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The role of the academic developer mirrors that of the current day academic. It is increasingly diverse and complex. Staff employed in academic development units are expected to respond to the needs of individual academics and are also expected to provide leadership in teaching and learning, conduct research into higher education, contribute to policy on a broad range of issues, and undertake community service. In addition they are expected to take responsibility for their own professional development. They are constantlyjuggling priorities of personal, professional and organizational commitments. To maintain competence in the face of multiple demands there must be significant overlap between work and learning. The learning opportunities inherent in working within a large multi‐dimensional organization must be acknowledged and embraced through the concept of a ‘learning organization’. It is important that the organizational culture of the Academic Development Unit (ADU) values learning, encourages reflection and fosters collaborative practice. This paper outlines an organizational model of academic development highlighting the opportunities for intervention at the level of organizational culture, staff development and student learning. It also suggests strategies for organizing and managing an ADU that provides a positive model of an effective working and learning environment.  相似文献   


This paper considers the professional growth of academic developers from a South African perspective. Locating themselves within broad political, institutional, academic and student dynamics, academic developers attempt to influence interpretations of quality, professional autonomy and accountability, academic literacy and Africanization. Capacity‐building in academic development which is aligned with teaching and learning processes within institutions and supports institutional transformation and redress, is emphasized. Using an interactionist model of participation between developer and those participating in development initiatives, the authors focus on both the contestable notion of the term ‘development’ and the need for authentic engagement between academic and academic developer.  相似文献   


This article is situated in the context of an intensified discourse within which academic developers are being asked to provide evidence of impact, and argues that theoretical models currently used are imprecise and fail to capture the variation in outcomes from professional development activities. Through reference to previous research on how teachers' thinking can be described in relation to various thinking-zones, and how teachers notice and respond to signs of student learning, we suggest a more fine-grained perspective. Furthermore, we argue that improved models for design and evaluation of professional development might prove crucial for academic development as a profession.  相似文献   


Academics who lead large teaching teams of often inexperienced sessional staff have a dual role in professional development. They are both provider and participant. Academic leaders need to develop skills to fulfill their role effectively as the primary professional development provider for their team through opportunities to enhance skills in a range of areas; these areas include team leadership, team management and teaching for learning. In this scenario, there is a multilayered structure of provision of development opportunities. One level is that provided by the team leader and directly related to the needs of the team members and the requirements of the subject. The second level caters for the needs of the team leader in developing skills to effectively perform all the responsibilities of their role. Provision of professional development opportunities that cater for these may be the responsibility of the School, Faculty, Department or Staff Development Unit, depending upon the Institutional context. This paper will present a case study of the professional development programme offered to a large teaching team by an academic team leader. Some implications and issues arising from the case study that need to be addressed by professional developers and academic team leaders to enable and support the improvement of student, staff and organizational learning through professional development programmes will be discussed.  相似文献   


As is the case in many areas of society, quality issues have come into focus also in higher education. One expression is that there are a number of institutions in higher education where a Total Quality Management (TQM) perspective has been adopted. However, most of these examples are found in non‐academic activities. This article discusses the possibility to achieve improvements in teaching and learning from the adoption of a TQM perspective. The discussion will be based upon an analogy with one particular development common in trade and industry, namely the transition towards process orientated structures, and towards less reliance on screening, rework, and scrapping of non‐conformances. The basic argument is that a similar change in higher education accompanied by the adoption of a TQM perspective comprising elements as focus on customer needs, process orientation and continuous improvements could result in improvements in teaching and learning  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore possibilities and challenges for deliberative academic development. Deliberative academic development refers to a practice that engages members of the university in dialogue about its purposes, ways of organizing and leading higher education, as well as teaching and learning. The paper critically analyses data from focus group interviews with academic developers from four universities within two national contexts. Combining sociological conceptualizations of agency and the framework of ‘epistemic living spaces’, the paper offers insights into challenges and opportunities for deliberative academic development, as well as a framework for studying agency in other contexts.  相似文献   


