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Background: The influence of technology on children’s everyday lives is significant in today’s society, with children described as digital natives and/or the iGeneration. There are also a range of digital technologies available for use in education and a number of pedagogical approaches reported to support technology integration and pupil learning in physical education contexts. The use of technology by practitioners at present, however, is far from omnipresent. Consequently, the mechanisms that can support practitioners to use digital technologies to help pupils learn optimally in physical education requires further attention.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators to purposeful technology integration when using the Cooperative Learning model in physical education.

Research design: Data are presented from an action research project that focussed on how a teacher-researcher used iPads (tablet personal computers) within the Cooperative Learning model to support pupil learning. An athletics (track and field) unit was taught to 2 separate classes (36 pupils in total) using the key features of the Cooperative Learning model. The teacher-researcher used action research as a professional learning mechanism to refine her practice through gathering data from focus groups interviews with pupils, teacher-researcher reflections and a colleague’s observation.

Data analysis: Data analysis was ongoing throughout the athletics units as part of the action research design. Following the unit, data were analysed through inductive analysis and constant comparison and the authors engaged in a peer examination process.

Findings: Unfamiliarity with technology and poor group cooperation were identified as initial barriers to pupil learning when integrating technology. Action research, however, and the process of reflection and collaborative inquiry acted as key facilitators for the teacher-researcher to learn how to use digital technology to support learning.

Conclusion: Findings challenge existing literature which position the ‘digital natives’ or iGeneration of today’s society as competent and able to use digital technologies to learn in formal educational contexts. Moreover, this study shows that selecting a well-defined pedagogical approach that has been previously reported to support technology use, such as Cooperative Learning, will not automatically result in positive learning experiences for pupils. If practitioners are to purposefully integrate digital technologies into physical education and ensure technology can help students to learn optimally, practitioners should engage with a reflexive process of learning, such as action research, to refine and develop their practices.  相似文献   

Digital technology has been the focus of recent debates in physical education with questions being considered about its influence on pedagogy and the future of the subject. Yet, there is scant knowledge about how digital technologies are being used by teachers and whether their use has influenced students learning. ‘Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education: Pedagogical Cases’ focuses on expanding the knowledge about the ways in which digital technologies are being used by teachers to support and enhance young peoples' learning in physical education. The premise of the book is to develop the understanding of pedagogy and digital technology in education. Furthermore, it seeks to encourage critical reflection on the use of digital technology in physical education. This book review explores the central ideas of the book, its approach and an evaluation of its content.  相似文献   

制度是推动体育发展的根本因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用新制度经济学的理论,对体育领域中"科学技术是第一生产力"的适用性进行了探讨,在此基础上提出制度是推动体育发展的根本因素的观点,并认为推动我国体育发展必须重视对制度的研究.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to address two key questions: (1) how could a pedagogically driven approach to the use of DigiTech in health and physical education (HPE) benefit young people’s learning and (2) what steps are required to develop new DigiTech pedagogies? The paper is a response to the largely pessimistic views presented in this journal by Gard, Lupton and Williamson about the role of technology in HPE. In this paper, we argue that while we need to be aware of the risks, we also need to explore the opportunities for digital technologies (DigiTech) to shape HPE in new and positive ways. Specifically, we argue that a focus on pedagogy is largely missing from earlier discussions. In mapping the evidence-base on DigiTech against a three-dimensional categorisation of pedagogy – in the form of learners and learning, teachers and teaching, and knowledge and context [Armour, K. M. (Ed.). (2011). Sport pedagogy: An introduction for coaching and teaching sport. Harlow: Prentice Hall] – we are able to demonstrate the value of a pedagogically informed debate on this topic. The paper concludes by arguing for a ‘profession-wide’ debate to co-construct, trial and evaluate new ways in which we should – and should not – use DigiTech to optimise young people’s learning in HPE.  相似文献   

We write as critical theorists, who consider that in terms of scoping out robust conceptual elaborations which are suitable for contemporary schooling, that physical education has ground to make up connecting theory with practice and practice with theory. We advocate that aspects of existentialism and phenomenology can provide a theoretically sound basis on which to argue that embodied learning should be the foundational cornerstone of physical education programmes. To avoid embodied learning becoming overly learner centric and insular, we advance Merleau-Pontian informed ideas on how learning could flourish when an individual and embodied focus merges with a school-wide physical culture agenda which is underpinned by social and moral theorizing. In developing our focus on merging embodied learning and physical culture, we draw upon MacIntyrean views on the goods which are internal to practice and extend thinking on how these goods could merge with the diverse aims and intentions informing the culture and ethos in schools. In pursuing these ambitions, we outline the constructive activist-based benefits of teachers working within subsidiarity-based school communities where pedagogical decisions are made at a level consistent with realizing whole schools aims. This is in spite of our acknowledgement that the lack of career-long professional learning adds to the difficulty of achieving these aims. In conclusion we argue that if physical education is to become a pivotal component of realizing a diverse range of whole school aims there is a need for greater professional engagement with pedagogical approaches that attempt to derive greater meaning from learners movement experiences and which help learners to understand better both their own identity and the ethos of the school context and environment they share with others.  相似文献   

