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This paper examines the contradictory effects of teaching multicultural education in two American white women's university classrooms. The authors use discourse analysis to understand the confusing results of teaching about difference. In this analysis, course readings and a field trip to an urban school are examined in regard to the instructors' intentions and students' responses. The authors understand the puzzling results of their teaching by examining the positivist dimensions of their pedagogy, including the belief in rational approaches to overcoming racism, sexism and other systems of oppression, the belief in the possibility of replacing 'bad ideas' with 'good' ones, and the perpetuation of knowledge grounded in a binary system of meaning-making and language use. The authors conclude with ideas for a postpositivist approach to knowledge, experience and action, that emphasizes the production of interpretations.  相似文献   

This case study is a continuation of a research project that investigated 149 mentoring teams in four school districts over a two‐year period. The primary goal in the first phase of the study was to identify mentoring teams that were regularly encountering problems, introduce intervention procedures, and assess the effectiveness of those procedures. In this phase, three teams were selected from the original study to represent four common problems encountered during formal mentoring: institutional barriers, issues of time, lack of emotional support, and poor interpersonal skills. Results indicate the need for a closer examination of the principal's role in the mentoring process, more attention to how mentoring coordinators and administrators use their time, a more rigorous mentor selection process, a more detailed evaluation of the teaching environment, additional support mechanisms, and more prevalent sharing of research.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how adult learners on a professional development course learn and develop through online dialogue. The research uses Wenger’s community of practice framework, and assesses whether the concept of ‘legitimate peripheral participation’ is useful in relation to this specific case study in which the students are practitioners and parents of individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). The study focuses on peer‐to‐peer learning and analyses a sample of asynchronous online discussions from three separate online tutorial groups. The first part of the study combines quantitative analysis of distribution patterns, with qualitative discourse analysis that measures central concepts associated with communities of practice. The second part of the study addresses whether the concept of ‘legitimate peripheral participation’ is useful in this context. The contribution of one key individual in each group is analysed in order to provide a narrative about how that person communicates with the others, shares values and repertoires with them and gradually becomes a central member of the community. The data supports the notion that these forms of interaction and approaches to learning can favour the construction of knowledge and help to develop reflective skills and a sense of ‘togetherness’ in the group through sharing stories with one another, developing identity through the discussions and through this enabling the development of community. The findings indicate that the learners are provided with opportunities to consider the strengths and weaknesses of ideas from multiple perspectives and that key students play a role in enabling other students to move from a position of legitimate peripheral participation to becoming full members of the community.  相似文献   

Just as linguistic errors have provided insights into the nature of linguistic competence(s), detailed analyses of blind spots or marked trajectories in the reflection cycles of novice teachers may provide a window on their underlying beliefs, and thus on relevant zones of proximal development. In this paper we analyse a case study in an experimental web‐based learning environment in which a novice teacher demonstrably just reproduces the assumptions she started out with rather than re‐inspecting them. Having located a problem of motivation uniquely inside the learners’ heads, she pointedly ignores hints in the feedback that her own verbal and nonverbal behaviour in the classroom might be a relevant domain of enquiry. Our findings show the need for structural interventions within a priori hypothesized, linearly ordered, stages in reflection models. We report on two small‐scale experiments that implement suggested changes in the architecture of the web site which yield more context‐sensitive ways of scaffolding reflection. In conclusion we argue that detailed discursive accounts of successful and less successful reflection trajectories are needed to refine and further develop models in teacher thinking.  相似文献   

This case study investigated undergraduate students’ first experience in online collaborative learning in a project‐based learning (PBL) environment in Taiwan. Data were collected through interviews of 48 students, instructor’s field notes, researchers’ online observations, students’ online discourse, and group artifacts. The findings revealed interesting phenomena as results of cultural influences as well as educational system impacts. Students experienced learning benefits from PBL in the intensive six‐week period, yet voiced serious concerns about the changed role of the instructor, as well as strong reservations on peer collaboration as a result of the competitive tradition in education. Online collaborative learning and PBL critically challenged some culturally‐rooted traditions in Taiwan. The study generates practical insights into the applications of online collaborative learning and PBL in Taiwan’s higher education as well as implications for cross‐cultural implementation of online learning.

