three latent factors (method, supervision, and quality) explained 56% of the variance effect on candidate performance.  相似文献   

我国体育院校的大学生,是我国对于体育人才的重要储备力量,同时也是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对我国的体育事业发挥着积极的促进作用。自我国大量进行院校扩招以来,体育院校的教学质量堪忧也导致了大学生对于学习的投入度较低,因此提高体育院校大学生的学习质量也越来越受到广大教育人士的密切关注。综上所述,本文将结合对体育院校大学生学习现状的调查结果来展开对学习投入度的研究及分析,以期为我国体育事业、高等教育事业做出有益贡献。  相似文献   

Enrolling in a community college may be as intimidating for those students who eventually succeed as it is for those who don't. Why, then, do some persevere while others leave before they meet their goals? Institutional practice can tip the balance.  相似文献   

英语学习是个很漫长的过程,需要付出艰辛努力并且持之以恒。但在中学阶段,一些学生便出现英语障碍,以至于逐渐地转变为学困生。文章从多种角度分析了大学生英语学习心理障碍的表现及其相应策略,希望能够与相关学界同行共勉。  相似文献   

对河北省高等职业院校学生进行调查分析,发现高等职业院校学生存在着学习动机不明确、学习方法不科学、学习心理不健康等问题,对此解决对策为:引导学生明确学习动机;培养学生自主学习意识;改变教育理念,改进教学方法;成立心理咨询机构,使学生树立积极向上的人生观和价值观。  相似文献   

大学生的学习观   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
大学生的学习观是学生个体对知识、学习现象和经验的直观认识。其发展经历了从客观主义到建构主义倾向的顺序 ,但学习观的各个维度的变化并不是同步的 ,这是由于受大学生自身学习经验、所学专业、课堂教学以及学校和社会文化等因素的影响而造成的。学生的学习观反过来对学习成绩、认知过程及策略、自我调节以及学习动机具有重要的影响 ,因此学生学习观的转变也应当成为大学教学改革的一个重要目标。  相似文献   

当代大学生学习动机浅议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学习动机是大学生学习的原动力,当代大学生学习动机呈多样性,多层次的特点,其中有些动机是积极的,健康的、有些动机则是消极的,造成学生学生动力不足的原因是多方面的,作为高校教育工作要针对这些情况,适时地采取一些行之有效的措施,最大限度地调动广大学生的学习积极性,培养学生良好的学习动机。  相似文献   

大学生英语学习兴趣培养探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语学习是大学学习过程的重要组成部分,但随着大学英语四级考试和学位脱钩以及不良的学习习惯,在一些大学校园里存在着大学生对英语学习兴趣下降的现象。如何激发大学生学习英语课程的兴趣,引导大学生科学正确对待大学英语课程,是高等教育工作者认真思索首要的问题。本文从教学实践出发,分析了如何培养大学生英语学习兴趣、调动学生学习的积极性,从而进一步提高大学英语教学的效果。  相似文献   

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