Initial teacher education (ITE) students participate in various workplaces within schools and in doing so, form understandings about the numerous, and at times competing, expectations of teachers’ work. Through these experiences they form understandings about themselves as health and physical education (HPE) teachers.

This paper examines the ways communities of practice within HPE subject department offices function as sites of workplace learning for student teachers. In particular this research focused on how ITE students negotiate tacit and contradictory expectations as well as social tasks during the practicum and the ways in which their understandings are mediated through participation in the workspace.

Qualitative methods of survey and semi-structured interview were used to collect data on a cohort of student teachers during and following their major (10 week) practicum experience. Analysis was informed by theories of communities of practice (Wenger, 1998 Wenger, E. 1998. Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), workplace learning (Billett, 2001 Billett, S. 2001. Learning in the workplace: strategies for effective practice, Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.  [Google Scholar]), and social task systems (Doyle, 1977 Doyle, W. 1977. Learning in the classroom environment: an ecological analysis. Journal of Teacher Education, 28(6): 5155. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).

It was evident that considerable effort, attention, and energy was expended on various interrelated social tasks aimed at building positive relationships with their supervisor and other HPE teachers at the school. The social dynamics were highly nuanced and required a game-like approach. In our view the complexity that student teachers must negotiate in striving for an excellent evaluation warrants specific attention in physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. This study raises questions regarding our responsibilities in sending student teachers into contexts that might even be described as toxic. We offer some suggestions for how PETE might better support students going into practicum contexts that might be regarded as problematic workplaces.  相似文献   


It is argued that negotiation and performance of identity in contemporary society is linked with the value-laden spaces in which individuals spend time. Concepts of space, place and identity have become important when looking to understand elements of social practice, in light of the recognition that life is becoming progressively more mobile, varied and challenging. This has resulted in a shift in how subsequent generations experience space and place within digitally-mediated social landscapes. It is asserted that young people in contemporary society can be seen to occupy a hybrid virtual-real world (Jordan, B. (2009). Blurring boundaries: The ‘real’ and the ‘virtual’ in hybrid spaces. Human Organisation, 68.) where they experience the multiplication of place or duplication of space (Papacharissi, Z. (2011). A Networked Self: Identity Community and Culture on Social Network Sites. New York: Routledge). Such complex social geographies, we contend, have important implications for young people’s negotiation and performance of identity, the acquisition of socio-technical capital (Resnick, (2002). Beyond b?owling t?ogether: SocioTechnical c?apital. In J. M. Carroll (Ed.), Human-c?omputer i?nteraction in the n?ew m?illennium (pp. 647–?672). Upper Saddle River, NJ: ACM Press.) and, ultimately, digital well-being. In a time when there is a focus on developing global and connected citizens (Greene, M. (1995). Releasing the Imagination: Essay on education, the arts and social change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.) we argue that pupils need to be both digitally fluent and values fluent as they negotiate spaces of reality and virtual reality. Both constructs require the learner to engage critically with information and misinformation as presented on ever-changing digital interfaces (Kahne, J., & Bowyer, B. (2017). Educating for Democracy in a Partisan Age: Confronting the Challenges of Motivated Reasoning and Misinformation. American Educational Research Journal, 54, 3–34.) and to make value choices. Given that physical education (PE) has been identified as a significant place for meaning-making (Spracklen, K. (2015). Digital Leisure, the Internet and Popular Culture: Communities and Identities in a Digital Age. London: Palgrave Macmillan.) and a core site for values-based education (Mccuaig, L., Marino, M., Gobbi, E., & Macdonald, D. (2015). Taught not Caught: Values based Education through physical education and School Sport: Literature Review. AIESEP Partners for WADA, ICSSPE, IOC, Fairplay & UNESCO.) it is identified as a key context in which to examine some of the challenges posed for students and educators with regard to values-based practices in digitally-mediated spaces. Within this conceptual paper, we propose a praxis model of values fluency to help PE teachers to support young people to recognise and successfully navigate hybrid spaces, to critically engage with sociotechnical capital and become adept at transferring and translating values across and between social contexts.  相似文献   