This paper discusses preservice science teachers’ conceptualizations of learning. The data for this study were obtained from eight Canadian science graduates enrolled in a teacher education programme. All students participated in a series of three interviews, consisting of a variety of questions about how learning occurs. The interviews were conducted every four months, beginning at the start of the academic year. The data were analysed using a phenomenographic perspective and the conceptualizations are illustrated using excerpts from the interviews. Implications for science teacher education programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last decade universities have been subjected to various forms of academic accountability designed to maintain or improve the quality of their teaching and learning. A shared perspective of many of these accountability processes is that universities should become skilled at creating knowledge for the improvement of teaching and learning, and at modifying their behavior to reflect this new knowledge. In short, that universities should become “learning organizations.” What are the organizational characteristics of an academic learning organization? The paper will address this question by reviewing the adaptations in organizational structure and governance reported by universities attempting to improve the quality of their teaching and learning processes.  相似文献   


The paper addresses the questions of identity, ethics and organization for academic developers ('AD’ is used as an umbrella for academic staff development plus a number of other academic‐related professional university roles). It inquires into the degree of role differentiation between this occupational cluster and others that resemble it, outside as well as inside the universities. It argues, following Clark and Boyer, that ‘AD’ is both a scholarly and an academic pursuit, and adds that it is characterized uniquely by its focus on change and development, and that the nature of its ‘discipline’ is somewhat problematic. The paper examines the occupational freedoms of AD people and their special knowledge‐base, and argues for a ‘temptations‐based’ rather than a ‘virtues‐based’ approach to creating an ethical schema. It concludes with observations about how to achieve a firm professional identity for AD and recommends new organizational machinery to both politicize and defend the distinctive AD role in academia.  相似文献   


In this paper we present the results of a naturalistic study carried out with higher education students which describes their learning environments when working on academic tasks in groups and individually. In this study we want to analyse how they organize their learning activities and knowledge processes (reading, reflecting and sharing) and how these learning processes are integrated into their Personal Learning Environments (PLE). In order to achieve that, students had to reflect about the basic ‘components’ that make up their learning process: reading (using not only by text but also multimedia), doing/reflecting (creating cognitive artefacts) and sharing (discussing, showing, and offering and receiving feedback from and to a community of reference). Students formed relationships between those components and any technological tools they used and created mind maps to represent their PLEs. The main objective is to try to understand how PLEs are organized and how they are perceived by learners, not from a technological perspective but from a learning perspective. The main results confirm the strong nature of PLEs as a pedagogical approach with a strong technological base. In addition, those results suggest a close relationship between students’ beliefs and expectations regarding academic tasks as well as the importance they give to each component in their learning process.  相似文献   


Higher education is in flux as governments around the world seek to use it as an instrument to enhance national economies, and the half‐life of knowledge steadily decreases. Lifelong learning is presented as critically important to the development of human capital, but its implications for first‐cycle higher education have yet to be fully appreciated. It is argued that first‐cycle higher education is evolving in the light of changes in the relationship between the academy and employers. Students’ part‐time work is a significant component of their experience in higher education, yet its potential for learning is generally under‐exploited. The argument is made that part‐time work can be drawn into the formal curriculum without prejudice to traditional academic concerns, particularly if a lifelong learning perspective is taken.  相似文献   


International evidence indicates there may be little or no academic benefit for children who are retained, and the possibility of negative long term socio-emotional outcomes for these children. Drawing on data from the nationally representative Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (n = 4464), this paper provides an Australian perspective on the practice of grade retention, specifically investigating repeating the Kindergarten year. Our results indicated that nearly half of grade retention occurring by Year 6 occurs in the Kindergarten year, the main reasons being related to learning and behavioural difficulties. The analyses identified a number of child and family factors associated with grade retention, the strongest predictors being maternal mental health and parental receptive language concern, with school readiness, receptive language skills, and child hyperactivity also relevant factors. The paper considers implications for early intervention to support children’s academic trajectories through school.  相似文献   