Online‐kooperatives Lernen in einer projektbasierten Lernumgebung in Taiwan: Eine Fallstudie aus Sicht der Studenten

Diese Fallstudie untersuchte die erste Erfahrung von Studenten in Online‐kooperativem Lernen in einer projektbasierten Lern‐ (PBL) Umgebung in Taiwan. Die Daten wurden durch Interviews von 48 Studenten, den Feldnotizen, den Online‐Beobachtungen, den Online‐Diskurs‐ und Gruppenartefakten der Studenten der Forscher gesammelt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten interessante Phänomene als Ergebnisse von sowohl kulturellen Einflüssen als auch Bildungssystemwirkungen auf. Die Studenten erfuhren in den intensiven sechs Wochen den Nutzen von PBL zu kennen, trotzdem äußerten sie sowohl ernste Sorgen über die geänderte Rolle des Ausbilders als auch starke Bedenken in Bezug auf gleichrangige Kollaboration als Folge der wettbewerbsgeprägten Tradition in der Bildung aus. Online‐kooperatives Lernen und PBL forderten kritisch einige kulturell verwurzelte Traditionen in Taiwan heraus. Die Studie ermöglicht praktische Einblicke in die Bewertungen von Online‐kooperativem Lernen und PBL in Taiwans höherer Bildung wie auch Auswirkungen auf interkulturelle Durchführung des Online‐Lernens.

L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne dans un environnement d’apprentissage fondé sur les projets à Taiwan: étude de cas sur les perspectives des étudiants de premier cycle

La présente étude de cas porte sur la première expérience d’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne qu’ont eue des étudiants de premier cycle dans le cadre d’un environnement d’apprentissage (AFP) fondé sur les projets. On a rassemblé des données grâce à des entretiens avec 48 étudiants, grâce aux notes de terrain des professeurs, grâce aux observations en ligne des chercheurs, grâce au discours en ligne des étudiants et aux productions de groupe. Les résultats obtenus ont fait apparaître des phénomènes intéressants, résultant des influences culturelles et du poids d’un système éducatif. Les étudiants ont vécu une progression de leur apprentissage grâce à l’AFP au cours de la période intensive de 6 semaines mais ils ont toutefois fait part de l’inquiétude sérieuse que suscitait le changement de rôle du professeur et de leurs fortes réticences sur la collaboration entre étudiants du fait de la tradition de concurrence en éducation. L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne et l’AFP représentaient un défi critique pour certaines traditions enracinées dans la culture de Taiwan. La présente étude ouvre des perspectives pratiques sur les applications de l’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne et l’AFP dans l’enseignement supérieur à Taiwan avec des conséquences pour la mise en place de l’apprentissage en ligne dans un cadre transculturel.

El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje basado en proyectos, en Taiwan: un estudio de caso sobre las perspectivas para los estudiantes de primer ciclo

El presente estudio de caso trata de la primera experiencia de estudiantes de primero ciclo con el aprendizaje colaborativo en línea dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) en Taiwan. Los datos han sido recaudados a través de entrevistas con 48 estudiantes, a través de los apuntes de terreno de los profesores, de las observaciones en línea de los investigadores, del discurso en línea de los estudiantes y de las producciones de grupo. Los resultados han arrojado fenómenos interesantes que son el resultado tanto de las influencias culturales como del impacto del sistema educativo. Los estudiantes han experimentado los beneficios del aprendizaje ABP durante la sesión intensiva de 6 semanas pero han expresado inquietudes serias sobre el cambio de papel del profesor y fuertes reservas acerca de la colaboración entre alumnos como consecuencia de la tradición competitiva en educación. El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y ABP representan desafíos críticos para algunas tradiciones con fuertes raices en Taiwan. Este estudio abre perspectivas prácticas sobre las aplicaciones del aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y el ABP en la enseñanza superior de Taiwan además de implicaciones para la puesta en práctica transcultural del aprendizaje en línea.  相似文献   

Being adaptive to the individual novice teacher is considered a condition for effective teacher mentoring. The aims of this study are therefore to explore (1) mentoring activities through which mentors intend to adapt to the individual novice teacher and (2) characteristics of adaptive mentors. Information was collected through on-site, post-mentoring conversation interviews with 18 mentors holding different mentoring conceptions, from different programs for Initial Teacher Education in the Netherlands. Four adaptive mentoring activities were identified: (1) aligning mutual expectations about the mentoring process, (2) attuning to the novices’ emotional state, (3) adapting the mentoring conversation to match the reflective capacity of the novice teacher, and (4) building tasks from simple to complex relative to the novices’ competence level. Adaptive mentors were (1) more likely to mention activities intended to support construction of personal practical knowledge and (2) less likely to mention activities intended to create a favourable context for novice teacher learning. Suggestions for using findings to enhance mentor adaptiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