Given that the health of the nation is often interpreted in and through the health of the nation's youth, the threat of the ‘childhood obesity epidemic’ garners much attention and it is hardly surprising that physical education has been recruited in the ‘war on [childhood] obesity'. This paper explores how students aged 13–15 years, at a secondary school in Toronto, Canada, make sense of, negotiate and embody the health messages embedded within the obesity-informed Health and Physical Education (HPE) curricula. A post-structural analysis of student narratives reveals the ways in which notions of biocitizenry constitute a visibly ‘healthy’, gendered, engaged, normalized body. The ‘good’ HPE student negotiates health discourse in productive and responsive ways, constructing a virtuous subjectivity and alienating the unruly or undisciplined, unhealthy body in HPE.  相似文献   

李俊 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(6):702-703,685
合作学习是19世纪早期兴起于美国的一种教学模式,对于大面积的提高学生的学业成绩、合作意识以及合作技巧等有很好的影响,于20世纪70~80年代在美国取得广泛研究和应用。将合作学习教学模式应用于大球对抗项目之中,得出该教学模式在提高学生的学业成绩、师生关系和学习动机方面优于传统教学模式的结论。  相似文献   

Within the Australian context physical education (PE) and more recently health and physical education (HPE) have long been ascribed utilitarian value for producing healthy citizens. Whilst this has not been a linear progression over time, traces from the past do inform current assumptions about this utilitarian role. Of consequence are historical contingencies and responses to societal problems around health-related conduct and capabilities of the nations’ citizens. In this paper a genealogical approach is adopted to explore discourses and power relations that have framed the contribution of PE and HPE in shaping students for healthy citizenship. Disciplinary technologies associated with military-style physical training, civilising technologies of game play and responsibilising governmental technologies of contemporary policies will be explored. I conclude in arguing that if HPE is to prepare all students for equitable, inclusive citizenship what is required is the adoption of curricula and pedagogies that counteract hegemonic notions of individual responsibility for healthy citizenship.  相似文献   

Numerous academics have argued that if a field is to progress, attention needs to be paid to how future generations of researchers are being prepared. To date, data generated on research training in physical education and sport pedagogy (PESP) have primarily focused on students undertaking doctoral programmes with a formal coursework component, which is the model predominantly used in the USA. The traditional master-apprentice model is still, however, the dominant model in many countries, including Australia, and there is a dearth of research on this model of research preparation. Hence, this study was an effort to capture the perspectives and experiences of doctoral students (DSs) and early career researchers (ECRs) who are/were engaged in programmes employing the apprentice model of training. The question we sought to examine was ‘what do PESP doctoral students and early career researchers perceive as the facilitators and challenges associated with learning to be researchers?’. The participants in this study included eight DSs and seven ECRs who were based in Australian and New Zealand institutions. Data were generated through a questionnaire that sought to identify participants’ various research training experiences, a workshop that brought participants together to discuss their research training, and follow-up individual semi-structured interviews. While much of the data generated through this study related to the importance of developing such generic research skills as writing, grant writing and presenting at conferences, participants also discussed PESP-specific skills and dispositions, including particular orientations towards research impact, and the development of research culture. Findings are discussed in reference to the neoliberalisation of education and questions are raised about the forms of research training developing researchers in PESP might need if they are to thrive as researchers within and beyond the field.  相似文献   

陶璋  马晓军 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):70-72
对体育专业教师教学监控能力的调查发现:高校体育专业教师教学的前期计划与准备工作较好,而教学后的调节、控制和课后反省较差,总体教学监控能力偏低;成败归因的各个因素中,努力因素对高校体育专业教师教学监控能力的影响较为显著;自我知觉的各个因素对高校体育专业教师教学监控能力均有非常显著的影响。  相似文献   

我国理工科大学生体育态度与行为的现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王文忠  林杰  何应凯 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):107-109
采用问卷调查等方法,以华南理工大学为在校本科生男生10436人、女生2928人为对象,对当前理工科大学本科学生的体育态度和行为现状进行了调查分析。结果表明,学生的体育态度基本处于良好水平。低年级(一、二年级)学生和男生体育态度得分高于高年级学生(三、四年级学生)和女生。  相似文献   

通过调查访问、实验、数理统计分析等方法,对武术普修课“合作学习”教学模式进行了两轮教学实验。结果揭示了“合作学习”教学模式符合现代体育教学理论的基本要求,在武术普修课教学中能有效地增强学生学习的动机水平,是新课改背景下武术普修课教学比较理想的教学模式。  相似文献   