Teachers and teacher learning are critical and key to establishing, understanding and realizing the possibilities of a learning society One first step in the process requires teachers to place their own learning at the centre of their activities. They must learn how to change, change the way they learn, and learn how to change their conditions of learning. This paper examines some policies and practices in regard to the provision of teacher professional development. Providing opportunities for teacher learning in Ireland has in general been preoccupied with facilitating curriculum reform, supporting organizational change and with easing management concerns. Shifting the emphasis from programme delivery to professional development through personal development is one challenge that has been taken up by the Second Level Support Service. It favours a process that is organic, career long and participant driven. Shifting the emphasis to a more personal and holistic form of development will not be an easy task but is a necessary one if the vision of a learning society and lifelong learning is to become realised.  相似文献   


Although theories around Communities of Practice have gained significant ground in recent years and have become an important focus for organizational development, there is a gap in studies that investigate what members gain from participation in these communities. This paper explains how the value creation framework was implemented in a transnational research and development project in autism education by examining cycles of value creation and drawing on two types of data identified by Wenger and colleagues. The value creation framework is a theoretically driven framework to assess social learning in communities. Participants involved in the learning space were co-researchers engaged in a process of investigating, sharing and reflecting on their practice. The paper discusses the methodological challenges and strengths of using the value creation framework, with a particular focus on how insights and interactions led to subsequent changes in the practice of the participants. This work has the potential to make an important contribution to methods and analysis in assessing social learning and pathways to impact in participatory research and development projects more broadly.  相似文献   


Over the past decade, an increasing number of overseas Chinese PhD graduates have returned to China to develop their career. For these academic returnees, one of the challenges is to (re)construct an academic identity in a familiar context that is also strange because they have been absent for a few years. In this autobiographical paper, the researcher describes and reflects upon the pains and gains experienced when re-entering and working in Chinese universities as a PhD returnee, revealing the process of his academic identity (re)construction when adjusting to different academic assessment policies. This writing offers an individual perspective on the challenges to returnees’ academic identity (re)construction and argues for the need to set up in-between spaces for inter/cross-disciplinary academic discourse between returnees and local scholars at Chinese universities. This paper aims to contribute to pedagogic debate on the development of more open research practices in Chinese universities.  相似文献   


This article, written primarily from the perspective of employment‐related learning, seeks to challenge several common assumptions about the Learning Society: that learning depends on the provision of education and training, that provision is based on sufficient attention to wants and valid assessment of needs; that provision is appropriately distributed between different types of knowledge; that transfer of knowledge is an event rather than a process; that expertise can be represented in terms of propositional knowledge alone; that current job competence is an adequate basis for assessing individual capability or organizational need. An alternative conceptual framework is proposed which takes account of recent research into the complex, multifaceted nature of expertise; reframes the concept of transfer as a learning process which requires dedicated time and effort; treats individual learning for employment in terms of comprising capability, competence and understanding; clarifies the tension between short‐term efficiency and long‐term adaptability in people and organizations; and provides operational definitions for studying learning groups, learning organizations and a learning society.  相似文献   


This paper reviews and recommends strategies for restructuring Egypt's extension policy, organization and delivery. Egypt's extension system is examined with a view to suggesting ways to strengthen its development to meet the accelerating challenges of the global market, high-intensive skill technologies, and the growing demand for organizational efficiencies. The paper is organized into eight sections: strategies for strengthening agricultural extension in Egypt; a critical assessment of the current situation, and a review and recommendations regarding; policy; organizational management; extension linkages; farmer participation in extension program development; the promotion of farmer association, and provides a detailed schema for advancing extension's; field methodology.  相似文献   


Academic mobility is becoming a tread in academic life and a professional development globally, regionally and nationally. This article makes use of a case university—Peking University (PKU)—as an analytical approach to explore how and why academic mobility can happen in China’s research universities. The author first presents an overview of the academic mobility at PKU from a historical perspective, and then describes the changing status quo of its academic mobility that has undergone for three decades. In the third part, the author analyzes and discusses the outcome made by the academic mobility from both positive and negative sides. In the end, the author notes that academic mobility is one among the best ways to internationalize China’s research universities, including PKU.  相似文献   

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