Microplastic pollution is a growing issue of concern requiring appropriate classroom instruction. Educational initiatives within this context are supposed to provide relevant background knowledge, raise awareness, and ideally lead to sustainable behavior. We implemented an identical educational module within two different learning environments: formal (in-school) and informal (out-of-school). In both settings, 444 primary school students self-reliably completed hands-on activities at workstations. We monitored students' short-term (directly after the module) and long-term (after six weeks) cognitive achievement. Additionally, when examining the participants' environmental values (Preservation, Utilization) and the Appreciation of Nature, the program similarly appealed to all students independent of the environmental values' intensity. Preservation, Utilization, and the Study Group predicted knowledge levels after program participation; Appreciation did not. While Preservation positively influenced knowledge, Utilization did the contrary. Subsequent implications on learning strategies based on our results are discussed.  相似文献   

Higher education has been actively encouraged to find more effective and flexible delivery models to provide all students with access to quality learning experiences yet also meet institutional imperatives for efficiency and accountability. Blended learning, commonly defined as an integration of traditional face‐to‐face and online approaches to instruction (Garrison & Kanuka, 2004 Garrison, D.R. and Kanuka, H. 2004. Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 7(2): 95105.  [Google Scholar]; Graham, 2006 Graham, C.R. 2006. “Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends and future directions”. In Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs, Edited by: Bonk, C.J. and Graham, C.R. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.  [Google Scholar]; Macdonald, 2008 Macdonald, J. 2008. Blended learning and online tutoring , (2nd ed.), Hampshire, UK: Gower.  [Google Scholar]), is now proposed as one solution that addresses both student learning and higher education organisational needs. Successful blended learning, however, is more than a simple integration of information and communication technologies with face‐to‐face approaches. This paper proposes, describes and evaluates a pedagogical approach to blended learning focused on learners and learning. First, we interrogate the literature related to blended learning to show how various constructions of blended learning may be driven by teacher‐centric or learner‐centric conceptions. Next, planning a learner‐centric blended learning design for a core unit in a first year higher education course is described. The design is then evaluated using a mixed methodology in which the students’ voices illuminate their experiences of blended learning unit design with regards to engagement, learning and self‐determination.  相似文献   

This paper captures a national curriculum maker’s experiences of revising the physical education curriculum in South Korea. A self‐study was conducted in order to make known the chairperson’s experiences concerning the various obstacles encountered in revising the national curriculum and to offer previously unseen insights afforded by the curriculum maker’s personal reflections. This study specifically offers a detailed analysis of four challenges the national curriculum maker encountered: (1) personal obstacles encountered as a young female chairperson, (2) environmental obstacles encountered as a marginally positioned chairperson, (3) professional obstacles faced as an innovative chairperson, and (4) institutionalized obstacles related to being named the official chairperson. In this self‐study conducted in the narrative inquiry tradition, several important findings emerge about the nature of curriculum making and how curriculum making transpires at a national level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the efforts of educators at nine different research sites within the United States, funded by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), to develop and implement innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum on the relationship of the environment and human health. The NIEHS correctly maintained that the interdisciplinary nature of learning about environmental health would improve students’ learning across several subject areas and should, therefore, contribute to students scoring higher on state’s subject area based standardized tests. However, these goals were undermined by state polices linking standardized tests with student promotion and graduation, and the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) that required public schools and districts to aggregate test scores which might have negative consequences, such as reducing school funding or privatizing school administration and state policies. These policies resulted in deleterious effects that undermined implementing environmental health curricula.  相似文献   

Framed in Michele Foucault's theories of discipline and technologies of the self, this paper explores the possibilities for teaching and researching across disciplinary boundaries within the academy. In Foucault's studies of systems of thought, he conceptualized practices – like sexuality – to be instances of what is possible to be, think, and do within a historical moment. In the ethnographic study reported on in this paper, we examined perceptions and practices of discipline-based academics seeking to work across traditional scholarly boundaries as instances of what was possible to be, think, and do in transdisciplinary teaching and research in higher education. Connecting transdisciplinary knowledge production with possibilities for critically engaging with sustainability as a social movement and imperative, we identify questions about and the promise of higher education as a place where this work can be done.  相似文献   