张莉 《体育学刊》2007,14(5):93-95
少数民族地区普通高校在传统体育课程的基础上,组织开发民族传统体育项目课程和符合本地、本校的体育课程资源,包括民族健身舞蹈、腰鼓、秧歌、民族式摔跤等。将开发的课程资源安排在二年级教育计划课时选修课中,三、四年级教育计划课时外任意选修课中及作为课外体育锻炼的内容。将我国传统"体质测试"经典教学法贯穿在大学体育课内外教学中,达到了增强少数民族大学生身体运动素质的目的。  相似文献   

This paper utilises critical discourse analysis to explore and discuss the expression of health within physical education (PE) curricula in secondary schools in England and Wales. The study adopted a case study approach, involving three state secondary schools in England and two in Wales. Data were drawn from interviews with PE teachers and health-related school documentation in the five schools plus observation of a health-related unit of work in one of the schools. The expression of health in PE broadly reflected ideologies associated with promoting ‘fitness for life’ and ‘fitness for performance’. The extent to which teachers could express their favoured discourses in policy and practice was partly determined by their position of power, relative to others within the department, although they could find ways of privileging their favoured discourse in their own lessons. Curiously, rhetorical ‘fitness for life’ discourses were commonly expressed through ‘fitness for performance’ practices in the form of testing and training activities. These were found to be the most common contexts for the delivery of health-related learning. In terms of Bernstein's location of discourses within contexts of educational systems, the findings suggest that recontextualisation of statutory PE curricula occurred at the site of the relocation of discourse (in this case, within PE departments in secondary state schools), resulting in the privileging of discourses heavily influenced by sport- and fitness-related ideologies. Improved awareness of the expression of health in secondary school PE curricula should help to better understand and address the complex tensions between health-related policies and practices in schools.  相似文献   

依据<全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要>的精神,湖北大学在"以人为本"的体育课程观指导下,以"健康第一"、"终身体育"为出发点,在对本校学生特点、场地器材、师资条件、校园文化等深入调研的前提下,从课程指导思想、课程目标、课程内容与学习评价等方面构建与实施了"课内外一体化"体育课程教学模式.经过5年多的试验和探讨,在多元质量观的指导下,采取"以课堂教学为中心,以课外体育锻炼、课余体育训练为拓展和延伸"的形式,以"取消基础课、普及选项课;淡化竞技教学内容,突出终身健身能力;增强学生体质和培养学生终身体育兴趣、习惯和能力"为总体改革目标,优化课程各要素,提高教学效率,注重"应用性、差异性、自主性"、"基本健身知识、基本休闲健身技能、基本终身健身能力"和"终身体育兴趣、终身体育习惯、终身体育能力"的落实,实现了体育课程目标.  相似文献   

As digital tracking technologies such as heart rate monitors are being implemented into physical education classrooms with increased frequency, ‘techno-enthusiasts’ and ‘sceptics’ alike are attempting to understand the implications of these practices. Focusing on heart rate monitors in physical education, I utilize Foucauldian theories and actor-network-theory to extend the scholarship within the sociology of sport and physical education literature that has studied the relationship between technologies and the (in)active body. To better understand how the feedback loop of heart rate monitoring functions in the university-level physical education class that was studied here—or indeed, does not function—I consider the material-semiotic networks that variously form or fail to form alliances through the feedback loop of heart rate monitoring. These include the numerous technologies and bodies that are a part of this assemblage, an interest in heart rate data, and knowledge about heart rate. I conclude by arguing that we need to move beyond the techno-utopian/techno-dystopian dualism that often frames examinations of technology in PE.  相似文献   

This article discusses the implications of the contemporary transition from a solid modernity to a liquid modernity for school physical education, according to the metaphors adopted by the Polish sociologist and English resident Zygmunt Bauman. By leveraging Bauman's sociological theory, this article pursues two aims: (1) to examine how physical education was forged by the characteristics of solid modernity and (2) to demonstrate how the cultural dynamics of contemporary bodily practices can be analyzed and interpreted based on the characteristics of the so-called liquid modernity. The article further argues that the contours of liquid modernity indicate the need for a ‘culturalist turn’ in physical education, which would mean giving up a model requiring universal claims of solid modernity. Finally, the article concludes with some reflections on the need to revise the social mandate of school physical education, as well as on some of the challenges that must be faced by this field.  相似文献   

实施产学研结合,推动地方高校教学模式改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地方高校在发展过程中存在着许多问题,如果不进行变革将威胁到地方高校的生存。产学研相结合的人才培养模式是地方高校持续发展的一条有效途径。文章在分析了产学研相结合模式意义的基础上,阐述了产学研相结合模式的运行实施方法,并提出了产学研持续发展的要点。  相似文献   

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