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Tertiary Education and Management - This paper examines innovations in strategic faculty hiring emphasizing interdisciplinarity at two major public research universities in the USA. The research...  相似文献   

Building upon earlier work by Camp, Gibbs, and Masters II, (1988). The Journal of Higher Education 59(6): 652–667 and Wenger and Girard, (2000). Research in Higher Education 41(2):195–207, we present a model for allocating funds for salary increases to faculty lines within an academic unit at a public research university. The model first divides available funds into three separate amounts, based on the unit norms adopted by the faculty of the academic unit. These norms define the relative effort levels to be placed on teaching, scholarship, and service. The model enables individual faculty members to negotiate different effort levels for the respective activities. Within each of these activities, specific weights can be assigned to different types of accomplishments. The result is a flexible approach that allows fair and predictable salary increases to be assigned on the basis of criteria that have been agreed to by the faculty of the academic unit.  相似文献   

研究型大学校长的战略领导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文梳理了各种战略观,分析其适用环境、关键因素、战略目标和方法.在此基础上,根据研究型大学的特征,有机地融合不同战略理论观点,分析研究型大学校长的战略领导,将其划分为五个阶段并详细解析了各阶段的主要焦点与核心问题.  相似文献   

通过搜集中国东、中、西部6所研究型大学1166名教师的网络简历以及他们被SCI/SSCI和CSCD/CSSCI数据库收录的论文产出,对近亲繁殖是否对教师论文产出产生影响进行实证研究。研究发现:留校教师在国内期刊上发表论文方面具有优势,但在国际发表方面弱于外来教师,与同行合作发表情况也比外来教师差;在国内发表数量相当的情况下,外来教师的国际发表及合作发表数都较高。可见近亲繁殖状况会对教师论文产出产生影响。大学可通过构建合理的招聘、评价和学术交流机制来减弱这种影响。  相似文献   

Counselor education chairpersons indicated that minority faculty members are under-represented and hired at a slower rate than are nonminority faculty members. Results are mixed in terms of advancement opportunities.  相似文献   

终身教职作为一项大学教师自由从事科研教学活动的制度保证在高等教育领域,尤其是研究型大学中被广泛采用.但是近年来面对来自各方面的改革压力,有关终身教职制度的争议也越来越多.本文从非对称信息视角出发,利用信息经济学的委托代理理论,为终身教职制度存在的合理性及有效性提供了新的理论解说.并分析了终身教职制度有效实施的条件,进一步指出该制度对激励研究型大学教师发展更具效率上的比较优势.最后,我们还探讨了终身教职制度在中国高校实施的条件和时机.  相似文献   

This article presents the results and an analysis of 1,728 survey responses from faculty at four top tier religious research universities regarding their support for moral and civic education. The results demonstrate that a majority of faculty members at these schools supported both the general goals of moral and civic education and specific suggestions for integrating moral and civic education into the curriculum. Nonetheless, three major concerns emerged about its actual implementation into the curriculum.  相似文献   

论研究型大学战略规划的辩证法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
大学发展战略的研究可以从多个角度进行。本文借鉴发达国家建设一流大学的经验,着重从对立统一规律的辩证法角度讨论了我国研究型大学战略规划中应该注意的若干辩证关系,主要观点包括:注重人才培养的同时,应该把科学研究放在重要位置;注重全面发展的同时,应该把重点突破作为研究型大学建设的立足点;加大物质投入的同时,应该注重包括机制完善在内的精神建设;保证本科生教育质量的同时,应该把研究生教育质量尤其是博士生教育质量作为研究型大学的重点;在重视发挥全体教师作用的同时,以骨干人才的选拔与应用为重点;在学习国外先进经验的同时,应把建立本国大学的特色与优势放在核心位置;在发挥学生主体作用的基础上,应该发挥导师的主导作用;在扩大规模的同时,应该把教育质量的提高放到重要位置。本文最后指出,我国研究型大学建设应该也可以从辩证法的角度获得灵感与启示。  相似文献   

Faculty members in higher education institutions frequently have the responsibility of providing service activities to their institutions, professional societies, and external communities. This responsibility, however, generally carries little reward in the workplace and does not play a major role in promotion criteria. For the study we report here we drew upon a sample of 4,400 research university faculty members to explore their satisfaction with service roles by academic rank. Findings showed that mid-career faculty members at the associate professor rank were significantly less satisfied with their service functions, including workload, equity, work balance, recognition, and institutional support, when compared with both assistant and full professors.  相似文献   