The application of Capability Maturity Models (CMM's) is recognised throughout diverse organisations in different domains as a route to achieve strategic schemes and continuously improve organisational competitiveness of the implementing entity. This paper shall look into the development and implementation of a specific Project Based Learning Capability Maturity Model (PBLCMM) for the systematic evaluation and improvement of the capability of an institutional Project Based Learning (PBL) model to enhance the learning of students. It shall also highlight the development phases of the model to improve the students’ experience and education in a Higher Education Institution, based on a literature review, expert interviews and two case studies to verify the model's ability to incrementally enhance the capability of the utilised PBL model. The case studies prove the validity and effectiveness of the PBLCMM in identifying the potential for improvement, and educators and educational institutions may want to consider using the presented approach to optimise the effectiveness of their PBL model.  相似文献   

A models and modelling approach was adopted to investigate the educational potential of a science museum exhibition. It focused on patterns of relationship between the teaching models proposed by designers and students models in regard to four exhibits concerning astronomical cycles. Student’s models were elicited by interviewing 21 pupils selected from among those who showed a change of their models between pre‐visit and post‐visit questionnaires. Four patterns of relationship were identified, ranging from low to high degrees of convergence between designers and students. Exhibits designed by fragmenting the phenomena (analytical approach) tend to promote less convergent patterns than exhibits that maintain the complexity of the phenomena (synthetic approach). We argue that the two approaches are complementary: without synthetic models visitors find it difficult to identify the phenomenon addressed by analytical models, while the latter may bring to visitors’ attention aspects that otherwise might be hidden by the complexity of synthetic models.  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study in which 53 adult refugees initiated their own forms of learning with the aim of strengthening their opportunities for integration into Swedish society. The overall research interest was to find out what theoretical implications can be drawn from a case study where two different forms of learning were implemented. One alternative was offered in a formal setting and another in a non‐formal setting where the group members shaped forms of learning themselves. The findings show that many features of non‐formal working procedures correspond with basic assumptions and key concepts of sociocultural theory. Furthermore, these features accord well with key concepts of authentic learning. In a similar way as theoretical aspects of “situated learning” can be seen as an integrated part of sociocultural theory, we discuss whether the notion “authentic learning” could be used as a dimension of supporting meaningful learning in contextualised inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - While previous research emphasized the effects of self-regulated learning on academic achievement, this study expands the scope of...  相似文献   

This article investigated the impact of using e‐learning models' with the principles of constructivism to enhance the critical thinking skills of students in higher education institutions. The study examines the effectiveness of e‐learning model in enhancing critical thinking of students at university level. This effectiveness is measured by a critical thinking test. The target population for this study is undergraduate information systems' students enrolled in Spring 2005 and Fall 2006 semesters at Kuwait University.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between problem familiarity and students’ learning in a problem-based course. Problem familiarity in this study refers to the extent to which a problem fits with students’ prior knowledge and experiences. As part of regular course work, 172 students were given two problems on different occasions. These problems varied in the extent of problem familiarity. Students’ report of their learning activities and tutor’s assessment of the students’ learning were collected at the end of the problems. Results showed that both the students and tutors found the familiar problem to be better for learning. However, some elements of unfamiliarity may not be all that bad. For instance, unfamiliarity may result in more questioning, thinking and reasoning. However, this did not contribute to significant difference in terms of overall critical reasoning. Results also indicated a need to closely examine students’ critical reasoning (in terms of evaluating multiple perspectives) and students’ collaborative learning (in terms of brainstorming and discussion) when given familiar/unfamiliar problems.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning is being used extensively by educators at all levels. Peer‐led team learning in a version of collaborative learning that has shown consistent success in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Using a multi‐phase research study we describe the development of an observation instrument that can be used to assess peer‐led group learning. This paper illustrates the development of a classification system for peer‐led learning groups and an instrument based on this classification system. The instrument evaluates small learning groups on two important aspects of group learning: problem solving approach and group interaction style. We provide evidence of the factor structure of the two dimensions using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. We also provide information about the reliability of the two scales as measured by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data from a large peer‐led learning programme was used to conduct the factor analysis. Results from the factor analysis confirmed that the instrument is actually measuring two key characteristics of small learning groups: problem solving approach and group interaction style, characteristics that have been linked to effective functioning of the group and to the student learning outcomes. This instrument may be particularly appealing to practitioners (faculty members, those running small‐group learning programmes, etc.) because it is easy to use and it does not require extensive time for analysis.  相似文献   

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