The university as a producer of highly qualified human resources contributes not only to economic development, but more importantly, to endogenous technical progress. Although certain students of the subject have tried to prove that research and teaching in universities do not complement one another, most professors would disagree. If university teaching contributes to economic development, then it should also contribute to the improvement of teaching which through its effects on students will also contribute to economic development. A poll that the authors helped to direct of senior university managers indicated strong belief that teaching and fundamental research will remain linked and will continue to be very important parts of the missions of universities for the foreseeable future. Applied research will have a slightly lower priority, but its role will steadily increase in importance. Interestingly, very little priority was accorded to lifelong learning and even less, to third age instruction.  相似文献   

The Graduate Center for Gerontology at the University of Kentucky incorporates three levels of mentoring in its PhD program. This project assessed satisfaction with peer and faculty mentoring and explored their perceived benefits and purposes. Core and affiliate faculty and current and graduated students were surveyed. Participants seemed satisfied with the mentoring they were giving and receiving, although all groups discussed limitations. Peer mentors were seen as social support and advice givers, while faculty mentors were viewed as responsible for direction and skill-building. These results can contribute to the development of new mentorship programs and the modification of existing ones.  相似文献   

本文总结和界定了师管比的概念,收集整理了全美27所公立旗舰大学教师和管理人员的数量,计算其师管比,并对这些数量进行统计分析。通过跟踪教师和管理人员数量之比及其变化趋势,反映美国公立大学权力和资源配置情况,并进一步探索美国公立大学官僚化的动机、进程和趋势,为我国公立大学的去官僚化改革提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

美国大学教师专业能力结构是一个多向度、多层次的有机整体。从向度看,美国大学教师专业能力包括教学能力、研究能力和服务能力;从层次看,每一向度又包括基本要求和扩展重点。基本要求是美国大学教师作为一名从业者所具备的标准能力,扩展重点是美国大学教师作为时代引领者必须具备的能力,两者的结合是美国大学教师从岗位胜任走向绩效卓越的必然路径,是美国大学教师专业成熟的标志。  相似文献   

Using network analysis we investigated faculty hiring at 21 U. S. News top-ranked programs in higher education administration. Our research questions were as follows. Do top programs hire from each other? Are faculty from the “outside” finding positions at top programs? Mixed results hint at implications for the “health” of the hiring network. Closed systems in higher education may produce unintended consequences as graduate programs look to expand into new global markets.  相似文献   

伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的教师申诉制度主要由四个部分构成:第一部分是关于学术型教师的普通申诉制度;第二部分是关于行政型教师即后勤和行政职员的申诉制度;第三部分是对行政型教师申诉中的听证程序的特别规定;第四部分是学术型教师涉及歧视问题的申诉制度。这四个部分不仅体现了美国公立大学的教师申诉制度的一些共性,也反映了其自身特色。该教师申诉制度对于从实体和程序上进一步完善我国公立大学的教师申诉制度具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

美国创新生态系统的构建对研究型大学的教师角色提出了新的要求,美国研究型大学通过构建教师角色的新场域,重新诠释教师角色来培养教师的创新创业精神;通过改变教师的聘用标准,奖励教师的创新和创业来营造大学教师创新创业文化;通过对教师的培训和加强教师与企业家的交往合作,以及为创新创业提供项目资助等来搭建教师创新创业的路径。  相似文献   

我国5所研究型大学采用国务院学位委员会、教育部、人事部2007年9月颁布的“全国博士质量调查问卷”,对在读博士生、博士生导师以及研究生教育负责人进行抽样调查。对这些问卷进行分析和部分师生访谈,发现博士生、博士生导师以及研究生教育负责人三者均对当前博士质量的整体水平评价较高。博士生导师与研究生教育负责人两个群体中的大部分人认为当前整体的博士质量与过去相比基本持平.但在“学位论文质量”和“外语水平”两方面有所提高。  相似文献   

This study attempts to unravel the complex relationships between faculty entrepreneurialism and teaching. Specifically, this study (1) compares the extent of entrepreneurial activities (i.e., using funds for research and consulting activity) across disciplinary fields and levels of teaching commitment and (2) examines the relative effects of faculty entrepreneurialism on commitment to teaching. Using a national database of four-year college faculty, research findings demonstrate variations of teaching commitment with respect to disciplinary fields and forms of entrepreneurial activities. More important, this study reveals rather strong negative relationships between using funds for research and teaching commitment. Such findings have important implications for policy makers, administrative leaders, and university faculty as they seek to balance the institution's instructional mission in light of the increasing trend toward entrepreneurialism.  相似文献   

高校教师考核工作之探讨与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师考核工作主要是对教师的工作表现、业务水平、工作成绩进行检查评价,是高校师资管理的一个重要组成部分。做好师资考核工作对促进高校师资队伍建设、提高教师素质有着重要作用。高校教师考核是一项极其复杂的工作,因此对高校教师的考核要充分考虑到其工作的特殊性,从而调动高校教师的积极性,促使教师各安其职,推动高等教育事业持续快速发展。  相似文献   

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